Upper GI
Anatomy, physiology, and testing
Length = 25 cm; Abdominal part = 0.5-2.5 cm in length
Major Constrictions:
1. Cricopharyngeal (narrowest constriction)
2. Bronchoaortic (at level of T4-T5)
3. Diaphragmatic (at level of T9-T10)
1. Behind Lt primary bronchus: Lies to the left of midline at T1
2. Below tracheal bifurcation: Lies to the right of midline at T6
3. Behind the pericardium: Lies to the left of midline at T10
Pharyngoesophageal junction
Pharyngeal muscles: superior, middle, & inferior pharyngeal constrictors
On EGD: GEJ is where the rugae start; the squamocolumnar junction is where the mucosa turns from white to pink
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The fat pad
Nerve supply
Meissner’s plexus: in the submucosa
Auerbach’s plexus: between the circular & longitudinal muscular externa
Extrinsic: cerebrospinal, sympathetic, & parasympathetic (vagal)
Blood supply
Azygos vein may be ligated with impunity
Cervical IJ, supraclavicular, upper paratracheal nodes
Posterior thoracic posterior mediastinal, intercostal, & paraesophageal nodes
Anterior thoracic tracheal, hilar, subcarinal, paracardial, & celiac nodes
Lymphatic channels at the cardia follow the arteries
Swallows generate pressure of 40-80 mmHg
Normal LES
1. Resting pressure: 6-26 mmHg
2. Length 2-5 cm
In normal individuals, there is complete relaxation of the LES after a swallow (to a level <8 mmHg above gastric pressure)
1. Primary
Initiated after swallowing, travel the entire length of esophagus, generate 40-80 mmHg
2. Secondary
Initiated by the presence of food
3. Tertiary
Uncoordinated contractions, nonperistaltic
Normal amplitude pressure 50-120 mmHg
Antireflux mechanisms
Mechanically effective LES
Efficient esophageal clearance
Adequately functioning gastric reservoir
On pH testing: DeMeester score < 14.72 (95 percentile) is normal
Physiologic reflux is:
Not nocturnal
UGI contrast study
Suspected leak
Gastrografin is preferred over barium because of the risk of mediastinitis; however, barium has been shown to have better resolution for contained injuries
Start with gastrograffin
Risks catastrophic with aspiration
Followed by barium
Has better sensitivity
Risks thick pleural effusion & peritonitis
EUS: the gold standard for T & N staging
The gold standard for assessment of esophageal motor function
Recordings: 10 consecutive swallows of 5ml of water
Conventional manometry uses eight sensors
HRM has sensors positioned Q1cm
Acid exposure testing / pH monitoring
pH monitoring also may be used while the patient is on acid-suppressing therapy to determine whether there is adequate acid suppression with the current medication regimen
The Bravo probe is placed at the time of EGD and does not require an extended time with a nasopharyngeal catheter. It is placed 5 cm above the LES and transmits wirelessly. It measures pH for 48 hours while a wired probe is worn for 24 hours, which gives a larger sampling of pH changes in the esophagus and is more accurate
Information is expressed with use of six standard parameters to calculate a DeMeester score, or a composite pH score. A score of less than 14.72 (95th percentile of normal) is considered physiologic reflux
% total time pH < 4
% upright time pH < 4
% supine time pH < 4
Number of reflux episodes
Number of reflux episodes ≥ 5 minutes
Longest reflux episode (in minutes)
Esophageal impedance
Measures bolus transport by measuring the resistance to electrical conductivity of the esophagus and its contents
Useful in detecting bile (nonacid) reflux
An adjunct to pH testing
Gastric Scintigraphy
Normal residuals:
<60% in 2h
<10% in 4h
Role: done preoperatively to identify iatrogenic vagal nerve injury vs preexisting gastroparesis
Functional disorders
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Dysphagia scoring scale
Data from Ogilvie AL, Dronfield MW, Ferguson R, Atkinson M. Palliative intubation of oesophagogastric neoplasms at fibreoptic endoscopy. Gut. 1982;23(12):1060-1067
0 = Able to consume normal diet
1 = Dysphagia with certain solids
2 = Able to swallow semi-solid soft foods
3 = Able to swallow liquids only
4 = Unable to swallow saliva
Achalasia may be associated with increased risk of malignancy. SCC being the most common type
Defined as:
Failure or incomplete relaxation of LES
Absence of peristalsis in the body
Pathology: destruction of inhibitory postganglionic neurons in the myenteric plexus of the distal esophagus & the LES
Chagas disease may cause achalasia. It’s associated with megacolon and dilated cardiomyopathy. Transmitted by Reduvide bug (kissing bug)
Dysphagia and regurgitation are the most frequent symptoms. Dysphagia begins with liquids and progresses to solids
Chest pain is more common in younger patients and often fails to respond to treatment, but tends to diminish over the course of several years
Severity is assessed by Eckardt score
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The normal gastric air bubble may be absent due to the failure of lower esophageal sphincter relaxation that prevents air from entering the stomach
Contrast esophagram: bird’s beak = dilated esophagus with smooth tapering at GEJ
In patients with equivocal esophageal manometry results (eg, incomplete LES relaxation but some preserved peristalsis; some complete LES relaxation with aperistalsis), barium esophagram should be performed to assess esophageal emptying and EGJ morphology
Other features include esophageal dilatation, a contrast filled esophagus with slow or absent emptying, an air-fluid level, and a “corkscrew appearance” in the subset with vigorous distal esophageal contractions.
In advanced cases the dilated tortuous esophagus may show substantial deviation from its normal straight axis, termed a sigmoid esophagus
Manometry (usually HRM) is the gold standard
Conventional manometry cannot reliably identify the type II and III achalasia, an important distinction as the prognostic implications for these entities are different
Chicago Classification
Absence of normal peristalsis or disorded paristalsis in lower ⅔ of esophagus
Integrated LES resting pressure ≥ 15 mmHg
A hypertensive resting LES is not a criteria for Dx, but is suggestive of achalasia
Low-amplitude peristaltic waveforms are often seen (~40 mmHg)
There is failure of LES to relax to a level < 8 mmHg above gastric pressure
Manometry may not be accurate if the patient has a paraesophageal hernia (the hernia pushes on the esophagus
Chicago classification v3.0
DCI = distal contractile integral = an index of the strength of distal esophageal contraction
Type I: classic achalasia
Swallowing results in no change in esophageal pressurization
Has 100% failed peristalsis
Distal Contractile Integral < 100mmHg
Bird-beak appearance on esophagram
Type II
Swallowing results in simultaneous pressurization that spans the entire length of the esophagus
Has 100% failed peristalsis
Panesophageal pressurization with ≥ 20% of swallows
Type III: spastic achalasia
No normal peristalsis
Premature (spastic) contractions with Distal Contractile Integral > 450mmHg with ≥ 20% of swallows
Corkscrew appearance on esophagram
Often caused by malignant disease
EGD demonstrates a classic ‘popping’ feeling as the scope passes into the stomach
Rapid progression of dysphagia and profound weight loss are suggestive of pseudoachalasia due to a malignancy
Results of medical, interventional, and surgical procedures all point to surgery as the safest and most effective treatment of achalasia
Medical management is limited to those non-candidates for more invasive therapies
The occurrence of significant side effects of the medications, development of tolerance, uncertain efficacy, and poor absorption because of the disease itself preclude routine use
Sildenafil (phosphodiestrase-5 inhibitors)
Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM)
Feasible and safe, with equivalent short-term outcomes similar to laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy with initial success rate > 90%
The submucosal tunnel is carried onto the stomach for a distance of at least 3 cm
Pneumatic dilatation
Using a handheld manometer, the selected balloon (30, 35, or 40 mm) is inflated to a pressure of 7-15 psi until the waist is fully flattened, and held for 15-60 seconds.
Produces relief of symptoms in 60-90% of patients
Within 5Y, > ⅓ will relapse and require additional dilatations
Outcomes are best in Type II achalasia
Botulinum toxin
Its use is limited to non-candidates for either pneumatic dilatation or a laparoscopic Heller myotomy
Administration: 100U just above the Z-line, at 4 quadrants— lasts 3-4 months
In type III achalasia, success with traditional surgical treatment is known to be around 50%, compared with 85-95% for types I and II, respectively
Lap. Heller’s myotomy + partial fundoplication = the gold standard
Fundoplication is not obligatory, mostly because now we have PPIs
Intraoperative endoscopy is performed to locate the exact site of obstruction at the GEJ by using a combination of transillumination and slight esophageal insufflation
Dissection is done sharply. Once the circular muscle fibers are identified, they are elevated and divided until the submucosal plane is identified
Extension of myotomy
Proximal: 4-5cm above GEJ
Distal: 2.5cm into the gastric cardia until the large veins of the transverse submucosal plexus are identified
It is important to emphasize that the critical aspect of the myotomy involves the transition from the distal esophagus toward GEJ
For accidental perforation, primarily repair the perforation, perform a myotomy on the opposite side, and use a fundoplication to cover it
Endoscopy is performed at the end of the procedure to confirm the integrity
Transthoracic myotomy
Esophagectomy is considered in any symptomatic patient with tortuous esophagus (megaesophagus), sigmoid esophagus, failure of more than one myotomy, or an undilatable reflux stricture
Patients who undergo esophageal perforation are not candidates of conservative management given the distal obstruction
Surgical success
Type I & II
Type III
Endoscopic myotomy is preferred
Hyertensive LES
Dx = LES pressure > 95 percentile + dysphagia/chest pain
Dx only by manometry (high-resolution manometry is the gold standard)
Unlike achalasia, peristalsis & LES relaxation are present
Botox injections provide temporary relief
Hydrostatic balloon dilation may provide long-term relief
Laparoscopic Heller myotomy is offered for those who fail medical management
Diffuse Esophageal Spasm
Characterized by uncoordinated contractions: repetitive, simultaneous, and of high amplitude.
Dx with manometry
Because of the spontaneous contractions and intermittent normal peristalsis, standard manometry may not be enough to identify DES. An ambulatory motility record has been identified as being able to diagnose this disease with a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 100% based on an identified set of abnormalities.
Normal integrated relaxation LES pressure + distal latency < 0.4 second in 20% of swallows
Remember: latency state of contraction
1st Line: Nitrates, CCB, sildenafil, TCA, avoid triggering foods/drinks
2nd Line: Valium & ativan
May require periodic dilations
Botulinum toxin may be tried
If refractory: long esophagomyotomy, but has high morbidity
Hypercontractile “Nutcracker” Esophagus
Dx criteria:
Sabiston: The gold standard of diagnosis is the subjective complaint of chest pain with simultaneous objective evidence of peristaltic esophageal contractions 2 standard deviations (SDs) above the normal values on manometric tracings.
> 180 mmHg or swallow response >7 seconds
Dysphagia or chest-pain
LES relaxes appropriately; peristaltic contractions propagate normally
Diltiazem, nitrates, sildenafil, PPI, TCA
Surgery is of questionable value
Ineffective Esophageal Motility
May be secondary to inflammatory injury caused by reflux
Characterized by
Distal esophageal peristaltic wave pressures (< 30 mmHg), or
Esophageal contractions in absent in > 30% of wet swallows
Resting LES pressure is , as compared to achalasia
Management: PPI and lifestyle modifications may help
Nonspecific Esophageal Motility
Disorders that have no named disorder
Examples: triple-peaked and retrograde contractions.
Associated with systemic diseases: DM, hypothyroidism, eosinophilic esophagitis, and amyloidosis
These abnormalities also may be seen in patients with paraesophageal hernia who have a shortened esophagus.
Diverticula, rings, and webs
Esophageal diverticula
Memory tip:
- All but mid-esophageal: likely needs myotomy
- Dysphagia requires myotomy
- Large size requires diverticulectomy
Zenker’s diverticulum
Occurs through Killian’s triangle: between the inferior pharyngeal constrictor & the cricopharyngeus muscles
Thought to be a result of high pulsion forces
It’s the most common type of esophageal diverticulum
It’s a false diverticulum, only the mucosa protrudes
Rarely harbor malignancy
Affects elderly patents
♂ > ♀
Dysphagia is the most common symptom; occasionally weight loss & malnutrition. May also develop halitosis, regurgitation, choking, hoarseness
Boyce’s sign: cervical borborygmus in the setting of a palpable neck mass & emaciation
May develop ulceration requiring intervention
Best imaging: esophagram with video fluoroscopy
EGD is reserved for suspicion of malignancy
Diverticula < 3 cm are not amenable to endoscopic stapling
These are too shallow to accommodate the anvil of the stapler and allow for complete transection of the septum and the performance of an adequate myotomy (recurrence rates as high as 35% have been reported for these smaller diverticula).
Even with diverticula > 3, Gutschow et al. showed improved symptom relief with the open technique (86% vs 50%)
Sabiston: it is mostly advocated for diverticula between 2-5 cm
Requires maximal extension of the neck & can be difficult in older patients
Firing of the stapler simultaneously divides and seals the anterior wall of the diverticulum and the posterior wall of the esophagus.
Dohlman’s transoral technique divides the cricopharyngeus muscle using electrocautery or, more recently, CO2 laser
A more recent technique uses the endoscopic harmonic scalpel to divide the partition between diverticulum and the esophagus
The diverticulotomy then can be made using the monopolar forceps, hook cautery, argon plasma coagulation, and needle knife.
Multiple sessions may be required to avoid perforation and mediastinitis
It is widely accepted that a complete cricopharyngeal myotomy must be performed no matter what technique is used to deal with the diverticulum because incomplete myotomy is associated with a high rate of recurrence. During the myotomy, the cricopharyngeal muscle is divided completely.
A myotomy alone may be sufficient for treatment of small diverticula (<2 cm)
- Left cervical incision
- Esophagus is exposed after division of platysma
- SCM & carotid sheath are retracted laterally to expose the diverticulum
- Myotomy is done down to the upper cervical esophagus
Diverticulectomy with myotomy: A stapler can be used for diverticulectomy or it can be divided with a scalpel & the defect closed. Appropriate for diverticula > 5 cm
Diverticulopexy with myotomy: Mobilization of the diverticulum with
suture fixation above the neck of the diverticulum (nondependent position) to the prevertebral fascia — has lower leak rate than diverticulectomy
Midesophageal diverticula
Mid-esophageal diverticulae should not be operated on — Surgical Review Course
Usually caused by infections in the mediastinum causing traction diverticula
Small (< 2cm): can be observed
Diverticulopexy may be required for symptomatic or large diverticula
Epiphrenic diverticula
Etiology is usually related to increased luminal pressure
Small asymptomatic diverticula are observed
Small symptomatic diverticula are managed with diverticulopexy to the vertebral fascia
Dysphagia may require long esophagomyotomy contralateral to the diverticula
If a diverticulectomy is pursued, a vertical stapling device is placed across the neck and the diverticulum is excised
Esophageal rings (Schatzki’s rings)
Consists of concentric symmetrical narrowing
Consists of mucosa that lie precisely at the squamocolumnar junction: esophageal above the web, gastric below it
Does not have a component of true esophageal muscle
Dysphagia is usually to solid foods only, and is episodic in nature
Dx is made with esophagram
Asymptomatic: no treatment
Acute obstruction requires immediate intervention
Symptomatic dysphagia: disruption of the ring by oral dilation
Surgery is not indicated and can cause devastating strictures
Esophageal webs
Usually involve the mucosa & part of the submucosa
Composed of squamous cell epithelium above and below the web
Seen with Plummer Vinson syndrome
Thin webs: disruption with EGD, balloon, or bougie
Laser lysis may be done
Thick webs: surgical mucosal resection through a myotomy
Physiologic reflux: usually is limited and not nocturnal
Reflux injury
Damage by gastric acid alone is minimal
Gastric acid + pepsin + bile acid together are highly deleterious
20% of the US population has GERD
A mechanically defective LES is diagnosed with either:
Pressure < 6mmHg
Normal pressure 6-26 mmHg
Total length < 2cm
Abdominal length < 1cm
Causes / risk factors of reflux
Related to diet (amount & type)
Anatomical: hiatal hernia
Delayed gastric emptying
Associated with systemic illness (autoimmune diseases)
Interstitial lung disease
Typical esophageal symptoms
Atypical extraesophageal symptoms are due to irritation of structures other than the esophagus and include cough, wheezing, hoarseness, sore throat, postnasal drip, dental erosion, and ear pain.
Alarm symptoms: dysphagia, early satiety, hematemesis, melena, vomiting, or weight loss
If GERD presents with classic symptoms with absence of ‘alarm’ symptoms, medical management can be initiated
Los Angeles Classification of Esophagitis
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Grade A: ≥ 1 mucosal break < 5mm does not extend between the tops of two mucosal folds
Grade B: ≥ 1 mucosal break > 5mm does not extend between the tops of two mucosal folds
Grade C: ≥ 1 mucosal break extends between the tops of ≥ two mucosal folds but involves < 75% circumference
Grade D: ≥ 1 mucosal break involves ≥ 75% of circumference
Daily PPI & lifestyle modification
If treatment is not effective, proceed with diagnostic workup to confirm Dx & rule out complications. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the PPI dosage can be increased and given twice daily in addition to adding nighttime
Acid exposure test is the gold standard (‘heartburn’ is not always GERD).
A reflux episode is defined when the esophageal pH drops below 4. A DeMeester score > 14.72 is diagnostic
Manometry helps in
Assessment if dysmotility is contributing to reflux
Deciding if partial fundoplication is better than complete
Ruling out achalasia
Barium swallow
Identify and characterize hiatal hernias
Identify short esophagus, if present
Identify Barrett’s esophagus
Rule out malignancy
Anti-reflux surgery
LOTUS RCT: Acid suppression is equivalent to antireflux surgery for control of GERD; they only enrolled PPI responders
Indications for surgery
Failed medical managment
Patient preference
GERD complications
Contraindications to PPI
Lung transplant patients or candidates with GER
The presence of GER after lung transplant has been associated with an increased risk of acute and chronic rejection and diminished graft survival. Evidence suggests a benefit to ARS in this group of patients if done either before or within 6 months of lung transplant.
Medical complications attributable to a large hiatal hernia
Atypical symptoms with reflux documented on 24h pH monitoring
GERD with non-malignant esophageal stricture failing medical management requires dilation followed by anti-reflux surgery with Nissen fundoplication
High-grade dysplasia (or cancer) is a contraindication for anti-reflux surgery
Relative contraindications
Surgeon inexperience
Hostile abdomen
Morbid obesity: GERD with BMI > 35 = the surgery for GERD is R-en-Y gastric bypass
Causes of failure
Recurrent GERD: managed medically or with surgical revision
Esophageal dysmotility: preOp condition vs obstructive wrap
Gastroparesis: preOp condition vs vagal injury
Anatomic failures
Transhiatal herniation (33% of failures)
Disrupted/undone wrap (18% of failures): usually secondary to ↑ intarabdominal pressure
Slipped (off the esophagus) wrap (10% of failures)
Malpositioned wrap
Wrap too tight (13% of failures) → dysphagia
Avoid this by performing EGD post-procedure
Barrett’s esophagus
Defined by the presence of an endoscopically visible segment of columnar-lined esophagus with goblet cells on histology (alcian blue stain)
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Reflux is the only known cause Barrett’s esophagus. pH testing is generally not necessary
Risk for cancer:
General population cancer incidence: 0.1-0.4% per year
Low-grade dysplasia: 0.7%
High-grade dysplasia: 4-8% per year
Dx = columnar mucosa 1cm above GEJ on EGD + columnar metaplasia on Bx
Antireflux surgery often leads to regression of dysplasia
Failed antireflux surgery is a significant risk factor for progression of disease
EGD using white-light and narrow band imaging
Prague classification is used to record the extent of metaplasia in regards to circumference & the maximal length (from GEJ) — “C” indicates circumferential extent; “M” indicates maximum ‘tongue’ length
Seattle protocol: 4-Quadrant Bx, using jumbo forceps, are obtained Q1-2cm throughout the columnar segment
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Nondysplastic Barrett’s = manage like any other GERD
The role or benefit of mucosal ablation with radiofrequency or other devices is unproven in patients with nondysplastic BE
“The efficacy of RFA of preventing cancer in patients with nondysplastic Barrett’s esophagus has not been established in long-term studies”
In the setting of ultra-long segment (≥8 cm) BE ablation may reduce the tedious complexity of appropriate four-quadrant surveillance biopsies every 1 to 2 cm throughout the length of the columnar segment
Low grade dysplasia
Once LGD is detected, ensure that adequate EGD with 4-quadrant Bx were obtained to confirm absence of more advanced disease. Ask for repeat pathologic assessment
Change PPI to BID if already on PPI daily. Start daily PPI if not taking it already
Repeat EGD in 6-12m vs endoscopic ablation
Persistence of LGD is an indication for mucosal ablation
High grade dysplasia
Proponents of intensive endoscopic surveillance argue that not all patients with HGD will go on to develop cancer.
Once HGD is detected, repeat EGD and search for nodules/lesions. Ask for repeat pathologic assessment
“If the biopsies show dysplasia or intramucosal carcinoma, we suggest that the diagnosis be confirmed by another pathologist with expertise in Barrett’s esophagus-related neoplasia”
Lesion ≥ 1-2 cm require EUS to assess depth of invasion & assessment of LN ± FNA
CT should be performed to assess LN involvement or tumor extension beyond the submucosa before proceeding with endoscopic therapies
Small lesions should undergo endoscopic resection (full thickness of the mucosa and submucosa)
Multiple endotherapy sessions are usually necessary to eradicate all the intestinal metaplasia, long-term surveillance endoscopy is necessary to evaluate for recurrent mucosal disease, and recurrence or inadequately treated cancer is a risk
EMR is done for the visible lesions
Endoscopic resection techniques should not be used on lesions that are known to be deeper than the submucosa or do not lift on submucosal injection
(1) raising the mucosal/submucosal target area by intramural saline injection or suction and (2) endoscopic snare resection.
For endoscopic mucosal resection, a diathermic snare is used to resect a segment of esophageal mucosa and underlying submucosa, which is submitted for pathological evaluation. This procedure is used both as a therapy to remove neoplastic mucosa and as the most accurate means available to delineate the depth of invasion (T staging) of early neoplasia in patients with Barrett’s esophagus
Adverse event rate of 12% with the most frequent complication being bleeding. Venous bleeding is not uncommon but usually can be managed endoscopically. The most common long-term adverse event associated with EMR is stricture formation, which is seen in 38% of patients. The risk of stenosis increases particularly after multiple or circumferential treatments. Stenosis can take months to develop and often can be managed with serial dilations.
ESD is done for flat, large (>2cm) or ulcerated tumors
The procedure includes multiple steps, including marking the tumor circumferentially, lifting it off the submucosa by injection of glycerol, saline, and methylene blue dye, a circumferential mucosal incision, and dissection in the submucosal plane beneath the lesion, allowing for removal.
Mucosal ablation (photodynamic therapy or RFA) is done for the residual flat columnar mucosa
The most common serious side effect is esophageal stricture, which occurs in approximately 5%
NCCN: Areas of nodularity or ulceration should be resected rather than ablated
Indications for esophagectomy & LN dissection:
The risk of lymph node metastases is 2% or less for T1a lesions but increases to approximately 25% with submucosal invasion
T1b (inasion into submucosa) — has high risk of LN involvement
T1a: Tumor invades the lamina propria or muscularis mucosa
T1b: Tumor invades the submucosa
T2: Tumor invades the muscularis propria
T3: Tumor invades adventitia
T4a: Tumor invades the pleura, pericardium, azygos vein, diaphragm, or peritoneum
T4b: Tumor invades other adjacent structures, such as the aorta, vertebral body, or airway
Poor differentiation of the tumor
Strong consideration for esophagectomy is appropriate for
Ultra-long segment Barrett’s esophagus
Multifocal adenocarcinoma
Poor esophageal body function with large hiatal hernia or dysphagia symptoms
Patients who repeatedly develop dysplasia on follow up despite appropriate treatment
Ablation techniques
Argon plasma coagulation
Depth of penetration is 1-3 mm, but may reach 6 mm
Complications: chest pain, odynophagia, ulceration, stricture (4-10%), bleeding, perforation, pneumatosis
Photodynamic therapy — no longer used as first line because of AE profile
Employs photosensitizing drug (photofrin) that is absorbed & rertained at higher concentrations in neoplastic tissue
Complications: cutaneous photosensitivity, chest pain, candida esophagitis, AFib
Esophageal strictures occur in 5-50%, usually responds to endoscopic dilataion
RFA — the ablative treatment of choice in dysplastic Barrett’s
Among the currently available ablative therapies, the long-term data regarding the safety and efficacy of RFA are most conclusive, making it the ablative modality of choice in the treatment of BE
Energy is applied circumferentially or focally
Ensure that the mucosa is flat to allow for effective application
At 12 months follow-up, complete eradication of dysplasia was achieved in 81% of patients with RFA, compared with only 19% patients in the sham group
High cost
Requires multiple treatments
Suboptimal therapy with tortuous esophagus (such as those with hiatal hernia)
Limitations of ablative therapies
Require multiple treatments
Require lifetime intensive surveillance
Greatest success is with metaplasia < 8 cm
Strictures can be managed with dilations (balloons vs bougie) as long as cancer is ruled out
3-5-year failure rate of a fundoplication is increased in patients with BE up to 15% to 20% compared with 5% to 10% in patients without BE
GERD with ≥ 1 risk factor (see diagram): EGD to assess for BE
Patients with GERD and no Barrett’s require no surveillance
Nondysplastic: Q3-5Y, 4-quadran Bx Q2cm
LGD: “more frequent than Q3-5Y”, usually follow up in 12 months and act accordingly
HGD: “surveillance is seldom appropriate given available therapies”
Eosinophilic esophagitis
Strongly associated with food allergies, environmental allergies, asthma, & atopic dermatitis
Presents with dysphagia & food impactions in teenagers & adults
Strictures are noted in up to 30%
Dx is made on Bx. Diagnostic criteria:
Esophageal symptoms
Bx: eosinophil-predominant inflammation ( ≥15 eosinophils per high power, or 60 eosinophils per mm3)
Exclusion of other causes
Endoscopic findings: circular rings, strictures, sub epithelial vascular pattern, whitish papules, small caliber esophagus
Dietary modification
PPI — double the dose if no response is seen in 8w
Topical steroids:
Fluticasone (using MDI, sprayed to mouth then swallowed)
Budesonide (using turbuhaler)
Esophageal dilation may be needed in high-grade strictures
Paraesophageal hernia / hiatal hernia
The most common is Type III
The most common organ herniating in Type IV is the transverse colon
PreOp assessment
Anatomic: upper GI contrast study vs CT with oral contrast
Functional: esophageal motility; manometry shows a ‘double hump’ sign
EGD: exclude concomitant PUD, Barrett’s esophagus, stricture, neoplasm…
Any symptomatic hernia (pain, bloating, anemia) in good surgical candidates should be surgically corrected.
Repair is considered for asymptomatic patients with incidental finding of a paraesophageal hernia who are otherwise in excellent health
The small but real risk of catastrophic complication related to strangulation outweighs the minimal surgical and anesthetic risk in these otherwise healthy patients
Only fix Type I if has refractory GERD
Ensure that a 2-3-cm, tension-free length of esophagus resides below the diaphragm and within the abdominal cavity after the hernia repair is complete
If a bougie is needed, use a 56F
“If the crura are thinned out or if we feel we cannot obtain a tension-free, durable repair with primary cruroplasty alone, then we consider the placement of a prosthetic reinforcement”
Considerations for antireflux surgery & paraesophageal hernia repair
LOTUS RCT: Acid suppression is equivalent to antireflux surgery for control of GERD; they only enrolled PPI responders
Indications for surgery
Dr. Al Amri: “Any time you dissect the hiatus, perform a fundoplication because ⅔ patients who have complete dissection of the hiatus will have reflux”
Failed medical managment
Patient preference
GERD complications
Contraindicationsto PPI
Lung transplant patients or candidates with GER
The presence of GER after lung transplant has been associated with an increased risk of acute and chronic rejection and diminished graft survival. Evidence suggests a benefit to ARS in this group of patients if done either before or within 6 months of lung transplant.
Medical complications attributable to a large hiatal hernia
Atypical symptoms with reflux documented on 24h pH monitoring
High-grade dysplasia (or cancer) is a contraindication for anti reflux surgery
Relative complications
Surgeon inexperience
Hostile abdomen
Morbid obesity
Low left posterolateral thoracotomy
Consider Left thoracotomy for:
Severely obese
Hostile abdomen
Conversion from laparoscopy may be better managed with thoracotomy
Thoracotomy through 7th-8th ICS
Silk stay sutures are placed in the left hemidiaphragm to retract it
Hernia sac and content are dissected free from chest structures and mediastinum
Hernia sac is incised if needed down to the level of the crus and then the sac released circumferentially from the crus & excised
The proximal-most 3-4 short gastric vessels are divided to provide mobility to the fundus
56F bougie is inserted
Posterior crural repair sutures are placed (0-Silk in figure-of-8 fashion) but not tied until after fundoplication
Fundoplication is performed using 2-0 Silk, 1cm apart X3
Chest tube is left in place
Phrenoesophageal ligament must be divided in dissecting the hiatus
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Lengthening procedures for short esophagus
Paraesophageal dissection in the mediastinum can deliver 3 to 4 cm of esophagus below the diaphragmatic hiatus without tension
Cameron: the most important part of the procedure is “Ensuring that a 2-3-cm, tension-free length of esophagus resides below the diaphragm and within the abdominal cavity after the hernia repair is complete”
Dividng the short gastric will provide a loose fundus for fundoplication
Removal of the esophageal fat pad helps with length
Wedge gastrectomy
Collis gastroplasty
Division of the vagus
Consider gastrostomy for gastropexy, especially in elderly patients with acute presentation
“Fundoplication is commonly done with PEH repair, but it is not mandatory”
Nissen: 360 degree posterior wrap
Use 3 non-absorbable sutures
Floppy enough to allow passage of an instrument
Short (only 2-3 cm) in length
Straddles the LES and not the stomach
Incorporate esophageal muscularis in at least one of the ‘bites’
Avoid in cases of
Esophageal dysmotility
Weak peristalsis
Toupet: 270 degrees posterior wrap
Belsey: 270 degree anterior wrap
Dor: 180 degree anterior wrap
Some surgeons prefer to place a 50F to 56F bougie while fashioning the wrap to avoid making it too tight
Use of mesh
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Randomized trial demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence of hernia recurrence when using biologic porcine small intestine submucosa at 6 months; but longterm follow-up revealed loss of this benefit
Use prosthetic mesh only if there is evidence of diaphragmatic attenuation or tension on the crural repair
PostOp care
± Baseline barium swallow POD1
Dysphagia and ‘gas bloat syndrome’ usually resolve within 6w. Further workup includes upper GI series and endoscopy.
Gas-bloat syndrome occurs in 40% after Nissen fundoplication
Discharge on soft diet until 6w
PPI are stopped
All pills are crushed
Avoid valsalva
Observe & reinvestigate if symptomatic
Persistence of symptoms can be managed with endoscopic dilatation (can be done safely after 6 weeks from surgery)
Dr. Al Amri: it’s safe to dilate a Nissen wrap two weeks postOp
Rule out acute reherniation with any sudden onset distress
For PEH repair
1. Aggressive scheduled antiemetics to avoid early recurrence or disruption of fundoplication
2. Diet
POD1-2: NGT is removed
POD3: Clear liquids diet
POD4: Full Fluid diet
POD7: Soft diet until 3 weeks postop
PostOp outcomes
Longterm outcome: within 10Y, only 5-25% require PPI
The rate of revisional surgery after laparoscopic anti reflux surgery is 3-7%
Follow up at 3 weeks and 6 months for symptoms
Causes of failure
Recurrent GERD: managed medically or with surgical revision
Esophageal dysmotility: preOp condition vs obstructive wrap
Gastroparesis: preOp condition vs vagal injury
Anatomic failures
Transhiatal herniation (33% of failures)
Disrupted/undone wrap (18% of failures): usually secondary to ↑ intarabdominal pressure
Slipped (off the esophagus) wrap (10% of failures)
Malpositioned wrap
Wrap too tight (13% of failures) → dysphagia
Avoid this by performing EGD post-procedure
Benign tumors & cysts
50% are leiomyomas
Found in distal ⅔ of the esophagus more then 80% of the time
They are classified as GISTs; slow growing
Malignant transformation occurs rarely
They are usually asymptomatic; when symptomatic, they cause dysphagia and pain
Esophagram: characteristic appearance of smooth, well-defined, non-circumferential mass with distinct borders
EGD shows normal mucosa and extrinsic compression
EUS shows hypo-echoic mass in the submucosa or muscularis propria
Bx is avoided because subsequent mucosal adherence to the mass increases the chance of mucosal perforation at the time of surgery
Small (< 2cm) asymptomatic = observe
Surgical enucleation is advocated for most patients
Cysts are the 2nd most common benign lesion in the esophagus
Congenital vs acquired; acquired cysts are a result of obstruction of the excretory ducts of the esophageal glands
Esophageal duplication cysts are rare inherited lesions usually diagnosed in early childhood
Lined with simple columnar, pseudostratified ciliated epithelium or stratified squamous epithelium
Over time they fill with mucus and increase in size causing mass effect
Dx is made with esophagram or CT
EUS helps differentiate cyst from mass and aids in aspiration & Dx
Untreated, cysts enlarge and cause obstruction, infection or rupture
Cyst aspiration is not adequate management, as it will re-accumulate
Surgical resection is considered for all patients
Fibrovascular polyps should all be removed. Endoscopic removal is appropriate for small (< 2 cm) polyps. The stalk tends to be richly vascular
SCC is the most common type globally
High prevalence in the esophageal cancer belt: China, Central Asia, India
Adenocarcinoma is the most type in North America & Western Europe
Risk factors
Dietary: ↑red meats, ↑iron, saturated fats
Celiac disease
Caustic injury
♂3:1 ♀
Predominantly affects African Americans
Plummer Vinson syndrome
Chronic GERD ± Western diet
♂15:1 ♀
Caucasian race
Dx & staging
T1a: Tumor invades the lamina propria or muscularis mucosa
T1b: Tumor invades the submucosa
T2: Tumor invades the muscularis propria
T3: Tumor invades adventitia
T4a: Tumor invades the pleura, pericardium, azygos vein, diaphragm, or peritoneum
T4b: Tumor invades other adjacent structures, such as the aorta, vertebral body, or airway
Initial workup: esophagram
EGD: NCCN: Multiple biopsies, six to eight, using standard size endoscopy forceps should be performed to provide sufficient material for histologic interpretation
Localization of the tumor
Middle esophageal tumors are those between the lower border of azygos vein to lower border of inferior pulmonary vein
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Siewert Classification
Siewert tumor type should be assessed in all patients with adenocarcinomas involving the GEJ
Type I: center located within 1 cm to 5 cm above the anatomic GEJ
Type II: tumor center within 1 cm above and 2cm below GEJ
Type III: center between 2-5 cm below GEJ
The treatment of Siewert types I and II are in accordance to esophageal & GEJ cancers (not gastric cancers)
CT: chest/abdomen/pelvis
Assess for metastasis
Esophageal thickening > 5mm is abnormal
Indicated for all non-M1 disease
PET imaging is considered the gold standard for identification of patients with nonmetastatic disease because most esophageal tumros are FDG avid
PET will identify M⊕ disease in 20% that was not seen on CT and bone scan
PET-positive foci must be confirmed with biopsy and histologic evaluation
Also used to stage patients post NACRT
EUS (±FNA of LN) to assess locoregional extension
EMR: can resect entire lesions when < 2cm (diagnostic ± therapeutic)
NCCN: Endoscopic resection is essential for the accurate staging of early-stage cancers (T1a or T1b)
Diagnostic laparoscopy improves accuracy of staging for tumor close to GEJ. It is offered for non-metastatic disease
It’s not considered for tumors other than those at GEJ.
Staging is based on: TNM, cell type, histologic grade, & location of epicenter
Celiac, mediastinal, and supraclavicular nodes are defined as regional lymph nodes
Extraregional LN (mesentery/para-aortic) is an indicator of unresectability
Patients with GEJ and supraclavicular lymph node involvement should be considered unresectable
T4a tumors with involvement of pericardium, pleura, or diaphragm are resectable
NCCN: Cervical or cervicothoracic esophageal carcinomas <5 cm from the cricopharyngeus should be treated with definitive chemoradiation
C/I to esophageal-preserving therapy:
Multifocal disease (possible sampling error)
Submucosal invasion beyond the outer third
Squamous histology ( risk LVI)
Poorly differentiated tumors
Nodules diameter > 3 cm
Evaluate for indicators of unresectability (NCCN):
cT4b tumors
Involvement of the heart, great vessels, trachea, or adjacent organs including liver, pancreas, lung, and spleen are unresectable
Most patients with multi-station, bulky lymphadenopathy should be considered unresectable
Patients with GEJ and supraclavicular lymph node involvement should be considered unresectable
Stage IV (includes non-regional LN)
NCCN: Endoscopic resection is essential for the accurate staging of early-stage cancers (T1a or T1b)
NCCN: For small, nodular lesions ≤2 cm, ER is encouraged as it provides a more accurate depth of invasion than the results of EUS
HGD or T1a, N0
RFA, PhotoDynamic Therapy, Cryotherapy, EMR or ESD
A complication unique to RFA is the persistence of metaplastic epithelium under the normal squamous epithelium that cannot be detected on endoscopic evaluation and may serve as the focus for the development of cancer.
The most common complication after RFA is chest pain.
The most common complications of PDT are the development of strictures, cutaneous photosensitivity, candidal esophagitis, atrial fibrillation, and odynophagia.
Cryotherapy is associated with high rates of strictures.
EMR: A cauterizing snare is used to resect the polyp down to the submucosal level
Endoscopic surveillance
Q3m EGD with Bx Q1cm X 1Y
After 2 Bx (no dysplasia), interval
Consider ablation after endoscopic resection
T1b, N0
T1b cancers are further classified as sm1, sm2, and sm3, by dividing the thickness of the submucosa into equal thirds
With no high risk features*, rate of LN is 6% with acceptable 5Y survival following esophageal-sparing
* SM1 with tumor < 2cm, well- or moderately-differentiated, LVI⊖
NCCN suggests esophagectomy for all T1b SCCs
For adenocarcinoma T1b (superficial) that receives endoscopic resection, ablation should also be used
Esophagectomy + regional lymphadenectomy
cT1b-cT2,N0 (SCC or adenoCa) < 2cm, well differentiated, low risk lesion: upfront surgery unless it’s cervical SCC
(T3-4a or N) locally advanced, resectable disease
R0 resection
Survival at 2Y
± Complete regression
No difference in periop morbidity/mortality
RT Dose: 40-50Gy over 5-6w
CROSS Trial (esophageal & GEJ):
Q7d X 5w of carboplatin/paclitaxel + 41.4 Gy then surgery within 4-6w
Survival is improved for both, but SCC > adenocarcinoma
FLOT4 Trial (gastric & GEJ adenoCa) (Fluorouracil, leucovorin, oxaliplatin, and docetaxel):
4 cycles (2w each) PreOp
4 cycles (2w each) PostOp
Surgery scheduled 3-8w after completion of therapy and restaging
T4b or M1
Stenting: although the effect is immediate, it is often short lived, and dilatation is required every 10-14 days
Chemoradiation achieves long-term disease control and prolongs survival
Radiation (EBR or brachytherapy) is indicated for local symptoms
Chemotherapy alone is appropriate when the predominance of symptoms is due to disseminated disease
APC for bleeding
Surgical considerations
Safe resection margin requires 6-10 cm
Adequate LN harvesting = 15+
Procedure based on Siewert’s classification
I: esophagectomy
II: esophagectomy or gastrectomy
III: gastrectomy
Ivor Lewis esophagectomy = laparotomy + right thoracotomy
Appropriate for middle & lower third esophageal tumors
The esophagus is transected at the level of the azygos vein and an intrathoracic esophagogastric anastomosis is performed
Because of the improved blood supply to the midstomach, where the anastomosis is placed, the rate of anastomotic leak is the lowest of all esophageal resections and is 3-4% in most centers. But once leak occurs, it’s difficult to manage
Major morbidity: 30%
Mortality: 10%
McKeown esophagectomy / three-hole esophagectomy
Appropriate for upper & middle-third esophageal tumors & for SCC
After completion of the abdominal portion of the operation, an oblique left neck incision is made along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
The esophagus is separated from the trachea, taking care to remain close to its wall to avoid injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve
Application of gentle but firm pressure allows the esophagogastric specimen and gastric conduit to be drawn into the neck
The proximal esophagus is divided, and an anastomosis between the esophagus and gastric conduit performed. Either a side-to-side functional end-to-end stapled anastomosis or an end-to-end hand-sewn single layer anastomosis using absorbable suture is performed
Transhiatal esophagectomy
Literature indicates that this is the safest type of esophageal resection. Limitations stand with incomplete lymphadenectomy & high rates of strictures.
Appropriate for patients who will not tolerate the pulmonary sequela of the thoracic component of an Ivor Lewis or McKeown esophagectomy
Midline abdominal incision & an oblique left neck incision (cervical esophagus circumferentially dissected free)
The right hand is introduced through the hiatus and the esophagus bluntly dissected into the superior mediastinum. Simultaneously the left hand dissects into the mediastinum via the cervical incision until the fingers meet, indicating that circumferential mobilization of the esophagus in the mediastinum has been achieved
The membranous part of the trachea may be injured during the dissection causing a large air-leak. This needs to be repaired immediately via a right thoracotomy. It is not appropriate to use the stomach to control the leak.
Accessible lymph nodes in the neck, lower chest, and abdomen are removed, but there is no additional attempt to perform an extensive lymphadenectomy.
If leak occurs, it’s easily managed
Left thoracoabdominal esophagectomy: appropriate for bulky tumors in the region of the hiatus
Perioperative mortality: 3-12% — 3 fold increase in mortality when performed in a low-volume center
Serious postOp complications: 30-50% — respiratory complications being the most common
RLN injury is more common when a cervical anastomosis is performed as with a McKeown esophagectomy
Management of leaks
CT defines a leak, locates abscess, & provides a roadmap for IR drainage
EGD will be needed to rule out conduit necrosis & assess size of the leak & direct management
Limited leaks can be drained and treated expectantly
Small leaks require repair
Free leaks / large leaks require revision of the anastomosis
When there is a delay in diagnosis and there is significant inflammatory response of the surrounding tissue, a repair is not possible because of the friable nature of the tissue. This requires resection of the anastomosis and proximal diversion
The repair/re-anastomosis is buttressed with vascularized tissue
Esophageal stenting may be feasible
Stent should extend at least 2 cm beyond the lesion in each direction
May be successful in up to 85%
No specific stent design is superior
SCC with postOp R1-2 resection are not offered surgery, but receive chemoradiation if they have not done before. If they have received it before, options are to observe vs palliate
Adenocarcinoma with R1 resection who have already received NACRT/NACT are offered adjuvant therapy (± radiation) vs re-resection vs observation until progression
Recurrent disease is offered surgery vs chemotherapy (preferred if not received before)
Neoadjuvant & adjuvant chemoradiotherapy considerations
Re-staging post NACRT includes CT, PET, & EGD
SCCs tend to respond more favorably to chemoradiation and relapse locoregionally when compared with adenocarcinomas
The Bedenne trial adopted a selective definitive chemoradiation approach for SCC (5FU/cisplatin/RT), and the researchers concluded that there was no benefit for the addition of surgery after CRT
Selective definitive chemoradiation implies definitive treatment with CRT followed by a formal evaluation of clinical response during or at the completion of the therapy. Only those whose tumors have not responded to CRT are offered surgical resection
NCCN: SCCs & adenocarcinomas that show complete response to NACRT may be offered surveillance or esophagectomy. But with adenocarcinoma, esophagectomy is preferred by NCCN
NCCN: Systemic therapy regimens recommended for advanced esophageal and EGJ adenocarcinoma, SCC of the esophagus, and gastric adenocarcinoma may be used interchangeably (except as indicated)
NCCN: Trastuzumab should be added to chemotherapy for HER2 overexpressing metastatic adenocarcinoma
PostOp therapy is considered more difficult to tolerate than preoperative therapy.
5Y survival
90% for pTis
75% for pT1
45% for pT2
30% for pT3
15% for pT4
30-40% for N⊖
15-25% for N⊕
Follow up
Hx & physical exam Q3m X 2Y, then Q6m X 3Y, then Q1Y
Imaging, labs and EGD ‘as clinically indicated’ as per NCCN
On stents
May be used for
Benign strictures
Esophageal perforations (idiopathic, iatrogenic, traumatic)
PostOp leak
As a bridge to surgery while NACRT is delivered
Management of malignant esophageal fistula with 70-100% success
Cancer perforation:
Just don’t sew cancer tissue
Advanced cancer → stent & drain
Early stage & stable → esophagectomy & reconstruction
Unstable: damage control or stent/drain
Stenting across the GEJ is controversial
Malposition denotes technical failure
Early - occur within 1w
Recurrent dysphagia
Esophageal perforations
Mortality 10-40%, highly dependent on time to surgery
Majority is iatrogenic during EGD & TEE (echo) (60%)
Boerhaave’s syndrome (30%)
Foreign body ingestion
Cervical perforations may present with neck ache and stiffness caused by contamination of the prevertebral space
Thoracic perforations present with SOB and chest pain lateralizing to the side of perforation
Abdominal perforations present with epigastric pain that radiates to the back if the perforation is posterior
CXR & CT scan
EGD is considered for nondiagnostic radiologic imaging
Caution for inducing tension pneumothorax with insufflation
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Contained leak + no sepsis = nonoperative management
ICU admission X 48-72h
NPO with bed-elevation
Broad spectrum Abx X 72h,
± Stent
Antifungal therapy for distal perforations with potential gastric reflux
Repeat imaging in 72-96h
In an unstable patient with a contained perforation, a temporary stent may be placed and conservative measures initiated
Operative management
Goal: extend the myotomy to assess extent of mucosal injury, debried nonviable tissue, ANASTOMOSE in two layers, patch the repair, & place drains
Cameron: For patients who require operative intervention, we recommend aggressive surgical management with primary repair, even in patients presenting more than 24 hours from the time of perforation
Edges of the perforation are debrided
Given the morbidity of esophageal exclusion, cervical esophagostomy and gastrostomy for delayed perforation is not recommended. This procedure should be reserved for unstable patients with severe ongoing sepsis and those with malignant perforations in which an esophageal stent is not applicable. A gastrostomy tube should be avoided if the stomach may be used later for reconstruction
Cervical esophagus: left neck incision along anterior border of SCM
If the perforation is identified, the defect is repaired primarily with absorbable suture.
If the defect is not clearly identified, closed drainage is performed
Strap muscles can be used to buttress the repair
Upper ⅔ esophagus: right thoracotomy
To buttress the repair, a vascularized intercostal muscle flap harvested from the fifth interspace is used
Lower ⅓ esophagus: left thoracotomy
Again, primary repair is preferred and the repair should be buttressed with either an intercostal muscle flap or diaphragmatic flap
Abdominal: upper midline
Once debrided, the perforation should be closed primarily and buttressed with omentum, a rotational flap, or the fundus of the stomach via a Dor or Thal-type fundoplication
Esophagram POD5: if there is failure to show progression to resolution, surgical exploration is warranted
Most patients treated with an esophageal stent benefit from early VATS 1-2 days after stent placement for débridement of the pleural space
Perforations in achalasia: the perforation is closed in two layers with absorbable suture and buttressed with a rotational flap. They also require myotomy on the side opposite to the esophageal perforation for adequate healing
Perforations after Nissen’s fundoplication: laparotomy, dismantling of the fundoplication, primary repair of the esophagus, and repeat Nissen
Esophagogastrostomy leak after esophagectomy: management depends on the viability of the conduit, size of the leak, & degree of contamination. Gangrenous conduits require resection via a right thoracotomy & the gastric remnant reduced into the abdomen. Cervical esophagostomy & gastrostomy are performed with delayed reconstruction
Caustic ingestion
Acid ingestion → coagulative necrosis
Ingestion of acid is difficult because its ingestion causes an immediate burning in the mouth
Coagulative necrosis forms eschar that limits tissue penetration
Within 48h, the extent of injury is determined
Symptoms of respiratory distress, such as hoarseness, stridor, and dyspnea, suggest upper airway edema and are usually worse with acid ingestion
Alkali ingestion → liquefactive necrosis
The consequences of alkali ingestion are much more devastating and almost always lead to significant destruction of the esophagus, resulting in long-term dysfunction
Phase 1: Acute necrotic phase
Lasts 1-4 days
Phase 2: Ulceration & granulation phase
Begins 3-5 days after injury
Lasts 3-12 days
The esophagus is weakest during this phase
Phase 3: Circatrization & scarring phase
Results in esophageal narrowing
Occurs 3 weeks after injury
Symptoms alone are not a reliable guide to the severity of injury
Grading & management
EGD is recommended within 24h of ingestion
Zargar classification to assess severity
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Memory tip:
Grade 1: hyperemia
Grade 2: ulceration
Grade 3: necrosis
Grade 0 – Normal
Grade 1 – Mucosal edema and hyperemia
Grade 2A – Superficial localized ulcers, bleeding, exudates
Grade 2B – Deep focal or circumferential ulcers
Grade 3A – Focal necrosis with multiple and deep ulcerations and small scattered areas of necrosis
Grade 3B – Extensive necrosis
CT is done in all patients to assess for depth of necrosis
Acute phase
Regarding neutralization
Sabiston: If a patient presents within the first hour of ingestion, neutralization is attempted
For alkali injury: use ½-strength vinegar or citrus juice
For acid injury: use milk, eggs whites, or antacids
UTD: Neutralizing agents (weakly acidic or basic substances) should not be administered because damage is generally instantaneous. Furthermore, neutralization releases heat that adds thermal injury to the ongoing chemical destruction of tissue
No role for antiemetics or steroids therapy
Abx are started for patients with suspected perforations
Clinical signs of perforation and CT evidence of transmural necrosis are indications for emergency surgery
Viable stomach & esophagus are left in situ, with feeding jejunostomy insertion and esophageal stenting intraOp
Questionable esophagus & stomach are left in situ, and 2nd look planned for 36h
Full-thickness necrosis warrant resection of all affected surrounding organs with end esophagostomy and feeding jejunostomy
Approach usually through a trans-hiatal esophagectomy
UTD: Asymptomatic patients with no oral burns & Hx of low-volume, low-concentration agents, EGD is not necessary. Discharge from the hospital is safe
First degree burn
Observation X 48h
Resume diet when able to swallow saliva painlessly
Repeat EGD & esophagram at 1, 2, & 8 months to assess for strictures
Second and third degree burns
Triage as per burn patients
Massive fluid shifts, renal failure, and sepsis can occur rapidly, and underestimation of the extent of injury can lead to fatal outcomes.
Chronic phase
Sabiston: Strictures are best prevented by early stent placement (after epithelialization)
UTD: Esophageal stenting is not routinely recommended for prevention of an esophageal stricture
Esophagram is done at 3w, 3m, and 6m to assess for strictures
Patients with esophageal strictures undergo bougie dilation regardless of their symptoms
Dilations are performed daily for 2 to 3 weeks, every other day for 2 to 3 weeks, and then weekly for months
Reconstruction is delayed until 6-12m
Peptic Ulcer disease
For different types of ulcers, see section on UGI bleeds
At acute presentation: always rule out HPB pathology & AAA
The majority are related to H. pylori & NSAID use
90% of duodenal ulcers and approximately 75% of gastric ulcers are associated with H. pylori infection
When compared with the general population, NSAID users have a 2- to 10-fold increased risk for GI complications.
Other causes: ZES, smoking, & steroid use
Medical management of PUD
Most H. pylori infected individuals are asymptomatic
H. pylori testing should also be done in all patients with suspected PUD.
Serology is the test of choice for initial diagnosis when endoscopy is not required.
Antibody titers (ELISA) can remain high for 1 year or longer; consequently, this test cannot be used to assess eradication after therapy
Urea breath test: False-negative results can occur if the test is done too soon after treatment, so it is usually best to perform this test 4 weeks after therapy is finished. The urea breath test is the method of choice to document eradication.
Management: antacids, H2 antagonists, PPI, sucralfate
PPIs require an acidic environment within the gastric lumen to become activated; thus, using antacids or H2 receptor antagonists in combination with PPIs could have deleterious effects by promoting an alkaline environment and thereby preventing activation of the PPIs.
Eradication of H. pylori has shown recurrence rates as low as 2%, with initial healing as high as 90%. This compares with recurrence rates of up to 25% with ulcer-healing medications alone
Giant gastric ulcers (> 2 cm) have a higher incidence of malignancy (10%) than smaller ones
When Dx is made:
Confirm healing with EGD 8-12w after initiation of treatment
Giant ulcers in the stomach require 8 Bx specimens at the edge of the ulcer base to rule out malignancy
Only stop PPI after healing is confirmed
Eradication of H. pylori should be confirmed after 4-6w using urease breath test
H.Pylori eradication reduces ulcer recurrence rate at 8 weeks & 1 year postoperatively & reduces the risk of adenocarcinoma
Treat with PPI with a maximum of 12w. If persists:
Rule out malignancy as a cause of the ulcer
Ulcer > 2 cm → ⅓ will harbor malignancy
Perforated ulcer more likely to harbor malignancy than obstructive ulcer
Gastric ulcers have higher risk of cancer than duodenal
Consider surgical acid suppression
Type / modified Johnson classification of gastric ulcers
Type I: the cause is not well understood, but H. pylori is commonly implicated. For type I gastric ulcers, even with appropriate preoperative evaluation, malignancy remains a major concern, and excision of the ulcer is necessary
Type I is the most common type, making up 60% of benign gastric ulcer
Treatment by type / classification
In the setting of perforation, many ulcers can be wedged out with primary repair and/or a Graham patch rather than a formal gastric resection with an acid-reducing operation. However, if the patient has been on antacids and already had H. pylori eradication, then an operation involving removal of the acid-producing parietal cells of the stomach combined with an acid reducing operation may be prudent
Location of ulcer dictates extent of dissection
Csandes’ procedure = subtotal gastrectomy R-en-Y esophagogastrojejunostomy
Type I:
1. PPI
2. If failed PPI: (resection of the ulcer alone) Vs (Antrectomy + vagotomy + Billroth I)
Sabsiton: Distal gastrectomy without vagotomy can also be performed but has a morbidity of 3% to 5%, with mortality rates ranging from 1% to 2%. Recurrence is less than 5%.
Type II & III (hypersecretion)
Sabiston: Procedure of choice: distal gastrectomy + vagotomy
Cameron: Vagotomy recommended only if failed antacid therapy or in unreliable patient
Recurrence can be prevented by antacids & eradication of H. pylori
Billroth I is preferred, but the distal location of type III ulcers may necessitate a Billroth II or R-en-Y
Type IV: if failed PPI: Pauchet’s or Csandes’ procedure to preserve as much stomach as possible
The preferred approach is to resect the ulcer without gastrectomy and the resultant morbidity of a small gastric remnant. The most aggressive approach is to perform a gastrectomy that includes a small portion of the esophageal wall and ulcer followed by a Roux-en-Y esophagogastrojejunostomy to restore intestinal continuity
Ulcer 2-5cm from GEJ → Pauchet’s
Ulcer 0-2cm from GEJ → Csandes’
Type V: PPI + cessation of NSAIDs/steroids
Surgical acid suppression
Vagotomy (± pyloroplasty) → ↓ acid output by 50%
Vagus → parasympathetic → G-cell stimulation
Pyloroplasty (Heineke-Mikulicz) = longitudinal pyloroplasty with transverse closure
When the duodenal bulb is scarred, a Finney pyloroplasty or Jaboulay gastroduodenostomy may be a useful alternative
Truncal + pyloroplasty
Requires mobilization of 5 cm of the esophagus
Divides Rt posterior & Lt anterior vagus nerves 4 cm proximal to GEJ
Selective + pyloroplasty
Site of division (just proximal to GEJ) is just below the:
Posterior celiac branches (innervate the pancreas & SB)
Anterior hepatic branches (innervate the liver & GB)
Advantage over truncal vagotomy: ↓ diarrhea & ↓ dumping - (unchanged ulcer recurrence rate)
Highly selective (AKA parietal cell vagotomy AKA proximal gastric vagotomy)
Preserves Latarjet’s nerves (motor function to pylorus)
The branches are identified at the junction of the corpus & antrum, 6 cm proximal to the pylorus
These branches have a characteristic “crow’s foot” appearance
It’s the only procedure that doesn’t require a drainage procedure (Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty)
All types lead to ↑ gastrin level
Recurrent ulcer disease due to incomplete vagotomy is common with selective vagotomies
The criminal nerve of Grassi, a branch of the posterior vagus nerve, must be included in the resection as it has been frequently associated with recurrent ulcer disease
Antrectomy → remove G-cell → ↓ gastrin → parietal cell stimulation → ↓ HCl
When located on the distal aspect of the stomach, frozen section helps identify the extent of resection needed by identifying G-cells
The distal extent of dissection is nearly universally transection through healthy duodenal tissue just distal to the pylorus.
Presence of Brunner’s glands on histology can be used to prove adequate antrectomy
Vagotomy + antrectomy = ↓ acid output by 85%
¾ of patients will stop bleeding with IV fluids & PPI infusion
Deep posterior bleeding ulcers in the proximal duodenum are particularly worrisome because they may involve the GDA, which can cause exsanguinating hemorrhage.
Rockall score is still useful to help stratify re-bleeding risk and mortality risk in patients with upper GI bleeding
Management options
Definitive operation is particularly appropriate for patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer larger than 2 cm.
Sabiston: In all cases, the ulcer should ideally be excised with the addition of vagotomy dependent on ulcer type
1. PPI ± EGD
Current 2003 guidelines for endoscopic control of bleeding advocate the use of epinephrine plus an additional method.
For patients who have rebleeding, repeat endoscopy does not increase their mortality and should be attempted prior to surgical intervention.
All high-risk patients should be placed in a monitored setting, preferably an intensive care unit, until all bleeding has stopped for 24 hours
2. IR embolization
3.1 Duodenum: “Open” & sew (3-point ligation) ± vagotomy with pyloroplasty
The vessel most likely to be bleeding is the GDA because of erosion from a posterior ulcer
Kocher maneuver to facilitate manual control of bleeding
Luminal access:
3.1 Anterior gastrotomy
3.2 Longitudinal duodenotomy or pyloroduodenotomy for bleeding duodenal ulcer
Closure: longitudinal closure pyloroplasty
If unable to oversew, perform ligation of GDA
TPA: transverse pancreatic artery
PDA: pancreaticoduodenal artery
RGEA: right gastroepiploic artery
3.2 Gastric: Usually excision is required (resection > wedge). Oversewing the ulcer is associated with high rate of re-bleeding.
4. Resection + vagotomy
4.1 Gastric ulcer: as per location (see type / classification)
4.2 Duodenal ulcer: antrectomy
Perforated ulcer
Perforation is the most common complication of gastric ulcer. Most perforations occur along the anterior aspect of the lesser curvature
SCORE module
Perforation has the highest mortality rate of any complication of ulcer disease, approaching 15%
Boey score: a prognostic index for perforated peptic ulcer contains 3 risk factors
PreOp Shock
Duration of symptoms (> 24h)
EGD not recommended in patients with clinical evidence of acute perforation
NGT should be inserted once the Dx is made
For patients who are known to be negative for H. pylori, are on chronic NSAIDs that they cannot discontinue, or have failed medical therapy in the past for their ulcer disease, an acid-reducing procedure can be added at the time of repair
Have higher risk of malignancy than DU
When patch closure is performed, biopsy of the ulcer is necessary to rule out malignancy
Perforated ulcer is more likely to harbor malignancy than an obstructive ulcer
Ulcer > 2 cm → ⅓ will harbor malignancy
Management considerations
Posterior antral perforations may not be amenable for plication
If for technical reasons a sound plication cannot be constructed, gastric resection is mandatory, regardless of the risk, as a recurrent gastric leak into the peritoneal cavity is almost always fatal
UTD: Patch closure alone is associated with postoperative gastric obstruction in approximately 15% of cases.
Cameron: Most ulcer can be managed by either:
1. Bx/wedge + cleaning the edges + primary repair ± omental patch
Sabiston: types II and III gastric ulcers can be simply treated with patch closure, with or without truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty
2. If already on PPI & H. pylori has already been eradicated: perform an operation for removal of acid-producing cells + acid-suppression procedure
EGD follow-up is performed 6 weeks after surgery to rule out the possibility of cancer
The same is not recommended for duodenal ulcer due to the low incidence of duodenal cancer.
Choice of procedure:
For benign ulcer, Billroth-I is preferred over BII or R-en-Y
Sabiston: For perforated type I gastric ulcers that occur in stable patients, distal gastrectomy with a Billroth I anastomosis is recommended.
In unstable patients, simple patching of the gastric ulcer with biopsy and treatment for H. pylori, if positive, is recommended
No duodenal stump leak
No afferent loop obstruction
No retained antrum syndrome
If patient already had a vagotomy, Billroth-II is preferred over R-en-Y (to Roux stasis syndrome (gastric atony))
BII & R-en-Y are appropriate if extensive kocherization has not created sufficient mobilization
The duodenal stump
Leak rate 1-3%
Leak with BII usually occurs POD6-10
A drain is usually placed next to the stump with BII
Internal drainage is advised if the stump viability is questionable
Afferent limb ideally no longer than 20 cm to prevent afferent limb syndrome
Bile reflux than BI or BII
Without previous vagotomy, R-en-Y may be preferred because of GERD/esophagitis & remnant gastritis
Roux limb of ≥ 40 cm helps prevent bile reflux
The perforation is usually in the first portion of the duodenum
Perforated DU mortality = 2-10%
50% Are sealed by the time of the operation (emphasizes appropriate patient selection & non-operative management)
Routine Bx for perforated duodenal ulcer is not necessary
Surgical options
Small ulcer
Omental patch
Ensure it is well vascularized
Ensure it is tension-free
There is no need to push the omentum into the perforation because this can strangulate the omentum
If there is paucity of omentum: falciform ligament (or any ‘peritonized surface’) can be taken down and used as a patch
Primary repair with omental patch
Primary repair is usually avoided to decrease the risk of sutures tearing through the duodenum
Thal patch: jejunal serosal patch
Large ulcer (full thickness; > 2 cm)
Large ulcers are more associated with NSAID use than H. pylori
May be mistaken on imaging for a duodenal diverticula or deformed duodenal bulb
Ulcer resection procedures have high risk for CBD injury
If the ampulla is deemed to be at risk, a biliary Fogarty can be advanced from above via the cystic duct or common bile duct. The decision to perform a cholecystectomy to catheterize the cystic duct should be done with impunity.
Perforations > 2 cm are more likely to fail primary closure or graham patch repair and might require resection
Soreide K, et al. Perforated peptic ulcer. Lancet. 2015;386(10000):1288–98.
Risks often resulting from simple closure with omental patch:
Invaginating the omentum and causing a gastric outlet obstruction
High rate of leak
Debridement of duodenum + 2-layer anastomosis to a jejunal Roux limb + gastrostomy + jejunostomy
Cameron preferred this over a serosal patch
Perforation close to the pylorus: Pyloroplasty incorporating the perforation & truncal vagotomy
Heineke-Mikulicz technique
Finney technique
Jaboulay technique
High risk for leak: Patch + pyloric exclusion
Large ulcer that is unlikely salvageable
Stable patient: antrectomy + vagotomy + Billroth II
Unstable: resection of perforation + pyloric exclusion + gastrojejunostomy + double jejunostomy (antegrade & retrograde) + tube duodenostomy
Proximal gastrojejunostomy and/or vagotomy may be electively added to these procedures to provide diversion and a definitive acid reducing procedure respectively
The presence of a “kissing” ulcer should lead to serious consideration of a definitive ulcer operation (to avoid the possibility of bleeding postoperatively)
Last resort: close stump around a tube (end duodenostomy) — Leakage is the rule
Criteria for nonoperative management
There is high failure rate of nonoperative management in patients older than 70 years of age
Hemodynamic stability
No generalized peritonitis
No contrast extravasation on CT
Operative considerations / pitfalls / technique
Positioning: supine, split legs
Insert NGT
Port placement
Infraumbilical Hassan for the camera
11 mm at Lt midcalvicular line, just above the umbilicus: to allow introducing sutures
5 mm at Rt midclavicular line, just above the umbilicus
Laparoscopic versus open repair for perforated peptic ulcer: A meta analysis of randomized controlled trials
Lower SSI rate
Less postoperative pain
Shorter NGT duration
No difference in reoperation, leak, abscess, ileus, pneumonia, UTI, or LOS
Conversion rate: up to 60%
Most likely reason for conversion is inability to identify the perforation
Upper midline laparotomy
Operative exploration
1. Anterior duodenal bulb is the most common site of duodenal perforation, if negative:
2. Inspect anterior & posterior wall of the stomach, if negative
3. Run the bowel
If the perforation seems healed at the time of surgery, consider testing it with with air/liquid via NGT
The sutures are inserted approximately 0.5-1 cm away from the edge of the perforation incorporating healthy tissue
The needle should be retrieved and reintroduced from within the perforation during suture placement
This minimizes torque or undue force on the duodenum itself and helps prevent inadvertent worsening of the perforation.
Patients with several of the previously noted risk factors should not undergo Graham patch alone
The repair may be tested for air leak
Irrigate the abdomen with 6-10 liters of warm NS
The use of a closed suction drain at the end of the procedure may not be necessary
Pyloric exclusion methods
Pyloric exclusion with a gastrojejunal anastomosis permits continued oral feeding. In most cases, the pyloric closure will open spontaneously within several weeks, by which time the ulcer repair would have healed.
Gastrotomy method
Gastrotomy along the greater curvature
Pylorus can be grasped and sutured closed with a nonabsorbable suture
The gastrotomy can then either be closed primarily or used to complete the gastrojejunostomy
Stapler method: Linear (TA) stapler across the pylorus
PostOp care
Watch out for leak & gastric outlet obstruction
Abx: continue 3-5 days or until fever & ↑WBC resolve
NGT is removed with the return of bowel function and then the patient fed orally
Closed suction drain is removed after resumption of oral diet
H.Pylori eradication reduces ulcer recurrence rate at 8 weeks & 1 year postoperatively & reduces the risk of adenocarcinoma
Patients with reperforation in the immediate postoperative period require more definitive repair
EGD dilatation of chronic ulcers (in addition to H. pylori treatment) with stenosis may delay the need for surgery for years
A study with an almost 5-year follow-up has shown that patients who have an identifiable cause (e.g., H. pylori infection) that could be treated, have good long-term results with endoscopic dilation, with a median of five dilations required, but no subsequent surgical therapy
Surgical management:
Gold standard: vagotomy + antrectomy
Decreases recurrence rate, but is associated with high mortality
Alternative: vagotomy + gastrojejunostomy
Has potential for reversal if dumping becomes intolerable
May be done laparoscopically
Does not provide a specimen to rule out malignancy
Intractable PUD being evaluated for surgery
For any intractable ulcer, adequate duration of therapy, H. pylori eradication, and elimination of NSAID use must be confirmed
A serum gastrin level should also be determined in patients with ulcers refractory to medical therapy to rule out gastrinoma
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Gastric polyps
Hyperplastic polyps
Account for 75% of gastric polyps in geographic areas where H. pylori is common
Result from hyper-regenerative epithelium in response to an underlying chronic inflammatory stimulus
Malignancy develops in hyperplastic polyps through a dysplasia/carcinoma sequence
Hyperplastic polyps measuring > 0.5 cm should be resected completely
In addition, the normal-appearing antral and corpus mucosa should be sampled to assess for the presence of dysplasia and H. pylori
In patients with dysplasia or carcinoma beyond the confines of the polyp, a subtotal gastrectomy or EMR should be performed
Follow up
High risk patients: Q1-2Y
Low risk patients: just ensure H. Pylori eradication & do 1 EGD
Heterotrophic pancreatic tissue may be found in the stomach. Treatment is with excision
Sporadic fundic gland polyps
Benign lesions that are thought to result from glandular hyperplasia and decreased luminal flow
Strongly associated with PPI use and occur in up to ⅓ of patients by one year
Typically small (0.1 to 0.8 cm), hyperemic, sessile, and have a smooth surface contour
Somatic APC gene mutations have been detected in over 70% of syndromic fundic gland polyps without dysplasia, but in <10% of sporadic lesions. Sporadic fundic gland polyps and those associated with PPI use have virtually no malignant potential, but may rarely show dysplasia
Generally do not require excision, regular surveillance, or cessation of therapy.
Indications for resection
Ulcerated polyps require resection
Polyps at the antrum require resection
Polyp ≥ 1 cm
Indications for cessation of PPI
> 20 polyps
Size > 1 cm
Gastric adenomas
Typically occur in a background of chronic atrophic gastritis
Associated with a relatively low but real risk of progression to cancer
All gastric adenomas should be resected
Because of the association of gastric dysplasia with synchronous gastric carcinomas, the remainder of the stomach must be examined carefully
Testing for H. Pylori is done
UTD: We perform an upper endoscopy for surveillance one year after initial resection of adenomatous gastric polyps to assess recurrence
Stress gastritis
Stress is considered present when hypoxia, sepsis, or organ failure occurs. When stress is present, mucosal ischemia is thought to be the main factor responsible for the breakdown of these normal defense mechanisms. There is little evidence to suggest that increased gastric acid secretion occurs in this situation. More than 50% of patients develop stress gastritis within 1 to 2 days after a traumatic event
Coagulopathy and prolonged ventilation (> 48 hours) put patients at greatest risk for stress ulcers
Cushing’s ulcers occur in the setting of CNS disease (↑ICP)
Curling’s ulcer occurs with thermal burns involving > 30% BSA
Lesions are almost always seen in the fundus of the stomach and only rarely in the distal stomach
Early lesions are typically multiple and shallow, with discrete areas of erythema along with focal hemorrhage or an adherent clot
Late lesions are characterized by a tissue reaction or organization around a clot, or if an inflammatory exudate is present (seen 24-72h after developing the lesions)
There is little evidence to suggest that endoscopy with electrocautery or heater probe coagulation has any benefit in the therapy of bleeding from acute stress gastritis. However, some studies have suggested that acute bleeding can be effectively controlled by selective infusion of vasopressin into the splanchnic circulation through the left gastric artery. Vasopressin is administered by continuous infusion through the catheter at a rate of 0.2 to 0.4 IU/min for a maximum of 48 to 72 hours
In facilities with the requisite expertise, angiographic intervention may be used to treat bleeding stress ulcers as well
Continuous infusions of H2 receptor antagonists provide more consistent maintenance of intraluminal gastric pH than standard intermittent infusions.
Sucralfate (1g Q6h)
The 5th most common malignancy; rare before the age of 40Y
It is now the most common cause of GOO (as opposed to PUD, previously)
The c-met proto-oncogene is the receptor for the hepatocyte growth factor and is frequently overexpressed in gastric cancer, as are the k-sam and c-erbB2 oncogenes
Intestinal (well differentiated)
APC gene mutations tend to be more frequent in intestinal-type gastric cancers
The intestinal type is also the dominant histology in areas in which gastric cancer is epidemic, suggesting an environmental cause
Diffuse (poorly differentiated)
Associated with E-Cadherin/CDH1 mutations & loss of cellular adhesions
Has an association with blood type A and familial occurrence, suggesting a genetic cause
Linitis plastica
Extremely poor prognosis
Tends not to light up on PET
WHO has used a different classification since 2010:
Poorly cohesive
Signet ring
Risk factors
H.Pylori risk only for distal stomach cancers
It is clear that intestinal metaplasia is a risk factor for the development of gastric carcinoma; however, not every patient with intestinal metaplasia develops invasive cancer
The presence of the cytoxan-associated gene A (cagA) is associated with increased virulence and risk of gastric cancer.
Exposure to nitrosamines — Used in the manufacture of some:
Most rubber products
Latex, found in
High dietary salt
The increase in refrigeration over the past 70 years has likely contributed to the decrease in gastric cancer by reducing the amount of meat preserved by salting alone and allowing the increased storage and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables
Previous gastric surgery
Gastric polyps (see section above for details)
Presence of ≥ 2 cm & multiple adenomatous polyps risk by 10-20%
If the polyp is > 2 cm, is sessile, or has a proven focus of invasive carcinoma, operative excision is warranted (as opposed to endoscopic)
Hyperplastic polyps = no malignant potential
Fundic gland polyps are benign lesions that are thought to result from glandular hyperplasia and decreased luminal flow. They are strongly associated with PPI use and occur in up to a third of patients by one year. As such, they do not require excision, regular surveillance, or cessation of therapy.
Pernicious anemia
Patients with pernicious anemia are at increased risk for developing gastric cancer. Achlorhydria is the defining feature of this condition; it occurs when chief and parietal cells are destroyed by an autoimmune reaction. The mucosa becomes very atrophic and develops antral and intestinal metaplasia. The relative risk for a patient with pernicious anemia developing gastric cancer is 2.1 to 5.6 of the general population.
Family Hx
FAP & HNPCC syndromes
FAP (and AFAP) have a 1% to 2% lifetime risk for gastric cancer
Individuals with Lynch syndrome have a 1% to 13% risk of developing gastric cancer
Prophylactic total gastrectomy is recommended between ages 18 and 40 for E-cadherin/CDH1 mutation carriers
CHD1: autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by the development of diffuse (signet ring cell) gastric cancers at a young age. Risk for gastric cancer by age 80 is estimated to be at 67% for men and 83% for women. Truncating mutations in CDH1, the gene encoding the cell adhesion molecular E-cadherin, are found in 30% to 50% of cases.
CDH-1 patients also develop lobular breast cancer
Li-Fraumeni syndrome is associated with risk of numerous malignancies, including gastric cancer
Screening is done in the East, but not recommended in Western countries (rare disease)
Dx & staging
EGD: Dx accuracy = 95% when ≥ 4 Bx are obtained
NCCN: Multiple (6–8) biopsies using standard size endoscopy forceps should be performed to provide adequately sized material for histologic interpretation, especially in the setting of an ulcerated lesion. Larger forceps may improve the yield.
NCCN: Endoscopic resection is essential for the accurate staging of early-stage cancers (T1a or T1b)
Assess Siewert Classification
Siewert tumor type should be assessed in all patients with adenocarcinomas involving the GEJ
Type I: center located within 1 cm to 5 cm above the anatomic GEJ
Type II: tumor center within 1 cm above and 2cm below GEJ
Type III: center between 2-5 cm below GEJ
The treatment of Siewert types I and II are in accordance to esophageal & GEJ cancers (not gastric cancers)
EUS for early stage disease (determines T & N stage; determines NACRT candidates)
The overall accuracy of EUS has been reported to be as high as 85% for T stage and 80% for N stage
CT (C.A.P)
PET if not no evidence of metastasis
PET response to neoadjuvant therapy strongly correlates with survival, with PET response seen within 14 days of treatment
Diagnostic laparoscopy
1. Detects unresectable disease
2. Obtain peritoneal washings prognostic information
Candidates for 1. NACT then restaging, or 2. Peritoneal-directed therapy
Patient selection is an area of debate. Reasonable to offer laparoscopy for >T1 on EUS
Identifies metastasis in as high as 40% with CT
Minimum adequate LN for staging = 15, but > 30 is desirable
Memory cue:
< T1b → endoscopic resection
T1b → upfront surgery
Unresectability criteria
Distant metastasis
Involvement of LN at the root of the mesentery or para-aortic LN
Invasion of major vessels
Celiac axis
Guidelines for endoscopic resection
NCCN: EMR or ESD of early-stage gastric cancer can be considered adequate therapy when the lesion is ≤2 cm in diameter, is shown on histopathology to be well or moderately well differentiated, does not penetrate beyond the superficial submucosa, does not exhibit LVI, and has clear lateral and deep margins.
A submucosal injection of epinephrine with indigo carmine hydrodissects the lesion and an insulation-tipped knife is used to remove the lesion in a submucosal plane. Any bleeding is controlled with electrocautery
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Only T1a (may also be offered surgery)
(T1b are not candidates)
Tumor < 2 cm
No ulceration
Well- or moderately-differentiated
Negative resection margins
No difference in survival between total & subtotal gastrectomy
Note: If the left gastric is divided, it's a subtotal gastrectomy rather than a distal gastrectomy
For subtotal gastrectomy: preserve the left gastroepiploic, some of the short gastrics, & the spleen
Laparoscopic approaches are acceptable as long as oncologic resection is not compromised. Large, bulky tumors are likely better managed with open resection
Resection margin = aim for ≥ 5 cm
2019 NCCN: Adequate gastric resection to achieve negative microscopic margins (typically ≥4 cm from gross tumor).
They tend to spread submucosally
R1 resection carries a poor prognosis only in T1-2 disease with limited nodal involvement
For Siewert III, the appropriate margin is distal esophagus (with frozen section evaluation)
With no invasion into other organs, multiorgan resection only increases morbidity. When invasion is present, multiorgan (R0) resection improves survival compared to palliative surgery
LN dissection
LN dissection with total gastrectomy D345F72E-1CBE-486F-B055-38ADDBFF9BE6_1_105_c
LN dissection with subtotal gastrectomy 1E26610E-755D-4AA7-A43A-B759CBA81CF2_1_105_c
D0 = anything less than D1 appropriate in a palliative intent
D1 = Perigastric LN dissection = stations 1-6
D2 = D1 + Left gastric artery (7) + hepatic artery (8) + splenic artery & hilum (10-11) + celiac axis LN dissection (9)
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D3 = D2 + periportal + periaortal LN dissection
D2 dissection is advised as long as it is done in a center with high-volume and low perioperative mortality
D1 is appropriate for:
T1 lesions not amenable to endoscopic resection
Elderly patients
Palliative surgery
Reconstruction options
R-en-Y esophagojej (RY)
Easiest technically
60 cm Roux limb for total gasstrectomy
40 cm Roux limb for subtotal gastrectomy
R-en-Y with pouch (RP)
Have better QOL & nutritional measures than RY
Has the lowest postprandial symptoms
Pouch with interposition (PI)
Worse than RY
Locoregional recurrence is considered for surgery, if medically fit
Palliative surgery carries 50% morbidity & mortality patient selection is paramount
Only 10% of elective gastrectomies aborted 2ry to detection of IntraOp metastases required operative interventions
Dr. Mueller: Severely distended stomach (even with metastatic disease) is best managed with emergency resection. It will either bleed, perforate, or obstruct. This is palliative surgery
Neoadjuvant & Adjuvant therapy
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Request MUGA scan to document cardiac function & monitor cardiotoxicity
NACTx: recommended for loco-regional advanced disease.
2019 NCCN recommends NACT (vs NACRT) for ≥ cT2
NCCN: Perioperative chemotherapy, or postoperative chemotherapy plus chemoradiation is the preferred approach for localized gastric cancer
Improves respectability & survival
NCCN: NACT regimen options:
Fluoropyrimidine & oxaliplatin
FLOT-4: 5-FU, leucovorin, oxaliplatin, docetaxel
5-FU & cisplatin
NCCN: NACRT regimen options:
5-FU & oxaliplatin
5-FU & cisplatin
RTOG 9904: 5-FU & paclitaxel
Adjuvant therapy is the standard of care after curative gastrectomy except for T1N0 disease
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Adjuvant only systemic therapy:
After D2 surgery: (CLASSIC) CapeOx
After < D2 surgery: (McDonald) chemoradiotherapy is indicated: fluoropyrimidine (5-FU or capecitabine before and after fluoropyrimidine-based chemoradiation)
After starting neoadjuvant therapy, the postOp regimen is continued (MAGIC or FLOT-4)
Trastuzumab a should be added to chemotherapy for HER2 overexpressing metastatic adenocarcinoma
Resection for positive margin is considered for R1 disease only if NACRT/NACT was given — vs chemoradiation if not given preOp
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R2 resection is offered adjuvant therapy (+ radiation if not received before)
Managing complications
Gastric outlet obstruction
Venting gastrostomy is considered
Stenting may be feasible, but tumor progression and stent migration limit the long-term efficacy
Chemoradiotherapy may alleviate obstruction in 50%
For patients with predicted longer survival, bypass with gastrojejunostomy or palliative gastrectomy is reasonable
Primary closure is generally not possible
Closure with healthy omentum is a reasonable approach
Gastrectomy can be performed in select patients
Bleeding in metastatic disease may be managed with:
Endoscopic tumor ablation can be performed for the short-term control of bleeding
Radiation therapy
Palliative gastrectomy
Recurrence: consider surgery for resectable locoregional recurrence, otherwise (unresectable or M⊕) offer palliative care
Even after R0 resection, the recurrence rate is as high as 30%, the majority occurring within 2Y postOp
Sabiston: Recurrence rates after gastrectomy remain high, from 40% to 80%, depending on the series
Mortality rate after recurrence = 94%; mean survival time after recurrence < 9 months
For curative resection, overall 5Y survival = 24-57%
Early gastric cancer, cure rates are higher than 80%
Isolated distant metastases are uncommon because most patients with distant failure also have locoregional recurrence
Markers may improve accuracy of nomograms predicting survival
Follow up
“For patients who have had a partial gastrectomy, we perform surveillance endoscopy every 6 to 12 months for the first two years since survivors are at higher risk for a second primary gastric cancer, but these patients may likely have a lower risk of gastric cancer for many subsequent years.”
Annual EGD for those who have undergone a subtotal gastrectomy
NCCN 2019
H&P Q3–6m X 1–2Y, Q6–12m for 3–5Y, and then Q12m
CBC and chemistry profile as clinically indicated
For patients who had endoscopic resection, EGD Q6m X1Y then Q12m
For patients who had partial or subtotal gastrectomy, EGD as clinically indicated
CT Q6–12 months X 2Y, then Q12m up to 5Y (consider FDG-PET/CT as clinically indicated)
Monitor for nutritional deficiency (eg, B 12 and iron) in surgically resected patients (especially after total gastrectomy) and treat as indicated
Origin: Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC) (CD117+)
75-95% have KIT (CD117) protocongene mutations
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is 70% to 80% sensitive, usually revealing spindle cells that are CD117 (KIT) positive by immunohistochemistry. FNA may help differentiate GIST from other diagnoses such as leiomyoma, lymphoma, or adenocarcinoma, each of which requires different treatment
Several ancillary techniques are useful in support of GIST diagnosis, including IHC (97% CD117 expression, 99% DOG1 expression, and 81% CD34 expression) and molecular genetic testing (for mutations in KIT or PDGFRA).
Mutations are frequently seen in exon 11 (more common) and exon 9
10% have PDGFR mutations (tend to be imatinib resistant)
‘wild type’ GISTs may be associated with other mutations: BRAF, SDH, & NF1
Testing for germline mutations in the SDH genes should be considered for patients with wild-type GIST (lacking KIT or PDGFRA mutations)
Other mutations seen in GIST include
NCCN: DOG1 immunostaining may be useful for cases that cannot be categorized as GIST based on CD117 immunostaining
Tumors such as renal oncocytomas, chondroblastomas, acinic cell carcinomas, chromophobe renal cell carcinomas are reported to be immunohistochemically positive for DOG1 in over 80% of those cases. Some other tumor types including adenoid cystic carcinomas, glomus tumors, synovial sarcomas also might show positive result for DOG1 IHC. Thus, DOG1 immunopositivity is not considered to be specific for GIST
Over 90% of gastric GISTs are positive for CD34, but approximately half of GISTs other than gastric GISTs are negative for CD34
Median age: 60Y
Incidence: 5,000/year in US
Stomach (40-60%) > SB (25-30%) > rectum > esophagus
Rarer in large bowel & esophagus
Median size: 5-7 cm
Most present symptomatically, typically with bleeding or vague abdominal pain or discomfort. May cause bleeding as they erode into mucosa
Usually displace structures but don’t cause obstruction
Liver or peritoneal cavity
Rare LN involvement
Endoscopy: EUS-FNA
NCCN: GISTs are soft and fragile tumors. EUS-FNA biopsy of primary site is preferred over percutaneous biopsy (due to the risk for hemorrhage and intra-abdominal tumor dissemination).
Arises from the muscular layer
Hypoechoic on US
Mass covered by normal mucosa ± central ulceration
FNA 70-80% sensitive
Shows: spindle cells + KIT (CD117) immunohistochem + DOG1 (90%)
Not diagnostic? Core Bx
Tunnelled Bx have higher chance for diagnosis (sequential biopsies in the same site)
CT Chest/Abdo/Pelvis with IV & PO contrast: enhancing lesion arising from the wall + rule out metastatic disease + GIST size + assess organ invasion
MRI: helpful if suspicious for involvement of adjacent structures
PET: reserved for assessment of metastatic disease when there is heterogeneity of response to TKI
Genotyping is required for Gleevec candidates
NCCN: Testing for mutations in KIT and PDGFRA is strongly recommended.
Risk stratification
Presence of mitotic rate > 5/50 hpf or size > 5 cm indicate at least “intermediate risk”
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Risk recurrence with (in decreasing order of importance)
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1. Mitoses rate > 5/50 hpf
Mitotic index is the most predictive prognostic indicator
Although mutations such as Ki-67 correlate with risk of recurrence, mitotic count predicts clinical outcomes more accurately than does mutational status
2. Size > 5 cm
3. Non-gastric site
Metastasis or recurrence is associated with deletion of codons 557 & 558 of Exon 11 in KIT patients
Exon 9 mutations in KIT Have worse natural history & require imatinib dose
Non-gastric GIST have more aggressive behavior
GIST of the colon is most commonly seen in the rectum; colonic GIST tends to have an aggressive biological behavior, and tumors with mitotic activity can recur and metastasize despite a small size of <2 cm
GIST of the small intestine tends to be more aggressive than its gastric counterpart
TNM Staging
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Management (also applicable for non-gastric GISTs)
Gastric GIST < 2 cm → EUS-FNA with staging imaging → if no high-risk features: Observe with serial EGD or imaging, otherwise resect
NCCN: Possible high-risk EUS features include irregular border, cystic spaces, ulceration, echogenic foci, and heterogeneity.
NCCN: GIST > 2 cm should be resected
Surgery alone cures 70% of tumors ≥ 3 cm
Always operate unless patient is not expected to tolerate the procedure or expected to have short life expectancy
Aim for at least 1 cm margin
GISTs are friable, especially after NACTx; apply a “no-touch” technique
Spillage inevitable peritoneal recurrence
Doesn’t require wide resection margin (negative microscopic resection margin are adequate) or LN dissection
NCCN: The surgical procedure performed should aim to resect the tumor with histologically negative margins.
Z9001 trial: microscopic R1 may not affect RFS (regardless of imitanib Rx)
NCCN: Re-resection is generally not indicated for microscopically positive margins on final pathology
When resection involves a high-morbidity procedure, neoadjuvant therapy with Gleevec is indicated
At GEJ neoadjuvant imatinib gastrostomy + resect with 1 cm margin
Lateral D2 wedge resection + primary closure, if tension-free
D3 or D4 Reconstruct with either
A. Jejenunal anastomosis
B. Close stump + R-en-Y at D2
Low rectal transanal local resection vs radical resection
2004 data suggests local recurrence (but not distant metastasis) may be higher with local excision (77% vs 31%).
2017 data: as per National Cancer Data Base, for tumors < 5 cm, no difference in 5Y-survival by surgical approach was observed
Tumors within 5cm from AV are appropriate for local excision, if R0 resection is obtainable
For rectal GISTs, Akiyoshi et al (DCR 2014) described a combined laparoscopic and transanal approach to dissect in a manner identical to a complete TME but with preservation of the IMA. Dissection is directed towards the intersphincteric plane, veering slightly towards the internal sphincter. This is followed by a transanal approach to meet the dissection planes and extraction of the rectum through the anus. Then a full-thickness excision of the tumor with adequate margins, and finally completed by a hand-sewn anastomosis
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: imatinib, sunitinib, regorafenib
Competitively binds to c-KIT shuts down signaling capability
Works best for Exon 11 patients. Less effective with Exon 9 mutations
Studies have consistently shown that patients with GISTs harboring KIT exon 11 mutations achieve the best responses to imatinib therapy and longer median overall and progression-free survival compared with other GIST mutations. For example, the presence of KIT exon 9-activating mutations is an adverse prognostic factor for response to imatinib
In patients with KIT exon 9 mutations, treatment with higher dose imatinib (800 mg/day) resulted in a significantly superior median progression-free survival relative to treatment with imatinib 400 mg/day, with a 61% reduction in the relative risk of progression
It is not effective for Wild Type GIST
Imatinib (Gleevec®), a selective TKI: an inhibitor of:
PDGF Receptor
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Difficult location (e.g GEJ)
Duodenal site (unless small & away from pancreas)
Large size (> ‘few cm’)
When a multivisceral resection is required
May take time to show response
Tumor may swell initially
Reassessment: CT at 4w, then 3-6m. Unlikely to shrink afterwards
Rx may be continued up to the time of surgery; resume PostOp when able to take PO
Offered to intermediate & high-risk patients (knowing it may not alter OS)
Patients who are started on imatinib as NACTx are considered for continuation postOp
Rx duration: ≥ 3Y, possibly indefinitely
Argument is: imatinib may delay recurrence, but once recurrence develops, it is less responsive to therapy. The other option is give it for shorter duration and reserve it then in case of recurrence
Highly effective for:
Neoadjuvant imatinib treatment may improve resectability
1. Recurrence post-resection (without previous therapy)
In the adjuvant setting after complete resection, imatinib prolongs RFS
2. Metastasis at initial presentation
In patients with metastatic disease, imatinib prolongs median survival to more than 5 years from a historical median of 18 months
In patients with metastatic or unresectable disease, imatinib (400 mg daily) showed an overall 2-year survival of 70% compared with 25% for those on traditional chemotherapy
Expected outcome: partial response or stable disease
Patients may develop 2ry KIT mutations & become resistant to 1st line TKI
BM suppression
Heart failure & LV dysfunction
Dermatologic Rxn
Fluid retention
Dose: 400mg PO Daily; double the dose if no response
R2 resection should be followed always by imatinib with consideration for re-resection if imatinib was given preOp
Metastatic disease → TKI
Metastatic disease + responsive to TKI → metastasectomy can ↑PFS & OS
Metastatic disease + nonresponcive to TKI → metastasectomy is not helpful
There is limited role for surgery in progressive disease on imatinib. If disease is limited, consider resection of progressing lesions if feasible
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Surveillance PostOp
Hx & physical examination Q3-6m X5Y, then Q1Y
50% recur or metastasize despite initial optimal treatment of the primary lesion. Recurrence can occur as late as 20 years
The stomach is the most common site of lymphomas in the GI system
Overt bleeding is rare, but patients present with anemia
Peak incidence in the 6th-7th decade, ♂2:1♀
The most common type are:
1. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (55%)
Risk factors include H. pylori & immunodeficiencies
For patients with limited stage gastric DLBCL, we treat with either six cycles of R-CHOP alone or three cycles of R-CHOP followed by IFRT.
We suggest reserving surgery for patients with complications such as perforation, obstruction, or intractable bleeding. GI perforation is uncommon, but occasional patients may benefit from surgical consultation for bleeding or gastric outlet obstruction
2. MALT lymphoma (40%)
Gastric MALT lymphoma is usually preceded by H. pylori–associated gastritis
Characterized by the translocations t(1;14)(p22;q32) and t(11;18)(q21;q21)
It has been suggested that early-stage MALT lymphomas and some cases of limited, diffuse, large B cell lymphoma may be effectively treated by H. pylori eradication alone
UTD suggest no therapeutic role for surgery
3. Burkett’s lymphoma (associated with EBV)
4. Mantle cell & follicular lymphomas
Work up
Bone marrow Bx
CT chest/abdomen
H. pylori testing
Most patients are now treated with chemotherapy (CHOP) alone
The risk for perforation in patients treated with chemotherapy has been overstated in the past and is now approximately 5%
Role for surgery
Limited gastric disease
If isolated stage IE or IIE lymphoma is encountered, surgical removal of all gross disease is ideal
Symptomatic recurrence of treatment failure
Gastric carcinoid
8% of NET occur in the stomach
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Type I (70-80%)
Associated with chronic atrophic gastritis (high gastric pH) → ↑gastrin → neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia → multifocal polypoid NETs
Clinical behaviour is indolent. Most are grade 1 tumors with Stage I disease & no mortality with prolonged follow up
Type II (5%)
Caused by gastrin hypersecretion stimulating multifocal NETS, but the underlying cause is ZES
Clinical behaviour is indolent
Type III (20%)
Occurs in the absence of atrophic gastritis or ZES
Sporadic lesions with few enterochromaffin-like cells
> 50% metastasis rate
5Y survival < 35%
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Type I-II
Small (< 1-2 cm) pedunculated → endoscopic removal → surveillance Q6-12m
Antrectomy is a reasonable option for Type I gastric if there are numerous progressive tumors
Antrectomy reduces hypergastrinemia by reducing the gastrin-producing cell mass in the antrum of the stomach; in most cases, this leads to tumor regression
More aggressive surgical therapy is rarely needed for type 1 gastric NETs unless there is extensive tumor involvement of the gastric wall (which increases the risk for a coexisting adenocarcinoma), tumor size >2 cm (which increases the risk for metastases), poorly differentiated histology, or emergent bleeding
Type III: require oncologic resection with LN harvest
UTD: Some have suggested that endoscopic resection alone may represent adequate therapy for intraepithelial tumors <2 cm and perhaps for tumors <1 cm invading the lamina propria or submucosa, while others suggest wedge resection or endoscopic therapy alone only for those with a well-differentiated (grade 1) gastric NET no larger than 1.5 cm and without lymphovascular invasion. However, this is not a standard approach, and we generally advocate gastrectomy/lymphadenectomy for all type 3 tumors, regardless of size and histologic differentiation
Advanced & metastatic disease
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Ménétrier’s disease (hypoproteinemic hypertrophic gastropathy)
Rare, acquired, premalignant disease
Characterized by massive gastric folds in the fundus and corpus of the stomach, giving the mucosa a cobblestone or cerebriform appearance.
Histologic examination reveals foveolar hyperplasia (expansion of surface mucous cells), with absent parietal cells.
Associated with protein loss from the stomach, excessive mucus production, and hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria.
Associated with CMV infection in children and H. pylori infection in adults.
Medical treatment has yielded inconsistent results; however, some benefit has been shown with the use of anticholinergic drugs, acid suppression, octreotide, and H. pylori eradication.
Total gastrectomy should be performed in patients who continue to have massive protein loss despite optimal medical therapy or if dysplasia or carcinoma develops.
Gastric volvulus
⅔ Occur in a longitudinal (organoaxial) axis:
Along the GEJ & pyloric axis
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Usually occurs acutely
Usually associated with diaphragmatic defect (traumatic vs paraesophageal hernias)
⅓ occur in a vertical (mesenteroaxial) axis
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Tends to be partial (<180 degree), recurrent, and not associated with a diaphragmatic defect
Borchardt’s triad:
Sudden severe abdominal pain
Recurrent retching with little vomitus
Inability to pass a NGT
Dx: CXR, barium study, or EGD
Attempt NGT decompression of all gastric volvulus. If failed, attempt EGD decompression as long as the patient is not unstable
Acute volvulus requires emergency surgery
Abdominal approach
Stomach is reduced & uncoiled ± resection if strangulation
Diaphragmatic defect is repaired
Fundoplication is done in the setting of a paraesophageal hernia
Spontaneous volvulus, without an associated diaphragmatic defect, is treated by detorsion and fixation of the stomach by gastropexy or tube gastrostomy.
Phytobezoars (vegetable origin) are most commonly found in patients who have undergone surgery of the stomach and have impaired gastric emptying
Phytobezoars management
Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer (AMT), is given in a dose of 1tsp in 150 to 300 mL water several times daily
The sodium concentration in AMT is high, so hypernatremia may result if large quantities are administered
Generally, enzymatic débridement is followed by aggressive Ewald tube lavage or endoscopic fragmentation
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Failure of these therapies would necessitate surgical removal
Small trichobezoars may respond to endoscopic fragmentation, vigorous lavage, or enzymatic therapy
Large trichobezoars require surgical removal
Refer to psychiatry
Zollinger Ellison Syndrome
A syndrome of gastrin hypersecretion → parietal cell stimulation → severe peptic ulcer disease
It is the underlying cause in 0.1%-1% of patients with PUD
They are slow growing and well differentiated
60-90% are malignant as defined by metastasis (present in most patients at presentation)
Liver metastasis have a significant negative impact on survival
20Y survival without liver metastasis: 95%
20Y survival with bilobar metastasis: 15%
LN metastasis have minimal impact on survival
20% of ZES have MEN1
50% of MEN1 have ZES (gastrinoma is the most common functional NET in MEN)
Location and associations
80% of gastrinomas are located in the gastronome triangle
70-95% of gastrinomas are found in the duodenum
Duodenal gastrinomas more commonly spread to LN (often smaller than pancreatic gastrinomas)
Pancreatic gastrinomas more commonly spread to liver
Severe PUD
Diarrhea. 20% with ZES have only diarrhea and not peptic ulceration
Reflux disease & esophagitis ± stricture
The Dx is usually delayed several years
Evaluation (all are needed)
Biochemical testing
Fasting Gastrin > 100 pg/mL (usually ten fold) +
Fasting serum gastrin levels are measured, and if greater than 1,000pg/ml in the setting of hyperacidity and ulcer disease, it is pathognomic for gastrinoma
Causes of false-positive results: histamine antagonists, PPI, and Achlorhydria
Other causes of ↑ gastrin
Pernicious anemia
PPI therapy (patient may fail to stop PPI because of severe symptoms)
Renal failure
Atrophic gastritis
Retained/excluded antrum
Gastric outlet obstruction
Basal Acid Output > 15 mEq/hr +
Measurements are done to rule out achlorhydria
Gastric pH < 3
pH > 3 excludes ZES
PPI & H2 Rx must be stopped prior to testing
During the workup of ZES, MEN1 must always be excluded
Rule out MEN1 by Sr.Ca & PTH levels
If the fasting gastrin is less than tenfold elevated with a gastric pH of 2 or less, it is recommend that a secretin test and gastric acid secretory test be performed if possible.
1. Measure fasting gastrin level
2. Administer IV secretin (2 IU/kg)
3. Measure gastrin level at 2, 5, 10, & 20m after secretin
4. ↑ Gastrin > 200 pg/mL is found in 87% of patients
US is the initial test, but has very low sensitivity
EUS has a sensitivity of 85% for pancreatic gastrinomas, but only 43% for duodenal gastrinomas
Reliably detects gastrinomas > 3cm
CT scanning identifies only 50% of liver metastases.
MRI: usual to differentiate gastrinoma liver metastases from hemangiomas
Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy (SRS)/Octreotide Scan/ DOTA Scan
The sensitivity of octreoscan for gastrinoma exceeds all other imaging modalities combined (angiography, MRI, CT, ultrasonography), except for the new and very promising DOTA scan
DOTA scan is the preoperative imaging study of choice for gastrinomas
Intraoperative ultrasounds is helpful for primary and metastatic lesions < 5mm
Duodenotomy is a critical maneuver to detect small duodenal gastrinomas
Duodenal wall gastrinomas occur in greatest density more proximally in the duodenum but may still occur in the distal duodenum
Surgical exploration and duodenotomy should be performed even in patients without an identifiable tumor on preoperative imaging, but with clear biochemical evidence of ZES because of the high probability of an occult duodenal gastrinoma
1. Initiate PPI & confirm BAO < 15
Measuring BAO after initiating drug therapy is necessary because relief of symptoms alone is not a reliable indicator of effective acid control.
2. Treat hyperparathyroidism
In MEN1, hypercalcemia resulting from primary hyperparathyroidism can exacerbate significantly the signs and symptoms of ZES
In MEN1 ZES patients with coexistent primary hyperparathyroidism, neck exploration for 3 and gland parathyroidectomy should be performed first before surgery aimed directly at gastrinoma removal.
3. Surgery is indicated for:
Pancreatic head and neck tumors not involving major ductal or vascular structures are enucleated.
Otherwise, a Whipple or pylorus-preserving Whipple’s is performed.
3.1. MEN1 with tumor > 2cm
In patients with MEN1 and ZES, surgical resection is seldom curative (0 to 10%) but may be effective to prevent or decrease the development of liver metastases
The operation should include resection of body and tail pancreatic NETs, enucleation of palpable pancreatic head tumors, duodenotomy with excision of duodenal tumors, and peri-pancreatic lymph node sampling. The goal of such an operation is to prevent liver metastases and thus decrease tumor-related mortality, not to cure ZES.
3.2. All sporadic resectable tumors (even metastatic)
4. Cytoreductive surgery if all disease can be resected
5. TACE/RFA for liver metastases
Postgastrectomy diet: 6 small meals/day
Post-Gastrectomy complications
Acute abdomen (leak) from duodenal stump, gastrojejunostomy, jejunojejunostomy, or gastroduodenostomy
Obstructive symptoms
Afferent & efferent loop syndrome
Etiology (mechanical):
Kinking of loops
Anastomotic narrowing
Anastomotic ulcers
Dx is made with CT scan or upper GI series
Afferent loop:
Refers to the duodenojejunal loop proximal to the GJ anastomosis
Caused by excessive length of the afferent loop
Afferent loop syndrome may be prevented by keeping the distance from the ligament of Treitz to the gastrojejunostomy <12 to 15 cm
Presents with severe abdominal pain and vomiting
Requires immediate operation to prevent bowel necrosis or duodenal blowout
Associated with postprandial epigastric pain & intermittent bilious vomiting
Blind loop syndrome may develop leading to megaloblastic anemia
Dx is suggested by failure to observe the afferent loop on EGD
Revision of gastrojejunostomy or conversion to R-en-Y anastomosis
Alternative: Braun’s enteroenterostomy
Efferent loop:
Refers to the jejunal segment distal to the gastrojejunostomy
Presents as typical bowel obstruction with bilious vomiting
> 50% occur within the 1st month postoperatively
Management is by surgical correction
Jejunal intussusception
Afferent or efferent loops of a Billroth II can intussuscept into the gastric remnant
Intussusception is generally not reducible
Management is by revision of the gastrojejunostomy or conversion to a R-en-Y anastomosis
Internal hernia
Seen after Billroth II or R-en-Y gastrectomy
Presents with acute pain with/without distention or vomiting
Can cause closed loop small bowel obstruction
They can be prevented by closure of all mesenteric defects
The mesocolon should be sutured to the stomach at the gastrojejunostomy, and the space between the mesentery of the retrocolic jejunal limb and mesocolon (ie, Peterson's defect) needs to be closed.
Chronic dysmotility
Rapid transit — manifesting as diarrhea
Dumping syndrome
Caused by destruction or bypass of the pyloric sphincter
Occurs in 20% of patients after pyloroplasty or distal gastrectomy. Occurs more commonly after Billroth II reconstruction
Caused by rapid emptying of hyperosmolar chyme into the small bowel → draws fluid into the intestines → release of vasoactive hormones
Clinical presentation
Early dumping
Early dumping is more common than late dumping
Occurs within 20-30 mins of meals
Is secondary to hyperosmolar food boluses
Manifest as GI discomfort, N/V, cramps, & diarrhea
May also present with vasomotor symptoms: diaphoresis, palpitations, & flushing
Late dumping
Occurs 2-3 hours after meals
Is secondary to high carbohydrate dumping
Symptoms of hypoglycemia (indistinguishable from insulin shock) following a postprandial insulin peak
Dx is made on clinical grounds
A monitored glucose challenge, upper GI series, or gastric emptying study may support the Dx
Dietary change: frequent small meal, high in fiber & protein, low in carbohydrates. Separation of liquids from solids during meals
Octreotide for severe cases (rarely required)
Intractable dumping may require conversion into R-en-Y reconstruction
Postvagotomy diarrhea
Develops in 30% of patients following truncal vagotomy
It’s related to rapid passage of unconjucated bile salts into the colon
Oral cholestyramine can be effective in persistent cases
Surgical management (rarely employed) involves placement of a 10-cm anti peristaltic jejunal loop in continuity 100 cm distal to the LoT
Slow transit — manifestations: early satiety, weight loss
Gastric stasis / gastric atony / gastroparesis
Result of:
Postsurgical gastric atony
Vagal denervation
Small gastric remnant
Usually develop emesis of undigested food, abdominal pain, & weight loss
Work up:
Upper GI series to rule out mechanical obstruction
EGD to rule out anastomotic stricture or marginal ulcers that could cause/exacerbate gastric stasis
Best Dx is quantitatively with a nuclear gastric emptying study
Other causes of delayed gastric emptying, such as diabetes mellitus, electrolyte imbalance, drug toxicity, and neuromuscular disorders, must also be excluded
Usually improves with small, frequent feedings
May respond to Rx: metoclopramide, erythromycin, domperidone, ondansetron, prochlorperazine
Usually resolves by 6 weeks postOp in nearly all patients
Failure of Rx may be managed with
Gastric pacing
Gastrostomy tube (decompression) + feeding jejunostomy
Roux stasis syndrome
Because Roux stasis syndrome is seen more often in patients with a generous (over 50 percent) gastric remnant, as well as in patients with truncal vagotomy, alternative reconstructive techniques such as Billroth II reconstruction with or without Braun enteroenterostomy should be used to avoid Roux-stasis syndrome, when feasible
Caused by disordered motility of the Roux loop with net propulsive activity towards the stomach
May occur in up to 20-30% after R-en-Y reconstruction
Seen more often with jejunal limb of > 40 cm
Work up:
Upper GI series to rule out mechanical obstruction
EGD to rule out anastomotic stricture or marginal ulcers that could cause/exacerbate gastric stasis
Nuclear gastric emptying study
Medical: Prokinetic agents: metoclopramide & erythromycin
Surgical (when medical fails): resecting the exiting Roux loop & replacing it with a new R-en-Y reconstruction
To prevent recurrence, further resection of the remnant stomach is also carried
Chronic gastritis
85% Develop chronic gastritis of varying degree within 20Y after resection
Alkaline gastritis
Bile reflux gastritis is a diagnosis of exclusion because of the low specificity of endoscopic findings and histologic findings (intestinalization of gastric glands with inflammation)
Most patients suffering from alkaline reflux gastritis have had gastric resection performed with a Billroth II anastomosis
HIDA scan may be used to demonstrate biliary secretions into the stomach
Medical therapies have not proven effective
Surgical therapy is aimed at separating the remnant stomach from duodenal content:
R-en-Y reconstruction with roux limb of at least 40cm
Henley Loop (interposition of a 40 cm isoperistaltic jejunal loop between the gastric remnant and the duodenum)
Braun’s enteroenterostomy
Gastric stump cancer
Overall risk post-partial gastrectomy = 8 fold over normal population
Enterogastric reflux
Bacterial overgrowth
H. Pylori
Dietary & metabolic
The most common metabolic defect appearing after gastrectomy is anemia related to iron deficiency or impaired B12 metabolism
Patients should be discharge on
Patients prone to
• ↓B12
• ↓Vit-D
• ↓Ca
• ↓Fe
Folic Acid
Monitor vitamin D
Assessing obesity:
BMI is mostly widely accepted
Waist-circumference & waist-to-hip ratio are helpful/acceptable
Other methods: DEXA scan, skin fold thickness
Morbid obesity is defined as either:
BMI > 35
100 lbs above ideal weight
Indications for bariatric surgery
BMI ≥ 40, or more than 100 pounds overweight
BMI ≥35 + ≥ 1 obesity-related co-morbidity
DM2, HTN, OSA/other respiratory disorders, NAFLD, osteoarthritis, dyslipidemia, or heart disease
Inadequately controlled DM2 or metabolic syndrome with:
BMI 30-34.9
BMI > 27.5 ‘in suitable Asian candidates’
Inability to achieve sustained weight loss from prior weight loss efforts
Contraindications (some are relative)
The 1991 NIH Consensus Conference Statement did not include an upper age limit for surgery for obesity.
As the effects on maturation and growth are unknown, metabolic and bariatric surgery in the preadolescent is considered experimental and is not recommended.
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Uncorrectable coagulopathy
Limited life expectancy
Including metastasis or inoperable malignancy
Irreversible cardiopulmonary or other end-organ failure
Active tobacco, drug or EtOH abuse
Uncontrolled psychiatric illness
Major depression, psychosis, untreated eating disorders
Inability to commit to regular follow up or taking vitamins
Cirrhosis with evidence of portal hypertension
When cirrhosis is an incidental finding at surgery, it is recommended to proceed in the absence of findings of significant portal hypertension including severe ascites and perigastric varices.
If evidence of portal hypertension is encountered unexpectedly, the procedure should be aborted.
Metabolic and bariatric surgery should be postponed in patients with active peptic ulcer disease until successful treatment has been confirmed.
Patients who are pregnant or who expect to be pregnant within 12 months of surgery should be deferred.
Crohn’s disease are candidates for sleeve procedures only
Overall outcomes
In the Swedish Obese Subjects prospective controlled study, medical management over ten years was associated with 1.6% increase in body weight compared with 13.2% weight loss after gastric band and 25% weight loss after gastric bypass. Surgically induced weight loss is associated with resolution or improvement of comorbid diseases in 75-100% of patients, and reduced mortality compared with medically treated patients.
Weight-loss surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obesity, producing durable weight loss, improvement or remission of comorbid conditions, and longer life (level I, grade A)
PreOp work up
Psychological evaluation
Relevant conditions: somatization, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse/dependency, binge-eating disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and depression
Nutritional consultation
No evidence-based, standardized dietary guidelines exist for either pre-or postoperative nutritional management of the bariatric patient.
Preoperative very-low-calorie diet for 6 weeks has been shown to reduce liver volume by 20% and to improve access to the upper stomach during laparoscopic surgery, with 80% of the volume change occurring in the first 2 weeks
Patients who are able to achieve 10% EBWL preoperatively have shorter hospitalization and more rapid weight loss.
PreOp medical evaluation
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Adjustable Gastric Band (AGB)
-No cutting of the stomach or rerouting of the intestines
-Is reversible and adjustable
-Has the lowest rate of early postoperative complications and mortality among the approved bariatric procedures
-Has the lowest risk for vitamin/mineral deficiencies
-Allows normal surveillance of the stomach/duodenum in patients requiring it
-Slower and less weight loss than other surgical procedures
-Greater % of patients fail to lose at least 50 % of EBW compared to other surgeries
-Requires a foreign device to remain in the body
-Band slippage or band erosion =  serious complications
-Can have mechanical problems with the band, tube or port  
-Can result in dilation of the esophagus if the patient overeats, GERD
-Requires strict adherence to the PO diet and to postoperative follow-up visits
-Highest rate of re-operation
Band is placed via a pars flaccida approach (between the pars flaccida medially & the angle of His laterally)
This has equivalent efficacy to the initially described perigastric approach, but has a significantly decreased rate of band slippage (i.e., gastric prolapse).
Requires frequent follow up for band adjustments
Fluid should be removed for vomiting, coughing, choking, or significant solid food intolerance.
Bands may be adjusted with or without radiographic guidance with acceptable results
Mean explantation or major revision rate by 9 years: 33%
Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG)
-Restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold
-Weight loss of >50% for 3-5+ year data
-Requires no foreign objects, and no bypass or re-routing of intestines
-No special vitamins
-Causes favorable changes in gut hormones that suppress hunger, reduce appetite and improve satiety
-No risk internal hernia
-Is a non-reversible procedure
-Has a higher early complication rate than the AGB
-Higher weight regain than malabsorptive procedures
Technique considerations
Removes ~75% of the stomach
A 34-60F bougie is passed towards the pylorus
Stapling is started 5 cm proximal to the pylorus, proceeding all the way to GEJ
The effect on gut hormones seems to have greater impact than the reduced gastric size
R-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB)
-Produces significant long-term weight loss (60 to 80 % EWL)
-Restricts the amount of food that can be consumed
-Produces favorable changes in gut hormones that reduce appetite and enhance satiety
-Typical maintenance of >50% excess weight loss (better than restrictive operations)
-Technically more complex operation than AGB or LSG
-Higher complication rates
-Can lead to long-term vitamin/mineral deficiencies particularly deficits in vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and folate
-Requires adherence to dietary recommendations, life-long vitamin/mineral supplementation, and follow-up compliance
-Dumping, avoidance NSAIDs, smoking, PUD!!
-Internal hernia
Technical considerations
Stomach is divided to form a small gastric pouch (10-30cc)
The first firing is usually horizontal beginning no more than 5 cm distal to the esophagogastric junction; subsequent firings are vertically oriented to the angle of His.
Jejunum is divided ~40-100 cm distal to the LoT
Cameron: The jejunum then is transected approximately 40 cm distal to the LoT
ASMBS: The length of the Roux limb should be at least 75 cm as we have seen bile reflux in patients with 60 cm Roux limbs
The distal segment is connect to the gastric pouch = Roux limb
The proximal bowel segment (biliopancreatic limb) is connected to the small bowel 75-150 cm distal to the gastrojejunostomy
ASMBS: The length of the biliopancreatic limb is not critical, usually just long enough to provide mobilization of the Roux limb to the gastric pouch without tension
ASMBS: Likewise, creating a Roux limb of 150 cm does not impart greater effect than one of 75 cm. Although there are studies that have shown short-term benefit of pouch and/or stoma reduction and lengthening of the Roux limb to enhance weight loss, results have been inconsistent and without longterm benefit.
The most frequently reported perioperative complications associated with laparoscopic RGB are wound infection (2.98%), anastomotic leak (2.05%), gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage (1.93%), bowel obstruction (1.73%), and pulmonary embolus (0.41%), while the most frequently reported late complications are stomal stenosis (4.73%), bowel obstruction (3.15%), and incisional hernia (0.47%).
BilioPancreatic Diversion - Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS)
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-Results in greater weight loss than all other procedures. 80% EWL 
-Allows patients to eventually eat near “normal” meals
-Reduces the absorption of fat by 70 percent or more
-Causes favorable changes in gut hormones to reduce appetite and improve satiety
-Is the most effective against diabetes compared to RYGB, LSG, and AGB
-Highest complication rates and risk for mortality  
-Has a greater potential to cause protein + vitamin deficiencies 
-Strictest Follow Ups and compliance required
-Lots of vitamins to take (ca, vit d, b12, iron, vit a, d, e)
-More frequent bowel movements and gas
-Internal hernia
Technical considerations
Duodenum is divided 3 cm distal the pylorus
Divide small bowel 250 cm from ICV and anastomose to the stomach
Anastomose the biliary limb to the small bowel 100 cm proximal to ICV
Outcomes: BPD ± DS initiates dramatic weight loss during the first 12 postoperative months, which continues at a slower rate over the next 6 months
BPD dramatically impacts comorbidities. At least 90% of patients with type 2 diabetes will cease diabetic medications by 12-36 months. Of hypertensive patients 50-80% will be cured, with another 10% experiencing improvement. Up to 98% of patients with obstructive sleep apnea symptoms will have resolution.
Single-Anastomosis Duodeno Ileal Bypass (SADI) — Experimental procedure
Complications specific to the band
Slippage/pouch dilation (24%)
It seems likely that the risk of band slippage persists during the patient’s lifetime and thus that the incidence will continue to increase as follow-up extends over longer periods.
An early technique (involving perigastric dissection with placement of a Lap-Band directly on the stomach wall) was associated with frequent gastric prolapse. The modern technique (via pars flaccida without exposure of the stomach wall) has decreased this complication significantly
May be detected if Xray shows the band is lying flat or less than 30-45 degrees to the horizon
Anterior prolapse: migration of the band cephalad
Posterior gastric prolapse: stomach migrates cephalad
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Management options:
First intervention is deflation of the balloon
Surgery is required urgently or emergently
Persistence of pain after deflation of the balloon may warrant emergency reoperation
Removal of the band ± insertion of a new band
Alternatives: unlocking, mobilizing, or repositioning the band
Esophageal dilation (8%)
Stomal obstruction (14%)
Port infection (occurs in up to 9%)
Need to assess for band erosion with EGD
Isolated port infection is treated with surgical removal with implantation of a new port once the infection clears
Band erosion (occurs in up to 7%)
Excessively tight band causing ischemia
Mechanical trauma
Thermal injury
Occurs at a mean of 22 months postOp
Signs: failure of weight loss, N/V, ± epigastric pain & hematemesis
Dx is made with EGD
Treatment is with laparoscopic removal of the band
UTD: It is generally recommended that revision to another bariatric procedure be delayed for at least 2-3 months after an episode of band erosion, as the complication rate with immediate revision is increased
Esophagitis is infrequent and managed with deflation of the band & PPI
0-4.3% in RYGB
2.2% in LSG
Most common sites:
The gastojejunostomy is the most common site (owing to the tension associated with the anastomosis)
When occurs during LSG: the most common site is the upper end of the staple-line, near the angle of His
Presentation & Dx
Tachycardia is very sensitive for leaks
CRP > 229 mg/l reliably identifies leak
When upper GI and CT are combined, up to ⅓ of patients with leaks will have both studies interpreted as normal
Consider laparoscopy or re-exploration even when imaging is negative
Some surgeons make an attempt at closure of the defect; however, these closures tend to break down due to poor tissue integrity at the leak site. Leaks at the jejunojejunostomy or the gastric remnant may be more amenable for primary closure, and revision of the anastomosis is rarely needed
Late leaks (> 6 weeks) will require resection & reconstruction
Early leaks may be considered for:
Nonoperative management
Endoscopic stenting
Has almost 50% success rate
Principles of stenting:
Localize leak — only leaks at the proximal and mid-aspect of sleeve gastrectomy should be stented
Needs to be supplemented by drainage procedures (percutaneous or surgical)
US or fluoroscopy can be used to deploy the stent
Ensure a proper ‘landing zone’ for stent deployment
Use only fully covered metal stents
Almost 50% will have stent complications: migration, obstruction, hematemesis
T-tube drainage for 4-6 weeks then withdrawn 1-2 inches/week
Laparoscopic washout and drainage
Fistula management options
Endoscopic stenting
Endoscopic clipping
Endoscopic injection of fibrin glue
Surgical takedown of the fistula with proximal gastrectomy & esophagojejunostomy
After bypass or BPD-DS
Stricture of the gastrojejunostomy
Etiology: likely related to ischemia, suture material or staples (CDH size 21 or smaller)
Is one of the most common complication after gastric bypass
Most present within 90 days postoperatively
Usually manifests as progressive intolerance to solids then liquids
G-scope is the primary mode of diagnosis, and allows for balloon dilatation
Balloon dilatation is safe (usually up to 12-15 mm)
Usually one session of dilatation is sufficient
Barium studies are generally not useful
Internal hernia
A Mount Sinai study from 2005 found that sutured closure of the defects reduced the internal hernia rate from 3.3 to 1.2 %
Is the most common cause of bowel obstruction in gastric bypass patients (up to 41% of all obstruction)
In antecolic R-en-Y, two types of internal hernias occur:
Distal anastomosis mesenteric hernia
Peterson hernia
Cannot be ruled out by CT scan
But may be diagnostic, and may show signs of vascular swirl signs
It should be repeated and emphasized that the patient with abdominal pain but no distended bowel on CT imaging may be suffering from an internal hernia. Internal hernias cause pain due to compression and ultimately obstruction of the intestinal vasculature and thus present with symptoms more suggestive of intermittent bowel ischemia than obstruction.
Clustering of small bowel in the RUQ is suggestive of the Dx
Bowel obstruction may be even absent with severe internal hernia causing intestinal ischemia
The only diagnostic modality is laparotomy or laparoscopy
Once the herniated bowel is reduced, the hernia defect should be securely closed with a nonabsorbable running continuous suture
Some argue that it is a more common cause of obstruction than internal hernias
Incisional hernia
Concomitant mesh repair of preexisting mesh hernia is controversial but now is gaining more acceptance.
The distal anastomosis can serve as a lead point for intussusception
May be precipitated by a wide anastomosis
Management usually requires reduction followed by revision of the anastomosis
Intraluminal blood clot or bezoar
After sleeve gastrectomy
Usually the location is at the mid-body of the sleeve, near the incisura
Patients in this cohort were all treated with endoscopic balloon dilatation with a 15–18 mm balloon.
Laparoscopic adhesolysis
Conversion into gastric bypass
Stent implantation
Nutritional/dietary deficiencies
The intestines
Gastrografin reduces the need for additional surgery in postoperative small bowel obstruction patients without long tube insertion: A meta-analysis (2018)
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12 RCTs including a total of 1153 patients with PSBO were regarded as suitable for inclusion in the data synthesis
Among 580 patients who received Gastrografin, 100 (17.2%) underwent surgery, whereas among 573 patients who did not receive Gastrografin, 143 (25.0%) underwent surgery. Giving Gastrografin significantly reduced the need for surgery for postOp SBO (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.46- 0.95; P = 0.03; I 2 = 52%) in comparison with patients who did not receive Gastrografin
In terms of their components, there is, in fact, no difference between Gastrografin (sodium diatrizoate 59.73 g and meglumine diatrizoate 15.924 g in 100 mL) and 76% Urografin (sodium diatrizoate 59.73 g and meglumine diatrizoate 15.924 g in 100 mL)
Enterocutaneous fistulas
Iatrogenic (75%)
As a result of bowel leak (50%)
As a result of a missed enterotomy (45%)
As a result of erosion of foreign body — mesh, vascular graft, …etc
Risk factors for iatrogenic enterocutaneous fistulas
Crohn’s disease
Traumatic injury
Hx of radiation
Foreign body
Inflammation (Crohn’s disease, TB, diverticulitis, appendicitis)
Distal obstruction
Favorable and unfavorable factors predictive of nonoperative fistula closure
Stages of management
1. Stabilization
Restoration of blood volume
Gastrointestinal fistulas are likely to require albumin/plasma/FFP
Duodenal or pancreatic fistulas may require bicarbonate replacement to prevent metabolic acidosis.
Sepsis control (within 24-48h)
Abscesses should be drained
Even in the absence of overt sepsis, 50% of patients with ECFs harbor intra-abdominal abscesses, most of which are amenable to percutaneous drainage.
Source: Enterocutaneous Fistula: Proven Strategies and Updates. Irena Gribovskaja-Rupp, MD, Genevieve B. Melton, MD, PhD
Abx as indicated
Antibiotic management should follow the Surviving Sepsis guidelines, and empiric coverage should not exceed 4 to 7 days.
There is no role for antibiotic coverage in a patient with ECF whose sepsis is fully controlled with percutaneous drainage.
Source: Enterocutaneous Fistula: Proven Strategies and Updates. Irena Gribovskaja-Rupp, MD, Genevieve B. Melton, MD, PhD
Operative sepsis control
Free/uncontrolled perforation
Thick purulence that cannot be aspirated
Operative sepsis control should focus on infection drainage and exteriorization of any leaking small or large intestine. It is rare that an enterocutaneous fistula can be resected or closed primarily in the acute phase, particularly if it is a postoperative complication
A common mistake is to repair or primarily redo the anastomosis in the infected field in order to avoid a stoma
Diversion of the fecal stream by ostomy is often required and the preferred approach
Surgery may be considered if the Dx is made within 5-10d of surgery. The risk of mortality rises to ~40% for patients operated between day 11-42.
2. Investigation
CT with & without IV and PO contrast at least 7-10d after resuscitation ± GI series or rectal contrast ± fistulogram
Classify output volume
Low output: <200 ml/d
Moderate output: 200-500 ml/d
High output: > 500 ml/d
Favorable features suggesting spontaneous closure:
Surgical etiology
Ileal, jejunal, nonsurgical etiology
Appendicitis, diverticulitis
Transferrin > 200 mg/dL
No obstruction, bowel in continuity, no infection, no inflamed intestine
Length > 2 cm, end fistula
Output < 200 mL/24 h
No sepsis, balanced electrolytes
Initial referral to tertiary care center and subspecialty care
3. Interventions
Transfer to a tertiary center is likely necessary
Once source control is obtained by operative or catheter drainage, empirical antibiotics should be discontinued after another five to seven days.
UTD: Antibiotic management in nonseptic patients with an enterocutaneous fistula is controversial. Because no studies have demonstrated improved outcomes with antibiotic therapy in these patients and there are increasing concerns for multidrug-resistant bacteria, we suggest against routine antibiotic coverage for patients who are not septic.
Nutritional support cannot be delayed because patients may lose 500 g of protein daily.
Supplying the patient with enteral nutrition as meeting the entire needs of the patient may not be possible, but there is reasonable evidence that the combination of enteral and parenteral nutrition may result in better anabolism
Calories: 2200 calories to 3600 calories (depending on fever, sepsis)
Fazio et al showed that mortality is 0% when serum albumin is > 3.5 mg/dL
Monitor nutritional support Week
Serum albumin
C-reactive protein
For low-output fistulas trying enteral feeding, the goal enteric output is <1.5 L/day
Consider targeted therapy: provide nutrition that is appropriately absorbed by the functional remnant bowel - this may allow provision of higher nutrition volume than routine feeding
Small bowel absorbs fats and proteins
Terminal ileum absorbs fats
Large bowel absorbs carbohydrates
Wound care
A cleaner healthier abdominal wall around the fistula may aid spontaneous closure
Management according to output volume
NGT used solely for enterocutaneous fistulas do not improve outcomes
Try NPO & monitor output
If fistula output is not changed, diet is resumed
Polymeric formula is tried first, and, if not tolerated or fistula output increases significantly, semielemental formula can be introduced. If semielemental feeds are not tolerated, an elemental feeding regimen should be attempted
If fistula output increases substantially, start TPN
Wound care for most low-output fistulas requires nothing more than a gauze cover
Moderate & high-output
Output from the fistula may decrease with an elemental diet
Limit intake of low sodium fluid to 500 mL/day
Provide patient with oral solution high in sodium (at least 90–120 mmol/L sodium content)
Small volume of fluid intake with solid meals,
When output is > 1.5 L/d, consider:
Loperamide & lomotil
H2 antagonists and PPI — although they have not been shown to increase the rate of spontaneous closure
Octreotide if output > 1L/d: intestinal failure units typically utilize a trial of somatostatin analogues for 3d in an effort to decrease output in a fistula that produces >1L/day. If successful within 72h, the treatment is then utilized over a longer period of time.
UTD: A systematic review identified eight trials and found that somatostatin analogues decrease the duration of enterocutaneous fistulas (weighted mean difference [WMD] -6.37 days, 95% CI -8.33 to -4.42) and duration of hospital stay (WMD -4.53 days, 95% CI -8.29 to -0.77) but did not increase the rate of spontaneous closure
Source: Enterocutaneous Fistula: Proven Strategies and Updates. Irena Gribovskaja-Rupp, MD, Genevieve B. Melton, MD, PhD:
Highest output fistulas seem to be affected the most by octreotide (twice the effect than on low-output ECF).
Two recent meta-analyses summarize their results:
- somatostatin analogues and somatostatin do not improve mortality, but they
- seem to decrease fistula output,
- allow faster spontaneous closure, and
- decrease hospital stay.
Somatostatin analogues versus control resulted in
- greater success of spontaneous fistula closure (relative risk [RR] 1.36) and
- shorter time interval to closure.
Moderate-output fistulas can be controlled with an ostomy appliance
The adjacent skin should be protected with semipermeable barrier dressing or other skin protectants
Consider VAC-dressing if support and expertise are available
There is no clear evidence that negative pressure wound management system leads to an improved fistula closure rate, and, in some cases it, may cause harm.
4. Definitive therapy
As long as fistula output is gradually decreasing and the wound (or tract) shows signs of healing, surgery should be delayed
Spontaneous closure
Occurs in approximately 30% to 35% of patients in 4-6w
Reber et al (1987) reported that 90% of spontaneous closures occurred in the first month after sepsis resolution and 10% in the second month. No spontaneous closures took longer than that
Adjuncts therapy that may close or better control fistulas
Endoscopic manipulation may transiently increase intraluminal pressure, which may increase the risk of sepsis acutely. Thus, endoscopic therapy should only be pursued in stable, nonseptic patients by experienced providers.
Endoscopic placement of covered stents
Used successfully for early postop leaks of the colon and esophagus
Stent migration occurs in ⅓ of patients
Endoscopic clipping of the intraluminal end of the fistula is suitable for acute, but not chronic, fistulas
Fistula plugs — made from porcine submucosa
Fibrin sealant: An ideal fistula for treatment wound be long, narrow, low output, devoid of distal obstruction and IBD
Prerequisites to surgery
Nutritionally repleted: albumin > 3.5 mg/dL
Rule out causes limiting fistula healing:
CT to rule out intraabdominal sepsis & distal obstruction
Consider scope to rule out Crohn’s
Rule out malignancy
Presence of supple soft tissue adjacent to the fistula
Stoma marking should be done
Time to operate:
The absolute minimal waiting interval after original surgery to return to the operating room is 6 weeks
Surgical fistula repair should not be attempted for at least three to six months from the inciting event to allow time for spontaneous healing and patient conditioning.
60 days for an infected field
120-150 days for a clean field
It is sometimes not unreasonable to delay surgery for 6-12 months
Site of incision: clean, soft, safe (away from adhesion) area
Performing a stoma rather than an anastomosis may decrease fistula recurrence rate by half
As much as 50 cm of small bowel, which is dissected in and around the fistula, will likely be sacrificed
Recurrence rate after surgery: 20-35%
Mortality rate: 10-20%
The abdominal wall may require complex reconstruction with plastic surgery
5. Healing
Do not initiate PO diet postOp. Keep the patient NPO for a prolonged period. Wait for repeated bowel movements
Do not rush to stop Abx
Allow 4-6m of rehabilitation before the patients should think about returning to work
Maintain nutrition and start rehabilitation 6 months
Mortality rate: 15-25%
Crohn’s disease — for full details, see Colorectal Surgery section
Crohn’s disease of the duodenum occurs in 2-4% of patients. Operative intervention is uncommon. The primary indication for surgery in these patients is duodenal obstruction that does not respond to medical therapy. The use of gastrojejunostomy to bypass the disease rather than duodenal resection is the procedure of choice
The success of nonoperative management can often be predicted based on the chronicity of symptoms at the affected site. In patients for whom it is difficult to determine whether the site of obstruction is caused by an acute exacerbation or a chronically strictured segment, CRP levels may help identify acute inflammation and predict potential success of medical therapy
Generally, if a segment of diseased bowel has caused intraperitoneal collections that is sufficient indication for surgical resection.
Resolving sources of sepsis (e.g percutaneous drainage) prior to operative intervention allows the bowel to ‘cool down’ and probably allows for smaller resections
When intestinal obstruction is caused by an acute flare (rather than chronic fibrosis disease) the episode can likely be managed non operatively
Always resect the cecum when the terminal ileum is involved unless ≥ 15cm of ileum proximal to the ileocecal valve is healthy and uninvolved
Prior to elective or semi-elective surgery, evaluate the full extent of the disease:
CT or MR enterography
CTE requirements:
1L PEG followed by 1L H2O given 1h before scanning
IV contrast is used
Anti-spasmodics are often given to reduce bowel motion artifact
MRE is more sensitive to motion artifacts than CTE
Breath hold is necessary for most sequences
Image acquisition time: 30-35 mins
Presence of bowel wall thickening in conjunction with asymmetric mural hyper-enhancement is pathognomonic for CD on imaging
The ability of MRE and CTE to detect CD lesions is similar, but MRE may be better in distinguishing inflammatory, fibrotic, and mixed inflammatory/fibrotic strictures
Video Capsule Endoscopy has near excellent yield but has the rare and feared complication of capsule retention which occurs in 13% of CD patients
± EGD (indicated in the presence of any small bowel disease)
To the extent possible, steroids should be reduced before surgery
Current practice is to continue anti-TNF agents perioperatively
A standard bowel preparation should be performed preoperatively unless the patient has a long-term, high-grade obstruction. If not possible, prolonged periods of clear liquid diet only is likely to suffice
Patients undergoing strictureplasty are at a risk for recurrence, which, in general, is comparable to patients undergoing resection
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Strictures are classified as either inflammatory or fibrotic
Endoscopic dilatation
Typical indication
Short segment (< 5cm) small bowel stricture in absence of penetrating disease (abscess/fistula)
Anastomotic strictures
≥ 2 dilatations are required to achieve latency over 5Y
Success rate ~90%
5Y clinical recurrence after dilatation: ~36%
Within 2-5Y after dilation of primary or anastomotic strictures, surgical intervention is required in ⅓ of patients
Complication rate (bleeding and perforation): 2-4%
Principles of stricturoplasty
Strictureplasty is the treatment of choice for symptomatic non-phlegmonous jejunoileal fibrotic strictures
Strictureplasties have been reported in the treatment of isolated colonic strictures: however, the length and thickness of colonic strictures is usually not conducive to strictureplasty techniques
Strictureplasties are contraindicated in
1. The presence of local sepsis
The presence of enteric fistulae was viewed previously as a contraindication for performing a stricturoplasty, but more recent reports have suggested that stricturoplasty may be performed in the presence of fistulae surrounded by chronic, rather than active, inflammation without increasing postoperative morbidity
It originally was thought unsafe to perform a stricturoplasty in a segment of bowel with active disease; however, recent studies have shown this is feasible and safe
2. The presence of constant low-grade hemorrhage associated with the diseased, strictured loop
3. Severe malnutrition
4. High suspicion for malignancy
5. Multiple adjacent strictures
Suspicion for neoplasm is managed with frozen biopsy, and if confirmed, resection is performed
IntraOperative plan
Assessment of the complete small bowel for strictures, fistulas, masses, & abscesses
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It’s the most common technique
Appropriate for short strictures (≤ 7cm)
Performed by making a longitudinal incision on the antimeseteric side
Extend the incision 2 cm proximal and distal to the stricture
Enterotomy is closed in a transverse fashion, in one or two layers
A variation of this type of stricturoplasty is the Moskel–Walske–Neumayer stricturoplasty and is ideal for those strictures that have a dilated proximal bowel with a stricture that is <10 cm. A “Y”-shaped incision is made over the stricture with the upper portion of the “Y” over the dilated portion of the bowel. This is then closed by advancing the dilated portion of the bowel to the base of the “Y,” thus creating a “V” suture line. The advantage of this technique is that it addresses the bowel size discrepancy and is relatively easy to perform
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Appropriate for strictures >7 cm and ≤15 cm
A longitudinal enterotomy then is performed halfway between the mesenteric and the antimesenteric side on the folded loop
The opposed edges of the bowel are sutured together to create a short side-to-side isoperistaltic enteroenterostomy
As the length of the side-to-side enteroenterostomy increases, so does the chance of developing a lateral diverticulum or blind loop, bacterial overgrowth, malabsorption, malnutrition, and persistent low-grade inflammation.
Appropriate for strictures of 10-20 cm
The stricture is folded into a U-shape
Two enterotomies are created facing each other to allow for a side-to-side enteroenterostomy (not extending to the tip of the folded loop) — performed halfway between the mesenteric and the antimesenteric side on the folded loop
The side-to-side enteroenterostomy is performed with a running continuous single layer or double layer
Michelassi side-to-side isoperistaltic
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It’s the technique of choice to address multiple short strictures clustered over a lengthy small bowel segment >15 cm
The small bowel loop affected by the stricture and its mesentery first is divided at its midpoint
Care is taken to ensure that stenotic areas of one loop are placed adjacent to the dilated areas of the other loop
The two loops are then approximated by a layer of interrupted seromuscular Lembert stitches, using nonabsorbable 3-0 sutures
A longitudinal enterotomy is performed on both loops, with the intestinal ends tapered to avoid blind sumps
PostOp outcomes
Short term
13% develop complications
4% septic complications
3% hemorrhage
The early postOp complication rate of strictureplasty is lower than resection
In regard to functional outcomes, efficacy of strictureplasties has been largely demonstrated, with satisfactory relief of obstructive symptoms, improved food tolerance, and subsequent weight gain
Long term
Several studies have shown that recurrence may be lower at strictureplasty sites than intestinal resection sites
Stricturoplasty recurrence rate was 3%
The incidence of adenocarcinoma is < 0.4%
Principles of resection
Determine length of healthy bowel
Resect only segments causing complications
Determine whether resection vs stricturoplasty is more appropriate
Resect to grossly negative margins (include only 2cm of grossly uninflamed bowel proximal and distal to the diseased segment)
Bypass only if:
Duodenum is involved
Resection is technically impossible
Short gut syndrome
‘Divert liberally’
Kono-S anastomosis may reduce disease recurrence
Developed in Japan (2003)
When compared to historical cohort, Kono-S had lower rate of anastomotic recurrence at 5 years (0% VS 15%; P < 0.0013)
SuPREMe-CD Study
RCT: 79 patients with ileocolic Crohn's Disease
Kono-S (36 patients)
Conventional group (43 patients)
No differences in postoperative outcomes
Primary endpoint: endoscopic recurrence at 6 months
22.2% vs 62.8%
13.8% Vs 34.8% (severe recurrence)
Both resection ends are not involved within the anastomosis
Supporting column prevents anastomotic distortion
Preservation of the mesenteric vascularization and innervation
Supporting column423_2020_1998_Fig1_HTML
1.Small window in the mesentery is created at the proximal and distal resection margins
2. Mesentery is divided adjacent to the intestinal wall
3. The bowel is divided transversely
4. The corners of the two stapled lines are imbricated and the two staple lines are sewn together creating the "supporting column"
5. An antimesenteric longitudinal enterotomy or colotomy is performed on each end
6. Transverse lumen of cm on the small bowel and 8 cm on the colon, 1 cm away from the staple line
7. Two layer hand sewn anastomosis
Inner layer 3-0 absorbable Connell suture
Outer layers of 4-0 silk Lembert interrupted
Typhoid fever — Hyperplasia of the reticuloendothelial system, including LNs, liver, and spleen, is characteristic of typhoid fever. Peyer patches in the small bowel become hyperplastic and may subsequently ulcerate, with complications of hemorrhage or perforation. Treatment is with Abx (amoxicillin or cotrimoxazole is sufficient)
CMV is the most common viral cause of diarrhea in immunocompromised patients. Patients may present with abdominal pain, peritonitis, or hematochezia. Diagnosis of CMV is made by demonstrating viral inclusions. The most characteristic form is an intranuclear inclusion, which is often surrounded by a halo, producing a so-called owl’s eye appearance. There may also be cytoplasmic inclusions. Treatment is with gancyclovir or foscarnet
DDx for small bowel ulcerations
Tuberculosis, syphilis, cytomegalovirus, typhoid, parasites, Strongyloides hyperinfection, Campylobacter, Yersinia
Crohn’s disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, celiac disease, ulcerative enteritis
Mesenteric insufficiency
Primary ulcer, Behçet’s syndrome
Drug induced
Potassium, indomethacin, phenylbutazone, salicylates, antimetabolites
Therapeutic, accidental
Vasculitis, giant cell arteritis, amyloidosis (ischemic lesion), angiocentric lymphoma
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Meckel’s diverticulum, stomal ulceration
Lymphoma, adenocarcinoma, melanoma
Acute jejunitis (β-toxin–producing Clostridium perfringens), arsenic
Mucosal lesions
Lymphocytic enterocolitis
Diverticulosis of small bowel
Most are asymptomatic
True vs false diverticula
Congenital vs acquired
Most commonly (80%) occur in the duodenum; usually periampullary in location. Up to ¾ of duodenal diverticula are found in the periampullary region (within 2cm of the ampulla) & project from the medial wall of the duodenum
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Frequently, pseudodiverticula are associated with other congenital anomalies: malrotation, omphalocele, annular pancreas, congenital biliary cysts, and various cardiac and urinary congenital abnormalities.
Zani and colleagues calculated that 758 patients with incidental Meckel’s diverticulum would need to undergo intestinal resection to prevent 1 death
Meckel’s divertula
It’s the most common congenital small bowel abnormality
It’s a result of the failure of obliteration of the proximal vitelline duct (connects embryonic midgut to the yolk sac). It occurs only on the antimesenteric border of the ileum
Vetilline definition: relating to the yolk (or yolk sac) of an egg or embryo, or to yolk-producing organs
It may exist in different forms:
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Small bump that may be easily missed
Long projection that communicates with the umbilicus by a persistent fibrous cord
Less commonly, a patent fistula
It’s a true diverticulum
Located 2 feet from ileocecal valve
50% contains heterotropic tissue: gastric (75%) or pancreatic
Symptomatic in 2%, usually within the first 2Y of life
The most common presentation (25-50%) is with bleeding
In children, the single most accurate diagnostic test for Meckel’s diverticula is scintigraphy with sodium 99mTc-pertechnetate. The 99mTc-pertechnetate is preferentially taken up by the mucus-secreting cells of gastric mucosa and ectopic gastric tissue in the diverticulum
In adult patients, when nuclear medicine findings are normal, barium studies should be performed. In patients with acute hemorrhage, angiography is sometimes useful.
Duodenal diverticulosis most commonly presents with postprandial epigastric abdominal cramping pain and vomiting due to partial or intermittent duodenal obstruction.
Jejunoileal diverticula are the most likely to be symptomatic or develop complications
Bacterial overgrowth may present with early satiety, bloating, and chronic upper abdominal discomfort and diarrhea/steatorrhea — this may be the most common symptomatic presentation
Obstruction secondary to volvulus or enterolith impaction,
Bleeding secondary to ulceration (usually on the mesenteric border in the case of Meckel’s), rupture, or AVM
Obstructive jaundice/recurrent pancreatitis in periampullary diverticula
Identification is through CT/MR enterography and endoscopy. Meckel’s scan uses technetium and detects gastric mucosa (not hemorrhage) with a sensitivity of 80%
Asymptomatic: do not require treatment
Bacterial overgrowth is managed with Abx
Nonoperative management as long as there is no perforation
For symptomatic intraluminal duodenal diverticula duodenotomy and excision are usually necessary for removal, although endoscopic resection has also been successful
When a perforation of a jejunoileal diverticulum is encountered, resection with reanastomosis is required because lesser procedures such as simple closure, excision, and invagination are associated with greater mortality and morbidity rates
Volvulus requires resection
Enterolith impaction is treated with enterotomy and stone extraction
Biliary obstruction is managed with ERCP then cholecystectomy
Meckel’s diverticula
Although reduction of an intussusception secondary to Meckel’s diverticulum can sometimes be performed by barium enema, the patient should still undergo resection of the diverticulum to negate subsequent recurrence of the condition
Indications for prophylactic resection:
Pediatric population
Length > 2 cm
Palpable abnormality/ectopic tissue
Hx of diverticulitis, hemorrhage, or intussusception
Presence of mesodiverticular bands
Segmental intestinal resection is required for treatment of patients with bleeding because the bleeding site is usually in the ileum adjacent to the diverticulum
Obstruction is managed with wedge resection
Diverticulitis & hemorrhage are manage with segmental resection
Operative technique
For diverticula embedded deep within the head of the pancreas, a duodenotomy is performed, with invagination of the diverticulum into the lumen, which is then excised, and the wall is closed
The treatment of a perforated duodenal diverticulum may require procedures similar to those described for patients with massive trauma-related defects of the duodenal wall
Most recommendations support segmental resection of jejunoileal diverticula, when necessary, especially to prevent narrowing of the small bowel
Benign tumors
Most benign neoplasms are asymptomatic and therefore are not found unless as an incidental finding
Leiomyomas (GISTs) and adenomas are the most frequent benign tumors
Adenomas are the most common benign tumors reported in autopsy series, but GISTs are the most common benign small bowel lesions that produce symptoms
Hemangiomas are most common in the jejunum; they are multiple in 60% of patients
Hemangiomas of the small bowel may occur as part of an inherited disorder known as Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
Patients with Turner’s syndrome are likely also to have cavernous hemangiomas of the intestine.
More common in the distal small bowel
Dx is often delayed due to lack of associated symptoms
~10% of all occult GI bleeds are due to small bowel tumors
The presenting symptom of jejunal and ileal tumors often is obstruction (followed by hemorrhage)
Duodenal tumors often present with pain, biliary obstruction, gastric outlet obstruction, or occult bleeding
Predisposing conditions
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
The entire jejunum and ileum are the most usual portions of the gastrointestinal tract involved with these hamartomas.
Although once considered a purely benign disease, adenomatous changes have been reported in 3% to 6% of hamartomas
The treatment of complications of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is directed mainly at the complication of obstruction or persistent bleeding. Resection should be limited to the segment of bowel that is producing complications and usually involves a limited resection. Because of the widespread nature of intestinal involvement, cure is not possible, and extensive resections are not indicated.
Crohn’s disease
Celiac sprue
In a study of 12,000 patients:
The most common malignancy was lymphoma. The risk of other digestive tract cancers was also increased, including oropharyngeal (mostly esophageal squamous cell), small intestinal adenocarcinoma, colorectal, and hepatocellular. In contrast, there was a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer
Possibly Meckel’s diverticulum
EtOH consumption
Smoked or cured meats
Refined sugars
Small bowel tumors in according to prevalence
1. Neuroendocrine tumors (for details, see section for Appendix NET)
Arise from enterochromaffin cells (Kulchitsky cells)
The primary importance of carcinoid tumors is the malignant potential of the tumors themselves
Characterized by the expression of somatostatin receptors
Predisposing conditions
Presence of breast or colorectal cancer
For nonfunctional tumors, some tumor markers are helpful:
It appears that the combination of 24-hour urine 5-HIAA and serum chromogranin A levels provides the best biochemical diagnostic accuracy
Pancreatic polypeptide
Neuron-specific enolase
Cases should be referred to high-volume centers
Tumors that bypass the liver, specifically ovarian and retroperitoneal carcinoids, may produce the syndrome in the absence of liver metastasis.
30% have synchronous lesions. Synchronous colon adenocarcinoma occurs in 10-20% of patients with carcinoid tumors
Duodenal NET management:
< 1 cm → endoscopic resection
1-2 cm → enucleation via an open approach
≥ 2 cm → complete resection with lymphadenectomy (Whipple if necessary)
Sporadic gastrinomas should be resected
Gastrinomas associated with MEN1 should not be resected
For primary tumors smaller than 1 cm in diameter without evidence of regional lymph node metastasis, a segmental intestinal resection is adequate. For patients with lesions larger than 1 cm, with multiple tumors, or with regional lymph node metastasis, regardless of the size of the primary tumor, wide excision of bowel and mesentery is required
In patients with carcinoid tumors and widespread metastatic disease, surgery is still indicated. In contrast to metastases from other tumors, there is a definite role for surgical debulking, which often provides beneficial symptomatic relief
Interferon-α (IFN-α) has also been shown to provide symptomatic relief in patients with carcinoid syndrome
The role of chemotherapy is confined predominantly to patients with metastatic disease who are symptomatic, unresponsive to other therapies, or have high tumor proliferation rates. The most frequent combination used is streptozotocin plus 5-FU or cyclophosphamide, which may result in some tumor regression in up to ⅓ of the patients
Carcinoid tumors have the best prognosis of all small bowel tumors, whether the disease is localized or metastatic
Elevated level of chromogranin A, which was found to be an independent predictor of an adverse prognosis.
2. Adenocarcinomas
Small bowel adenocarcinomas are more likely than colorectal cancer to have mutations in SMAD4 (indicating a MMR pathway)
All patients with adenocarcinoma of the small bowel should be evaluated for an occult underlying condition
Most of the tumors are located in the duodenum and proximal jejunum
Adenocarcinoma of the small bowel is mostly encountered in the setting of Crohn’s disease (> 100X the risk) and are usually ileal in origin
For nonmetastatic disease, the goal is complete resection with lymphadenectomy (at least 8-10 LN)
Duodenum (D1-D2) may require Whipple
Duodenum (D3-D4) may be amenable to segmental resection with the associated mesentery
Terminal ileum may require right hemicolectomy
The indications for adjuvant chemotherapy are mostly extrapolated from data regarding colorectal cancer
3. Lymphoma
Areas with the most lymphoid tissue (i.e., jejunum and distal ileum) have the highest rate of tumor formation
Commonly associated with celiac disease & AIDS
In a study of 12,000 patients:
The most common malignancy was lymphoma. The risk of other digestive tract cancers was also increased, including oropharyngeal (mostly esophageal squamous cell), small intestinal adenocarcinoma, colorectal, and hepatocellular. In contrast, there was a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer
The most common histologic Dx is NHL of B-cell variety
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLCBL) and MALT are the most common
Burkett’s lymphoma develops in HIV patients. Usually presenting with ileocolic intussusception
Burkitt’s has a characteristic cytogenetic abnormality with rearrangement of the c-Myc oncogene located on chromosome 8
CT: neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis
β-2 microglobulin
Bone marrow Bx
Lugano Staging
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For most small bowel B-cell lymphomas with localized disease (Lugano stage I, II 1 ), surgical resection with adjuvant chemotherapy (CHOP or R-CHOP) continues to be the treatment of choice.
Those with advanced disease (Lugano stage II 2 and greater) undergo chemotherapy only
B cell lymphomas are more chemosensitive than T cell lymphomas and have high remission rates with or without surgery. T cell lymphomas are traditionally more resistant to therapy and will progress to symptoms of obstruction or perforation if not resected. Regardless of cell type, resection is indicated at any onset of symptoms because progression to life-threatening hemorrhage or perforation portends a dismal prognosis.
4. Mesenchymal tumors, including GIST (see section for stomach GIST)
Metastatic disease
Most common primary:
Melanoma (30%)
Resection of melanoma and RCC small bowel metastases have been shown to increase survival
Hamartomas (often associated with PJS) and lipomas should be resected only if causing significant symptoms
Leiomyomas cannot be distinguished from GISTs & leiomyosarcomas and should be resected
Lipomas do not have malignant potential and therefore, when found incidentally, should be removed only if the resection is simple.
For sporadic duodenal adenomas, endoscopic or open polypectomy can be performed if technically feasible (lesions < 1-2 cm are usually amenable for endoscopic resection). Although both these treatment strategies are associated with a recurrence rate of 30% to 50%, especially in adenomas larger than 3 cm, postpolypectomy surveillance remains possible. Invasive changes or a recurrence after polypectomy necessitate more of a definitive resection, such as a pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Adenomas without carcinomas can be managed with endoscopic resection
Brunner’s gland adenomas have a malignant potential similar to that of tubular adenomas and can be resected endoscopically
Carcinomas should be resected formally
In the setting of FAP: duodenal adenomas have varying degree of malignant potential. They are assessed according to the Spigelman classification
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Stage 0: Every four years
Stage I: Every two to three years
Stage II: Every one to three years
Stage III: Every 6 to 12 months
Stage IV: In the absence of surgery (duodenectomy), surveillance every six months
FAP-affected patients carry a 5% lifetime risk of developing duodenal adenocarcinoma
Screening endoscopy with a forward- and side-viewing endoscope is performed at Q3Y with biopsy of all suspicious, villous, or large (>3 cm) adenomas, in addition to random duodenal biopsies
The presence of high-grade dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, or a Spigelman IV classification necessitates pancreaticoduodenectomy or pancreas-preserving duodenectomy
Lymphomas should be resected if (either):
T-cell subtype (poorer response to chemotherapy than B-cell subtypes)
Short gut syndrome
> 180 cm small bowel remaining will require no TPN
> 90 cm small bowel often require TPN for < 1Y
< 60 cm small bowel will require permanent TPN
Specific nutrient deficiencies must be prevented and levels must be monitored closely; these nutrients include iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and vitamins
Separating solid & liquid meals aid in absorption of solids
Initially a high-carbohydrate, high-protein diet is appropriate to maximize absorption. Fat absorption requires more digestion unless the fat is supplied in the form of medium-chain triglycerides
Provide a diet that will maximize the intestinal adaptive response. Provision of fat, particularly long-chain triglycerides, and dietary fiber may be particularly important in this regard
Growth factors (e.g., growth hormone and GLP-2) also may stimulate intestinal adaptation and are currently available in the clinical setting — contraindications include Hx of polyps in the GIT
Rx for short gut (partially applicable to high-output stoma):
For high output stoma:
↓ motility: Loperamide, lomitil, codein/opioids,
↑ absorption: Bulking agent (H2O absorption), elemental diet
↓ secretion: PPI (stomach), octreotide (pancreatic), cholestyramine (bile)
↑ viscosity: pectin, guar
Slow Transit
Loperamide, Lomotil, narcotics
Reduce GI Secretion
H 2 receptor antagonists
Proton pump inhibitors
Treat Bacterial Overgrowth
Treat Pharmacologically
Growth hormone
Potential complications of short gut
Metabolic: dehydration & renal dysfunction
Nutritional deficiencies
Catheter related sepsis
TPN-induced liver disease
Bacterial overgrowth
Gastric hypersecretion
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Blind loop syndrome
Manifests as diarrhea, steatorrhea, megaloblastic anemia, weight loss, abdominal pain, neurologic disorders and deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins
The underlying cause is bacterial overgrowth in a stagnant area of small bowel produced by strictures, stenosis, fistula, or diverticula
Dx is confirmed with cultures or indirectly via breath tests.
After bacterial overgrowth and steatorrhea are confirmed, a Schilling test (57Co-labeled vitamin B12 absorption) may be performed, which should reveal a pattern of urinary excretion of vitamin B12 resembling that of pernicious anemia, a urinary loss of 0% to 6% of vitamin B12 compared with the normal of 7% to 25%). In patients with blind loop syndrome, vitamin B12 excretion is not altered by the addition of intrinsic factor, but a course of a broad-spectrum antibiotic (e.g., tetracycline) should return vitamin B12 absorption to normal.
Parenteral B12 vitamin therapy
Broad-spectrum Abx: tetracycline, amoxicillin-clavulanate, cephalexin/metronidazole, or chloramphenicol
Surgical correction of the condition causing stagnation and blind loop syndrome produces a permanent cure and is indicated for patients who require multiple rounds of antibiotics or are on continuous therapy
Pneumatosis intestinalis
Most commonly occur in the jejunum then in the ileocecal region
Associated conditions
Immunocompromised patients: AIDS, transplantation, leukemia, lymphoma, vasculitis, steroid therapy
Infectious enteritis
Obstructive pathology
Spontaneous rupture gives rise to pneumoperitoneum
Pneumatosis intestinalis represents one of the few cases of sterile pneumoperitoneum and should be considered in the patient with free abdominal air but no evidence of peritonitis.
No treatment is necessary unless one of the very rare complications supervenes, such as rectal bleeding, cyst-induced volvulus, or tension pneumoperitoneum
Radiation enteritis
A previous history of laparotomy increases the risk for enteritis, presumably because of adhesions that fix portions of the small bowel into the irradiated field
Sucralfate has been shown to be of value in preventing the diarrhea associated with abdominal radiation
Superoxide dismutase, a free radical scavenger, has been used successfully to reduce complications
The most effective radioprotectant agent appears to be amifostine (WR-2721)
Indications for operation include obstruction, fistula formation, perforation, and bleeding, with obstruction being the most common presentation.
If resection and reanastomosis are planned, at least one end of the anastomosis should be from intestine outside the irradiated field
Almost 50% of patients who survive their first laparotomy for radiation bowel injury require further surgery for ongoing bowel damage. Up to 25% of these patients die of radiation enteritis and complications from its management.
Intussusception in pediatrics
Pneumatic (air reduction) techniques are now generally preferred to the hydrostatic methods if fluoroscopy is used for guidance. The pneumatic technique cannot be used with ultrasonography, because the air interferes with ultrasound visualization
A sphygmomanometer can be used to monitor colonic intraluminal pressure (typically not to exceed 120 mmHg) to aid in reduction
CO2 can also be used instead of air
A successful reduction of the intussusception is indicated by:
Rush of air reflux into the terminal ileum
Sudden drop in the intraluminal pressure
Disappearance of the mass at the ileocecal valve
Risk of bowel perforation is < 1%
Recurs in approximately 10% after successful nonoperative reduction
½ of the recurrences are within the first 72h
Recurrence is not necessarily an indication for surgery
In general, each recurrence should be handled as if it were the first episode, provided that each attempt at nonoperative reduction is successful and the patient remains stable
Imaging studies should be reviewed carefully for the possibility of a pathologic lead point. If a lead point is identified, the patient may still be treated with nonoperative reduction, particularly if the lead point is diffuse
Surgical exploration should be performed for any patient who is unstable, and should also be considered for those with a focal lead point or multiple recurrences
Sclerosing mesenteritis
Rare disease
Usually discovered incidentally on imaging for nonspecific symptoms
CT may demonstrate a fat ring or halo sign and pseudocapsule
Definitive Dx requires histologic evaluation (usually laparoscopy) to rule out other etiologies
Non-hodgkin’s lymphoma
Desmoid tumor
Peritoneal carcinomatosis
Initial treatment in non-obstructive symptoms:
Prednisone 40mg QD
Tamoxifen 10mg BID
Colorectal surgery
Embryology, anatomy, physiology
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The mucosa arises from the endodermal layer
The muscular wall, connective tissue, & outer serosal surface arises from the mesodermal layer
Endoderm gives rise to the primitive gut tube
At the 3rd week of development, the gut tube has 3 discernible segments: foregut, midgut, and hindgut
Foregut-derived structures end at D2 (rely on celiac artery for blood supply)
Midgut-derived structures extend from duodenal ampulla to the distal transverse colon (rely on SMA for blood supply)
Hindgut-derived structures extend from distal transverse colon to the rectum (rely on IMA for blood supply)
The dentate line represents a true division between embryonic endoderm and ectoderm
Normally present in the 4–5-week old embryo, the cloaca is a derivative of hindgut endoderm
Embryologically, the cloaca is a transient organ that becomes divided to separate the gastrointestinal tract from the genitourinary tract
The cloaca originates at the portion of the rectum below the pubococcygeal line while the hindgut originates above it.
At the 6th week of development the cloaca divides & differentiates into anterior urogenital & posterior anal & sphincter elements
The muscles of the pelvic floor, like those of the anal sphincter mechanism, arise from the primitive cloaca
During the 10th week of development, the external anal sphincter is formed from the posterior cloaca
During the 12th week of development, the internal anal sphincter develops from the circular muscle layers of the rectum
By the 16th week of development: the female genital organs form from the Müllerian ducts and join the urogenital sinus. In contrast, in males, the urogenital membrane obliterates with fusion of the genital folds while the sinus develops into the urethra.
The appendices epiploicae are non-mesenteric fat protruding from the serosal surface of the colon. They are likely residual from the anti-mesenteric fat of the embryologic intestine which dissipates (unlike the omentum on the stomach)
Normal rotation of the intestinal tract
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First stage (6-8w GA): rapid elongation of the midgut results in physiologic herniation through the umbilical cord
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During the 8th week, contents move in a counterclockwise fashion, turning 90° from the sagittal to the horizontal plane
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Second stage (8-9w GA): return of midgut to the abdomen
During the 10th week, the midgut loops return to the peritoneal cavity and simultaneously rotate an additional 180° in the counterclockwise direction
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Third stage (11-12w GA): fixation of the midgut
The cecum migrates to the right lower quadrant from its initial position in the upper abdomen
After the completion of this 270° counterclockwise rotation, fusion begins, typically at week 12–13
Abnormalities in intestinal rotation
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Malrotation rotation
There is normal initial rotation, but the cecum fails to complete the normal 270° rotation around the mesentery
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Reversed (clockwise) rotation: transverse colon posterior to SMA
Internal hernias
These are considered failures of the process of fixation (the third stage of rotation). This can be the result of an incomplete fusion of the mesothelium or when structures are abnormally rotated. Retroperitoneal hernias can occur in various positions, most notably paraduodenal, paracecal, and intersigmoid.
Congenital malformations of the colon and small intestines
Colon duplication, types:
Mesenteric cysts
Lined with intestinal epithelium and variable amounts of smooth muscle
They are found within the colonic mesentery or posterior to the rectum (within the mesorectum)
They generally present as a mass or with intestinal obstruction as they enlarge
Found on the mesenteric or antimesenteric sides of the colon and are outpouchings of the bowel wall
Long (true) colon duplication
The rarest form of duplication
They parallel the functional colon and often share a common wall throughout most of their length
They usually run the entire length of the colon and rectum and there is an association with other genitourinary abnormalities
Atresia of the colon
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Represent only 5% of all gastrointestinal atresias
They are likely the result of vascular compromise during development
They vary in severity from a membranous diaphragm blocking the lumen to a fibrous cord-like remnant, on to a complete absence of a segment
Hirschsprung’s disease
Anorectal malformations
Malformations are attributed to developmental arrest at various stages of normal development
Skeletal and urinary anomalies are associated in up to 70%.
Other associated abnormalities: digestive tract anomalies, cardiac, & abdominal wall abnormalities
Anal stenosis
While anal stenosis in a newborn is relatively common, noted in 25–39% of infants, symptomatic stenosis is only noted in 25% of these children
Membranous atresia
Very rare
Characterized by the presence of a thin membrane of skin between the blind end of the anal canal and the surface
Anal agenesis
The rectum develops to below the puborectalis where it either ends in an ectopic opening (fistula) in the perineum, vulva, or urethra, or it ends blindly (less commonly). The sphincter is present at its normal site.
Anorectal agenesis
The most common type of “imperforate anus.”
More common in males
In most cases, there is a fistula to the urethra or vagina
Rectal atresia
The rectum and the anal canal are separated from one another by an atretic portion
Persistent cloaca
Only occurs in female infants, is the result of total failure of descent of the urorectal septum.
Taeniae of the colon are situated: anteriorly, posteromedially, and posterolaterally
Though they run along the full length of the colon, they are not as long as the bowel wall. This difference in length results in outpouchings of the bowel wall between the taenia referred to as haustra.
Intersigmoid fossa: though which the left ureter & gonadal vessels travel through
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Arc of Riolan directly connects the proximal SMA with the proximal IMA AKA the meandering mesenteric artery) and is highly variable in size. Flow can be forward (IMA stenosis) or retrograde (SMA stenosis). Such obstruction results in increased size and tortuosity of this meandering artery, which may be detected by arteriography; the presence of a large arc of Riolan thus suggests occlusion of one of the major mesenteric arteries
Artery of Moskowitz is found in the region of the splenic flexure and tends to run more proximal to the artery of Moskowitz
From its left side, the SMA gives rise to up to 20 small intestinal branches while the colic branches originate from its ride side.
The right colic artery can arise from the ileocolic vessels or from the middle colic vessels
The middle colic artery arises from the SMA near the inferior border of the pancreas. It branches early to give off right and left branches
In ~ 33% of patients, the left branch of the middle colic artery can be the sole supplier of the splenic flexure
The marginal artery has been shown to be discontinuous or even absent in some patients, most notably at the splenic flexure (Griffiths’ critical point), where it may be absent in up to 50% of patients
Another potential (though controversial) site of ischemia is at a discontinuous area of marginal artery located at the rectosigmoid junction termed Sudeck’s critical point. Surgical experience would question whether this potential area of ischemia exists; a recent fluorescence study indicates that it does, though its clinical importance remains in doubt.
Superior rectal artery (superior hemorrhoidal) < IMA
The IMA becomes named the superior rectal artery after the IMA crosses the left iliac vessels
After giving off a rectosigmoid branch, an upper rectal branch, it bifurcates into right and left terminal branches in 80% & descends caudally in the mesorectum
Middle rectal artery (paired) (absent in 40-80%) < internal iliac artery
Inferior rectal artery (paired) < internal pudendal artery < distal branch of the internal iliac artery
The artery originates in the pudendal canal and is entirely extrapelvic (caudal to the levator ani) in its distribution.
Dr. Liberman: Internal pedundal artery is usually recognized from a TaTME approach but not from a peritoneal approach
Lymphatic drainage
Drainage is divided into 4 main groups
Epiploic group: adjacent to the bowel wall
Paracolic group: along the marginal artery & the vascular arcades
Intermediate group: on the primary colic vessels
Main or principal group: on the SMA & IMA
Once lymph leaves the main nodes, it drains into the cisterna chili via the para-aortic chain
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Endopelvic/endovisceral fascia
Located between the visceral peritoneum and parietal fascia of the levator ani
Contains neurovascular bundles, smooth muscles, collagen, and elastin
It fans out to envelop the pelvic organs and anchors them to the surrounding pelvic sidewall structures.
A thin layer of investing fascia (fascia propria) coats the mesorectum and represents a distinct layer from the presacral fascia (endopelvic fascia) against which it lies = “the Holy Plane”
The fascia propria of the rectum is a thin condensation of the endopelvic fascia that forms an envelope around the mesorectum and continues distally to help form the lateral rectal stalks
As the presacral fascia extends laterally, it becomes continuous with the fascia propria & contributes to the lateral ligaments of the rectum
The lateral rectal stalks or ligaments are actually anterolateral structures containing the middle rectal artery. The stalks reside in close proximity to the mixed autonomic nerves, containing sympathic and parasympathetic nerves, and division of these structures close to the pelvic sidewall may result in injury to these nerves, resulting in impotence and bladder dysfunction
“It is interesting to note that at least one modern cadaveric dissection study identified the presence of a middle rectal artery in only 22% of specimens”
“In an extensive review of the anatomy of the lateral ligament, Church notes that it is a common misconception that the lateral ligaments contain the middle rectal artery at all. It appears that the lateral ligaments comprise “primarily nerves and connective tissue””
“Other modern cadaveric investigations note the rarity of middle rectal arteries and the absence of clinically relevant neurovascular structures in the lateral ligaments”
The stalks are trapezoid structures originating from mesorectum and anchored to the endopelvic fascia at the level of the midrectum
The urogenital bundle runs just above the lateral ligament at its point of insertion on the endopelvic fascia
The rectosacral fascia, or Waldeyer’s fascia, is a thick condensation of endopelvic fascia connecting the presacral fascia to the fascia propria at the level of S4 that extends to the anorectal ring.
It extends anteriorly to the posterior layer of the fascia propria 3-5 cm proximal to the anorectal junction
The space posterior to the retrosacral fascia is referred to as the supralevator or retrorectal space
ASCRS: While the debate continues regarding “Waldeyer’s fascia”, it is important to simply understand that the phrase can have the potential to mean presacral fascia, rectosacral, or retrorectal fascia
Denonvillier’s fascia = rectogenital fascia
Extends from the deepest point of the rectovesical pouch to the pelvic floor
It is also present in females as part of the rectovaginal septum and is sometimes referred to as rectovaginal fascia. It is found immediately beneath the vaginal epithelium and is clearly what most would consider as part of the vaginal wall
Relations to seminal vesicle, vas deferens, and urethra
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Pelvis & pelvic floor
“Building a pelvis”
1. Bony & ligaments; greater & lesser sciatic foramina
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2. Pelvic muscles
3. Ext. iliac vessels course on the medial border of psoas
5. Umbilical & inferior vesical artery
Posterior and lateral to the obturator internus muscle are the nerve roots of the sacral plexus S1, S2, S3 and the lumbosacral trunk
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Through the greater sciatic formina exits:
Piriformis muscle
Sciatic nerve (L4-S3)
Pudendal nerve (S2-4)
Gluteal nerves & vessels
Through the lesser sciatic foramina exits:
Pudendal nerve
Internal pudendal vessels
Obturator internus muscle
Vasculature in the pelvis
Levator ani = pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, puborectalis
The pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus most likely participate in continence by applying lateral pressure to narrow the levator hiatus
The puborectalis
It is in a state of continual contraction. This is widely considered the most important contributing factor to gross fecal incontinence
Originates from each side of the pubic bone
Forms a U-shaped sling that courses above the EAS and around the anorectal junction
The pubococcygeus muscle
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Originates from the inner surface of the pubic bone
It’s the portion of the levator ani that is typically injured during traumatic vaginal delivery
Posterior & medial fibers of the muscle form the anococcygeal ligament
Contains 3 divisions
The muscle forms the levator hiatus as it ellipses the lower rectum, urethra, & (vagina or dorsal vein of the penis)
Hiatal ligament = fascial condensations connecting the levator hiatus to the intrahiatal organs
Enlargement of the levator hiatus is implicated as a cause of ♀ pelvic organ prolapse
Iliococcygeal raphe
Formed by the converging iliococcygeal muscle fibers
Forms the levator plate, an anatomic shelf on which the rectum, proximal vagina, and uterus rest
Pudendal nerve branches
Perineal nerve
Inferior rectal nerve
Direct S3 &/or S4 (levator ani nerve)
The perineal body (See Anatomy of the anus & perineum)
Enteric nervous system
Hirschsprung’s disease: the ganglia of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses are congenitally absent.
Nearly 20 types of enteric neurons have been identified and every class of CNS neurotransmitters has been identified in the enteric nervous system
The distal last portion of the rectum (0.5-1cm proximal to the dentate line) normally lack ganglionic cells and thus this area should be avoided when planning a biopsy to rule out Hirschsprung’s disease
Meissner’s plexus: in the submucosa
Auerbach’s plexus: between the circular & longitudinal muscular externa
Intrinsic primary afferent neutrons (IPANs) function to sense changes in luminal chemistry and pressure as well as colonic muscular tone. IPANs are present in the myenteric and submucosal plexi
Enterochromaffin (EC) cells represent a type of this sensory transducer cell. EC cells contain large quantities of serotonin. Nearly 95% of serotonin is found in the gut and most of that is stored in the EC cells. When EC cells are stimulated, serotonin is secreted
Serotonin can be excitatory or inhibitory depending on which type of serotonin receptor with which it interacts.
Serotonin is not catabolized by enzymes, but is taken up by specific serotonin reuptake transporters (SERT) present in serotonergic neurons
In patients with IBS, mucosal expression of SERT is reduced
5-HT3 antagonist, alosetron, has been approved for treatment of IBS-associated diarrhea in women
The pelvic plexus lies on the lateral side of the pelvis at the level of the lower third of the rectum adjacent to the lateral stalks (but several cadaver studies demonstrate lack of any neurovascular structures in the lateral rectal stalks)
Superior hypogastric plexus (sympathetic)
• Arise from T12-L3
• Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that is known to exert inhibitory effects via a-2 adrenergic receptors in the myenteric plexus
• Injury:
• Highest risk at time of:
• Ligation of IMV
• Posterior mesorectal dissection at the level of the sacral promontory
• Lateral mesorectal dissection
• Consequence:
• ↑ Bladder tone (female urgency and stress incontinence)
• ↓ Bladder capacity
• ♂ Retrograde ejaculation
Nervi erigentes & inferior hypogastric plexus (parasympathetic)
• Arise from S2-S4
• Acetylcholine is the major cholinergic parasympathetic neurotransmitter.
• Join the sympathetic hypogastric nerves on the pelvic sidewall to form the inferior hypogastric plexus
• Injury:
• Highest risk at time of:
• Distal anterolateral mesorectal dissection
• Consequence:
• ↑ Voiding difficulties (atonic bladder)
• ♂ Erectile dysfunction
• ♀ Impaired vaginal lubrication
Management of retrograde ejaculation
Imipramine (antidepressant)
Midodrine (vasoconstrictor)
Ephedrine; pseudoephedrine; phenylpherine (decongestants)
The internal anal sphincter is innervated by sympathetic (L5) and parasympathetic (S2, S3, and S4) nerves
Internal sphincter is innervated by L5–S4 mixed autonomic function in crossed fashion so that unilateral injury still results in preserved function
Pudendal nerve
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Originates from nerve roots of S2-S4
Motor supply: pelvic floor muscles, the external urethral sphincter and the external anal sphincter
Sensory innervation: external genitalia of both sexes and the skin around the anus, anal canal and perineum
Injury, commonly by childbirth, leads to sensory loss (decreased bladder sensitivity and impotence) & fecal incontinence
There is substantial overlap in the pudendal innervation of the external anal sphincter muscles on the two sides which enables re-innervation to be partially accomplished from the contralateral side following nerve injury
Gently touching the anal verge will elicit the anocutaneous reflex (anal wink), which is indicative of an intact pudendal nerve.
Colonic epithelial cell types
Columnar epithelium & goblet cells comprise ~ 95% of the cells in the colonic epithelium
In general, epithelial cells become increasingly differentiated the farther they are from the crypt base. Thus, the base of the crypts forms the source of continually regenerating epithelial cells.
The interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), are specialized, C-KIT positive cells that are thought to primarily serve as the pacemaker cell of the enteric nervous system, linking the colonic submucosa electrochemically with the myenteric plexi
Rectosigmoid junction/sphincter
Identified by the confluence of the taeniae coli & the end of epiploicae appendices
The narrowest portion of the large intestines
Measures 2-2.5cm
Endoscopically, it is noted as a narrow and often sharply angulated area above the relatively capacious rectum, and above the three rectal valves
Historically, it has been variably named the sphincter ani tertius, rectosigmoid sphincter, and pylorus sigmoidorectalis
A more recent evaluation of the rectosigmoid junction utilizing anatomic and histologic studies as well as radiographic evaluation concluded that there was an anatomic sphincter at the rectosigmoid junction. Microscopic evaluation of the area does reveal thickening of the circular muscle layer as it progresses toward the rectum.
Anatomy of the rectum
Division of the rectum into thirds serves for surgical considerations, however the rectum may extend beyond 15 cm from the anal verge
Lower rectum: anal verge to 7 cm
Middle rectum: 7-12 cm
Upper rectum: 12-15 cm
Rectum is distinguished from the sigmoid by the absence of Tania coli & epiploic appendages
The location of the anterior peritoneal reflection may be altered by disease such as rectal prolapse. On average it is 9-10 cm from the AV
The rectal curves, known as valves of Houston, are more properly called folds because they have no specific function as impediments to flow.
The superior and inferior valves are located on the left side of the rectum and the more prominent middle rectal valve on the right; however, this is not uniformly the case
Only 45.5% of patients will have the classic three
The middle vale is one most consistently found. It corresponds to the level of the peritoneal reflection
~Distance of valves from the anal verge: 5, 8, 12 cm
They are lost after full surgical mobilization of the rectum and provide ~5cm of additional length to the rectum
Anatomy of the anus & perineum
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Extension of the surgical anus: from the anorectal ring to the anal verge
Anal canal begins where the rectum passes the puborectalis (anorectal ring)— 1-2 cm above the dentate line
Extends distally to the junction of squamous mucosa & perianal skin — roughly at where the intersphincteric groove is palpable
Length of the anal canal: 4.5cm in ♂; 4.0cm in ♀
On MRI studies, the external anal sphincter is shorter in ♀ compared to ♂
Extension of the anatomic anus: from the dentate line to the anal verge
Dentate line is the junction of ectoderm and endoderm
The pectinate line (dentate line) is a line which divides the upper two thirds and lower third of the anal canal. Developmentally, this line represents the hindgut-proctodeum junction.
Anal glands empty into the rectum through 10-15 crypts of Morgagni, located circumferentially at the dentate line
Knowledge of the anatomy also explains why the internal opening of a “crypto glandular anal fistula should typically be at the dentate line — ASCRS Textbook
Anal transition zone (ATZ)
0.5-1.0 cm strip of mucosa above the dentate line
Above this area, the epithelium changes to single layered cuboidal cells (pink colored mucosa)
The muscular layers & sphincters
The internal anal sphincter
Is the continuation of the circular smooth muscle of the rectum
Length of the muscle: 2-4 cm
Terminates approximately 1 cm proximal to the distal aspect of the external anal sphincter
In the unstimulated state, it is chronically contracting and contributes approximately 50–75% of the resting tone of the anus
Studies have demonstrated proximal anterior defects in nulliparous women
Internal sphincter is innervated by L5–S4 mixed autonomic function in crossed fashion so that unilateral injury still results in preserved function
The outer muscular layer is forms the external anal sphincter
It’s a continuation of the puborectalis & levator ani muscles
The proximal part of the external anal sphincter forms part of the perineal body
The mid external anal sphincter has posterior attachment to the coccyx via the anococcygeal ligament
When stimulated under voluntary control, it more than doubles the tone of the anus above the resting state
Innervated from branches of S2–3 via the inferior rectal branch of the pudendal nerve and the perineal branch of S4.
The conjoined longitudinal muscle represents the joining of the puborectalis fibers & the longitudinal muscle fibers of the rectum. It lies between the internal and external sphincter muscles & is 0.5-2.0mm in thickness. It is evident on MRI. It’s this outer muscular tube that is strengthened during Kegal exercises.
The muscle ultimately does extend into the anus and turns medially through the internal sphincter to comprise the muscles of Treitz that support the internal hemorrhoids.
Distally, the conjoined muscle extends to the anoderm and through the external sphincter radially to form the corrugator cutis ani
Imaging studies demonstrate that the normal female external anal sphincter has a variable natural defect occurring along its proximal anterior length below the level of the puborectalis sling that was demonstrated in 75% of nulliparous volunteers
This natural defect of the anterior sphincter provides some justification as to why anterior anal sphincterotomy is not routinely recommended in women
In the absence of sphincter injury, significant shortening of the anterior external anal sphincter can be seen after vaginal delivery
Perineal body
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It represents the intersection of the EAS, superficial & deep transverse perinei, & bulbospongiosus/bulbocavernosus
The transverse perinei & bulbospongiosus contribute significantly to anal continence
Pelvic side wall includes the obturator internus & pyriformis muscle
Anorectal spaces
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Perianal space
Intersphincteric space
Submucous space
Ischiorectal space
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Medial boarder: levator ani, external anal sphincter
Lateral boarder: obturator internus, obturator fascia
Posterior boundary: lower border of the gluteus maximus & the sacrotuberous ligament
Anterior boundary: superficial & deep transverse perineal muscles
Contains adipose tissue, pudendal nerve branches and superficial branches of the internal pudendal vessels.
Supralevator space
Upper boundary: peritoneum
Inferior boarder: levator ani
Lateral boundary: pelvic wall
Medial boundary: rectum
Superficial & deep postanal spaces
The postanal space is located posteriorly, between the levators (cranially) and the external sphincter (caudally)
This space may be solely involved, or infection may extend laterally to the ischiorectal fossa, forming the so-called horseshoe abscess
Retrorectal space
The right and left ischioanal space communicate posteriorly through the deep postanal space between the levator ani muscle and anococcygeal ligament.
Inferior rectal artery < internal pudendal artery < internal iliac artery
Venous drainage
Upper canal: superior rectal vein → IMV → portal vein
Inferior canal: inferior rectal vein → pudendal veins → internal iliac veins
Lymphatic drainage
Above the dentate line: mesorectal, lateral pelvic, & inferior mesenteric nodes
Below the dentate line: superficial inguinal nodes
Above the dentate line: colorectal type glandular mucosa
Immediately proximal to the dentate line (6-12mm) is the ‘anal transition zone’: histologically similar to uroepithelium
Distal canal: nonkeratinzed squamous mucosa
The whitish line called the pectinate line (Hilton's) indicates the junction between keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and unkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
Presacral space
It is a potential space
The sacral nerve rootlets are located in this retrorectal space, and thus injury to and sacrifice of these structures can have substantial implications on rectoanal and sexual function
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Anteriorly: mesorectum
Posteriorly: presacral fascia and sacrum
Laterally: lateral rectal stalks, ureters, & iliac vessels
Superior extension: peritoneal reflection
Inferior extension: levator ani complex & coccygeal muscle
MRI Anatomy
Pyriformis muscle
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Obturator internus, sciatic spine, & greater trochanter
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Under normal circumstances, fecal and plasma osmolality are similar.
Function of the colon
Bacterial homeostasis
Bacteria contribute to approximately 50% of fecal mass
Microflora contributes several important functions to the host including metabolic support of the colonocyte and gut-associated lymphoid tissue, which contributes significantly to both innate and adaptive immunity.
Bacteroides species compose the predominant bacterial type throughout the colon. The other predominant species are facultative aerobes and comprise Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus, lactobacillus, and enterococci.
Undigested dietary fiber is metabolized by colonic bacteria through the process of fermentation. Cellulose is a partially fermented starch, which leaves behind bulk, whereas fruit pectins are completely metabolized. The primary end products of this process include short chain fatty acids (SCFA), including butyrate, and gas
Protein fermentation, or putrefaction, may result in the formation of potentially toxic metabolites including phenols, indoles, and amines. These toxic end products of bacterial metabolism can lead to mucosal injury, reactive hyperproliferation, and possible promotion of carcinogenesis. Increased stool bulk is felt to provide enhanced colonic transit resulting in decreased time of exposure of the colonic lumen to these toxins
Absorption of
The ileal effluent is still rich in water, electrolytes, and nutrients that resist digestion. The colon has the functional ability to recover these substances and avoid unnecessary losses of fluids, electrolytes, nitrogen, and energy. To accomplish this, the colon depends highly on its bacterial flora. Because mammalian cells do not produce n-butyrate, the colonic epithelium relies on luminal bacteria to produce it through the fermentation of dietary fiber. The lack of n-butyrate, such as that resulting from the inhibition of fermentation by broad-spectrum antibiotics, leads to less sodium and water absorption and thus diarrhea
Water is passively absorbed
Na & Cl
A majority of sodium chloride absorption occurs in the proximal colon and is driven primarily through electroneutral absorption by tightly coupled luminal Na/H and Cl/HCO3 exchange.
Chloride is absorbed through luminal cystic fibrosis conductance regulator (CFTR) and other chloride channels
Short chain fatty acids (SCFA)
SCFAs are produced by microbial breakdown and fermentation of dietary starches
The most common SCFA include acetate, proprionate, and butyrate
Butyrate also plays a major role in the stimulation of NaCl absorption and inhibition of chloride secretion. It has been proposed that Abx-associated diarrhea is secondary to decreased butyrate production resulting in net secretion of fluid
Butyrate has a trophic effect and stimulates cell proliferation in the crypts. It also reduces the number and size of aberrant crypt foci. This is important as aberrant crypt foci are the earliest precursors of colonic neoplasms.
Butyrate also has an anti-inflammatory role primarily by inhibition of nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) in colonic epithelial cells
Unlike most of the mucosal lining of the proximal GI tract, colonic mucosa does not receive its primary nutrition from the bloodstream. Instead, nutrient requirements are fulfilled from the colonic luminal contents. The primary energy source for the colonocyte is butyrate.
Commercially available butyrate available for oral administration is limited by its short half-life, poor palatability, and side effects such as nausea and anorexia. Rectal formulations are most commonly utilized at this time.
Secretion of
Potassium is secreted on the luminal side and is driven by the electrogenic uptake of sodium
Secreted mucus in the colon forms two distinct layers.
The outer loose layer contains bacteria and lubricates feces and protects epithelial cells from abrasion and chemical insult.
An inner layer is essentially sterile and is a dense gel that contains antimicrobial peptides, enzymes, and secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) amongst other substances.
Mucus is secreted from goblet cells as well as crypt epithelial cells.
Propulsion of luminal content
Short chain fatty acids influence GI motility via the ileocolonic brake mechanism, which is defined as the inhibition of gastric emptying and nutrients reaching the ileocolonic junction
Camron: The ability to preserve the right colon in a patient with short small intestine can make the difference between the requirement for intravenous supplementation of fluid and the ability to rely on oral intake to maintain homeostasis. Following an ileocecal resection, 150cm of small bowel is the lower limit of adequate bowel length to avoid Short Gut Syndrome. When the ileocecum is present, just about 100cm may be adequate
Colonic motility
At least seven different patterns of human colonic phasic pressure activity have been identified
The ICC generates electrical pacemaker activity that provides the smooth muscle with the mechanism to produce propulsive rhythmic activity
Phasic activity also increases within a few minutes after a meal and continues for up to 2.5h depending on the nutrient composition and caloric content of the meal. High fat meals elicit more of a response than carbohydrate rich meals.
Segmental contractions
Non-propagating pressure waves occur randomly for at least 30s
The function of these nonpropagating waves is not well delineated, but they may serve as a means for local mixing of luminal contents and may allow for adequate mucosal sampling
Propagated contractions
High amplitude propagated contractions (HAPC) of pressures ≥75 mmHg and that migrate abroad ≥15 cm. HAPCs occur approximately 6 times a day and serve to move stool en masse across the colon.
Colonic instillation of bisacodyl or intravenous neostigmine induces HAPCs
Patients with slow transit constipation have a reduced frequency of HAPC
Colonic bisacodyl administration also produces a blunted HAPC response in patients with slow transit constipation
Function of the rectum & anus
The rectum has capacity & compliance allowing it to function as a reservoir
A stiff nondistensible rectum, such as in radiation proctitis, may produce incontinence, even when the sphincter muscles are competent
Continence & defecation
Fecal continence implies:
1. Deferment of stool elimination
2. Discrimination among gas, liquid, and solid stool
3. Selective elimination of gas without stool
The puborectalis is in a state of continual contraction, a factor vital to the maintenance of continence
Elements in continence
Rectoanal sensation & sampling
The rectum does not itself have receptors for proprioception. The conscious sensation of the need to defecate lives in the levators and the anal canal, hence the preserved sensation in patients who have had complete proctectomies and anal anastomoses
Sensory innervation within the rectum is sensitive only to stretch, resulting in vague sensation to visceral pelvic pain. Distal rectal stretch or distention can result in significant parasympathetic stimulation of the vagus nerve, thereby resulting in bradycardia and hypotension
The rectoanal inhibitory reflex (RAIR) is thought to allow the highly innervated sensitive epithelial lining of the upper anal canal to sample the contents of the distal rectum to determine its quality and consistency
Distension of the rectal wall causes an initial contraction of the EAS followed by a relaxation of the IAS. This was first noted by Gowers in 1877 and is felt to aid in the sampling mechanism of the anal canal
The upper anal canal discriminates between flatus and feces, and that rectal dilation relaxes the IAS via nitric oxide pathways
Impaired sensation has been associated with: childbirth, perineal descent, and mucosectomy
Hemorrhoids have the ability to expand to create a seal above the anus creating the fine tuning of continence
Sensation & innervation
Somatic sensory innervation begins in the anal transitional zone proximal to the dentate line for a short variable distance 0.3–1.5 cm. Within this zone, there is a dense collection of nerve endings for pain, touch, pressure, and temperature. These fibers are derived from the pudendal branches
The therapeutic effects of SNS are due not only to peripheral motor stimulation of the anal sphincter complex in patients with fecal incontinence as was initially proposed, but instead due to changes in the motor and/or sensory function of the combined functional anorectal unit. Such a hypothesis would explain the “paradox” of SNS effectiveness in both fecal incontinence and chronic constipation
Intermittent stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve has a beneficial effect on fecal incontinence through a mechanism that is not fully understood
Normal defecation process
1. The process starts with stool arriving into the rectum and sampling
2. Anal sphincter will contract and rectum will start to distend without a person’s full awareness
Patients are often unaware that they have stool in the vault during rectal exam
3. As the rectum continues to expand, a person becomes aware. There is an urge defecate that usually lasts for a few seconds and can be controlled by further contraction of external anal sphincter
4. When it becomes socially appropriate to proceed, the process starts with contraction of abdominal musculature (Valsalva)
5. Pelvic floor musculature relaxes
6. The rectum itself starts to contract and both internal and external sphincters relax. Even if the sphincters are not completely relaxed, at this point pressure in the rectum exceeds pressure in the anal canal and defecation will occur
Once begun a number of patterns can occur. There may be a single evacuation of the rectal contents accompanied by mass peristalsis of the left and sigmoid colon clearing the bowel in one continuous movement, or the passage of smaller volumes of stool individually over a short time requiring recurrent efforts and straining
Disturbance resulting in incontinence occurs through any of the following
Reduced anal tone
Excess rectal contraction
Reduced sensation
Inability to differentiate the consistency of the rectal contents
Obstructed defecation
Dysfunction may be associated with conscious/subconscious inhibition of the need to defecate during childhood. According to this theory, repeated delays in defecation result in altered sensation that eventually leads to dyscoordination between the anorectal and pelvic floor musculature. The relaxing effects of the upper parts of the nervous system are insufficient to overpower the abnormal stimulation. Once this occurs, and pelvic floor musculature such as puborectalis and sphincter complex fail to relax appropriately, increasingly higher intra-abdominal pressure is needed to overpower the rectal/anal pressure to evacuate
Independent of what part of normal defecation was affected first, over time there is probably significant damage to the sensory pathways including receptors, efferent nerves and muscles. With time, this process will also start affecting the structural integrity of the pelvic floor
Obstructed defecation disorders include
It is defined as > 2 cm of rectal wall out pouching or bowing anteriorly while straining
When a patient attempts to evacuate, generated pressure delivers stool anteriorly towards the weakened portion of the wall that is not contracting appropriately. This generates a sensation of bulge and incomplete evacuation and can be at least in part relieved in women by pushing on the vagina in the initial stages of the disease
Non-relaxing puborectalis/levator muscle spasm
As a result, when a patient tries to evacuate the anorectal angle may not increase or may even become sharper. A patient’s natural response is to generate higher pressures in which only further worsens the symptoms. Over time, these changes likely cause more damage to the musculature and nerves.
Dyssnergic puborectalis
Rectal prolapse
Sensory input for feeling the urge to defecate is also present in the pelvic sidewall (large tumors give a constant feeling of wanting to empty the rectum)
Pathophysiology of obstetric-related problems
Fecal incontinence can develop as a result of direct disruption of:
Anal sphincter
Connective tissue
Pudendal nerve injury
The pudendal nerve can be affected during pregnancy by stretching as well as traction injury during delivery
Leads to ↓ gut motility + ↓ tonic contraction of anal sphincters
Leads to ligamentous laxity
Labor can be associated with muscle stretching or even evulsion & pudendal nerve injury
Additional risk factors for fecal incontinence
Use of devices to aid labor (forceps and vacuum)
Tearing and episiotomy
Presence of symptoms after delivery is an additional risk factor for developing significant incontinence in the future when age further weakens already damages muscles and nerves
Although many women experience immediate mild problems with incontinence to flatus or stool, most have enough reserves to compensate
Ileal conduit considerations
Patients have urine routed through a 10-15cm segment of intestine
The left ureter is tunnelled under the sigmoid
ASCRS: Relative contraindications DRE
Anal fissure
Thrombosed external hemorrhoids
Grade IV internal hemorrhoids
Neutropenic patient
The patient should be asked to perform a Valsalva maneuver to potentially bring any lesions of the upper rectum or the rectosigmoid into the examiners reach
The levator ani/puborectalis muscles can also be assessed on DRE with evaluation of both the strength and function of these muscles, along with any tenderness on direct palpation, indicating a possible pelvic pain disorder. When a patient with good sphincter function is asked to squeeze these muscles, the examiner’s finger will feel the muscle tighten and will have his finger pulled up into the rectum. Additionally, when the examiner pulls posteriorly on these muscles, the anal opening should gape and then return to normal, representing an intact reflex pathway to the thoracolumbar spinal cord
For most instances, cleansing of the anorectum with an enema is not warranted.
During the examination, the patient is asked to strain while the anoscope is withdrawn to visualize any prolapsing anorectal mucosa or hemorrhoidal tissue
Rigid proctoscopy
The main difference between an anoscope is that a proctoscope needs to hold air so the rectum can be distended
Ideally, the patient should receive an enema preparation within 2h of the procedure in order to clear any stool
Proctoscopes are available in three sizes, all 25 cm in length. Different luminal diameters include 11, 15, and 19 mm. In most patients, the 15 mm × 25 cm scope is ideal for a general inspection. Very rarely can the scope be inserted to its full length
The distal extent reached on proctoscopic examinations averages approximately 17–20 cm
Adequate lubrication is applied; the obturator is held in place with the right thumb
Insert and advance ~4–5 cm in the general direction of the umbilicus
Then aimed toward the sacrum and advanced for an additional 4–5 cm
The obturator is then removed and the viewing lens is placed
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
In general, the channel size ranges between 2.6 and 3.8 mm, the diameter of the scope ranges between 12 and 14 mm and the length varies from 60 to 71 cm
Patients are typically given 1-2 enemas prior to the procedure and generally do not require oral laxatives or dietary restrictions
Small polyps can be removed with cold or hot biopsy forceps. Larger polyp removal may be best suited during a subsequent colonoscopy when a full bowel preparation has been achieved
Electrocoagulation should be avoided or used very judiciously in biopsies or snare techniques unless the patient has received a full mechanical bowel preparation to reduce the risk of explosion due to the presence of hydrogen and methane gas present within the bowel lumen
Scope lengths typically vary from 130 to 168 cm in length. There are also pediatric colonoscopes that are smaller in diameter than the typical adult endoscope: 11.3 mm versus 12.8 mm
Chromocolonoscopy involves the use of dye with spray catheters to spray coat the colonic mucosa in an attempt to increase the visualization of the mucosa
There has been some demonstrated benefit with this technology in high-risk populations such as those with IBD or those with known genetic disorders, due to the difficulty in differentiating abnormal from normal mucosa in some of these patients.
High definition endoscopy has not proven superior in the ability to detect additional colon neoplasms
Narrow Bandwidth Imaging (NBI) uses a filter to narrow the blue and green wave light and eliminates the red wavelength from standard white light. This leads to an accentuation of the microvasculature and improved visualization of pathology. The endoscopist is able to rapidly switch between white light and NBI views with the use of a foot pedal
Due to this ability to better predict histology, NBI technology may play a role in the future resection and discarding of diminutive polyps, but it has not received widespread acceptance.
How to use NBI to detect dysplasia
Learn to recognize subtle color differences between the polyp & surrounding mucosa
Learn to recognize microvessel patterns characteristic for hyperplastic & adenomatous polyps
Learn to recognize mucosal patterns characteristic for hyperplastic & adenomatous polyps
Contraindications to anoscopy and proctoscopy
Painful anorectal conditions
Anorectal surgery within 1 month
Anal stenosis
Only FOBT and flexible sigmoidoscopy have Level I evidence supporting use in average-risk colorectal cancer screening
Endoscopic Ultrasound
EndoRectal US
Provides T & N staging comparable to MRI
Best in distinguishing T0, T1, & T2
Predicts LN involvement
Staging cancers
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Surveillance of cancer
It is impossible to distinguish blood vessels from LN on a static US image
EndoAnal US is the diagnostic test of choice for anal sphincter defects & to define occult collections
Assess sphincters
PreOp planning
Assess fistulas (often also used in the OR; aided with injection of hydrogen peroxide)
The anal canal is divided into three levels on EUS
The upper anal canal: defined by the U-shaped puborectalis muscle
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The middle canal: has both EAS and IAS muscles visible (this is also where the IAS is at maximum width)
The lower anal canal: only the most distal external sphincter fibers are visualized (IAS is not visualized)
Collagen and fat, which can be mixed into the striated fibers of the puborectalis muscle and external anal sphincter, tend to have higher reflectivity and will appear hyperechoic
Muscle with its high water content, such as the smooth muscle of the internal anal sphincter, tends to be hypoechoic (black on EUS)
It’s useful to measure the size of the perineal body (visualization is aided by inserting a finger into the vagina)
Using 2D probes, a false positive anterior sphincter defect may be identified in 5–25 % of normal patients
The 3D probes allows automatic volumetric acquisition of images over a 6 cm axis without movement of the probe
Echodefecography uses a 3D 360-degree probe
Dynamic US
Indications for dynamic US
Urinary incontinence
Symptoms of voiding dysfunction
Recurrent urinary tract infection
Fecal incontinence
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Pelvic organ prolapse: cystocele, enterocele, rectocele, uterine prolapse
Symptoms of obstructed defecation: straining at stool, chronic constipation, vaginal or perineal digitation, and sensation of incomplete bowel emptying
Suspected pelvic floor dyssynergy
Pelvic, vaginal, or anal pain
Follow-up after pelvic floor surgery
3 probes are used to perform US in 4 separate steps
Images are acquired during rest and during cough, with squeeze, and with push
Transperineal scanning using linear transducer
Transvaginal US using biplane probe
Transvaginal US using 360-degree rotational probe
Endoanal US
Equipment & technique
Lateral decubitus patient position
Fleet enema X2
Critical to remove bubbles/air in the balloon and only use water to allow proper transmission of waves through water. Air and stool result in artifacts on the US also
Tip: insert the probe above the tumor and then visualize on withdrawal
7 Hz: deeper penetration 2-5 cm; lower resolution
10 Hz: less penetration 1-4 cm; higher resolution
Breath testing
13C-labeled substances are ingested and metabolized after passing the pylorus. Ultimately, there is conversion to CO2, which is exhaled
The results can be affected by pulmonary conditions resulting in CO 2retention
Used to evaluate for
Carbohydrate malabsorption
Bacterial overgrowth
Can provide estimation of
Gastric emptying
Orocecal transit time: normal range (30m to 3h)
Pelvic floor testing: mainly aims to differentiate anatomic from functional pathologies
For anal US, see Endoscopic Ultrasound
Accomplished fluoroscopically (cinedefecography) or with MRI
Advantage of MRI: ability to evaluate all three pelvic compartments simultaneously and the lack of radiation exposure
Advantage of fluoroscopy:
Done in standard defecography position as opposed to lateral decubitus position needed for MR defecography
MRI underestimates prolapses that are not rectoceles
In addition to the rectum, opacification of the vagina, bladder & small bowel has been shown to improve diagnostic accuracy when only rectal opacification is not diagnostic
Patient takes an enema
The rectum is infused with 50cc of thin barium & air insufflation
A caulking gun injector is used to inject 250-500g of thick barium paste into the rectum
Barium, water soluble contrast, or gel is inserted into the vagina for opacification
For opacification of the small bowel: 400-600ml of barium is administered PO 45-60m before the study
Black line = pubococcygeal line (fixed landmark)
Green dot = anorectal junction
Angle = anorectal angle
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Landmarks and normal values
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Anorectal angle
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It is the angle created by a line drawn through the central axis of the anal canal and a line drawn through either the central axis of the distal rectum or a line drawn parallel to the posterior wall of the distal rectum
At rest average value is 90 degrees (range 65-100 degrees)
Value at squeeze is ~75 degrees
Value at straining is 110-180 degrees
Anorectal junction
It is the uppermost point of the anal canal
During squeezing, the ARJ elevates
Movement against bony landmarks is used to determine descent of the pelvic floor
With straining, the junction descends into the perineum (but not more than 3.5 cm)
Excessive descent results in perineal descent syndrome
Pubococcygeal line is the line extending from the lowest point of the pubic bone and coccyx
In a normal patient, ≤ ⅓ of the rectum will lie below this line
The ischiococcygeal line is a line extending from the inferior border of the ischium to the last coccygeal joint.
During straining
The anorectal angle increases to > 110 degrees
Anorectal junction descends below the pubococcygeal line
During squeezing
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The anorectal angle decreases to ~75 degrees
Anorectal junction migrates superiorly
The puborectalis impression is seen on the posterior rectum
In pelvic floor dyssynergia (paradoxical contraction)
During straining, there is lack of pelvic floor descent (anorectal junction), and paradoxical contraction of the puborectalis
Evacuation time is > 30s
Internal intussusception
Infold of the rectal wall > 3mm in thickness; usually most prominent at the anterior rectal wall
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D1 and D2 represent infolding of the anterior and posterior rectal walls, respectively
Infold of rectal wall < 3mm indicates mucosal prolapse
Rectorectal intussusception is often asymptomatic
Rectoanal intussusception may cause incontinence, obstructive defecation, and rectal pain
Wisps of contrast indicate contrast along the mucosal fold
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Usually occurs at the ventral wall, but lateral and posterior rectoceles have been described
May be seen in up to 93% of asymptomatic females, regardless of parity
Grade I: < 2cm (clinically insignificant)
Grade II: 2-4cm
Grade III: > 4cm
Rectocele are especially considered non-symptomatic if they empty adequately during defecography without requiring vaginal splinting. These rectoceles require no management
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RI = rectal intussusception
PC = posterior compartment
SB= small bowel
Cystocele (demonstrated as anterior inward indentation in the vaginal wall on defecogram)
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Enterocele and sigmoidocele: present on imaging between the rectum and the vagina
First degree: eneterocele above the pubococcygeal line
Second degree: enterocele between the pubococcygeal line and the ischiococcygeal line
Third degree: enterocele below the ischiococcygeal line
Descending perineum syndrome
Caudal migration of the anorectal junction > 3.5cm
Anorectal angle > 130 degrees at rest and rises to 150 during straining
The full evacuation process typically takes < 1m in physiologic conditions
Manometry measures with a transanal probe, under various conditions, within the anus & rectum:
A rectal manometry is the test of choice to evaluate for sphincter dysfunction
Used in the evaluation of
Fecal incontinence
Constipation (balloon expulsion test may suggest Dx dyssynergia)
Anal pain (to suggest chronic anal spasm)
Fissure (hyper vs hypotonic)
Hirschsprung’s disease (provisional Dx with impair RAIR)
Rectal hyposensitivity
High-resolution anorectal manometry and balloon expulsion can be used to differentiate outlet obstruction for patients with constipation.
Pressure measurements
After initial probe placement, a period of equilibration is necessary in order to allow the anal sphincter to return to baseline activity. This typically takes about 5 min
High-pressure zone
It is the length of the anal canal with resting pressures ≥30% higher than rectal pressure
It estimates the length of the anal canal, normally 2-4 cm
Normal resting pressure
Defined as the difference between the intra-rectal pressure and the anal canal pressure.
It is the pressure in the high-pressure zone at rest after a period of stabilization
Normal resting pressure: 40-80 mmHg
The internal anal sphincter tone is the primary determinant of the resting pressure. It is recognized, however, that up to 30 % of the resting pressure can come from the external anal sphincter tone and 15 % from the anal cushions themselves
Maximum resting pressure is the highest resting pressure recorded (as opposed to mean resting pressure)
Maximum voluntary pressure is the highest pressure recorded above the baseline (0) at any level of the anal canal during maximum squeeze effort by the patient
Squeeze pressure = maximum voluntary pressure — resting pressure
Normal squeeze pressure: 40-80 mmHg (above resting pressure)
This measurement will assess the contribution of the external anal sphincter and puborectalis only
Cough pressure = maximum pressure during cough — resting pressure
Cough reflex: a rapid rise in intra-abdominal pressure, such as with cough, causes a reflex contraction of the external anal sphincter.
Valsalva pressure
Non-relaxation or paradoxical contraction with feigned defecation can aid in the diagnosis of dyssynergic defecation.
It has been demonstrated that paradoxical sphincter contraction is also a common finding in healthy patients as well at the time of manometric evaluation, presumably a result of patient’s unease during the procedure itself
Dyssynergic defecation has 4 types
Type 1: ↑ intra-rectal pressure + ↑ intra-anal pressure
Type 2: stable intra-rectal pressure + ↑ intra-anal pressure
Type 3: ↑ intra-rectal pressure + stable/minimal change in intra-anal pressure
Type 4: stable intra-rectal pressure + stable/minimal change in intra-anal pressure
Sphincter endurance is the length of time that the patient can maintain a squeeze pressure above the resting pressure.
Rectoanal inhibitory reflex (RAIR) is tested by inflating a 50cc balloon at the distal tip of the probe, thereby distending the rectum
Distension of the rectal wall causes an initial contraction of the EAS followed by a relaxation of the IAS. This was first noted by Gowers in 1877 and is felt to aid in the sampling mechanism of the anal canal
It is characterized by a drop in IAS pressure by 10 mm Hg for ≥ 5 seconds from the naturally tonic state
Presence of the reflex = functioning myenteric plexus = absence of Hirschsprung’s disease.
Absence of RAIR should raise suspicion for certain pathologic conditions
Hirschsprung’s disease
Chaga’s disease
It can also be impaired in rectal prolapse, and after rectal resection
In the event of a negative reflex, testing at several levels within the canal and at a larger balloon volume may elicit the response
Rectal Sensation: measured by increasing the balloon volume inside the rectum (above anorectal ring)
Sensory threshold/ first sensation: is the minimum rectal volume perceived by the patient. Normal value: 10-30cc
Urge sensation / to defecate: is the volume associated with the initial urge to defecate
Maximum tolerated volume is the volume at which the patient experiences discomfort and an intense desire to defecate
Anal sensation: reflects the somatic sensory component of the pudendal nerve
Balloon expulsion testing assesses the ability of the patient to expel a 50-cc balloon during defecation. The utility of the test has come into question. This test is, at best, complementary to other test
Normal electromyographic results or the ability to expel a 60-mL balloon does not exclude the presence of pelvic floor dyssynergia on defecography
High-Resolution Anorectal Manometry (HRAM)
Probe types:
Solid-state 4.2mm diameter probe with 12 sensors
3D 10.75mm diameter probe with 256 sensors
In comparison with conventional manometry, HRAM is capable of measuring a “topographic” pressure map over the entire length and circumference of the anal canal
Records electrical activity of the external anal sphincter and puborectalis muscles during rest, squeeze, and attempted defecation
Can be used for biofeedback training
Results can be affected by patient embarrassment
Normal results: a decrease in electrical activity to attempted defecation
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EMG can be useful to identify patients with paradoxic contraction of the puborectalis
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Given ultrasonography had similar accuracy and improved patient tolerance, endoanal ultrasound has replaced needle EMG in the anatomic assessment of patient with bowel incontinence
EMG still remains a useful tool in the detection of sphincter defects when the ultrasound is inconclusive as can be the case in areas of dense scarring
Normal electromyographic results or the ability to expel a 60-mL balloon does not exclude the presence of pelvic floor dyssynergia on defecography
Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency detects nerve damage; but has limited utility
Stimulation of the nerve is done intrarectally; measurement of response is done at the level of the anal sphincter
Normal value: 2.0±0.2 ms
Potential uses of PNTML
Fecal incontinence
Rectal prolapse
Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency may be performed, but has limited impact in the diagnosis and management of patients with fecal incontinence, and is not routinely recommended.
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
Transit studies
Normal transit times:
Mouth to cecum: 30min to 3h
Mouth to anus: 20h to 4 days
Requires cessation of all laxatives X48h prior and during testing
Radio-opaque testing
24 radio-opaque markers within a single capsule are ingested
Average normal transit time through the colon: 31h in ♂; 39h in ♀
X-rays are obtained on days 1, 3, & 5
Slow transit is defined by retention of ≥ 20% opaque markers (five markers) in the colon at day 5
Colonic inertia is suggested by the markers being scattered throughout the entire colon
Pelvic outlet dysfunction is suggested by the markers aggravated in the sigmoid or proximal rectum
The X-ray on day 1 will document grossly normal gastric and small bowel transit if all of the markers are located in the colon at this point
Scintigraphy / Radionuclear marker study
SmartPill determines colonic transit based on the drop of pH detected when it crosses the ICV
Breath testing
Can provide estimates of both gastric emptying and orocecal transit time
Results are affected by pulmonary diseases resulting in CO2 retention
CTE requirements:
1L PEG followed by 1L H2O given 1h before scanning
IV contrast is used
Anti-spasmodics are often given to reduce bowel motion artifact
Rectal MRI and US — see Colorectal Cancer
FOBT/FIT, Polyps & colonoscopy
Non-invasive screening modalities are not appropriate for patients with personal Hx of polyps
ASGE Recommendations 2017
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With 1-time application, FIT tests are approximately 80% sensitive for cancer detection and approximately 20%–30% sensitive for advanced neoplasia detection. To enhance advanced adenoma detection, repeated applications of FIT are required. Therefore, we recommend repeated testing to maximize the effectiveness of cancer detection and prevention with this modality. Strong recommendation; moderate-quality evidence.
Given the high positive predictive value of FIT for cancer detection, colonoscopy is recommended when the test is positive, not repeat FIT. Strong recommendation; moderate-quality evidence.
When comparing FIT with gFOBT, FIT has improved sensitivity for CRC and advanced colorectal neoplasia detection at similar levels of specificity. There is RCT-level evidence that adherence is superior for single-sample FIT compared with traditional 3-card gFOBT. Given these advantages, we recommend the use of FIT over gFOBT. Strong recommendation; high-quality evidence.
There is limited information examining the test characteristics of FIT when applied to a stool specimen obtained by DRE. Available data suggest that test characteristics may suffer. The Task Force suggests that FIT screening programs rely on spontaneously passed stool specimens and not an in-office DRE sample. Weak recommendation; very low quality evidence.
Based on currently available evidence, including the systematic reviews discussed earlier, the Task Force suggests a 1-sample annual FIT screening approach. Weak recommendation; low-quality evidence.
A meta-analysis also showed that the pooled performance characteristics of FIT for CRC were similar regardless of the number of FIT samples tested
There is no strong evidence that delays in FIT kit return of up to 10 days after sample deposit affects FIT performance. Nonetheless, the Task Force suggests that participants in FIT-based programs should be informed about the importance of rapid return of the kit (ie, preferably mailing it or returning it to the laboratory within 24 hours) once the sample has been deposited. Furthermore, programs should establish quality-assurance practices to monitor return times of the FIT kits and solicit repeat samples when kits fall outside the predetermined range of acceptability based on the device used (as established by the manufacturer). Weak recommendation; very low quality evidence.
Stool tests
Guaiac FOBT
Optimal use depends on following strict dietary (avoid red meats and plant oxidizers) adjustments prior to collecting the stool sample
This test requires at least 2 mL of blood loss a day to become positive
Screening requires annual testing
Utilizes specific antibodies to detect globin
Immunochemical methods may fail to recognize OB from the upper GI tract because the globin is digested by the time it gets in the stool.
Does not required following any dietary restrictions prior to testing
FIT can pick up as little as 0.3 mL of blood in the stool
Has higher sensitivity and specificity over gFOBT (13–25 % vs. 81 %)
Sensitivity in detecting adenomas: 28%
Sensitivity in detecting CRC: 79%
Specificity in detecting CRC: 94%
Screening requires annual testing
FIT testing is only appropriate for average risk screening
Stool DNA testing
The test detects shed cells that contain abnormal DNA
Testing for screening can is done Q3Y
In context of asymptomatic patients, and compared to FIT testing, DNA testing is associated with:
Higher detection rate for CRC
Higher false positives
Polyp = mass projecting into the lumen of the bowel
Presence of a polypoid lesion is an indication for endoscopic polypectomy
Colonoscopic adenoma detection rate (ADR) = 25% in ♂; 15% in ♀
Adenoma detection rate is associated with:
Withdrawal time (minimum recommended time is 6-8m)
Withdrawal technique
Polyp miss rate = 22% pooled miss rate for polyps of any size
2% if > 10mm
13% if 5-10mm
26% if 1-5mm
Classification of polyps
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Usually < 5mm
Resemble adjacent flat mucosa
Have no clinical significance
Are non-neoplastic growths that are compromised of abnormal mixture of tissue that is normally found at that site
Occasional presentation: bleeding; intussusception; mucus discharge
Juvenile polyps
Are common in childhood, but may be found at any age
Consist of overgrowths of the lamina propria & dilated cystic glands rather than hyperplasic epithelial cells
They are usually removed because of the high risk of bleeding
Juvenile Polyposis Coli
⅓ of JPC have similar Family Hx in a FDR
Associated with increased risk for colorectal cancer and gastric cancer
Peutz-Jeghers polyps
Represent overgrowths of the muscularis mucosa
They are almost always associated with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome:
Dx criteria: ≥ 2 hamartomatous polyps + melanin spots on the buccal mucosa & lips
50% have GI or breast/testicular cancer by 60Y
Surveillance with scope Q2-3Y
Polyps are usually benign but may produce symptoms, and they have malignant potential
Surgery is reserved for symptomatic polyps
Inflammatory pseudopolyps
They are irregularly shaped colonic mucosa
Result from ulceration & regeneration in IBD. May also occur after amebic, ischemic, or schistosomal colitis
They are usually multiple, and may mimic FAP
If occurring in clusters, they may be associated with dysplasia
Neoplastic: adenomatous polyps
Differ from hyperplastic polyps in that they have cellular atypia
Some degree of dysplasia exists in all adenomas i.e: an adenoma represents, at least, low grade dysplasia
Adenomatous polyps are the most common neoplastic polyps — they develop in 25% of the population > 50Y in the US
⅔ of all colonic polyps are adenomatous
♂ > ♀
Adenoma to carcinoma progression requires ~7-10Y. Cancers that develop in shorter periods may be called interval cancers and raise the suspicion for syndromes associated with colorectal cancer
Patients who develop adenomas have ↑ lifetime risk for colorectal cancer
Removal of polyps decreases the incidence of colorectal cancer
In 1993, the National Polyp Study Workgroup published a landmark study documenting a 76% to 90% reduction in colorectal cancer incidence compared with reference populations when adenomatous colon polyps are removed endoscopically. A year before this, Selby and Newcomb independently showed a 60% to 70% rectal cancer mortality reduction following sigmoidoscopy and polypectomy
Morpholoic classification
Pedunculated = have a stalk
Sessile = base is attached to the colon wall
Flat = height < ½ of the diameter of the lesion
Depressed = likely to harbor high-grade dysplasia
Haggitt’s classification
By definition, all sessile polyps with invasive cancers are level 4 Haggitt’s
Memory cue: MNOPQRS
I: Muscularis Mucosa
II: Neck
III: Stalk
IV: SubMucosa
Haggitt levels 1-3 are equivalent to SM1 on Kikuchi classification. Haggitt 4 can be SM1, SM2, or SM3
Histologic classification
Account for ≥ 80% of adenomas
Tubular component of the polyp accounts for ≥ 75%
Associated with malignancy in 5% of cases
Tubular adenoma > 2cm = 35% harbor malignancy
Account for 5-15% of adenomas
The villous component must be ≥ 75%
Are most often sessile
40% harbor cancer
Villous adenoma > 2 cm = 50% harbor malignancy
Have 26-75% villous component
Risk of malignancy is 22%
Size & histology are independent risk factors for malignancy
Every 1cm in size increases the risk of the polyp harboring malignancy by 10%
Non-carcinoma: polypectomy is sufficient
Invasive carcinoma:
Defined as cells invading the muscular mucosa (regardless of polyp morphology)
Polypectomy is sufficient if (criteria):
Only T1 lesions
≥ 2 mm resection margin
Lesion is well- or moderately-differentiated
⊖ Tumor budding
Indications for segmental resection:
Polyp not meeting polypectomy criteria
Extremely large polyps
Polyps not resectable endoscopically
Sessile serrated lesions
Classically have saw-toothed or serrated appearance of the crypts
Results from failure of normal apoptosis
Hyperplastic polyps
NCCN glossary for HP: Hyperplastic polyps are serrated polyps with normal crypt architecture and proliferative characteristics
A hyperplastic polyp is a serrated polyp with no pathological features of a serrated sessile lesion
Composed of normal cellular components; exhibit no dysplasia
They do not appear to increase the risk of colorectal cancer
They are usually found in the rectosigmoid and are ≤ 5mm
They are typically sessile
They are the most common non-neoplastic polyps
Large polyps are precursors to sessile serrated adenomas that can progress to colorectal cancer
Consider full colonoscopy if they are detected on flexible sigmoidoscopy: a systematic review that included 18 studies estimated that 21-25% of patients found to have a distal hyperplastic polyp had a proximal neoplasm
In patients with hyperplastic polyps ≥10 mm, a repeat colonoscopy is suggested in 3-5Y
In patients with <20 hyperplastic polyps that are <10 mm, surveillance colonoscopy is recommended in 10Y
Sessile serrated polyps & traditional serrated adenomas
Often have a ‘cloud-like’ appearance and may be covered with mucus
Contain significant architectural, proliferative, and maturation abnormalities and may acquire morphologic evidence of dysplasia
Those with foci of dysplasia are considered the likely precursor lesions to sporadic MSI-H colon cancer through the CIMP pathway. The defect may result in hypermethylation of the promoter region of the MMR MLH1 and silencing of gene expression
There is molecular and clinical evidence that these lesions, either through being missed, incompletely removed, or through a more rapid progression from adenoma to cancer, disproportionally contribute to interval CRCs
Clinical management: like adenomatous polyps (complete excision)
Due to their sessile nature and indistinct borders, special care is needed to ensure their complete removal endoscopically
1-2 SSPs <10mm + ⊖dysplasia: colonoscopy in 5-10Y
3-4 SSPs: colonoscopy in 3Y
≥ 10mm SSP, SSP with dysplasia, or TSA: managed as advanced adenoma
Traditional serrated adenomas
NCCN glossary for TSA: Polyps with complex villous growth pattern; ectopic crypt formation is a unique feature that leads to mucosal protrusions; are associated with high-risk polyp recurrence
They are more prevalent in the rectosigmoid
Have diffuse cytologic dysplasia
Sessile serrated polyps/adenomas
NCCN glossary for SSP: Synonymous with sessile serrated adenoma; SSPs are a type of serrated polyp that is not dysplastic or does not contain foci of dysplasia; sessile lesions are attached to the mucosa without a stalk
They are more prevalent in the proximal colon
May have a foci of cytogenic dysplasia
The potential to develop colorectal cancer is higher than that in adenomatous polyps
Large polyps are associated with synchronous colorectal cancer
Submucosal lesions
Lipoma (is the most common): Dx by its yellow color & softness (pillow sign) — doesn’t require Bx
Fibroblastic polyps
Metastatic lesions
All adenomas by definition have dysplasia
High-grade dysplasia refers to the distribution of nuclei within the cells (nuclei stratified haphazardly between the basal and apical halves of the cells)
Tis refers to intramucosal carcinoma (involvement of lamina proprio with no extension through the muscularis mucosa)
ASA may be associated with 21% decrease in adenoma recurrence in patients with Hx of adenoma or CRC
Celecoxib 400mg/d may be associated with 34% reduction in adenoma recurrence in patients with Hx of adenoma
Calcium intake 1200-2000 mg/d may be associated with 18% reduction in adenoma recurrence in patients with Hx of adenoma
Colonoscopy / sigmoidoscopy and polypectomy
Abx prophylaxis
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While there are case reports of endocarditis following colonoscopy, the need for antibiotic prophylaxis for patients undergoing elective endoscopy is rare
ASCRS: Based upon current guidelines antibiotic prophylaxis is reserved for individuals with cardiac valvular disease at high risk of infective endocarditis
ASGE 2015 guidelines: even high-risk patients are not required to have antimicrobial prophylaxis prior to endoscopic procedures. In patients who fall into the high-risk category, a frank discussion with the patient’s cardiologist or infectious disease specialist is warranted.
All cardiac conditions: Antibiotic prophylaxis is not indicated solely to prevent IE ⊕⊕⊕⊖
Cardiac conditions associated with the highest risk of an adverse outcome from IE: For patients with these conditions who have established infections of the GI tract (such as cholangitis) and for those who receive antibiotic therapy to prevent wound infection or sepsis associated with a GI tract procedure, it is recommended that the antibiotic regimen include an antimicrobial agent active against enterococci, such as penicillin, ampicillin, piperacillin, or vancomycin. ⊕⊕⊖⊖
Patients with peritoneal dialysis should receive prophylactic Abx coverage
If needed: Amoxicillin 1 gram, 1 hr before the procedure is appropriate
If allergic to penicillins: azithromycin 500mg X1 is used
Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for screening. It is the test of choice for patients with greater than average risk. However, it is the most morbid (& expensive) screening method. It is the screening test recommended for average-risk individuals; indeed, it may be the most cost-effective test if administered once every 10 years, as recommended. In the National Polyp Study Workgroup trial, colonoscopic examination revealed a 20% overall polyp miss rate. Clearly, the gold standard could be improved on, particularly for polyps smaller than 1.0 cm in diameter.
Involves topical spray application of dye (0.4% indigo carmine) via the colonoscope
Its use may result in improved overall adenoma detection rate, especially flat adenoma detection
Filters behind the light source remove red light → enhanced mucosal surface vascularity & polyp visualization
Meta-analysis suggests no improvement in adenoma detection when compared to standard colonoscopy
High-definition NBI may have an advantage over standard colonoscopy with respect to minimizing polyp & adenoma miss rate
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Qualifications of flexible sigmoidoscopy
At least 40cm, preferably advancement to splenic flexure
Withdrawal time of ≥ 3.25 minutes
The major problem with sigmoidoscopy lies in its inability to evaluate the more proximal colon. Despite this, metaanalyses have demonstrated a beneficial reduction in the incidence of colorectal cancer and long-term mortality when compared with no screening
For average-risk individuals, combining FOBT with flexible sigmoidoscopy at 5-year intervals is deemed acceptable as a screening option
In randomized studies, annual use of FOBT alone with three consecutive stools produced a colorectal cancer-specific mortality reduction rate of 33%. Unfortunately, the false-negative rate using FOBT alone is unacceptably high
Colonoscopy in the elderly
Screening in ages 76-85 should be a decision unique to each individual taking into account overall health and prior screening
Those who have never been screened have more benefit from colonoscopy
There is higher complication rate and higher incomplete colonoscopy rates in the elderly
Colonoscopic adenoma detection rate (ADR) = 25% in ♂; 15% in ♀
Adenoma detection rate is associated with:
Withdrawal time (minimum recommended time is 6-8m)
Withdrawal technique
Polyp miss rate = 22% pooled miss rate for polyps of any size
2% if > 10mm
13% if 5-10mm
26% if 1-5mm
Study: the percentages of adenomas with advanced pathologic features were 3.4%, 13.5% and 38.5% for adenomas <0.5 cm, 0.5–1.0 cm and >1 cm respectively
Villous histology, left sided location and age ≥60 are often associated with advanced pathologic features
Bx, polypectomy, and tattooing
Polypectomy is best performed with the polyp in the 5–7 o’clock position. One may consider repositioning the patient so the base of the polyp is not in a dependent position to make postpolypectomy bleeding easier to control
Forceps polypectomy & Bx
Cold forceps biopsy is appropriate for polyp 1-3 mm
This technique requires minimal manipulation, uses no electrocautery, and has an insignificant risk of perforation
Hot forceps (no longer recommended) during removal is associated with
Impaired histologic evaluation of the specimen
Increased risk of delayed bleeding and perforation in the right colon
Unreliable in completely removing all adenomatous tissue with 17% of polypectomy sites revealing persistent viable polyp remnants
National societies recommend avoidance of hot biopsy forceps for polyps >5 mm and those in the right colon
Snare polypectomy
Cold snaring is the preferred technique for all small (<10 mm) and most diminutive polyps but this has not been well studied. The technique of cold snaring allows for a resection of a 1–2 mm margin of normal tissue around the polyp.
The application of electrocautery with snare polypectomy is more common for larger polyps (>7–8 mm) and pedunculated polyps
CRESCENT study (2017): Cold snare is as effective as a hot snare at complete resection for 5-10mm polyps
For pedunculated polyps, the snare should be closed at a third or halfway from the base of the polyp to ensure a sufficient stump to re-grasp if there is immediate bleeding
Main indications for hot-snare:
Pedunculated polyp with stalk ≥ 0.5 cm
Flat polyp ≥ 20-25mm
Management of stalling (snare closes and does not cut through the mucosa)
Step 1: Straighten
While holding the snare tightly closed for 10-15 seconds perform the following:
Maintain full insufflation and avoid suction.
Straighten and stretch the length of the catheter external to the instrument.
Gently move the snare catheter forward and backward within the instrument channel
Step 2: Drop
Partially reopen the snare (to about 1/3 of the snare handle; avoid fully opening the snare).
Slowly lift the lesion away from the colon wall.
Lower the lesion (to prevent fly-away).
Re-close the snare fully to cut the lesion.
Advanced techniques is appropriate for polyps > 2 cm
‘Non-lifting’ signs indicates a deeper lesions and unsuitability for EMR/ESD
EMR is effective and practical with good outcomes. When performed by experts, anywhere from 3-7% of patients are referred for surgical resection because of inability to remove the polyp endoscopically. Approximately 44% of lesions are removed en bloc and the remaining are removed piecemeal
Intraprocedural bleeding occurs in about 8% of patients, post-procedural bleeding in 0–1%, and perforation 1–2%. Local recurrence after EMR is variable and reported in up to 27% of cases (more than ESD)
Japan data: bleeding rate 4.4%; perforation 0.2%
ESD has the advantage of definitively permitting an en bloc and therefore histologically complete resection. These advantages come at the cost of an increased risk of perforation, bleeding, and a longer procedure time as compared with EMR
This technique is indicated when an en bloc resection cannot be done with EMR. It is also indicated for polyps with intramucosal to shallow submucosal invasion as well as lesions with submucosal fibrosis that cannot be lifted with submucosal injection during conventional EMR
Successful en-bloc resection may be as low as 60% in initial cases but increases up to 88–97% with experience
Bleeding risk: 1.5-7.9%
Perforation risk: 10%
Frequently, complications are successfully treated with endoscopic clipping
Patient positioning: position the patient with the polyp against gravity dependent location. As the dissection is started, gravity will help retract the mobilized part of the polyp
Tattooing solutions
Indigo carmine
Methylene blue
Ink spot (India Ink, Spot)
Polyps detected by flexible sigmoidoscopy should prompt full colonoscopic examination
Lipomas are distinguished by their shape, color, & consistency — they do not require Bx
Is more prominent in the right colon
If no Hx of bleeding, no therapy is indicated
Tattooing technique for suspicious lesion
3-4 circumferential submucosal injections
Use 1ml just distal to the lesion
0.05% general compilation rate for diagnostic colonoscopy
Serious complications, defined as those resulting in hospital admission within 30 days of the procedure occur with a rate of 1-5 per 1000 exams
Cardiopulmonary complications are the most frequent complication related to procedural sedation
Scoping may cause a vagal response (↓HR & ↓BP) → stop maneuvering the scope & Rx IV fluids
The administration of sedative medications, particularly midazolam does cause transient hypotension in 20% of patients, with ST-segment depression in 7% of them. The clinical significance of these changes is unclear, however.
Colonoscopy in patients with a recent myocardial infarction is associated with a higher rate of minor, transient, and primarily cardiovascular complications compared with control patients but is infrequently associated with major complications
Bleeding is the most frequent serious complication (0.5-2%)
ASCRS: bleeding requiring a patient to seek medical care occurs in over 3% of all colonoscopic polypectomies
According to the 2005 ASGE guidelines, a diagnostic colonoscopy or a colonoscopy with biopsy is considered a low-risk procedure for causing hemorrhage. A polypectomy however is considered to be a high-risk procedure and any anticoagulant medications should be adjusted according to the medication that is being taken. These decisions will often need to be coordinated with the physician monitoring the anticoagulant, as it is often not within the purview of the endoscopist to evaluate the thrombotic risk.
ASCRS: Patients at higher risk for bleeding
Difficult colonoscopy with procedural bleeding
HTN has also been noted to be not only a risk for bleeding, but for increasing the interval between the polypectomy and hemorrhage
Anticoagulation medications; surprisingly, this risk is not seen with aspirin, NSAIDS, or other antiplatelet medications
The size of the polyps excised is the most consistent predictor of delayed hemorrhage after a polypectomy
Polyp > 2 cm: 3.8% bleeding rate
Polyp < 2 cm: 0.3% bleeding rate
The type of polyp either sessile or pedunculated has not been demonstrated to be a risk factor
Polyps located in the right colon more susceptible to bleeding
Immediate bleed is managed with clips or epinephrine injection
ASCRS: The incidence of post-polypectomy hemorrhage peaks at 4–6 days and this risk extends to at least 14 days. In general, the morbidity of a thromboembolic event is greater than that of hemorrhage (in context of the anticoagulated patient)
Almost all will stop spontaneously. Colonoscopy may be helpful to identify the source and for local control when necessary
Angioembolization has been shown to be effective in management
UTD: Techniques to prevent bleeding
Polyps <1 cm — We use cold snare polypectomy for polyps ranging in size from 4-9 mm because this approach is effective and reduces the risk
Hemoclips – Hemostatic metal clips (endoclips) may be used to prevent postpolypectomy bleeding after removal of large polyps, but data regarding their efficacy are mixed
Electrocautery settings — We generally use a blended setting
Postpolypectomy syndrome (0.3%)
It is believed to be the result of an electrocoagulation injury to the colonic wall, thereby creating a transmural burn with localized peritoneal inflammation, but without evidence of perforation.
Typically patients present several days following a colonoscopy with fever, localized abdominal pain, and leukocytosis and may have localized peritoneal signs
Typically present 0-3 days after colonoscopy
In one series, all patients were successfully managed medically without the need for surgery, with a median hospitalization of 5 days
Managed with: Abx, bowel rest, & serial examinations
Perforation (0.1%)
Mechanisms of perforation
Mechanical trauma from the pressure of the scope on the wall of the colon (often in the rectosigmoid region). These tend are typically large
Barotrauma (typically in the cecum)
Therapeutic procedure. These are typically small
Perforation rates:
Screening colonoscopy = 0.01-0.1%
Stricture dilation = 0-18%
EMR = 1-5%
ESR = ~10%
ASRCS: much less than 1/1000 procedures, with rates of 0.012% to 0.016% reported in large studies
ASRCS: a large study of IBD patients showed a low perforation rate of 0.16%
ASCRS: In most series attempting to examine the etiology of the complication, the incidence is as common when a biopsy is performed as from a diagnostic endoscopy alone
Mortality from perforation = 0-0.6%
Perforations from a diagnostic colonoscopy are likely larger and are less successfully managed with nonoperative treatment
A minority of patients can be managed nonsurgically. Such patients have a clean colon with no signs of peritonitis and improve symptomatically over 24 hours
Successful endoscopic clip closure of perforations has been reported and may be attempted if the perforation is visualized (double target sign) at the time of the colonoscopy and is accessible
If perforation is recognized early (no significant contamination) and occurs in a fully bowel-prepared colon, surgical primary repair may be sufficient
The mortality rate related to colonoscopy is 0.007%
Quality indicators for colonoscopy
1. ADR should be ≥ 25% overall (≥ 30% for ♂; ≥ 20% for ♀)
The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) recommends a minimum target for overall ADR of at least 25% based on the observation that higher ADRs were associated with a reduced risk of both proximal and distal cancer
How to improve ADR:
Look cleaner (better bowel preparations)
Look closer (image recognition training / freeze frame to examine suspected lesions)
Look slower (increase withdrawal time)
Look sharper (use high-definition/NBI, chromoendoscopy)
Look more completely
2. Cecal intubation rate should be ≥ 95% for screening colonoscopies & ≥ 90% overall
3. Ensure using a split-dosing bowel preparation for effective bowel preparation
Preferred timing of the second dose of split-dose preparation:
– Start 4–6 hours before colonoscopy
– End at least 2 hours before colonoscopy
4. Include photographs in the scope report (appendices orifice & ICV)
5. Ensure to document the quality of the preparation
Boston Bowel Preparation Score
0 = Unprepared colon segment with mucosa not seen due to solid stool that cannot be cleared.
1 = Portion of mucosa of the colon segment seen, but other areas of the colon segment not well seen due to staining, residual stool and/or opaque liquid.
2 = Minor amount of residual staining, small fragments of stool and/or opaque liquid, but mucosa of colon segment seen well.
3 = Entire mucosa of colon segment seen well with no residual staining, small fragments of stool or opaque liquid. The wording of the scale was finalized after incorporating feedback from three colleagues experienced in colonoscopy.
NCCN: In cases where colonoscopy is complete to the cecum but the preparation is ultimately considered inadequate, colonoscopy should be repeated within 1 year.
6. Colonoscopy withdrawal time
7. Complication rate
8. Interval between endoscopies
CT colonography (CTC)
There is variation in bowel preparation (full, partial, or none) and overall technique
Dry preparation agents are most commonly used (Na phosphate, Mg citrate, or bisacodyl)
Wet preparation (PEG) can leave liquid in the colon that can potentially obscure lesions
Fecal tagging is often employed
Oral ingestion of high-density contrast agent so that residual colonic contents can be differentiated from soft-tissue density polyps
Appears to decrease the need for cathartic preparation
Barium or iodine-based contrast agents may be used
Requires a small caliber flexible rectal catheter insertion for colonic distention (usually with CO2 utilizing an automated insufflator)
The procedure may require frequent repositioning, depending on the adequacy of colonic distention
Detection rate after ⊕FOBT are lower for CTC than colonoscopy
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Plumb, Andrew A., et al. "Use of CT colonography in the English bowel cancer screening programme." Gut 63.6 (2014): 964-973.
Asymptomatic screening population sensitivity for adenomas varies by size. CTC sensitivity is adequate for adenoma > 10 mm
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Sensitivity for cancer detection is equivalent to optical colonoscopy. Most cancers missed are usually in the rectosigmoid region (therefore: consider supplementing CTC with flexible sigmoidoscopy)
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CTC perforation rate is 0.04% and usually can be managed non-operatively
Advantages of CTC
Certain software may allow omitting bowel preparation with fecal tagging
Detection of extra-colonic lesions
Disadvantage of CTC
Adenomas > 10 mm require colonoscopy
Radiation exposure
Sensitivity depends on radiologists experience
Clear indications for colonoscopy after CTC
≥ 1 polyp ≥10mm
≥ 3 polyps ≥ 6mm
Overview of colon polyp surveillance
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For advanced rectal polyp: re-scope in 3-6 months in clinic
Melanosis coli and laxative misuse syndromes
Long-term consumption of stimulant laxatives leads to accumulation of lipofuscin pigment in macrophages in the lamina propria. This imparts a brown discoloration to the colonic mucosa, often described as resembling ‘tiger skin’. The condition is benign and resolves when the laxatives are stopped. Prolonged laxative use may rarely result in megacolon or ‘cathartic colon’, in which barium enema demonstrates a featureless mucosa, loss of haustra and shortening of the bowel. Surreptitious laxative misuse is a psychiatric condition seen in young women, some of whom have a history of bulimia or anorexia nervosa. They complain of refractory watery diarrhoea. Laxative use is usually denied and may continue, even when patients are undergoing investigation. Screening of urine for laxatives may reveal the diagnosis
Functional bowel disorders
Affects 3-22% of the population
In patients who develop symptoms after GI infections, their symptoms resolve after only 5Y
Rome III criteria
1. Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort ≥ 3d/month X 3m
2. Symptoms onset > 6m before Dx
Associated with 2 additional criteria:
a. Improvement with defecation
b. Onset associated with a change in infrequency of stool
c. Onset associated with a change in stool form/appearance
Work up / rule out
Celiac sprue
It is an enteropathy resulting from an immune-mediated response to deamidated gliadin
Dx by (either)
Small intestinal biopsy demonstrating villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia, and inflammation of the lamina propria
Serum test for specific elevated antibodies
(IgA) anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody is the most diagnostic, followed by elevation of IgA endomysial and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies, and to a lesser degree, antigliadin antibody levels
Microscopic colitis
Lactose maldigestion
Thyroid dysfunction
Chronic constipation
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
Classification of disease
IBS-D (diarrhea-predominant)
IBS-C (constipation-predominant)
IBS-M (mixed)
General measures
Minimize foods high in carbohydrates or fat
Gluten restriction may improve IBS symptoms, especially IBS-D
↓ FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols)
These are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed
Fructose (fruits, honey, high fructose corn syrup)
Lactose (dairy)
Fructans (wheat, garlic, onion)
Galactans (legumes)
Polyols (sweeteners)
↑ Fiber, especially for IBS-C (although results have been disappointing)
Soluble fiber may be more beneficial than insoluble in IBS patients
Use of insoluble fiber should be discouraged
Rifaximin may improve symptoms in non-constipation IBS
Consider probiotics
Psychological therapy
Antispasmodics may be used for postprandial cramping and loose stools
Peppermint oil
Ondansetron may significantly improve stool consistency, nausea, stool urgency and frequency, bloating, and global IBS symptoms
Tegaserod (withdrawn for cardiovascular AE)
Non-stimulant laxatives
Prosecretory agents
Chronic functional pelvic pain
Affects 7% of the population
Rectal ischemia
Chronic proctalgia
Rome III criteria
Chronic/recurrent rectal pain/aching ≥ 20m
Absence of structural or systemic disease
Levator ani sydnrome
It is termed such when traction on the pelvic floor produces tenderness
Tenderness on palpation is most commonly found on the left side where the muscle inserts into the pubic ramus of the pelvis.
Unspecified functional anorectal pain
Anorectal studies have little diagnostic or prognostic value
Treatment considerations
Digital massage of the levator muscles
Performed firmly and repetitively
Often employed in conjunction with sitz bath or short course of diazepam
Trigger point injection with steroid or Botox
Electrogalvanic stimulation
Etiology & frequently associated Hx
Chronic spasm of the pelvic floor → tension on a stiff coccyx
Spicule (bone spur) or bursitis may cause pain
Traumatic childbirth
Repetitive minor trauma such as horse-back riding
Lumbar disc degeneration
Hx of epidural injection
Previous spinal or rectal surgery
Workup may include MRI to exclude tumors, disc disease, and identify anatomic risk factors
Trigger point injection with steroid may be considered for transient relief
Coccyx manipulation is said to be beneficial
Failure of therapy may warrant coccygectomy
Pudendal neuralgia (Alcock’s canal syndrome)
The pudendal nerve travels through a musculo-osteo-aponeurotic tunnel between the sacrotuberal and sacrospinal ligaments
Compression of the nerve
The two documented sites of pudendal nerve entrapment are between the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligament and in the pudendal (Alcock’s) canal
Herpetic neuropathy
Stretch neuropathy
Post-radiotherapy neuropathy
Dx criteria
Pain is limited to the innervation territory of the pudendal nerve (coccyx, pelvic, and gluteal areas only)
Pain is predominantly experienced when sitting
Pain rarely awakens patients at night
No objective sensory impairment can be found
Pain is relieved by anesthetic infiltration of the pudendal nerve
Nerve ablation may be done by image-guided techniques
Surgical neurolysis (decompression of the canal)
Perioperative care, bowel preparations, stomas, complications, & operative considerations
Bowel preparation
Inadequate cleaning reported in up to 27% of patients
It is recommend that patients undergo early repeat colonoscopy when the bowel preparation quality is deemed inadequate, defined as the inability to detect polyps smaller than 5mm
There are no prospective studies dealing with this patient population and the practices are individualized. Some practitioners either increase the amount of liquid diet by 1 day or add an osmotic or cathartic agent to the existing regimen
The goal:
Surgery: ↓ fecal load → ↓ infectious complications
Endoscopy: emptying luminal content and ↑visualization
Cochrane 2011: mechanical bowel preparation (and rectal enema) may be omitted safely without any statistically significant difference in postoperative complications
This was when MBP was compared to no-MBP (without the addition of PO Abx)
Cochrane 2014: combined PO & IV prophylaxis reduce the risk of SSI by 44% compared to IV Abx alone
Recent publications from statewide and nationwide data registries support this conclusion; combined preoperative oral antibiotic and mechanical bowel preparation is associated with reductions in:
- surgical site infections
- anastomotic leakage
- ileus
- health services utilization outcomes such as length of stay and readmission
- C-Diff infections (0.5% vs 1.8%)
Evidence of regimens
A Consensus Document on Bowel Preparation Before Colonoscopy: Prepared by a Task Force From The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS), The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), and The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)
Dis Colon Rectum 2006; 49: 792–809 DOI: 10.1007/s10350-006-0536-z
The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
Published online: 02 May 2006
Special care must be taken to avoid altering the osmolarity of the preparation or adding substrates to the preparation, which can metabolize into explosive gases or alter the amount of water and salts absorbed.
Although beneficial, the addition of these carbohydrate-based solutions is associated with a theoretic risk of cautery-induced explosion if these carbohydrates are metabolized by colonic bacteria into explosive gases.
Dietary modifications, such as a clear liquid diet, alone are inadequate for colonoscopy. However, they have proven to be a beneficial adjunct to other mechanical cleansing methods (Grade IIB)
Two days prior to procedure:
High fibre foods which should be avoided
Breakfast cereals
Bacon, sausages, black pudding, red meat and pies
Nuts and pulses including baked beans
Any vegetables, fruit or salad
Wholemeal or brown bread, puddings containing fruit or nuts, cakes and biscuits
Potato skins or chips, wholemeal pasta, brown rice
Low fibre foods which are allowed
Eggs, white meat such as chicken (skinless), grilled or poached fish, cheese, tofu
White bread/toast/butter/margarine, croissants, pasta, rice, boiled or mashed potatoes
Water, fizzy drinks, fruit squash (NOT blackcurrant) Tea, coffee, clear soups
Ice cream, custard, boiled sweets
Shredless marmalade
Rx: Tap water or NaP administered the evening before or the morning of the procedure
Before the development of PEG, enemas were an essential component of colonic preparation. However, conclusive evidence has demonstrated that enemas do not improve the quality of bowel cleansing, yet significantly increase patient discomfort. Enemas may still play a role in the patient who presents for colonoscopy with a poor preparation.
Recommendation: Use enemas in patients who present to endoscopy with a poor distal colon preparation and in patients with a defunctioned distal colon
High-volume gut lavage: Neither high-volume nor unbalanced solutions, such as mannitol, should be used for colonic preparation (Grade IA)
Mannitol was used in early formulations but abandoned secondary to bacterial fermentation into hydrogen and methane gas, which can cause explosion when electrocautery is used.
It can also result in dramatic fluid and electrolyte shifts
Rectal pulsed irrigation
Rx: 30-min infusion of short pulses of warm tap water via rectal tube immediately before colonoscopy (requires skilled nursing resources); used in combination with magnesium citrate the night before
Rectal pulsed irrigation administered immediately before the procedure combined with magnesium citrate given the evening before the procedure is a reasonable alternative to full-volume (4-liters) PEG in those individuals who cannot tolerate per oral administration of PEG (Grade IIB).
PEG is a nonabsorbable electrolyte solution that should pass through the bowel without net absorption or secretion
The number represents the average molecular weight (e.g. macrogol 3350, macrogol 4000 or macrogol 6000).
Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 13.24.20
Rx: PO 240 ml (8 oz) Q10m until rectal output is clear or 4L are consumed
Rx: NGT 20-30 ml/m (1.2-1.8 L/h)
Consumption of the PEG solution less than 5h before the procedure resulted in better preparation than when given more than 19h before the procedure
PEG gut lavage has proven to be the preferred method for colonic cleansing in infants and children. PEG seems to be safe in pregnant women
PEG is safer than osmotic laxatives/NaP for patients with electrolyte or fluid imbalances, such as renal or liver insufficiency, congestive heart failure, or liver failure and is, therefore, preferable in these patient groups (Grade IA).
Divided-dose PEG regimens (2–3 liters given the night before the colonoscopy and 1–2 liters on the morning of procedure) are acceptable alternative regimens that enhance patient tolerance (Grade IIB)
Enemas, bisacodyl, and metaclopramide as adjuncts to the full volume of PEG have not been demonstrated to improve colonic cleansing or patient tolerance and are, therefore, unnecessary (Grade IIB).
Sulfate-Free-PEG is better tasting, but still requires the consumption of 4 liters in its standard regimen. SF-PEG is an acceptable alternative lavage solution when a PEG-based lavage solution is required (Grade IIB).
Two-liter PEG regimens combined with bisacodyl (i.e., HalfLytely®) or magnesium citrate are equally effective compared with standard 4-liter PEG regimens but appear to be better tolerated and therefore a more acceptable alternative to the 4 liter PEG regimens.
Two-liter PEG-3350 regimens combined with bisacodyl (i.e., Miralax®) are equally effective compared with standard 4-liter PEG (Grade IA).
Rx: Only clear liquids on the day of the preparation. Dosage is four bisacodyl delayedrelease tablets (5 mg) at noon. Wait for bowel movement or maximum of six hours; 240 ml (8 oz) every ten minutes until 2 liters are consumed
The NaP osmotically draws plasma water into the bowel lumen to promote colonic cleansing.
NaP must be diluted before drinking to prevent emesis
The mean onset of bowel activity was 1.7 hours after the first dose and 0.7 hours after the second dose
Bowel activity ceased within four hours in 83% of patients and within five hours in 87%
NaP preparations have been shown to alter both the macroscopic and microscopic features of intestinal mucosa, and induce aphthoid erosions similar to those seen in IBD
Although usually asymptomatic, hyperphosphatemia is seen in as many as 40% of healthy patients completing NaP preparations, and may be significant in patients with renal failure. As many as 20 percent of patients using NaP preparations develop hypokalemia;
Rx: Two doses of 30-45 ml (2-3 tbsp) oral solution (taken with 240 ml of water) at least 10-12h apart. The second dose must be taken at least 3h before the procedure.
Aqueous NaP colonic preparation is an equal alternative to PEG solutions except for pediatric and elderly patients, patients with bowel obstruction, and other structural intestinal disorders, gut dysmotility, renal or failure, congestive heart failure, or liver failure (Grade IA). Dosing of aqueous NaP should be 45 ml in divided doses, 10 to 12 hours apart with one of the doses taken on the morning of the procedure (Grade IIB)
Picolax ®
Saline laxatives that use sodium picosulfate and magnesium citrate as the active ingredients are available primarily in the United Kingdom. Bowel preparations with this regimen have been compared with both PEG and NaP. Picolax® was found to be equally effective as PEG in terms of quality of preparation but more tolerable (less nauseating and easier to finish). Conflicting data concerning NaP compared with Picolax® have been published.
Rx: Sodium picosulfate/magnesium oxide 300ml with 1000ml of water 10-18hr before the procedure; and 300ml with 750ml the 4-6h before the procedure
MBP (either)
PEG 4 liters the night PreOp
PEG 2 liters + bisacodyl the night PreOp
Picolax (sodium picosulfate / magnesium citrate) 250 mL the night PreOp
Usually for surgery, a split bowel preparation is not feasible. Patients tend to get 2L of PEG the night before. Alternatively Pico-Salax sachets can be given in two doses on the day prior to surgery at 14:00h and 18:00h with a dose of bisacodyl prior to each sachet and 2 fleet enema (30 minutes apart) to be taken before showing with chlorhexidine 4% solution on the day of surgery
PO Abx (both)
Metronidazole 1g PO Q6-8h X 3 doses PreOp
Neomycin 1g PO at 19h, 18h, & 9h PreOp
For the sake of colonoscopy, split bowel preparation is definitely superior to non-split. The major difference will be in the presence of stool & in the coating of the right colon with bile that has not been washed off with the 2nd part of the split prep.
ASCRS: Multiple bowel preparation regimens exist, but regardless of which prep is chosen, splitting the timing into the half the day prior to and half the day of the procedure results in a better prep.
Preferred timing of the second dose of split-dose preparation:
– Start 4–6 hours before colonoscopy
– End at least 2 hours before colonoscopy
Always consent postmenopausal women for prohphylactic BSO with their CRC surgery
It is a pathway aimed at attenuating the surgical stress response, reducing morbidity, and supporting early return of patient functioning
ERAS approach is associated with a reduction in the risk of complications by about 30% and reduces hospital stay by an average of 2 days
Postoperative day 3 is used as the target date for discharge after colon surgery
The discharge criteria are explicit for patients and caregivers
1) pain <4/10 with oral medications;
2) tolerating solid diet;
3) passing gas or stool;
4) normal vital signs;
5) and agreement with discharge
An emerging concept is the use of exercise to enhance functional capacity before surgery (prehabilitation). A 3- to 4-week multipronged program including moderate-intensity exercise and resistance training, nutritional counseling, and psychologic support increases functional capacity before and after surgery
Even mild perioperative hypothermia (34° to 36° C) is associated with adverse outcomes, including surgical site infection and blood loss.
Fluid overload of only 2.5 to 3 L, represented by weight gain exceeding 2.5 kg on postoperative day 1, is associated with worse outcomes, including ileus, impaired wound heaing, altered coagulation, and pulmonary edema
At induction of anesthesia, it is important to know whether the patient received a bowel preparation because the fluid losses will have to be replaced with an additional 1 L of fluid
Some observational data raise concerns about increased risk of anastomotic leak when NSAIDs are used in the first 48 hours, but this is not consistent in the literature
Oral intake is started as soon as the patient is awake as long as there is no nausea and vomiting
Patients are encouraged to drink more than 1 L fluid/day and the IV catheter is removed on POD1 if fluids are tolerated
Sample ERAS pathway
Preoperative Assessment and Optimization
Evaluation of medication compliance and control of risk factors: hypertension, diabetes, COPD, smoking, alcohol, asthma, CAD, malnutrition, anemia
Psychologic preparation for surgery and postoperative recovery: provide written information and e-module link including daily milestones in perioperative pathway (diet, ambulation, presence of drains, pain management, and expected hospital stay [3-4 days])
Physical preparation with exercises at home: aerobic 30 minutes/ day at moderate intensity (4-6 on Borg Scale) 3 days/week; resistance exercises; breathing exercises
Surgical considerations: operative approach (laparoscopic vs open)
Oral bowel preparation with antibiotics for rectal resections with planned ileostomy; fleet enemas for left sided resections
Stoma teaching as needed
Nutritional supplements if diminished oral intake, weight loss, low BMI
Day of surgery
Drink clear fluids with carbohydrates up to 2 hours before operation unless risk factors are present (e.g., gastroparesis, obstruction, dysphagia, previous difficult intubation, achalasia, pregnancy)
Short-acting sedative medication if needed for anxiety
Intraoperative Management
Anesthetic Management
Anesthesia protocol: Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA)/desflurane/sevoflurane
Epidural catheter at appropriate level for postoperative analgesia for open surgery and infuse local anesthetics during surgery.
Bilateral transversus abdominis plane block for laparoscopic surgery
Intravenous lidocaine infusion 1.5 mg/kg bolus then 2 mg/kg/hr for duration of case if no epidural
Prevent PONV with dexamethasone and ondansetron plus others on the basis of baseline risk score
Avoid overhydration. IV Ringer’s lactate 1.5-2 mL/kg/ hr for laparoscopic surgery, 3-5 mL/kg/hr open surgery. Additional 1 L of Ringer’s lactate if bowel preparation used. Colloid 1:1 to replace blood loss
Maintain normothermia (>36° C)
Maintain glucose <10 mmol/L
Antibiotic and DVT prophylaxis
Neuromuscular blockade to allow lower pressure pneumoperitoneum (12 mm Hg)
Titrate depth of anesthesia with bispectral index
Surgical Care
Minimize incision size.
Laparoscopic surgery if feasible.
Maximize use of small trocars.
Infiltrate incisions with long acting local anesthetic at beginning and end of procedure.
Anastomotic leak test and endoscopy
Remove NG tube before extubation
Remove urinary catheter after right hemicolectomy
Postoperative Care
Postoperative Day 0
Discontinue IV fluid infusion (heparin-locking catheter) after discharge from recovery room
Gum chewing for 30 minutes TID (continue daily)
Full fluids with 1 can of nutritional supplement beverage if no PONV and no abdominal distension
Out of bed (sitting in chair) encouraged
Oral acetaminophen 650 mg every 4 hours and Celecoxib 200 mg BID for 72 hours routine
Glucose monitor and treatment if >10 mmol/L
Postoperative Day 1
Discontinue urinary drainage catheter
Gum chewing for 30 minutes TID
Full oral diet as tolerated including nutritional supplementation beverage with each meal
Mobilize out of bed for 4 to 6 hours. Walk length of hallway with assistance TID
Glucose monitor and treatment if >10 mmol/L
Postoperative Day 2
Gum chewing for 30 minutes TID
Mobilize out of bed for 8 hours
Transition from epidural to oral medication (oxycodone + acetaminophen + NSAIDs) if stop test successful
Discharge criteria assessed: passing gas or stool, no fever, pain <4/10 with oral analgesia, walking unattended, eating
Postoperative Day 3
Discharge before lunch if discharge criteria met
Instructions for home including eating normal diet with supplements as needed, daily exercise, avoid opioids, accessing psychologic support
Schedule follow-up appointment in clinic 2 weeks after surgery
ASCRS CPG 2017: Alvimopan is recommended to hasten recovery after open colorectal surgery, although its use in minimally invasive surgery remains less clear. Grade of recommendation: strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
Alvimopan is a drug which behaves as a peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonist.
Dose 6-12mg
A Cochrane review of 9 studies affirmed that alvimopan was better than placebo in reversing opioid-induced increased GI transit time and constipation and that alvimopan was safe and efficacious in treating postoperative ileus, but the studies were in open laparotomy, and no ERP was noted in place
Additional studies have reported that alvimopan added no benefit in the rates of postoperative ileus or length of stay to laparoscopic colorectal surgery with an ERP, leading to the conclusion that the addition of alvimopan to an established ERP will lead to improvement in clinical outcomes in patients after open or hand-assisted colectomy but does not have a benefit after laparoscopic colorectal resection
ASCRS 2017 CPG: TAP block with a local anesthetic has been associated with decreased length of stay compared with systemic opioids in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. TAP blocks performed before surgery appear to provide better analgesia than TAP blocks performed at the end.
The majority of small intestinal nutritional absorption occurs within the first 150 cm of intestine, as nearly 6 L of fluid is reabsorbed from the jejunum while only 2.5 L is reabsorbed in the ileum
Since fat-soluble nutrients are absorbed in the terminal ileum, proximal fecal diversion (greater than 100 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve) can render a patient with steatorrhea and vitamin B12 deficiency
Ileostomy output of electrolytes (i.e replacement with ½NS may be most suitable to avoid chloride overloading; but if the concern is Na, then iso-osmolar fluid appropriate)
ASCRS Textbook: If a surgeon is forced to decide between making a poor stoma in a good location versus making a good stoma in a poor location, a general consensus amongst stoma care professionals is that a poor stoma in a good location is the lesser of two evils
A bad stoma in a good location can eventually be revised, but a badly located stoma eventually will require stoma re-siting
Stoma appliance considerations
Ileostomy typically requires emptying 5-6 X per day
The stoma appliance needs to be changed Q4-5d; otherwise afterwards appliances tend to smell or leak
Venting charcoal filter bags may be used to help patients with high gaseous outputs
Colostomy considerations
In some cases, the collateral communication via the marginal artery is not sufficient to sustain the sigmoid colon, so it is generally preferred to fashion a distal colostomy from the descending colon, which has a more reliable blood supply, than the sigmoid colon (especially if the IMA has been divided)
The motility characteristics of the colon are such that the more proximal the site of the colon selected to fashion a colostomy, the higher is the likelihood of prolapse through the stoma
With the passage of time and the natural maturation of the colostomy, the posterior wall of a transverse loop colostomy will retract and the stoma will no longer divert completely. The incidence of significant prolapse from a transverse loop colostomy is high and increases with time
Logistic considerations
Gaols of preOp stoma nurse consultation: education, counselling, & appropriate stoma site selection and marking.
2 PreOp visits (45 minutes each) results in improved QOL & ↓ length of hospital stay and stoma-related complications
PreOp education topics
GI anatomy & physiology
Planned surgical procedure
Demonstration of ostomy appliance
Description of lifestyle adjustment
Psychological preparation
PostOp education topics
Anatomy & function of the ostomy
Pouching procedural training
Body image
Psychological issues
Social & recreational issues
Common complications (leaking, dermatitis)
Support groups & online resources
Choosing the site
Default position
Ideal position: a 2 inch ‘free’ spot
Examine the patient sitting, standing, and lying down
Screen Shot 2020-08-30 at 7.47.24 PM
Folds creases
Belt line
Bony prominences
Site of planned incision
Identify edge of rectus muscle by having the patient contract the muscle
The stoma should be visible & accessible to the patient (not on the underside of a large panniculus)
In a normal-sized patient, the preferred site of stoma location is through the rectus muscle
The most common complication resulting from not putting a stoma through the rectus muscle is the development of parastomal hernia
“According to current wisdom, the stoma should be brought out of the abdomen through the rectus abdominis, so that the emerging stoma will be supported and the incidence of parastomal hernia reduced. The optimum site for a stoma should be selected without regard to its position in relation to the rectus abdominis but instead should be also dependent on body habitus and abdominal wall contour.”
Immediately after creation, the stoma will become edematous and swell to 2-3 times the original size. The stoma will shrink to normal size after approximately 4–6 weeks
If the stoma is not well “Brooked”, using a convex flange may be helpful in helping it pucker out in the immediate postoperative period
A stoma belt can be used for
Patients performing sports
Stomas that are not well “Brooked”
All stomas should be Brooked: preferably > 2cm for ileostomy and > 1cm for colostomy
Orientation of loop ileostomy: the preferred orientation is for the mucus fistula (or distal limb) to be at 12 o’clock
If the distal end is at 6 o’clock, the mucus produced will leak as the mucus fistula is flush with the skin usually
Ileostomy restrictions
Advised to continue on a low residue diet for 4-6w after stoma creation
Cooked food is all fine (even veggies)
Avoid: uncooked fiber if not cut small and not chewed greatly
Avoid popcorn
Peristomal (skin barrier) care
Zinc oxide
Aluminum paste ointment
Karaya powder
High output stomas
Approximately half of postoperative high output stomas will resolve spontaneously within 2 weeks
Dehydration and AKI is the most common indication for admission (17%) after diverting ileostomy creation
Predictors of dehydration/AKI
Age > 50Y associated with AKI
IPAA associated with dehydration
Use of diuretics
Factor not predictive of readmission for dehydration/AKI
Ostomy output at initial discharge
Length of stay on initial hospital admission
Discharge on antimotility agents
Ileostomy pathways are effective in reducing readmission rates for dehydration/AKI
Reference: Nagle et al. Dis Colon Rectum 2012; 55: 1266–1272
Documents to review with patient during first hospital stay
lleostomy Care Instructions
Taking Care of Your Ostomy booklet
I & O Measurement Chart
Documents and supplies to give to patient on discharge
lleostomy Care Instructions
Taking Care of Your Ostomy booklet
Ostomy supplies (4 pouch changes)
Prescriptions for ostomy supplies
I & O Measurement Chart
A hat and urinal
Items to complete before discharge
Give phone number to patient to make follow-up appointment with the ostomy RN (2-4 weeks postoperatively)
Make follow-up appointment with the surgeon
Resume and reconcile home medications
Pain controlled with oral pain medicine
Complete patient education regarding ostomy and/or wound care
Fax referral to VNA for ostomy and/or wound care
Give phone number to patient in the event they have
any questions or concerns
Management of high stoma output
Rule out partial bowel obstruction
Dietary adjustments
Avoid large bolus feeds: aim for 6 meals
Separate liquids from solids
Avoid following foods for high output
Soft drinks
Prune juice, prunes
Beer / alcohol
Spicy food and red pepper
Sweet foods: candy; cake; ice-cream; cookies; …etc
Avoid drinking fluids on an empty stomach
Increase intake of bananas; breads, crackers, peanut butter, apple sauce; pasta; oatmeal; oat bran; …etc
motility: Loperamide, lomitil, codein/opioids,
absorption: Bulking agent (H2O absorption), elemental diet
secretion: PPI (stomach), octreotide (pancreatic), cholestyramine (bile)
Bile acids, metabolites of cholesterol, are normally efficiently reabsorbed in the jejunum and ileum. Excretion is increased up to tenfold when cholestyramine is given, resulting in the enhanced conversion of cholesterol to bile acids in the liver via 7a-hydroxylation, which is normally controlled by negative feedback by bile acids.
Cholestyramine can be used in patients with bile-acid diarrhea or choleretic enteropathy due to limited ileal disease or resection. Diarrhea develops in these patients because of the stimulation of active chloride secretion by bile acids in the colon. However, cholestyramine is not helpful in patients with extensive ileal disease and/or resection presenting with fatty acid diarrhea. In extensive ileal disease or resection, the body cannot produce sufficient quantities of bile acid to compensate for the increased loss due to extensive bowel loss, leading to impaired micelle formation and steatorrhea.
viscosity: pectin, guar
Stoma ischemia typically begins with mucosal pallor and progresses to petechiae, cyanosis, and purple-black mucosal necrosis
Managing complaints of excessive gas
Avoid talking when eating
Avoid: using straws, smoking, and gum chewing
Simethicone (Gas-X) and α-galactosidase (Beano) can help reduce gas output
Peristomal wound complications
Allergic contact dermatitis
Folliculitis: usually caused by hair shaving — instruct patients to clip hairs instead
Fungal infection / candidiasis
Usually caused by excessive moisture
Has characteristic satellite lesions at periphery
Treat with anti-fungals as is with over-the-counter foot cream — use (Nystatin) powder rather than cream to avoid problems with adherence of stoma appliance
Pseudoverrous hyperplasia
usually at the mucocutaneous junction
Advise patient to decrease moisture
Silver nitrate may be used (or OR for chronic cases)
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Characterized by ↑↑↑ pain
Avoid pressure: avoid belts and convex pouches
The mainstay of treatment for peristomal PG associated with Crohn disease should be medical immunosuppression with systemic steroids and/or infliximab
Wound care
Absorbant dressing
Ulcer debridement
Intra-lesional steroids
Topical tacrolimus
Avoid aggressive skin barriers to protect the skin above
Occasionally use silver nitrate
Initial treatment of hemorrhage:
Digital pressure
Application of epinephrine soaked gauze
Suture ligation (temporizing measure)
Definitive management:
Stoma reversal
Injection sclerotherapy
Percutaneous embolization
Liver transplantation
Surgical mucocutaneous disconnection may be employed when local therapy fails and portal decompression is not possible. This local surgery involves a cylindrical incision around the mucocutaneous junction to the level of the anterior fascia with identification and ligation of varices and rematuration of the stoma. Preoperative peristomal infiltration of dilute epinephrine may assist with hemostasis during this potentially bloody procedure
Always occurs at mucocutaneous junction
Manage with: reduced friction ± barrier creams
Irritation dermatitis & moisture associated dermatitis
Most peristomal skin irritation arises from poorly fitted or improperly sized appliances
Irritated peristomal skin weeps exudative fluids that hinder stoma appliance adhesion
Rule out a high-out stoma as the cause
Manage with pouching systems
Mucocutaneous separation: can be managed by filling the separation site with ‘stoma powder’
Parastomal hernia
Supra-fascial revision tends to be successful
Intra-abdominal approach is favoured when prolapse is accompanied with parastomal hernia
Anastomotic complications of colorectal surgery
Minor (not requiring transfusion)
It is hypothesized that anastomotic bleeding occurs secondary to inadequate clearance of the mesentery prior to division and/or stapling of the bowel
Usually ceases spontaneously within 24h
50% progress to major bleeding
Major (requiring transfusion) occurs at a rate of 0.5-4.2%
Persistent bleeding from a low anastomosis → transanal evacuation of clot ± suture ligation
Persistent bleeding from a high anastomosis: endoscopic or angioembolization
HD instability → OR
Dehiscence & leak
2010 definition by the International Study Group of Rectal Cancer
It is defined as a defect in the intestinal wall integrity of a colorectal or coloanal anastomotic site (including suture and staple lines of neorectal reservoirs) leading to a communication between the intra- and extra-luminal compartments. A pelvic abscess close to the anastomosis is also considered as anastomotic leak
Grading of leaks
Grade A: asymptomatic leak
Grade B: requiring requiring intervention but not reoperation
Grade C: requiring reoperation
Anastomotic leak is associated with an increased risk for local recurrence for colorectal cancer
12% of leaks occur after POD30
Risk factors
For extraperitoneal leaks
Anastomosis ≤ 5cm from AV
Anastomotic ischemia
Obesity (conflicting data)
For intraperitoneal leaks
Emergency surgery
Operative time ≥ 4h
Hand-sewn ileocolic anastomosis
Hand-sewn ileocolic anastomosis – In a meta-analysis of six trials with 955 participants with benign and malignant disease, hand-sewn anastomoses were associated with a significantly higher rate of overall anastomotic leaks compared with stapled ileocolic anastomoses (6.0 versus 1.4 percent) [2]. For the subgroup of 825 patients with cancer, hand-sewn anastomoses were also associated with significant risk of an anastomotic leak (6.7 versus 1.3 percent).
Other & controversial factors:
Neoadjuvant radiation therapy
When an anastomosis is necessary, at least one limb of the anastomosis should utilize a non-radiated segment
Protective stoma: The controversy regarding a protective stoma involves whether or not the stoma prevents a leak and reduces the corresponding clinical consequences. Proximal fecal diversion by a protective stoma significantly reduces the overall risk of a reoperation following an anastomotic leak.
Mechanical bowel preparation
Nutrition: nutritional factors, including hypoalbuminemia, alcohol intake, and weight loss, have shown variable and conflicting results — as per UpToDate
ASCRS: One of the largest studies looking at anastomotic leak in colorectal patients included 250 left sided resections with anastomosis. The overall anastomotic leak rate was 7.5%. When patients were administered corticosteroids, either perioperatively or long term, the multivariate model concluded that corticosteroid use increased the risk for AL by more than seven times (OR, 7.52; standard error, 4.47; P = 0.001; 95% CI, 2.35–24.08). A meta-analysis evaluating the risk of corticosteroids on colorectal anastomotic integrity included 9564 patients from 12 studies demonstrated an overall leak rate of 6.77% (95% CI 5.48–9.06) compared to 3.26% (95% CI 2.94–3.58) in the non-corticosteroid group
Immunomodulators, including azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine: A retrospective study of 417 operations involving bowel anastomoses for Crohn’s disease demonstrated no difference in the rate of anastomotic complications for patients on immunomodulators (10% vs. 14%; p = 0.263). Accordingly these medications are often continued until surgery.
Infliximab: Krane et al. performed a retrospective analysis of 518 patients with IBD undergoing elective laparoscopic bowel resection, of which 142 patients were on preoperative infliximab. There was no difference in the rate of anastomotic leak, which was overall low in both groups (2.1% with infliximab versus 1.3% without; p = 0.81). Overall the existing literature is limited and controversial but biologic agents are thought to impact wound healing and most surgeons prefer to hold these agents for 4–6 weeks if possible prior to major abdominal surgery
Bevacizumab is associated with increased incidence of postoperative complications, including impaired wound healing and anastomotic leak.
Some data suggest that postoperative use of NSAIDs may increase the risk of anastomotic leak. Potential mechanisms include a reduction in prostaglandin-mediated collagen deposition, diminished collagen cross-linking, and increased anastomotic microthrombosis.
Intravenous ketorolac is a potent NSAID that is commonly used in enhanced recovery pathways for abdominal surgery. In one study of 398,752 patients, 5 percent of patients received ketorolac after colorectal (55 percent) or other gastrointestinal surgery (45 percent). Ketorolac use was associated with more readmissions for anastomotic complications (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.06-1.36).
Air leak test
As per SAGES presentation by Dr. Elisabeth McLemore
Assess for air leak
⊕ Air leak → 7.7% leak rate
If repaired → 12% leak rate
If diverted or anastomosis redone → 0% will leak rate. Therefore, suture repair with diversion is an acceptable option for a ⊕ leak test and is associated with 0% clinical leak afterwards (this is in context of a low anastomosis — for a high anastomosis, it’s best to just redo the anastomosis)
Also advised by Dr. Rocco Ricciardi in SAGES presentation 2019
⊖ Air leak → 3.8% leak rate
Not performing a leak test is associated with a high leak rate. Usually as high as a ⊕ leak test
Assess for hematomas and/or luminal ischemia
UC Irvine Anastomotic Endoscopic grading and management:
Grade 1: normal mucosa circumferentially
Grade 2: mucosal congestion/ischemia or hematoma involving < 30% circumference of one side of the staple line
UCI Grade 2 anastomosis has up to 25-50% leak rate
Grade 3: mucosal congestion/ischemia on both sides of staple line or > 30% on one side
All require redo-anastomosis
When to consider redoing the anastomosis (intraOp decision making)
When the anastomosis is not very low, the appropriate decision is likely to redo the anastomosis rather than to salvage it and protect it proximally
Incomplete donuts
Stapler malfunction
Air leak⊕
Inadequate perfusion
Stephensen, B. D., Reid, F., Shaikh, S., Carroll, R., Smith, S. R., Pockney, P., & PREDICT Study Group collaborators. (2020). C‐reactive protein trajectory to predict colorectal anastomotic leak: PREDICT Study. British Journal of Surgery.
A change in CRP level exceeding 50 mg/l between any two postoperative days had a sensitivity of 0.85 for detecting a leak, and a high negative predictive value of 0.99 for ruling it out. A change in CRP concentration of more than 50 mg/l between either days 3 and 4 or days 4 and 5 after surgery had a high specificity of 0.96–0.97, with positive likelihood ratios of 4⋅99–6.44 for a leak requiring intervention.
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2014 meta analysis showed that CRP > 148 on POD3 had sensitivity & specificity of 95%. The cut off for the following days was 10 less for each additional day:
POD4: 123
POD5: 115
POD6: 105
POD7: 96
Summary of management
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Intraperitoneal leak
Subclinical leak → managed expectantly
Symptomatic leak
Stable patients + small contained abscess (< 3cm) → bowel rest + IV Abx
Large (> 3cm) or multiple collections → percutaneous drainage
Free intraperitoneal leak or HD instability→ operative management (everyone gets a stoma)
Minor anastomotic defect + adequate tissue quality → may consider primary repair + drain placement + proximal diversion
Major anastomotic defect (> 1cm or ≥ ⅓ circumference of anastomosis):
Resection of anastomosis + re-anastomosis + proximal diversion
Resection of anastomosis + end-ostomy ± mucus fistula
Rarely: exteriorization of both ends of the stoma
Intraoperative inoperable phlegmon → place para-anastomotic drains + proximal diversion
Extraperitoneal leak
Diversion if not done already
Additional option for extraperitoneal leak: for very low pelvic abscesses that are in continuity with the anastomotic leak and that are inaccessible by image-guided techniques → examination under anesthesia + transrectal or trans-anastomotic drainage. This approach is facilitated by making a wide opening in the anastomosis and/or inserting a mushroom-tipped catheter into the abscess cavity.
Leak management according to site (Dr. Bemelman, SAGES presentation)
Use a laparoscopic approach if the index procedure was laparoscopic.
Use the previous laparoscopic ports
Leak post right hemicolectomy: takedown anastomosis + end ileostomy + suture colon to sub-fascia for easy reversal later
Leak post left-sided colectomy
< ⅓ circumference: ileostomy + on-table lavage + repair + drain
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> ⅓ circumference: Hartmann’s procedure
Leak post low rectal or coloanal anastomosis (silent, extraperitoneal leak)
Diversion if not done already
Drainage is the cornerstone of management
Consider endoluminal vacuum therapy
Fasth et al. defined a colorectal anastomotic (CRA) stricture as the inability to pass a 12-mm sigmoidoscope through a rectal anastomosis
Olympus Standard scope width: 12.8mm
Olympus Pediatric scope width: 11.3mm
Olympus Ultra-thin scope: 9.5mm
Need to rule out recurrence in malignant index cases
Stenosis/stricture occurs in 0-30%
If a stricture is defined as inability to pass a 12mm scope or rigid proctoscope, the incidence is < 10%
The lower the anastomosis the higher the stricture rate, with IPAA and coloanal anastomoses having the highest stricture rates
Anastomotic leak/inflammation
Anastomosis under tension
Recurrence of malignancy
Stapled colorectal anastomosis (but not ileocolic) anastomosis is associated with an increased risk of stricture formation compared to hand-sewn
This may be due to the high rate of diverting ileostomy creation that deprive the anastomosis of the ‘required’ dilatation effect from the passage of stool
2012 Cochrane meta-analysis: stapled and hand-sewn anastomosis were equivalent in all categories except stricture formation
Typically present within 2-12m postOp
A stricture that is not responsive to repeated dilation requires repeat biopsy and a high level of clinical suspicion
Patients with a diverting stoma created at the initial resection may develop a soft stricture or even heal the lumen closed.
Bx may not reveal a recurrence, but recurrent stenosis after endoscopic dilation should trigger repeat Bx that may show recurrence
Malignant stricture
In the absence of metastatic disease → resection of stricture
In the presence of metastasis → consider palliative fecal diversion
Soft strictures after colorectal or coloanal anastomosis with fecal diversion
DRE at 4-6w postOp tends to relieve these strictures
If a tight, firm stricture is present, intraOp dilation with Hegar dilators may be performed in conjunction with ileostomy reversal
Early stricture: dilation
Flexible bougies
Metal dilators
Long cotton-tipped sigmoidoscopy swab passed through the rigid proctoscope. Up to 3 swabs are passed through the stricture. The swabs are then pulled through the stricture as a group. This usually allows 23mm diameter scope to pass through the stricture and fully fracture the scar
Endoscopic balloon dilation
Indication: Narrow lumen (< 10 mm) & short segment (< 4 cm)
Stenoses that are long or appear late and are caused by ischemia will develop surrounding nonexpandable fibrotic tissue and a rigid colon and are unlikely to respond to balloon dilation
Immediate efficacy: up to 80%
Often require sequential dilation with larger balloons over 2-3 sessions
Recurrence: 30-88%
At 1Y: 11%
At 3Y: 22%
At 5Y: 25%
Even in the 25% who eventually recurred most were successfully managed with repeat dilation and only a small number require surgical intervention
Alternative treatments for contraindicated/failed dilation
Endoscopic electrocautery incision
Several radial incisions are placed through the fibrotic mucosa along the most resistant portion of the stricture in order to relieve the tension on the stricture
Laser stricturoplasty
Urethroscope resection
ERCP papillotomy knife
Using a circular stapler to resect and re-staple
Stent (SEMS)
Have high migration rate
Reoperative surgery
30% of symptomatic strictures require surgical correction
Anastomotic strictures have been reported to be the most frequent indication for reoperative colorectal surgery and represent 40–50% of reoperations. This exceeds the rate of reoperation for anastomotic leak, fistula, chronic pelvic sepsis, and cancer recurrence
Most series report an average time between the initial surgery and reoperation of 14–41 months
The key to a successful anastomosis is to get below the area of fibrosis to soft, pliable colon or rectum
Given the high-risk nature of these anastomoses, proximal diversion is generally the rule
Successful revisions have been noted in 57–100%
If the stricture is less than 11 cm from the verge a handsewn coloanal anastomosis is almost universally constructed
Overall operative morbidity: 26-55 %
Permanent fecal diversion
Benign strictures are treated effectively with repeated dilatation using an examining finger or rubber dilators
Occur in 1-10%
5% of patients actually develop a symptomatic anastomotic vaginal fistula
Risk factors:
PreOp radiation
Anastomosis ≤ 5 cm from AV
Cancer resection
Inadvertent inclusion of the vaginal wall in a stapled anastomosis
Pelvic abscess
Recurrent cancer
Anastomotic vaginal fistula present later than a conventional leak
Rectovaginal & colovaginal fistulas: spontaneous closure is unlikely. The optimal time for surgical excision & repair is controversial.
Colocutaneous fistula
Initial management is with conservative & supportive care
50% of low-output fistulas will close spontaneously
High-output fistulas and fistulas that persist > 6w are unlikely to close spontaneously
Definitive intervention should be delayed for ~3-6m to allow for resolution of sepsis &/or to restore nutritional status
Ileorectal syndrome: anal tone simulates SBO and its physiology → prolonged ileus
Low Anterior Resection Syndrome (LARS)
It is a constellation of symptoms that occur after sphincter-sparing proctectomy (fecal urgency; frequent BMs; emptying difficulties; ↑ intestinal gas)
25-80% of patients develop ≥ 1 symptoms of LARS following a sphincter-sparing rectal surgery. ~50% > 10 years after surgery
Risk factors for LARS
Radiation (neoadjuvant or adjuvant)
Adjuvant chemotherapy
Low anastomosis
Anastomotic complications
Dx & work up
Dx is made when symptoms persist > 1m after surgery & evaluation fails to elucidate an alternative etiology
Exclude sepsis/peritonitis with CT scan
Rule out IBD, toxic colitis, or chemo-induced colitis with colonoscopy
Rule out pelvic floor disorders with defecography
Sphincter injury is ruled out with endoscopic US
Consider Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in patients with excessive gas/flatulence/bloating
Evaluation of severity is done with the LARS Score
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It is formed of 5 question items
Incontinence for flatus
Incontinence for liquid stool
Fecal frequency
Clustering of BM (<1h apart)
Score < 30 → mild LARS with preserved QoL
Score ≥ 30 → major LARS usually requiring invasive treatment
Normative study showed that up to 10% of ♂ and 15% ♀ from the general population may have major-LARS
Chen et al. found considerable discrepancy between the specialists’ perspective of what mattered to the patient and the patient’s actual views
Chen TY, Emmertsen KJ, Lauberg S. Bowel dysfunction after rectal resection cancer treatment: a study comparing the specialist’s versus patient’s perspective. BMJ Open. 2014; 4:e003374.
Colonic dysmotility (increased proximal colonic motility)
Neorectal reservoir dysfunction (denervation by surgery or radiation)
Anal sphincter dysfunction (as complicated by surgery or radiation)
Preventative measures
Kegel exercises for all patients
Patients with diverting stomas should receive QD enemas or anterograde colonic irrigation via the stoma
Diarrhea is managed with loperamide ± cholestyramine
Postprandial urgency/incontinence is managed with 5HT antagonists (ramosetron 5mcg QD)
Gas/bloating is managed with rifaximin or neomycin
Fecal soilage is managed with bulking agents
Severe LARS
Fecal incontinence/frequency → transanal irrigation QD
Low-volume TAI simply achieves the effect of a mechanical washout. High-volume (>250 mL) irrigation generates functional colonic responses, such as colonic mass movements, which improves colonic transit time and fecal continence when administered regularly.
Persistence of major LARS after 1Y → sacral nerve stimulation
Intermittent stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve has a beneficial effect on fecal incontinence through a mechanism that is not fully understood
Surgery is a last resort and has poor outcomes. Options include anal sphincter substitution by electrostimulated graciloplasty, and fecal diversion
Presacral bleeding
IntraOp bleeding occurs in 4-7% of proctectomies
Source of bleeding is either: presacral venous plexus or the basivertebral veins.
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Presacral venous plexus
Formed by: middle sacral, lateral sacral, and communicating veins
If the bleeding point can be controlled by compressing the surrounding veins, there has been an injury to the presacral veins
Managed by suture ligation
Injury to the presacral venous plexus can often be successfully managed with suture ligation ensuring that it is performed over intact presacral fascia and the bites are deep enough to contain presacral veins but also surrounding deep connective tissue so that the stitches hold traction
Basivertebral veins
Penetrate sacral foramina from S3 to S5, and penetrate through the spongiosa of the sacral bone via a venous sinus
If the bleeding is abated only by direct compression, it is from an injury to a fine or large-calibre basivertebral vein
Managed by thumbtacks, hemostatic agents, APC, or sealing with ‘welding’ tissue (epiploica or momentum)
The two are linked and provide a connection between the inferior vena cava and the vertebral venous system
Initial management:
Obtain exposure; consider removal of the specimen
Apply direct pressure for 15-20 minutes (not any less)
Ask for headlamp, if not already available
Allow anesthesia to ‘catch up’ ± massive transfusion protocol
Consider tranexamic acid administration
Most senior nurse to take over as scrub nurse; have multiple available unscrubbed nurses
Ask for help from a colleague
Definitive management options for ongoing bleeding
Spray diathermy
Apply hemostatic agents: FloSeal ± Surgicel Fibrillar
Definitive management of severe bleeding
Application of sterile thumbtacks or occluder pins at right angles into the sacrum, directly over the site of bleeding
Hemostatic matrix
Bone wax or bone cement
Teflon pledgets
Rectus abdominis muscle flap rotation into the pelvis (with intact inferior epigastric pedicle). The flap is secured to the sacrum with heavy sutures that compress the flap against the sacral wall
If all fails: temporary balloon tamponade (using a saline bag or breast implant) or tight pelvic packing with laparotomy pads & ICU transfer, with return to OR for hemostasis in 24-48h
Perineal complications following APR
Risk of complications: 14-80%
Risk factors for complications
Patient characteristics
Indication for surgery: complications more common for IBD indications than rectal cancer
PreOp radiation treatment
Intersphincteric dissection for benign disease
Primary closure of the perineum in multiple layers is the optimal approach for the uncontaminated perineal wound
In the setting of inadequate hemostasis or gross contamination, primary closure with drainage is associated with expedited healing but increased morbidity
Closed suction drainage
Pelvic floor reconstruction by tissue transposition
The reconstructive procedures are complex and provide minimal benefit. Therefore, the authors do not advocate pelvic floor reconstruction for uncomplicated perineal resections.
Utility of perineal flaps
A systematic review of prospective studies and retrospective reviews indicates that overall wound healing and complication rates may be improved with the use of flap closure in patients who have received radiotherapy; however, the evidence is limited
Negative pressure wound therapy
Complications and management
For patients with draining wounds in the absence of overt pelvic sepsis (eg, fever, pain), the management includes local wound opening and drainage, debridement of ischemic tissues, removal of foreign bodies, and packing with wet-to-dry dressings or the application of a vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) device.
Abscess: IR drainage + broad spectrum Abx
Persistent perineal sinus
A persistent perineal sinus is a perineal wound that remains unhealed for longer than 6 months after surgery
Incidence: 14-40%
Work up
Bacterial swabs to identify a possible secondary infection
Bx of the tract to rule out recurrence
Initial (rarely results in complete healing)
Topical analgesics
Local wound care
Early intervention is recommended
Curettage & primary closure
Sinus excision with partial coccygectomy & either pirmary closure or reconstruction with a flap or skin graft
Cleft closure
Reconstruction with split-thickness skin grafting, omentoplasty, gracilis muscle transposition, rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap, or gluteus maximus VY-advancement flap
Vacuum-assisted closure
For patients who develop a perineal wound dehiscence, there is an increased risk of mortality
Perineal hernia
Asymptomatic perineal hernia: surgical repair is not indicated
In the acute setting with evisceration of the abdominal contents, immediate operative reduction and packing is performed
In the elective setting for symptomatic patients, several options for repair are available, including primary repair via the perineal approach, abdominal approach, or a combined approach, insertion of prosthetic or biologic mesh material, omentoplasty, closure with myocutaneous flaps (eg, gracilis flap, rectus abdominis flap), and/or retroflexion of the uterus
The abdominal approach is preferred because of superior visualization of the hernia sac and contents and therefore a lower risk of injury to major blood vessels and the bowel
Empty Pelvis syndrome
Potentially occur after pelvic exenteration
Manifestations may include:
Accumulation of fluid
Migration of small bowel loops into the pelvis
Pelvic abscesses
Perineal fluid discharge
Perineal wound dehiscence
Entero-perineal and entero-cutaneous fistulas
Prevention options (done at the time of pelvic exenteration)
Johnson et al (Colorectal Disease 2021) Mesh reconstruction and placement of breast prosthesis into the pelvis were associated with some of the lowest rates of SBO, fistula, and abscess formation without any reported additional morbidity
Myocutaneous flaps
Mainly address the skin defect while providing some muscle bulk in the perineum
It is associated with high rates of flap complications
Modified RAM
Gracilis flap
Synthetic & biologic meshes
Absorbable meshes are often used
Omental flaps
BioPEX RCT: use of biological mesh in ELAPE was not found to reduce the rates of surgical & nonsurgical complications compared to primary closure
Pelvic fillers
Breast prosthesis
Silicone expanders
Colorectal Cancer
CRC is the most common malignancy of the GIT
The 3rd most lethal cancer in the US
Canadian Cancer Society: Colorectal cancer is expected to be the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canada in 2020 (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers). It is the second leading cause of death from cancer in men and the third leading cause of death from cancer in women in Canada.
Lifetime risk in the US = 5-6%
In the United States, CRC incidence rates have been declining by approximately 2% per year
Over the past 40Y: incidence of cancer ↑ more in Rt colon than in Lt & rectum (flexible sigmoidoscopy is missing more cancers)
~30% of all cancers are diagnosed by endoscopy in the absence of symptoms
⅓ of CRC occur in the rectum
Anatomical rectum: extends from the point at which the three taenia coli fuse into a single longitudinal smooth muscle layer (rectosigmoid junction) to the anal canal
Oncologic rectum: it is the distal 12 cm (withstanding individual variation) in the extraperitoneal pelvis that constitutes the rectum
Metachronous cancer = detected after 6 months in a different colon part (as to not include recurrence)
Synchronous cancer
Defined as >1 primary cancer detected: preoperatively, intraoperatively, or within 6 months of resection
Lesions must be ≥ 4 cm apart
Synchronous cancer is found in ~5% of patients: managed with two segmental resections or TAC/subtotal colectomy
The presence of a synchronous ‘polyp’ with CRC is 15-50%
Average risk = no F.Hx of CRC + no personal Hx of IBD + asymptomatic
Risk factors
Aging is the dominant risk factor (incidence ↑ after 50Y)
Family Hx: 1 FDR with CRC < 60Y → 2-3 fold increase in lifetime risk of CRC
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Average risk population:
No family or personal history of CRC
No worrisome symptoms
High risk population:
Inherited polyposis syndromes
Personal Hx of CRC or advanced adenoma
CRC or advanced adenoma in FDR
↑Risk: ↑ Animal fat (saturated or polyunsaturated); EtOH
Does not alter risk: ↑ Oleic acid (olive oil, fish oil)
↓Risk: Vitamins A, C, E, & carotenoids
Obesity & sedentary lifestyle
IBD with pancolitis: 2% at 10Y, 8% at 20Y, 30-50% at 30Y
Cigarette smoking
Pelvic irradiation
Cost effectiveness of life-saving interventions (cost per year of life saved)
Motorcycle helmet: $ 2,000
CRC screening: $ 20,000
Breast cancer screening: $ 35,000
Dual airbags: $ 120,000
Smoke detectors: $ 210,000
Seat belts in school buses: $ 2,800,000
Genetics of colon cancer
Quick revision of causes of abnormal gene expression
Somatic (environment)
Germline (inherited)
DNA repair failure
Decreased expression
Loss of heterozygosity
Genetic pathways
Chromosomal instability & Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH)
These processes affect the whole chromosome, and so it results in the so called chromosomal instability as opposed to the focal instability in MSH-H tumors
Chromosomal instability refers to an alteration in the chromosomal copy number or structure.
As one allele is lost, only 1 functional copy of the gene exists → loss of redundancy. Loss of the 2nd allele → complete loss of that gene function
Responsible for 80% of colorectal cancers
Developing tumors tend to be
Located in the left colon
♂ Predominant
Develop later in life
Microsatellite stable
Fearon-Vogelstein adenoma-carcinoma multistep model
An adenoma, by definition, has elements of atypia (i.e: it has at least low grade dysplasia)
Colorectal cancer develops from adenomatous polyps by accumulation of genetic defects
The earliest mutations in the adenoma-Ca sequence occur in the APC gene
p53 mutation occurs late in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence
Genetic defects:
Activation of proto-oncogenes
KRAS mutation on chromosome 12
Results in inability to inactivate G-protein → uncontrolled cell division
50% of sporadic colorectal cancer have RAS mutation
Cetuximab & panitumumab are not effective in tumors that have KRAS mutations
Inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes (APC, DCC, p53)
Mutations in both alleles are necessary to initiate polyp formation
The genes:
APC gene on 5q21
It was first described in FAP
The site of mutation correlates with the severity of the disease
Is known to be present in 80% of sporadic cases
LOH is the main mechanism by which APC becomes inactivated
Inactivation of APC alone does not result in carcinoma, but it allows the accumulation of genetic damage that results in malignancy
Participates in cell cycle control by regulating β-catenin
DCC (Deleted in Colorectal Cancer)
p53 “guardian of the genome” / inducer of apoptosis
It’s the most frequently mutated tumor-suppressor gene in human neoplasia
Located on chromosome 17p13
Under normal conditions, p53 acts by inducing apoptosis in response to cellular damage or by causing G1 cell cycle arrest, allowing DNA repair mechanisms to occur
Mutations are present in 75% of colorectal cancer
Mutation → loses ability to induce apoptosis
MicroSatellite Instability (MSI) / Replication ERror (RER) pathway
Specific sites along the DNA strand are prone to errors during routine DNA replication. These sites are areas of repetitive DNA sequences are called microsatellites
MSI = mutations in a mismatch repair gene producing variable lengths of repetitive sequences (C:G)
MSI is detected by PCR
Loss of MMR gene → errors in MMR during DNA replication (MSI)→ accumulation of mutations → adenoma/cancer
Responsible for 20% of colorectal cancers
Determining MSS vs MSI-L vs MSI-H
A tumor is considered MSI-H if ≥ 30% of the markers tested show instability and microsatellite stable (MSS) if none of the markers are unstable.
5 Microsatellites (i.e 5 locations on the gene) are usually assessed during testing
If only 1 unstable marker is detected, it is termed MSI-L
MSI-L is infrequently encountered and its clinical significance is regarded similar to MSS tumors
If ≥ 2 unstable markers are detected, it is termed MSI-H
Mismatch Repair Gene (MMR) mutations
IHC detects loss of MMR protein expression
MMR mutations accelerate tumor progression by creating MSI
Involved mutations:
hMLH1, hMLH2, hMLH3
hPMS1, hPMS2
MLH1 & MSH2 are involved in 85% of cases
Tumors with MSI are:
More likely right sided
Associated with better prognosis
15% of MSI are sporadic & not part of an inherited disease
Sporadic BRAF mutations → hypermethylation → loss of MLH1
CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP) (AKA serrated pathway)
Epigenetic mechanisms affect gene expression & protein translation without changing the inherent DNA sequence
Hypermethylation in the promoter region silences transcription of a gene, and thus no functional protein is made
CIMP pathway results in serrated polyps (rather than adenomatous polyps as seen in the chromosomal instability pathway)
The most common initial mutation occurs in the BRAF oncogene → mucosal changes → hyperplastic/serrated polyp → increasing methylation gives rise to CIMP → methylation of MLH1 → silences transcription → MMR deficiency → MSI-H CRC
This is termed the serrated pathway
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Tumors resulting from CIMP pathway tend to
Develop in the right colon
Occur at advanced age
Occur in ♀>♂
Sporadic (~80%) vs known family Hx of CRC (~20%); ~5% are associated with identifiable inherited CRC syndromes
Polyposis syndromes should typically be considered in patients with > 20 lifetime adenomas
There are few data to define the cumulative number of polyps that should prompt testing.
A cross-sectional study of 8903 individuals who had samples submitted for APC and MYH mutations to Myriad Genetics Laboratories was published in 2012.
Mutations were found in
82% of individuals with >1000 polyps
63% of individuals with 100 to 999 polyps
17% of individuals with 20 to 99 polyps
9% of individuals with 10 to 19 polyps
“These data show that reliance on genetic testing alone to define these syndromes is not adequate; clinical criteria for the diagnosis of polyposis are required for those in whom no known mutation is detected”
Familial and polyposis syndromes associated with colorectal cancer:
Autosomal dominance results in 50% expression in offsprings
Polyposis syndromes
Polymerase Proofreading Associated Polyposis (PPAP)
Associated with mutations in POLE or POLD1
Dominant penetrance
Microsatellite stable tumors
Clinical phenotype
Oligo-adenomatous polyposis
Early-age CRC
Endometrial cancer
Colonoscopy starting 20-25Y; repeat Q1-2Y
For POLD1 mutation: transvaginal US starting age 40Y
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Autosomal dominant truncation mutation in the APC tumor-suppressor gene on chromosome 5q21
The most significant mutations occur at codons 1061 & 1309
The site of APC mutation correlates with the severity of the disease
25-30% have no family history of FAP & develop it de novo
FAP is defined as: > 100 synchronous adenomas or < 100 with ⊕ F. Hx
The rectum is almost always affected in classic FAP
There is no clear evidence that progression from polyp to cancer is accelerated
Polyps are found predominantly in the rectum & Lt colon
Present in 15% of patients by 10Y of age
Present in 75% of patients by 20Y of age
CRC before the 20Y is extremely rare and is usually accompanied by symptoms
Untreated risk of malignancy is 0.2% before the age of 15Y
Untreated risk of malignancy is 1.3% before the age of 20Y
Untreated risk of malignancy is ~100% by 35-40Y of age
The most common presenting symptoms are: bleeding, diarrhea, abdominal pain, & mucus discharge
Extracolonic disease
~90% develop hyperplastic gastric fundus polyps with very low malignant potential (they do not require removal as per Sabiston)
Duodenal adenomas are found in > 95% of FAP patients — they develop ~15Y later than colonic polyps
Duodenal cancer occurs in 5-10% of patients & is the 2nd leading cause of death
High-risk adenomas, severe duodenal polyposis, or high-grade dysplasia → pancreas-preserving duodenectomy
Cancer requires Whipple’s procedure
Chemoprevention with NSAID (sulindac, celecoxib) can result in polyp regression in those with lesser polyp burden — the effect is minimal at best
Osteomas in the mandible, skull, & tibia occur in > 80%
CHRPE: congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium can be detected by ophthalmoscopy in 75% of patients
Epidermoid cyst
Cancers: liver, biliary tree, pancreas, adrenal glands, & thyroid (PTC)
Desmoid tumors
Although most probands with >100 adenomas will have a detectable mutation or deletion in APC, there is a small proportion of cases where no mutation can be found
Attenuated FAP (aFAP)— differs from FAP in regards to:
Occurs at a later age (30-40s)
>10-20 but < 100 adenomas
Predominantly on the Rt colon; the rectum tends to be spared
Untreated risk of colorectal cancer is 100% by 60Y
Extracolonic & intestinal manifestations are typically not seen
Screening starts at late teens, Q1-2Y
Colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis is usually done after the age of 21Y (as long as suspicious adenomas can be managed endoscopically)
Mutation Y-homolog (MYH)–associated polyposis (MAP)
An autosomal recessive form of FAP resulting from biallelic mutation in MYH gene on chromosome 1p34
It is not clear whether individuals with monoallelic mutations have a higher risk of colorectal neoplasia.
Is thought to occur in 0.7-1% of the population
Number of polyps 10-100 (may be 100s to 1000)
More than 60% of cancers occur proximal to the splenic flexure; rectal cancer is uncommon
Occur at a median age of 48Y
Untreated risk of CRC
19% by age 50Y
43% by age 60Y
80% by age 80Y
Extra-colonic risks
Risk of duodenal adenoma and carcinoma is much lower than in FAP but higher greater than the general population
Bladder cancer
Ovarian cancer
Skin cancer cancer
Genetic testing for MYH is done when:
Patients have > 20 lifetime adenomas
No APC mutation is detected
There are <100 adenomatous polyps
F. Hx is irrelevant or doesn’t reveal dominant mode of inheritance
ASCRS CPG 2017: Patients with biallelic MYH mutations need yearly colonoscopy and polypectomy, as long as the adenomas can be controlled endoscopically. Siblings or children of an affected individual need to be screened for the family mutations in MYH. Those who have not been tested should undergo colonoscopy every 2 years, starting at age 20. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B
ASCRS CPG: Because of an accelerated adenomato-carcinoma progression in patients with MAP, patients with proven biallelic MYH mutations and siblings who have not been tested should have colonoscopy every year starting at age 20.
EGD starting at age 30-35Y; repeated Q3-5Y
Colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis (or consider proctocolectomy with IPAA) when endoscopic surveillance is not feasible
Gardner syndrome
FAP with extraintestinal growths:
Dental abnormalities
Cutaneous lesions
Desmoid tumors
Adrenal adenomas
Nasal angiofibromas
Patients are increased risk for extracolonic malignancies:
CNS cancers
Thryoid cancer
Stomach cancer
Duodenal cancer
Liver cancer
Pancreas cancer
Biliary cancer
Turcot’s syndrome = colonic polyps, brain tumors
Indications for APC gene testing
≥ 100 colorectal adenomas
FDR of FAP⊕ patients
FDR of aFAP⊕ patients
≥ 20 cumulative colorectal adenomas (suspected aFAP)
Personal Hx of desmoid tumor
Personal Hx of bilateral CHRPE
Screening for FAP
Colonoscopy Q1Y, starting at age 10-15Y
If patient had TAC + ileorectal anastomosis, then endoscopic evaluation of the rectum every 6–12 mo depending on polyp burden
If patient had IPAA, then endoscopic evaluations of the ileal pouch every 1–3 y depending on polyp burden
EGD starting at age 20-25Y; following Spigelman stage (varies from Q3-6m to Q3-5Y)
Thyroid examination with US: annually
CNS: annual physical examination
Desmoid: annual abdominal palpation
Sulindac or celecoxib: can reduce number & size of polyps in the colon & rectum, but does not reduce cancer
An international RCT showed the addition of DiFluoroMethylOrnithine (DMFO) was required to achieve a benefit in reduction of adenoma count when compared with placebo
Appropriate for:
Duodenal adenomas
At-risk rectal mucosa (FAP, aFAP, or MAP)
IPAA polyps
Etiology of pouch polyposis is not completely understood but may be related to fecal stasis in the pouch
Delayed surgery
Unwillingness or inability to tolerate polypectomy or completion proctectomy
High family risk of desmoid tumors
Severe polyposis ( >1000 colonic or 20 rectal polyps)
APC mutations between codons 1250 & 1464 (carry high risk of cancer)
Timing of surgery
As early as possible
For patients with classic FAP, surgery typically occurs around 16-20Y of age
For those with a high risk of desmoid disease (family history, mutation in the 3′ end of the APC gene, female gender, extracolonic manifestations), surgery should be delayed as long as possible to decrease the chance of desmoid tumors developing
Young patients should have surgery delayed, if possible, to allow for adequate physical, social, and intellectual maturity
Surgical options
Total proctocolectomy with IPAA
Procedure is performed either:
With mucosectomy and hand-sewn IPAA. Benefit: ↓ATZ adenomas
Without mucosectomy and stapled IPAA. Benefit: ↑function, easier, ↓complications
ASCRS 2017 CPG: The evidence available, however, does not support routine mucosectomy if the residual rectal cuff is free of polyps and can be surveyed
Annual endoscopic surveillance of the remaining rectal and ATZ mucosa and IPAA must be performed.
A small percentage of patients may develop cancer in the anal transition zone or in the ileal pouch
Risk of adenoma at IPAA at 10Y
22% in mucosectomy group
51% in stapled IPAA group
There is a very small risk of adenocarcinoma after an IPAA, with only about 2 dozen reported cases in the literature
TAC with ileorectal anastomosis
Carries the advantage of eliminating risk for nerve injury, impotence & lower risk for leak
This procedure is considered only in cases of:
aFAP or mild polyposis amenable for endoscopic surveillance
FAP with rectal polyps < 20 in number and < 3 cm in size; & can be endoscopically managed
No colorectal cancer
A distensible & compliant rectum
Intact sphincter mechanism
It has been observed that the risk for rectal cancer is almost 3X higher in FAP patients with a mutation after codon 1250 than in patients with mutations before this codon
Risk for rectal cancer is up to 5% at 10Y, & 40% by 30Y
Requires strict (Q6-12m) proctoscopic surveillance
⅓ of patients will develop florid polyposis of the rectum & require proctectomy within 20Y
TAC with APR
Indications are as with low rectal cancer
PostOp surveillance:
Following IRA: proctoscopy Q6-12m
Following IPAA: anoscopy/pouchoscopy Q1-5Y
After 20Y, only ~22% of patients will be free of pouch adenomas, representing a highly relevant risk after pouch surgery
Risk factors for IPAA adenomas:
♂ sex
Gastric adenomas
Young age at the time of IPAA
IPAA loss 2ry to cancer development is likely: 0.5-1.0%
Pregnant patients with IPAA may in theory have a normal vaginal delivery, but they risk catastrophic injury requiring a complex pouch reconstruction in the even of a full thickness episiotomy (pouch-vaginal fistula that require quite proximal ileostomy for diversion)
Hamartomas (typically cherry red with long stalk on endoscopy)
Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (JPS)
Autosomal dominant mutation in SMAD4 & BMPR1A genes on 18q21 & 10q22, respectively
SMAD4 is associated with: hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia & bleeding AVMs in the GI tract, pulmonary tract, brain, & mediastinum
Juvenile polyps are characterized by a round, reddish appearance and histologically appear cystic with mucin-filled glands in an abundance/overgrowth of lamina propria
Polyposis involves the whole GI tract. The colon is affected 100% of the time
Juvenile polyps are hamartomas
JPS are at risk for other types of polyps (ie, inflammatory, hyperplastic, adenomatous). Up to 75% of JPS patients have polyp diagnoses other than juvenile polyps, with some having up to 5-6 different polyp types diagnosed throughout the years
Colorectal cancer is the most common associated malignancy — lifetime risk 40-50%
15% develop extra intestinal manifestations:
Cleft lip & palate
GU anomalies
Intestinal malrotation
Congenital heart disease
Clinical Dx is made by (any):
Finding ≥ 5 juvenile polyps (hamartomas) in the colon
Finding multiple polyps in throughout the GI tract
Identifying juvenile polyps with a ⊕ Family Hx of JPS
Colonoscopy starting at age 12-15Y or earlier
Repeat Q2-3Y if no polyps are found
Repeat Q1Y if polyps are found
EGD starting at age 15-25Y
Indications for surgery
Symptomatic disease: bleeding, intussusception, anemia, obstruction
HGD or cancer
Polyp burden cannot be effectively managed endoscopically
TAC + IRA is likely adequate unless there is rectal disease/cancer
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS)
Autosomal dominant mutation in LKB1 (STK11) tumor-suppressor gene on chromosome 19p13
30-40% develop de novo
Peutz Jeghers polyps differ histologically from juvenile polyps in that they arise due to an overgrowth of the muscularis mucosa, rather than the lamina propria.
Hamartomatous polyps are found throughout the GIT (most commonly small intestines) and tend to cause bleeding or intussusception
Most common site of hamartomous polyps are small bowel > colon > stomach > rectum
Dx criteria (requires ≥2):
≥2 hamartomatous polyps of the gastrointestinal tract
Mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation of the mouth, lips, nose, eyes, genitalia, or fingers
Family history of PJS
Extraintestinal manifestations:
Hyperpigmentation: perineal, buccal, eye, nostrils, perianal, toes, hands, & feet
Hyperpigmentation dissipates as one ages
Malignancies: breast, ovary, cervix, fallopian tubes, thyroid, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, & testicles
The risk for malignancy is 13X higher than the general population, but the risk for colorectal cancer is lower than that with other polyposis syndromes
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Screening / surveillance recommendation:
Colonoscopy starting late adolescence Q2-3Y
Small bowel interrogation (CTE) Q2-3Y, starting from age 8-10Y
Testicular/pelvic examination starting age of 10Y; repeat Q1Y
Yearly MMG & breast MRI starting age 25Y
MRCP & CA19-9 Q1-2Y starting age 25-30Y
Asymptomatic gastric or colonic polyps larger than 1 cm should be removed endoscopically
Small bowel polyps larger than 1–1.5 cm or those that are have grown rapidly from prior exam should be removed to decrease future complications such as bleeding and intussusception
Surgery is reserved for symptomatic polyps, cancer, or inability to perform adequate surveillance
PTEN-Hamartoma tumor syndrome
90-95% have GI polyps (hamartomas, lipomas, ganglioneuromas, hyperplastic polyps, adenomas, or inflammatory polyps)
CRC lifetime risk: 10-15%
Screening colonoscopy Q1-2Y starting at 35Y
Hereditary Mixed Polyposis Syndrome (HMPS)
Autosomal dominant
Involves different colon & rectal polyps (hamartomatous, adenomatous, hyperplastic)
The risk for colorectal cancer is thought to be higher than the general population
Treatment is based on symptoms
Serrated Polyposis Syndrome (SPS)
It is the most common inherited polyposis syndrome currently known (2022)
>90% of SPS patients are of white European descent
Characterized by multiple polyps (hyperplastic, sessile serrated polyps or serrated adenomas (AKA traditional serrated adenoma)) throughout the colon
No heritable pattern & genetic cause is identified
WHO criteria for Dx (cumulative lifetime polyp findings)
≥ 5 Serrated polyps proximal to the rectum, all ≥ 5 mm, ≥ 2 of which are > 10 mm
> 20 Serrated polyps (any size) throughout the colon; ≥ 5 being proximal to the rectum
Risk of developing colorectal cancer is 30-50%
Treatment is based on polyp burden, dysplastic, or neoplastic changes
Genetic testing is not routinely recommended as the genetic basis of SPS is largely unknown
NCCN recommendation:
Colonoscopy with polypectomy until all polyps ≥5 mm are removed, then colonoscopy every 1 to 3 years depending on number and size of polyps.
Clearing of all polyps is preferable but not always possible
Consider surgical referral if colonoscopic treatment and/or surveillance is inadequate or if high-grade dysplasia occurs
Surgical procedure is usually: TAC with ileorectal anastomosis
Syndromes with no increased risk for colorectal cancer:
All associated with PTEN mutation and result in hamartoma formation for the most part
Cowden’s Syndrome
Autosomal dominant mutation in the PTEN tumor suppressor gene on 10q23
Polyps occur in the colon and stomach. Colonic polyps can include hamartomas, fibromas, adenomas, lipomas, & neurofibromas
Extraintestinal manifestations
Hamartomas in the breast, thyroid, & uterus
Trichilemmomas are pathognomonic
In 1962, Headington and French first described trichilemmoma as a benign neoplasm with differentiation toward pilosebaceous follicular epithelium, or outer root sheath. Although unusual, at times, a central zone of desmoplasia may develop and thus be termed desmoplasia trichilemmoma. While benign in nature, the significance of trichilemmoma resides in the association with Cowden disease (ie, multiple hamartoma syndrome), nevus sebaceous, and the need to differentiate trichilemmomas from other more aggressive cutaneous tumors, such as trichilemmal carcinoma.
The risk for colon cancer is no greater than the general population
The risk for thyroid cancer is ~ 50%
The risk for breast cancer is ~ 10%
Treatment is based on symptoms
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome (BRRS)
Autosomal dominant mutation in the PTEN tumor suppressor gene on 10q23
Associated findings:
Penile macules
Mental retardation
The risk for colon cancer is no greater than the general population
Cronkite-Canada Syndrome (CCS)
Noninherited mutation of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene on 10q23
Associated findings:
Hamartomatous GI polyps
Cutaneous pigmentation
Diffuse gastrointestinal inflammation resulting in malabsorption, diarrhea, and protein-losing enteropathy can occur.
Risk for colorectal cancer is no greater than the general population
HNPCC / Lynch Syndrome
HNPCC and cancer risk by age 70
Colorectal Cancer
• Lifetime risk of cancer in HNPCC: 80%
• Risk in general population: 2-6%
Endometrial (uterine) Cancer
• Lifetime risk of cancer in HNPCC: 60%
• Risk in general population: 1.5%
Ovarian Cancer 
• Lifetime risk of cancer in HNPCC: 12%
• Risk in general population: 1%
Stomach Cancer
• Lifetime risk of cancer in HNPCC: 13%
• Risk in general population: Less than 1%
Other cancers
• Lifetime risk of cancer in HNPCC: 1-4%
• Risk in general population: Less than 1%
For details on MSI, see “Genetic pathways” above
“Lynch syndrome” = individuals with HNPCC phenotype + confirmed MMR gene mutation (inherited mutation is present in one allelic copy of an MMR gene; cancer develops when the second allele is ‘hit’)
“HNPCC” = individuals with the HNPCC phenotype + no gene defect is confirmed. i.e HNPCC is a clinical diagnosis, while Lynch Syndrome is a histopathologic diagnosis
“Lynch-like syndrome” AKA “suspected LS” AKA “mutation-negative LS” = MSI-H tumors but germline testing fails to detect a pathogenic mutation in any of the major MMR genes
“Constitutional MMR deficiency syndrome (CMMRD)” = individuals with biallelic mutations in one of MMR genes (requires both parents to have Lynch Syndrome)
“Familial CRC Type X” = individuals meeting Amsterdam criteria (strong family history but only for CRC, not HNPCC-related cancers) but have intact MMR genes
Muir-Torre Syndrome: Lynch Syndrome + skin sebaceous gland neoplasms (sebaceous adenomas and carcinomas) + hair follicle neoplasms (keratoacanthomas)
It is the most frequently occurring hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome in the US & Western Europe
Accounts for 3% of all colorectal cancer
Of newly diagnosed individuals with rectal cancer almost 1/35 will have HNPCC
Of patients diagnosed with CRC at age ≤ 35Y: 44% will demonstrate MMR deficiency (Aronson DCR 2015; 58: 645–652)
Autosomal dominant transmission
20% of newly Dx HNPCC are caused by spontaneous gremlin mutations
Colorectal cancer occurs in absence of a multitude of polyps
Polyp burden in Lynch Syndrome
Kalady Dis Colon Rectum 2015; 58: 388–392
23% have 1 polyp
11% have 2-5 polyps
2% have 6-9 polyps
4% have 10+ polyps
70% of cancers occur on the right colon
The cancers are predominantly poorly differentiated or mucinous
Lifetime risk for colorectal cancer = 55-80% (highest in MLH1/MSH2 mutation carriers)
The risk of CRC (and other cancers), is influenced by which mutation is present
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Associated cancers:
After being diagnosed with CRC, Lynch patients have 35% risk of a 2nd cancer in 10 years, and 65% risk of a 2nd cancer in 15 years
Endometrial & ovarian cancer (> 50%) — highest in MSH6 mutation carriers
Gastric cancer (13%)
Ureter/renal pelvis cancer (7%)
Bladder cancer
Small bowel cancer (4%)
Biliary & pancreatic cancer (2%)
Brain cancer (4%)
Skin cancer
Testing for HNPCC :
MMR defects are detected by IHC
MSI is detected by PCR
(Revised) Amsterdam II Criteria (1998) has low sensitivity in detecting HNPCC
≥ 3 relatives with CRC or HNPCC-associated Cancer, and:
1. One should be a FDR of the other two
2. ≥2 successive generations
3. Dx < 50Y
4. FAP excluded
5. Pathologically confirmed cancer
Memorization tip: <50Y, 3 relatives, 2 generations, 1 is FDR
Revised Bethesda Guidelines (2004) increases the sensitivity of detecting HNPCC
Just 1 of these criteria needs to be met:
1 Colorectal cancer diagnosed in a patient who is less than 50 years of age.
2 Presence of synchronous, metachronous colorectal, or other HNPCC-associated tumors, regardless of age.
3 Colorectal cancer with the MSI-H histology diagnosed in a patient who is less than 60 years of age (see below)
4 Colorectal cancer diagnosed in one or more first-degree relatives with an HNPCC-related tumor, with one of the cancers being diagnosed under age 50 years.
5 Colorectal cancer diagnosed with two or more first- or second-degree relatives with HNPCC-related tumors, regardless of age.
Memorization tip: MSI-H <60Y; <50Y; synch/metach; CRC in 2≥ FDR/SDR with HNPCC-related; CRC in 1≥ FDR with HNPCC-related Dx <50Y
Histologic features associated with MSI:
- Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
- Crohn's-like lymphocytic reaction
- Mucinous/signet-ring differentiation
- Medullary growth pattern
Following the Amesterdam or Bethesda criteria alone to decide on testing for MSI/MMR status is not efficient, they are rather used when resources are limited. Instead, universal screening with IHC is recommended for all CRC
Testing for Lynch and interpretation of results:
⊕ MSI is seen in 15% of sporadic CRC, but need to rule out Lynch → refer for IHC or gremlin mutation testing
Sporadic tumors with MSI-H have characteristic clinicopathologic features: they tend to occur in the proximal colon, have a greater mucinous component, contain lymphocytic infiltration, and are more often poorly differentiated
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Determining MSS vs MSI-L vs MSI-H
5 Microsatellites (i.e 5 locations on the gene) are usually assessed during testing
If only 1 unstable marker is detected, it is termed MSI-L
If ≥ 2 unstable markers are detected, it is termed MSI-H
Frequency of gene mutations:
EGAPP Genetics in Medicine Jan 2009 Peltomaki Fam Cancer 2016:15:385-393
MLH1: 40%
MSH2: 34%
MSH6: 18%
PMS2: 8%
⊖ MSI (i.e MSI-L or MSS) + intact MMR proteins (all four: MLH1, PMS2, MSH2, MSH6) = Lynch syndrome ruled out
MSS: microsatellite stable
MSI-L: low microsatellite instability (< 30% of markers are unstable)
MSI-H: high microsatellite instability (≥ 30% of markers are unstable)
⊕ MSI-H:
Loss of expression of MLH1 & PMS2, MLH1 alone, or PMS2 alone = sporadic Vs inherited → Further analysis for BRAF V600E mutation ± MLH1 promoter
The majority of patients with loss of expression MLH1/PMS2 do not have Lynch Syndrome. BRAF v600E mutation (hypermethylation) is evidence against Lynch Syndrome
Non-inherited loss of MLH1 expression:
— Sporadic hypermethylation of MLH1
— BRAF mutations → hypermethylation → loss of MLH1
Should MLH1 promoter methylation be encountered in young patients with a family history suggestive of LS, the clinicians should be aware of two rare exceptions:
(1) the patient may have LS with an inherited MLH1 mutation and MLH1 promoter methylation may have developed as the “second hit,” leading to cancer development;
(2) germline MLH1 hypermethylation has been reported in rare families which exhibit characteristic cancers associated with LS
Loss of expression of MSH2 alone, (MSH2 & MSH6), or MSH6 alone → highly specific for gremlin defect (Lynch syndrome)→ genetic testing for EpCAM & MSH6 gene (blood)
MSH2 gene mutation suggests Lynch Syndrome. If negative, test EpCAM: if mutated, suggests Lynch Syndrome
MSH2/EPCAM and MLH1 are thought of as ‘upstream’ mutations
Mutations in either MSH2 or EPCAM genes typically result in loss of staining in both MSH2 and MSH6 proteins
Mutations in the gene EPCAM (or TACSTD1) upstream of MSH2 can silence or disrupt MSH2 expression
Mutations in MLH1 result in the loss of staining for both MLH1 and PMS2 proteins.
Mutations in MSH6 and PMS2 genes typically result only in the loss of the respective single gene product
Failure to identify a causative MMR gene mutation in a patient with a suggestive history does not exclude the diagnosis of HNPCC. In as many as 25-50% of patients with a family history that clearly demonstrates HNPCC-type transmission of cancer susceptibility, DNA testing will fail to identify the causative mutation
Only 79-89% of Lynch Syndrome patients will have a positive test for MSI
Only 83% of Lynch Syndrome patients will have 1-2 absent MMR gene
Neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer has been noted to sometimes result in MSH-6 gene mutation. Therefore, in patients who had received NART/NACRT, it’s always best to use the pretreatment sample to screen for HNPCC
Recommendations for Lynch Syndrome patients
Guidelines on Genetic Evaluation and Management of Lynch Syndrome: A Consensus Statement by the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer:
Memory cue:
- 20-25Y start colonoscopy Q1-2Y (or younger)
- 30-35Y start annual (TV US, pelvic exam, & UA), and Q2-3Y EGD
There have been well-documented cases of invasive colon cancers occurring 1Y after a negative colonoscopy. It is obvious that the slow evolution from benign polyp to invasive cancer is not a feature of the pathogenesis in HNPCC patients, and this phenomenon of accelerated carcinogenesis mandates frequent (annual) colonoscopic examinations
Colonoscopic surveillance
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Guidelines on Genetic Evaluation and Management of Lynch Syndrome: A Consensus Statement by the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer:
Resistant starch and aspirin 600 mg/day have been assessed as chemopreventive agents in patients with LS
When colon cancer is detected in a patient with HNPCC, an abdominal colectomy–ileorectal anastomosis is the procedure of choice (segmental colectomy may be discussed with the patient, especially if young). Prophylactic colectomy is not recommended unless there is a strong familial pattern that influences decision making.
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Memory queue: risk is almost 2X the follow up years
Natarajan et al (2010): Even though no survival benefit was identified between the cases and controls the increased incidence of metachronous colorectal cancer and increased abdominal surgeries among controls warrant the recommendation of subtotal colectomy in patients with Lynch syndrome
Despite higher metachronous cancer risk after segmental colectomy, a meta-analysis by Heneghan et al. found that 10Y overall survival is the same between segmental resection and total colectomy — but it’s possible that the effect is more pronounced after more than 10Y
Haanstra et al. (2012) showed no difference in QOL between segmental resection and TAC in Lynch Syndrome (despite worse function outcomes in the TAC group)
Mathematical models estimate that a 3-year survival benefit may be found in comparing segmental colectomy with TAC in patients aged 25Y. The older the patient, the less likely a survival benefit is seen. i.e it’s reasonable to consider less extensive surgery as patients get older patients
In multivariate analysis, MMR deficiency was associated with a HR of 3.65 (95%CI,1.44–9.21; p=0.006) for metachronous colorectal neoplasia, whereas extended resection with ileorectal or ileosigmoid anastomosis significantly decreased the risk of metachronous colorectal neoplasia (HR, 0.21; 95%CI, 0.05–0.90; p = 0.036). (Aronson DCR 2015; 58: 645–652)
Point of emphasis: electing for segmental resection requires stringent patient compliance with colon screening schedule
2017 ASCRS Clinical Practice Guidelines: For patients with Lynch syndrome and rectal cancer, the rectal cancer should be treated based on standard oncologic principles, as in sporadic rectal cancer. The decision for concomitant colectomy may be considered on a selective basis. Weak recommendation based on poor-quality evidence. 2C
Risk of metachronous colon cancer is 51%
Patients with LS and rectal cancer may be a group who are best served with segmental resection. The alternative of TPC ± IPAA presents a pronounced functional difference from the patient perspective versus restorative proctectomy. However, the risk of developing a second colorectal malignancy following proctectomy varies between 15% and 27% within the first decade postoperatively, even with regular endoscopic surveillance
In general there is no discussion of whether mucosectomy should be done for LS with rectal cancers. The rectal cancer is treated like a sporadic one, and the discussion of a TPC is based on the expected function and risk of metachronous colon cancer which is up to 50%
The rectum remains at risk for the development of cancer and annual proctoscopic examinations are mandatory after TAC
Hysterectomy has not been shown to reduce endometrial cancer mortality, but can reduce the incidence of endometrial cancer. Therefore, hysterectomy is a risk-reducing option that can be considered, especially in patients undergoing surgery for CRC
BSO may reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer. Timing of BSO should be individualized based on whether childbearing is complete
ASCRS CPG 2017: Patients with clinical polyposis, but without an identified mutation, should be treated and followed based on their phenotype. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C.
Summary of genetic testing for polyposis
Adenomatous polyps
MMR → Lynch
MYH mutations
POLE or POLD1 mutations → Polymerase Proofreading Associated Polyposis (PPAP)
Summary of who should be referred to consider genetic testing
Patients who meet Amsterdam or Bethesda criteria
Individuals with abnormal tumor screening (MMR/MSI) & hypermethylation has been ruled out
Known family history of Lynch Syndrome
Individuals with > 10 adenomatous polyps
Individuals with > 5 juvenile polyps or > 2 PJS polyps
Histopathologic influence
MMR defects are detected by IHC
MSI is detected by PCR
Neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer has been noted to sometimes result in MSH-6 gene mutation. Therefore, in patients who had received NART/NACRT, it’s always best to use the pretreatment sample to screen for HNPCC
Defining some features associated with worse prognosis
Mucinous adenocarcinomas (characterized by extracellular mucin in ≥ 50 % of the tumor volume)
Signet ring adenocarcinomas (characterized histologically by greater than 50% tumor cells with signet ring features—prominent intracytoplasmic mucin vacuole that pushes the nucleus to the periphery)
Tumor budding (refers to small clusters of undifferentiated cancer cells ahead of the invasive front of the lesion)
Poorly differentiated clusters (PDC) are aggregates of at least five neoplastic cells lacking evidence of glandular differentiation. By definition, they can be present at the invasive front (peripheral PDC or pPDC) and within the tumor stroma (central PDC or cPDC)
Testing that will influene chemotherapy
K-RAS testing in metastatic patients will determine who will benefit (KRAS wild-type and BRAF wild-type) from anti-EGFR (Cetuximab or Panitumumab)
Anti-EGFR therapy is not recommended for right-sided tumors
KRAS mutation is associated with
Lack of benefit from anti-EGFR therapy
Worse OS after resection
KRAS WT but PIK3CA mutated tumors don’t derive the same benefit as PIK3CA WT
BRAF V600E mutation makes response to panitumumab or cetuximab highly unlikely unless given with a BRAF inhibitor
Mutation → poor prognostic indictor for OS
Mutation is found in < 10% of all CRC
Best results from anti-EGFR is in patients who are: (KRAS WT + BRAF WT + PIK3CA WT)
EXPERT-C trial (2012): in high-risk operable rectal cancer, the addition of weekly Cetuximab has improved radiologic response (71% vs 51%) and overall survival at 3Y follow up (HR 0.27) in KRAS/BRAF wild-type patients. The primary endpoint of complete response was not affected
Treatment regimen was: CAPOX 4cycles → Capecitabine chemradiation → surgery → CAPOX 4cycles
Stage II tumors with MSI-H or dMMR status have been shown to be associated with lower recurrence rate (11% vs 26%) after surgical resection alone
Adjuvant chemotherapy is not beneficial for stage II dMMR colon cancer
MSH-H tumors have resistance to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)–based chemotherapy when given alone; however, they do derive benefit from oxaliplatin based chemotherapy
NACT is not beneficial for dMMR for both colon and rectal cancer
FOxTROT trial showed that dMMR tumors do not derive benefit from NACT for colon cancer
NACRT is still effective for dMMR rectal cancer
Neoadjuvant immunotherapy can lead to deep response in dMMR CRC
For patients with advanced or metastatic disease (with MMR deficient / MSI-H), offer Nivolumab or pembrolizumab (either alone or with combination of systemic chemotherapy)
HER-2 amplification
HER2 Amplification (in RAS & BRAF wild-type) → may indicate EGFR resistance
Metastatic disease may be candidates for Trastuzumab or Tucatinib
NTRK fusions (very rare): larotrectinib or entrectinib is offered after 1st line therapy
PIK3CA: can still respond to anti-EGFR and anti-HER2 therapies; consider trials
Signet ring cell tumors and BRAF⊕ tumors are poor candidates (or contraindicated) for HIPEC
Testing may alter surgical plan
Total proctocolectomy ± IPAA
Consider total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis in patients with minimal rectal involvement (< 20 rectal polyps; ideally < 5) and no malignancy (colon or rectum)
Lynch Syndrome
Herzig et al. Dis Colon Rectum 2017
For individuals with Lynch syndrome who develop a colon cancer, a total colectomy is preferred for cancer risk reduction. Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence. 1B
Patients with Lynch Syndrome who develop a colon cancer may consider segmental colectomy despite the inferior cancer risk reduction because of differences in bowel function between segmental and total colectomy. Weak recommendation based on low-quality evidence. 2C
For patients with Lynch Syndrome and rectal cancer, the rectal cancer should be treated based on standard oncologic principles, as in sporadic rectal cancer. The decision for concomitant colectomy may be considered on a selective basis. Weak recommendation based on poor-quality evidence. 2C
Hysterectomy and BSO should be offered to women with Lynch syndrome undergoing colectomy, particularly if they have finished childbearing. Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence. 1B
Cumulative 25Y risk of metachronous colorectal cancer:
Renkonen et al. Dis Colon Rectum 2017
46.6% after segmental resection
Parry et al. Gut 2011: Risk of metachronous CRC after segmental
•10yrs: 16%
•20yrs: 41%
•30yrs: 62%
9.6% after extended resection
Risk for colonic neoplasia after proctectomy for rectal cancer in HNPCC
Kalady et al.  Ann Surg 2012
50 patients with Lynch Syndrome undergoing proctectomy for rectal cancer
13 patients (40%) had 48 high-risk adenomas on surveillance c-scopes (81% left-sided adenomas)
5 patients (15%) developed metachronous colon cancer (80% right-sided). Mean time to cancer: 72 months
MSI-H stage II disease is better than MSI-S or MSI-L (but worse for stage IV)
Presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes is a favorable prognostic factor. Lymphocytic infiltration is also associated with mutations in MMR genes and MSI-H
CRC with mutated BRAF tend to have worse prognosis: liver metastasectomy is not offered
Likelihood of LN metastasis increases with
Depth of invasion (T-stage) — the most significant predictor of LN spread
T1-2 = 5-20% LN spread
T3-4 = ≥50% LN spread
Tumor size
Poorly differentiated histology
Number of metastases correlates with 1) presence of M⊕ disease, and 2) survival
Minimum adequate LN harvest = 12
↑ Number of LN harvest → improved long-term outcome
≥ 4 ⊕ LN (pN2) = poor prognosis
Liver the most common site
Increased risk with tumor size & tumor grade
15-20% of patients present with ⊕ liver metastasis
60% of CRC will eventually develop liver metastasis
Workup / preoperative
Colon preoperative workup
Consider polyposis syndromes or Lynch syndrome, as appropriate
It is produced by the columnar and goblet cells of the colon, as well as colonic cancer cells, and has a half-life of 3 to 11 days.
Utility of CEA:
Prognostic value
PreOp CEA ≥ 5 ng/mL is associated with worse prognosis, stage for stage, than patients with CEA < 5 ng/mL
Normalization of CEA in patients with an elevated serum CEA who are undergoing neoadjuvant therapy is a strong predictor of complete pathologic response
Extremely elevated CEA in the absence of metastatic disease apparent on CT imaging should alert the clinician about the possibility of peritoneal carcinomatosis, thus warranting PET scan or even diagnostic laparoscopy
Conditions associated with ↑CEA
Cancer: GIT, breast, lung, pancreatic, hepatobiliary
Epithelial tumors
Inflammation: colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diverticulitis
Peptic ulcer disease
Crohn’s disease
CEA measurements have only 60-70% sensitivity and 80% of specificity in the Dx of colorectal cancer
Normal CEA levels do not exclude tumor recurrence
If CEA is elevated in the postoperative period it should be confirmed by retesting. False-positive elevations are common especially when the level is between 5-10 ng/mL
Colonoscopy with tattooing distal to the tumor
Synchronous cancers are present in 4-5% of patients
Synchronous adenomas are present in 30-50% of patients
CT chest/abdomen/pelvis
PET CT is not routinely recommended
CT Chest: 9% of patients will have ‘indeterminate pulmonary nodules’ on preOp staging, but only 11% of these lesions (~1% of the total population) declare themselves to be CRC metastases during surveillance. Given the low incidence of malignancy in these indeterminate pulmonary nodules, further preoperative evaluation can be avoided, and these lesions can be followed during surveillance
Patients with iodine allergy can undergo either:
(Non-contrast CT chest) + (MRI abdomen/pelvic)
CT sensitivity in detecting malignant perirectal lymphadenopathy is only 49%
For obstructive symptoms, consider a water-soluble contrast study to assess:
Degree of obstruction
Level of bostruction
Involve enterostomal therapist
NCCN: The rectum lies below a virtual line from the sacral promontory to the upper edge of the symphysis as determined by MRI
Rectum preoperative work up adds:
Elicit Hx of incontinence
Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy is performed in conjunction with the DRE, and allows delineation of:
Tumor orientation (anterior, lateral, or posterior)
Circumferential involvement (evaluated as a percentage of the entire bowel wall circumference)
Extent of proximal involvement
EndoRectal US
Provides T & N staging comparable to MRI
Best in distinguishing T0 & T1. Sensitivity to T2 lesions drops to 80%. T3 sensitivity is high.
Predicts LN involvement with sensitivity 63-85%
Because the probe needs to start above the tumor, its utility is limited in obstructing lesions
The distal most length of rectum at the anorectal junction is difficult to assess by ERUS
Assessing cancer stage
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It is impossible to distinguish blood vessels from LN on a static US image
Overall concordance between clinical stage on ERUS and final pathologic staging is 65% (lower than earlier studies)
17% were overstaged
18% were understaged
The highest clinico-pathological concordance is for T1 tumors
ERUS is especially not reliable for:
Differentiating T2 from early T3 disease
Differentiating early T3 from advanced T3
Centers where ≤ 10 ERUS are done per year
Assessment of mesorectal fascia
Overall accuracy of T-staging: ~84%
The poorest correlation was found for T2 and T4 rectal cancers
The diagnostic accuracy of ERUS for nodal staging (75%) — lower than that in MRI
Pelvic MRI (Gold Standard):
Best in distinguishing T1/T2, from T3, and T4 (Not accurate in distinguishing T1 from T2) — but this is where it will matter, as T3 disease will be offered NACRT
Defining the rectum is a contentious point between surgeons, anatomists, and radiologists
Radiologists define the upper rectum in different ways:
The point corresponding to bony landmarks: S2, S3, or sacral promontory
15cm from the anal verge (thus the anal canal is considered part of the rectum in regards to rectal adenoCa)
The point at which the vascular supply changes
The anorectal junction is defined as the point at which the axis of the rectum changes from anterioinferior to posterioinferior
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“The lower rectum” is defined as the portion below the imaginary horizontal line between the levator muscles on coronal images
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Time required is up to 15-45m
Requires a 1.5- or 3-Tesla magnet system
Slice thickness ≤ 3mm
Performed in supine position, feet first
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)
The technique has very low anatomic resolution, but high contrast resolution i.e large differentiation between normal tissue and tumoral tissue
Signal in normal tissue is suppressed as a result of H2O molecules being able to move freely between cells
The normal bladder loses signal intensity on DWI
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Signal in tumoral tissue is high as H2O is ‘trapped’ between the highly cellular tumor tissue
Rectal tumor tissue showing high intensity on DWI
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Controversial aspects
Antispasmodic agent to improve visualization (e.g 1mg IM glucagon or buscopan)
Rectum is filled with contrast (~100ml) or air insufflation
IV contrast enhancement with gadolinium is not recommended
Cleansing enema
Endorectal coil
Recommended sequences
The first series is the sagittal, T2-weighted, fast (turbo) spin-echo sequence from one pelvic sidewall to the other, which enables identification of the primary tumor.
It is essential that the referring surgeon has accurately indicated the tumor position (low, mid, or high rectal) for proper planning of the sequences
The second series consists of large-field-of view axial sections of the whole pelvis.
The third series consists of the high-resolution images that are T2-weighted thin-section axial images (3mm) through the rectal cancer and adjacent tissues
On T2-weighted images, there are 3 easily discernible layers:
1. an inner hyperintense layer = mucosa and submucosa
2. a hypointense middle layer = muscularis propria
3. a hyperintense outer layer = perirectal fat
4. Rectal tumors appear as intermediate intensity lesions
Features to look for
1. T Stage
On T2-weighted images, the muscularis mucosal layer is shown as a fine low-signal-intensity line with the thicker, high-signal submucosal layer seen beneath. The muscularis propria can often be depicted as two distinct layers, the inner circular layer and the outer longitudinal layer. The outer muscle layer has an irregular grooved appearance with interruptions due to vessels entering the rectal wall.
The perirectal fat appears as a high signal surrounding the low signal of the muscularis propria and contains signal void vessels
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2. N Stage
Nodal staging has traditionally relied on size of the nodes using MRI criteria; however, several studies have indicated the inaccuracy of using this technique alone. Criteria based on the outline of the node and features of signal intensity have been shown to be more reliable.
Uniform nodes having homogeneous signal intensity are not considered to be suspicious. The nodes are judged suspicious if they have irregular borders, mixed signal intensity, or both
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The diagnostic accuracy of TRUS for nodal staging (70–75%) is similar to that of CT (55–65%) and MRI (60–65%)
The size of the LN alters the criteria required to consider it suspicious/positive
< 5mm: needs 3 malignant characteristics
5-9mm: needs 2 malignant characteristics
> 9mm: always suspicious
Malignant characteristics of suspicious/positive LN
Indistinct borders
Heterogenous signal
Rounded shape
LN are evaluated in the mesorectum and along the external iliac, obturator, and femoral groups
3. CRM: Circumferential (resection) margin (mesorectal fascia)
Defined as: distance from edge of tumor to the mesorectal fascia
Determines who will get neoadjuvant therapy
The limit of the mesorectal fascia is seen as the thin line separating the perirectal tissue from the outer fat plane
CRM is the key piece of information relevant in MRI (sensitivity ~97%)
Endoscopic sonography cannot accurately assess the circumferential resection margin or identify other prognostic features such as extramural venous invasion
1mm is the safe cut-off for MRI prediction of surgical margin status in rectal cancer
MERCURY study showed that high-resolution MRI can accurately predict involvement of the surgical resection margin (≤ 1mm) and extramural tumor invasion
A potentially positive margin is defined as tumor lying within 1 mm (< 1 mm) of the mesorectal fascia
If mesorectum around a rectal Ca is involved or threatened (only 1-2 mm clearance) → ↑↑ local recurrence & poor prognosis
4. Sphincter involvement
At the level of the top of the anal sphincter, fibers from the puborectalis sling join those of the outer muscle coat; together these form the conjoint longitudinal coat, which forms a thin muscular layer between the internal and external sphincters
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Stage 1: Tumor confined to submucosa; no definite involvement of the IAS
Stage 2: Tumor invades IAS but does not extend into the intersphincteric space
Stage 3: Tumor invades the intersphincteric space and/or extends to > 1mm from the levator muscles
Stage 4: Tumor invades EAS or levator muscles
5. Extramural vascular invasion & depth of invasion
Presence of EMVI is associated with
3.7 fold increased relative risk for metastatic disease at 1Y of follow up
Local recurrence
Poor response to adjuvant chemoradiotherapy
Poor survival rate
Determining EMVI on MRI is through
Presence of nodular or irregular vessels
Focal vessel enlargement
Tumor signal in vessel with replacement of flow void
Accuracy of MRI to detect EMVI: 62% sensitivity; 88% specificity (as compared with pathologic examination)
Extramural depth invasion > 5mm is a poor prognostic feature
Have high signal intensity on T2 weighted images
Mucinous tumors are hypocellular and thus have low diffusion on “diffusion weighted images” and PET activity
Presence of mucin has different implications depending on the imaging time point:
At initial staging: it denotes worse prognosis
After adjuvant therapy: implies favorable tumor response (i.e mucin degeneration)
Post-treatment MRI
Residual tumor
Intermediate signal on T2
Restricted diffusion
Low signal intensity on T2
No restricted diffusion
Size (short axis) is the most reliable variable
Nodes < 5mm are likely sterile
Nodes ≥ 5mm are likely still malignant
T3/T4 stage: sensitivity 87%; specificity 75%
Nodal metastases: sensitivity 77%; specificity 71%
Involved CRM: sensitivity 77%; specificity 94%
Approach to MRI
Look for interruptions in the submucosa (hyperintesnse layer) (T1 disease)
Look for intermediate intensity tumor infiltrating the ring of hypointense muscularis propria (T2 disease)
T2 sagittal view: determine tumor height
T2 coronal view: determine involvement of sphincters
T2 axial view: assess perirectal tissue
T1 axial view: assess LNs
Oblique axial T2 (the plane is turned so that it is perpendicular to the epicenter of the tumor): assess mesorectum
Oblique axial images require calibration by a radiologist while the images are being taken
MRI is superior to ERUS in evaluating:
Mesorectal fascia (and CRM): This variable may be the most valuable in predicting prognosis
Pelvic LN that are remote from the rectum
T-stage and N-stage accuracy of MRI and ERUS after NACRT is poor. Routine restaging after completion of neoadjuvant therapy is not indicated. However, CRM assessment is accurate with MRI after neoadjuvant therapy
Has not been shown to offer an advantage over MRI or ERUS with regard to locoregional staging
PET possibly changes the treatment plan in 10-27% of patients
At present, PET is not recommended in the routine evaluation of patients presenting with primary rectal adenocarcinoma but is utilized to evaluate equivocal findings on CT when finding distant metastatic disease would alter management
Mucinous tumors are hypocellular and thus have low diffusion on “diffusion weighted images” and PET activity
Role of DRE
Features to look for:
Position within the rectum / relation to the anorectal ring
Involvement of sphincters
Rullier classification
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Anorectal ring defined:
Clinically as the top of the squeeze pressure during DRE with voluntary contraction
MRI/US: upper border of EAS and lowest end of levator muscles
CRM > 1mm from elevator ani + free intersphincteric plane = sphincter preservation
Acellular pools of mucin at the level of the CRM after NACT were considered as a negative CRM
The 2 groups of patients that conventionally required APR (those with juxta-anal and intra-anal tumors, types ii-iii) have been treated by ultra sphincter-preserving surgery with the same 5-year local recurrence rate (5%-9% vs 6%) and disease-free survival (70%-73% vs 68%) as the group treated by conventional sphincter-preserving surgery for supra-anal (type i) tumors
Type II & III are amenable for intersphincteric dissection surgery. Functional outcomes after complete intersphincteric dissection tends to be very bad and these patients are likely better managed with APR, unless highly motivated
It is recommended that most rectal cancer cases be reviewed by a multidisciplinary team at Dx
Role of PET: reserved for when CT/MRI are equivocal in patients with advanced disease
Limited evidence suggests that the addition of routine PET/CT may alter treatment in as many as 20% of patients, but guidelines do not recommend PET/CT in the initial staging of CRC
Assessment of extrahepatic disease:
Currently MRI is considered the gold standard of imaging when liver metastases are detected by CT
FDG-PET or FDG-PET/CT can improve staging accuracy for CRCLM, especially when extrahepatic disease is suspected, leading to improved survival of selected patients.
FDG-PET and FDG-PET/CT are well-established imaging modalities to assess Indeterminate Lung Lesions > 1 cm in diameter with a sensitivity of 97% and specificity of 78%.
Assessment of treatment response:
Treatment effect during chemotherapy is measured by the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST), which looks at changes in the size of the lesion. The limitation of RECIST is that decreasing in tumor size does not necessarily translate into an improvement in prognosis, and it may take several weeks before it becomes apparent. Patients often receive full course of therapy with the full range of toxicity before definite effects are detectable. Because FDG-PET/CT focuses on metabolic changes, it may be able to measure tumor response before anatomic changes occur, thus defining early response to treatment.
Colorectal cancer: Baseline parameters measured by FDG-PET/CT do not correlate with prognosis in patients with colorectal liver metastases; instead variations of these parameters before and after chemotherapy can measure metabolic response and can be used as prognostic indicators.
Rectal cancer NACRT: Post-treatment MRI, CT, or TRUS often cannot differentiate between fibrosis, necrosis, or inflammatory tissue and residual tumor foci. Studies have suggested that FDG-PET is more accurate in assessing treatment response than CT or MRI. The major limitation of these studies is the lack of standardization of timing of imaging evaluation.
Detection of recurrence:
Several studies have shown that FDG-PET is sensitive and specific in detecting recurrence in patients with colorectal carcinoma, thus affecting patients’ management, and this remains the main area of PET use to date
When compared with standard CT imaging FDG-PET/CT appears to be superior in detecting recurrent disease in patients with elevated CEA. Ozkan and colleagues confirmed these results in a retrospective study that included 69 patients, showing a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 61% for FDG-PET/CT, versus 51% and 61% for CT scan
More recently studies have been demonstrated that FDG-PET/CT also could be useful in detecting recurrence in patients with normal CEA levels and suggested that this imaging modality should be included routinely in the follow-up of CRC patients
May have a role in rectal cancer patients planned for W&W
PET has not been shown to be reliable for the indication of complete responders (AUC 0.57–0.73). Although comparing the change in baseline with 12-week posttreatment standardized 18-FDG uptake values may provide some improvement in test performance
EMVI has a 4-fold increase in metastatic disease and maybe warrants PET scan
Work up for CRCLM
Restaging imaging (5 mm thin cuts)
Repeat colonoscopy
PET scan
In cases where patients are being considered for liver resection of metastatic tumor, there is some evidence that PET-CT can detect extrahepatic disease that is missed in up to one third of patients evaluated by CT scan alone. This changed management strategy in 8–21% of patients
Consider staging laparoscopy
Staging laparoscopy prior to definitive laparotomy identifies approximately 50% of all unresectable patients
Sensitivity of MRI at detecting response of liver lesions to neoadjuvant treatments may be better than PET
TNM Staging (AJCC 2017; 8th Edition) & prognostic factors
T (NCCN: pTis is not considered a “malignant polyp.”)
• T0: No evidence of Ca
• Tis: intraepithelial or invasion of lamina propria
• T1: invades submucosa
• T2: invades muscularis propria
• T3: invades pericolorectal fat/tissue
T3a: invasion < 1mm of extramural depth beyond the muscularis propria
T3b: 1-5mm invasion of extramural depth beyond the muscularis propria
T3c: 5-15mm invasion of extramural depth beyond the muscularis propria
T3d: > 15mm invasion of extramural depth beyond the muscularis propria
• T4: invades serosa
• T4a: penetrates visceral peritoneum
• T4b: invades or adherent to other organs/structures
If mesorectum around a rectal Ca is involved or threatened (only 1-2 mm clearance) → ↑↑ local recurrence & poor prognosis
T1 tumors, which are limited to the submucosa, are associated with a 10–15% incidence of occult lymph node metastases detected at the time of radical surgery. T2 tumors, which invade into but not through the muscularis propria, are associated with a 20–26% risk of lymph node metastasis. Tumors invading to the SM3 level were shown to have a similar risk of lymph node metastasis and local recurrence as T2 cancers.
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• N0: ⊖
• N1: <4 ⊕ pericolic or perirectal LN
• N1a: 1 ⊕ regional LN
• N1b: 2-3 ⊕ regional LN
• N1c: tumor deposits in subserosa, mesentery, or nonperitonealized pericolic or perirectal tissues without regional LN
• N2: ≥ 4 ⊕ pericolic or perirectal LN
• N2a: 4-6 ⊕ LN
• N2b: ≥7 ⊕ LN
Rectal Ca: NACRT reduces the number of identifiable LN after TME, in this case < 12 LN harvested is still considered adequate
Hint: If LN harvest is not adequate on the first pathology report, as the pathologist to look at the sample again looking for more nodes
Positive LNs are defined as those containing ≥ 0.2mm deposits of cancer cells
ASCRS CPG: While not a component of the recently updated AJCC colon cancer staging system, the presence of micrometastatic lymph node disease detected by ultra staging has been associated with disease recurrence and decreased survival in patients with otherwise lymph node-negative cancer evaluated by standard methods.
The diagnostic accuracy of TRUS for nodal staging (70–75%) is similar to that of CT (55–65%) and MRI (60–65%)
LN > 7mm in the lateral compartment (internal iliac or obturator nodes) on MRI are predictors of lateral pelvic recurrence. Performing outright lateral pelvic LN dissection in this group reduces recurrence from 20% to 6%
Mathematical modeling for the INT0089 study was used to determine the number of lymph nodes needed to be truly predictive of lymph node negativity and predicted a <25% probability of node positivity if >18 nodes are examined for T1/T2 tumors or if >10 nodes are examined for T3/T4 tumors
• M1a: confined to one organ or site without peritoneal metastasis
• M1b: ≥ 2 sites without peritoneal metastasis
• M1c: peritoneal surface metastasis
cTNM = clinical staging
pTNM = pathologic staging
uTNM = US staging
ypTNM = pathologic stage that was affected; initially given a cTNM and received neoadjuvant therapScreen_Shot_2018-11-04_at_11.31.10_1
Prognostic factors
Tumor deposits: the number of satellite tumors deposits discontinuous from the edge of the cancer that are not associated with a residual LN
Tumor regression grade: assessment of pathologic response to NACRT in terms of circumferential resection margin
TRG 0: no regression
TRG 1: cancer > fibrosis
TRG 2: fibrosis > cancer
TRG 3: microscopic cancer
TRG 4: no residual cancer
KRAS mutation status
Perineural invasion
Dr. Heald introduced TME in 1982
Open Vs Lap
Trials showing non-inferiority of long-term outcomes in Lap Vs Open (and improved short-term outcomes)
Barcelona trial (Lancet 2002, Ann Surg 2008)
COST trial (NEJM 2004)
CLASICC trial (Lancet 2005, JCO 2007)
COLOR trial (Lancet Oncol 2005, 2009)
Rectal cancer
COLOR II trial (NEJM 2015)
2:1 Randomization of rectal cancer to: laparoscopy vs open
Similar 3Y locoregional recurrence: 5% in laparoscopy & open
Similar 3Y DFS: 74.8% in laparoscopy & 70.8% in open
Similar 3Y OS: 86.7% in laparoscopy & 83.6% in open
COREAN trial (2006-2009, 2014): comparison of open versus laparoscopic surgery for mid and low rectal cancer after neoadjuvant therapy
cT3N0-2M0 ≤ 9cm from AV → neoadjuvant therapy → randomization
2014 published long-term outcomes: 3Y DFS 72.5% in open and 79.2 in laparoscopic groups → Conclusion: laparoscopic resection for locally advanced rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy provides similar outcomes for DFS as open resection
Trials that did not establish non-inferiority of Lap Vs Open
ALaCaRT (2010-2014)
T1-T3 rectal cancer < 15cm from AV
Primary endpoint: adequate resection (intact TME, negative CRM (≥ 1mm), negative distal margin (≥ 1mm)
Criteria met in 82% of laparoscopic and 89% of open surgeries
ACOSOG Z6051 (2008-2013)
Stage II-III rectal cancer, excluding T4, S/P NACRT then randomized to lap vs open
Primary endpoint: TME completeness, distal margin > 2 cm, CRM > 1mm)
Criteria met in 81.7% in laparoscopic and 86.9% in open surgeries
Meta-analysis (1005 to 2016 studies: 14RCTs: 2,989 patients)
Martínez-Pérez A, Carra MC, Brunetti F, de’Angelis N. Pathologic Outcomes of Laparoscopic vs Open Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Surg. 2017;152(4):e165665. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2016.5665
⊕ CRM: 7.9% in lap group Vs 6.1% in open group (p-0.26)
Non-complete mesolectal excision: 13.2% in lap Vs 10.4% in open (p-0.02)
Nishikawa et al. 2019: Laparoscopic multi-visceral resection may be a safe, less invasive alternative… with less blood loss and shorter hospital stay, and was not inferior to open surgery based on long-term oncological endpoints
Dis Colon Rectum 2019; 62: 40–46 DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001255
Colon cancer management
The role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy/chemoradiotherapy for primary colon cancer is unclear. The FOxTROT trial will be able to shed light once completed
NCCN suggest adjuvant RT be "considered" for patients with T4 disease with penetration to a fixed structure
In tumors that are located between vascular pedicles (e.g., hepatic or splenic flexures), extended colectomy is performed to remove nodes along both associated vascular pedicles.
Stage 0
Carry no risk of LN spread
Endoscopic excision
Endoscopic resection is suitable for benign adenomas, those with severe dysplasia, or carcinoma in situ, as long as resection margins are free
Indications (some are relative) for segmental resection:
Not all indications here apply to Stage 0 disease
Polyp cannot be removed entirely, specimen is fragmented, or margin cannot be assessed
Tumor within 1mm of resection margin
Tumor budding
High grade or poorly differentiated histology (Grade 3-4)
Cancer extends to the lower ⅓ of submucosa (SM3)
Any T2 lesion
Complete Mesocolic Excision (CME)
In performing CME, the pathologist needs a fresh sample (similar to Quirke fixation technique)
Japanese studies show that tumor drainage area for colon cancer is within 10cm of the tumor and 5cm of the draining vessels
The main principle in CME is maintaining dissection in the mesocolic plane and preserving the peritoneum overlying the colonic mesentery, much in the same way as mesorectal excision preserves the fascia propria coating the mesorectum
Grading of mesocolic excision is made based on the presence of peritoneal defects in the tumor drainage area (i.e having defects in the transverse mesocolon doesn’t affect the grading of a complete mesocolic excision for cecal tumors)
The concept of CME is applicable to D1, D2, and D3 excision
Components of CME
Mesocolic plane: it’s found to impact survival (leeds, CLASSIC) & local recurrence (CLASSIC)
Central vascular ligation: improves outcomes
Length of colon resected: no difference in survival between Tokyo and Germany
Stage I
T1-2 = 5-20% risk for LN spread
Indications (some are relative) for segmental resection:
Polyp cannot be removed entirely, specimen is fragmented, or margin cannot be assessed
Tumor within 1mm of resection margin
Butte et al found that a positive polypectomy margin (<1 mm) was associated with residual disease in the colon wall in 16% of patients, whereas no residual disease was found in patients with a margin greater than 1 mm. The rate of lymph node metastases in this study was about 7%
Tumor budding
High grade (Tis) or poorly differentiated histology (Grade 3-4)
Cancer extends to the lower ⅓ of submucosa (SM3)
Any T2 lesion
Adjuvant chemotherapy does not improve survival
Stage II
Segmental resection
Proximal obstructing lesions → RHC
Distal obstructing lesions may be managed with segmental resection with on-table lavage (via appendicostomy or the terminal ileum), Hartmann’s procedure, or subtotal colectomy with ileosigmoid anastomosis
Adjuvant chemotherapy considerations
Unselected patients with resected stage II colon Ca should not be offered routinely adjuvant chemotherapy
The benefit derived from adjuvant chemotherapy in Stage II is < 5%, unlike the 25-30% improvement for Stage III
Oncotype Dx Colon (Coloprint) has not been shown in prospective trials to help select which patients benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy
Risk stratification: High risk features
Insufficient LN sampling
Perforating/obstructing tumor (T4)
Inadequate (close/intermediate/positive) resection margin
Poorly differentiated histology (except with microsatellite instability-high [MSI-H] or mismatch-repair deficiency [dMMR])
High preoperative CEA levels
NCCN recommendations
Low-intermediate risk — Options:
6 months of 5FU/LV
6 months of Capecitabine
Clinical trial
Standard adjuvant regimen for Stage III
- CapeOx
- 5FU/LV or Capecitabine without oxaliplatin
NCCN 2018: T4b may be considered for NACT with FOLFOX or CapeOx, followed by colectomy
This basically applies to patients in whom you are concerned about getting an adequate margin or if you fear that the concomitant second organ resection carries too much morbidity. In this case, they are treated with FOLFOX
UTD and ASCRS CPG: If adjuvant chemotherapy is chosen, most patients receive a fluoropyrimidine alone, unless they have a tumor with deficient MMR status, in which case adjuvant fluoropyrimidines alone are ineffective. (This only applies for Stage II - you give FOLFOX if you really wanted to make an argument for a specific patient. This is because an MMR defect patient that is given only 5-FU will have worse prognosis than not getting 5-FU)
Flouropyrimidine examples are capecitabine, floxuridine, and fluorouracil (5-FU)
Stage III
Segmental resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy
Stage III colon cancer 3Y survival after surgery alone: 55-62%
Benefit of chemotherapy:
Benefits of fluoropyrimidine-based therapy X6 months
30% ↓ in risk for recurrence
26% ↓ in risk for death
Addition of oxaliplatin to fluoropyrimidine
MOSAIC trial showed the benefit of adding oxaliplatin to 5-FU/LV
Oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy regimens improve survival of stage III colon cancer patients by an absolute 20–25% at 5Y versus no chemotherapy
The addition of adjuvant chemotherapy to N⊕ colon Ca with FOLFOX-based therapies improved 5Y DFS from 65 to 78 %
Adjuvant oxaliplatin-containing regimen
• Leucovorin (Folinic acid): a vit-B derivatives that increases cytotoxicity of 5-FU
• 5-FU: pyrimidine analog that incorporates into DNA to stop synthesis. Main side effect is mucusitis = diarrhea & discharge
Oxaliplatin: inhibits DNA synthesis. Main side effect is peripheral neuropathy, that is sometimes permanent
XELOX = CapeOx = Oxaliplatin + oral Capecitabine (Xeloda)
Oral capecitabine has been proven to be at least equivalent to infusional 5-FU. The combination of capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX or CapeOx) was compared directly with bolus 5-FU/LV; DFS was significantly superior with XELOX than with bolus 5-FU/LV
Duration: 4-6 Months is the standard approach
Studies examined the differences between bolus and short-term infusional 5-FU; a lack of superiority but more favorable side effect profile was demonstrated for continuous infusional 5-FU over bolus 5-FU in four trials
For patients with significant comorbidities, underlying peripheral neuropathy (potentially DM patients), and elderly patients older than 70 years of age, 6 months of infusional 5-FU/LV or capecitabine alone can be considered
MSI-H stage III patients derive no benefit from 5-FU based therapy, instead they are offered oxaliplatin based chemotherapy
There is no role for the addition of irinotecan in the adjuvant setting after curative resection of localized colon cancer
Bevacizumab (Avastin) and cetuximab in adjuvant resected stage III disease have shown no DFS or OS benefit despite improved outcomes when added to chemotherapy regimens in the metastatic setting
For patients above 70Y, the addition of oxaliplatin is of unproven benefit. Consider 5-FU/leucovorin alone
Consider NACT for bulky tumors that may benefit from downsizing and for disease with extensive LN involvement
Retrospective data suggests that for patients with COX-2 over-expression, regular aspirin intake may decrease recurrence
Rectal cancer management
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Stage I
T1N0 surgical options
Local excision always risks understaging & under-treating. Apply strict selection criteria in picking local excision candidates (see notes)
Even when criteria is applied, local recurrence rate range is 10-30% with longterm follow up (higher than for radical resection)
The risk for LN metastasis is likely 10-30% for all T1
Up to 3% of SM1 will have LN metastasis. For SM1, the morbidity of a radical resection is probably too high.
Up to 8% of SM2 will have LN metastasis
Up to 25-50% of SM3 will have LN metastasis. SM3 patients need radical resection
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NCCN local excision criteria
<30% circumference of bowel
<3 cm in size
Margin clear (>3 mm)
Mobile, nonfixed
Within 8 cm of anal verge
T1 only
T2 disease may actually be candidates for a transanal excision.
Lymphovascular invasion is found in 12–32% of T1 rectal cancers and is a strong predictor of lymph node metastasis with an odds ratio between 3.0 and 11.5 reported on multivariate analysis
Well to moderately differentiated
No or low budding
Defined as small nests of five or more, usually poorly differentiated, cancer cells along the invasive front
Tumor budding is present in 16–25% [27, 33] of T1 cancers and multivariate analysis has demonstrated an odds ratio of 5.1–5.8 in predicting lymph node metastasis.
No lymphadenopathy on pretreatment imaging
Full-thickness excision must be feasible
Local excision (compared to proctectomy) for T1N0 tumors is associated (at 3.7Y follow up) with
Higher local recurrence (12.5% vs 6.9%)
Lower 5Y disease-specific survival (93.2% vs 97.2%)
Similar 5Y overall survival (77.4% vs 81.7% —p-NS)
Radical resections:
1. Final pathology revealing:
A) More locally invasive disease than suggested PreOp (i.e higher Stage)
B) High-risk pathologic features
⊕ Margin
Poorly differentiated histology
⊕ LVI or PNI
Inadequate resection margin
SM3 depth invasion
> 1000um of depth
Tumor budding
2. Cases of local recurrence after local excision i.e Salvage procedure
Timing: 4-6w after local excision to allow the bowel to heal
Radical resection + TME
Adjuvant chemotherapy if LN ⊕ (upstaged postOp to Stage III)
In very select patients: consider NACRT if a tumor’s proximity to anorectal sphincter precludes a sphincter preserving procedure
CapeOx followed by local excision is associated with ↓ DFS & ↑ Chemotherapy adverse reactions. Therefore it generally is advised that NACRT followed by local excision be considered only for carefully selected patients with T2N0 tumors who refuse or are not candidates for radical resection
Local excision combined with supplemental radiation therapy has been considered for T2N0 disease
There isn’t adequate evidence to suggest adequacy of local excision following NACRT for uT2N0 rectal cancer. At present, this combination therapy should be reserved for patients unfit or unwilling to undergo the accepted standard therapy of proctectomy.
Stage II & III
Indications for NART ± Chemotherapy
A growing body of evidence suggests that radiotherapy could be safely avoided in patients with intermediate-risk rectal cancer (middle rectal Ca with ⊖ MRF on MRI)
T3-4 within 10cm of anal verge
Several retrospective analyses suggest that a subset of patients with low-risk disease (T3N0M0, extramural spread < 5mm, clear CRM by ≥ 2 mm) may not derive a significant benefit from RT.
Threatened CRM (within 1-2 mm) or involved mesorectal fascia
These patients are not candidates for short-course radiation followed by surgery
Tumor invasion into sphincter complex
Lower ⅓ of tumors in which sphincter-preservation may not be possible without tumor regression
In general, tumors above the peritoneal reflection (~10cm from AV) derive little to no benefit from radiation and may be treated similar to colon cancers
Benefit of neoadjuvant therapy
↓ recurrence (~50%)
↑ oncologic outcomes (no impact on DFS or OS)
↑ radiation completion rate
↓ dose compared to adjuvant radiation
↑ sphincter preservation
↓ chronic enteritis (compared to adjuvant radiation)
NACRT (compared to adjuvant) is associated with ↓ acute & chronic toxicities & improved 10Y local recurrence rate
NACRT does not greatly affect perioperative morbidity or mortality. Some report higher higher perineal wound complications with short-course radiation
Long-course chemoradiation has become the preferred treatment regimen within the United States, largely because of increased local toxicity of the more concentrated doses of radiation that are administered with short-course therapy
5-FU must be present after radiation exposure to establish the radiosensitive state, and for this reason, bolus 5-FU quickly fell out of favor and continuous venous infusion (CVI) 5-FU 225 mg/ m 2daily became the standard
Compared to boluses during radiation, CVI is associated with ↓ local and distant recurrence
Some studies showed that CVI was associated with lower hematologic toxicity compared to bolus 5-FU
Addition of oxaliplatin (as radiosensitizing agent) results in ↑ toxicity but no improvement in therapy
Short-Course RT
Radiation: 5Gy/day X5d within 1w of surgery then adjuvant FOLFOX or CapeOx
Fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy should be delivered concurrently with radiation therapy
This regimen is not used for involved CRM or locally unresectable disease
SCRT followed by 12-16w of chemotherapy (FOLFOX, CapeOx, 5-FU/LV, or capecitabine) can be used even for involved CRM or locally unresectable disease
NCCN: Short-course RT is not recommended for low-lying tumors, <5 cm from anal verge
Short course may be best indicated for mid rectal cancer with CRM ⊖
Side effects:
Substantial proctitis occurs in the week following RTx: tenesmus, diarrhea, & pressure
Cramping abdominal pain
Less likely: dysuria; frequency
Typically no radiation-specific skin reaction
Bowel dysfunction
Urinary dysfunction
Vaginal stenosis
Infertility in ♀
45Gy to pelvis + 5.4 Gy boost (28 fractions of 1.8Gy/day) over 5-6w
Infusional 5-FU or oral capecitabine chemotherapy
LC + oxaliplatin (vs 5-FU based) is associated with
German study (17% versus 13%, p = 0.03)
FOWARC trial (27.5% versus 14%, p = 0.005)
↑ toxicity
ASCRS 2020 CPG: “Taken together, the toxicities associated with adding oxaliplatin to 5-FU-based LCCRT outweigh the oncologic benefits”
Surgery is done 8-12w later
Total Neoadjuvant Therapy (TNT)
Commonly refers to: induction systemic chemotherapy followed by LCCRT (or LCCRT followed by consolidation systemic chemotherapy)
The total duration of TNT treatment should not, in general, exceed 6 months
8 cycles FOLFOX or CAPOX
pCR: 24% in EXPERT trial & 29% in CONTRE trial
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It is reasonable to perform repeat DRE, CEA, endoscopy, & MRI to assess tumor response between 4-6w after completion of NACRT
When the indication for neoadjuvant therapy is a threatened CRM, reassess CRM status 6w post-completion of radiation therapy. If CRM is now adequate, resect. Otherwise continue with chemotherapy
Timing of surgery after adjuvant therapy
SCRT followed by long wait (8-12w) is reasonable to give better chance for downsizing or complete response
Pooled results of 13 observational studies including 3,584 patients show that delaying surgery beyond 8 weeks increased the incidence of pCR by 6% without increasing complications, but with no difference in R0 resections, disease-free or overall survival
GRECCAR-6 trial compared 7 vs 11 week wait after LCRT. Longer wait did not increase pathologic complete response and had higher postOp morbidity & medical complications. Quality of mesolectal excision was also worse in the 11-week arm
Because the pelvis is an active site of bone marrow function, patients who undergo pelvic irradiation can suffer from diminished hematopoiesis
Endorectal brachytherapy is administers via an endorectal probe over 4 consecutive days
Candidates: Mid-distal rectal cancers not involving the anal sphincters & lymphadenopathy confined to the mesorectum
Adjuvant chemotherapy
Although the benefit of addition of adjuvant chemotherapy after neoadjuvant chemoradiation followed by surgical resection remains controversial, the majority of patients do receive adjuvant chemotherapy similar to adjuvant therapy for resected colon cancer (such as 6 months postoperative FOLFOX, 5-FU/capecitabine, FLOX)
In patients with rectal cancer who were already treated with preoperative LCCRT, an 8-cycle (4 month) course of adjuvant FOLFOX is generally accepted
Regimen options (uses same agents as for colon cancer: FOLFOX, CapeOx)
Chemotherapy X2m, then Chemoradiotherapy X6w, then chemotherapy X2m
Chemotherapy X4m, then chemoradiotherapy X6w
General considerations
< 50% of patients receive the complete course of chemotherapy without interruptions
Each 4w delay in treatment may ↓ OS by 14%
O’Connell MJ et al NEJM 1994: For stage II-III, continuous infusion of 5-FU is superior to bolus during postOp RT
If chemoradiation is planned, it is usually administered in a sandwich technique
Considered for high-risk Stage II
Recommended for Stage III (FOLFOX or CapeOx)
Watch & Wait
W&W strategy may have the greatest appeal for
1. Low tumors that will require APR
2. Early tumors (usually T2) that may obviate need for surgery
The interval from completion of chemoradiotherapy to clinical or pathologic assessment can impact the rate of complete response as ongoing regression can be observed well beyond the traditional 6-8w interval to assessment
Pathologic complete response (pCR) is seen in ¼ of patients following TNT (lower in conventional neoadjuvant therapy)
Rate is up to 25% in CAO/ARO/AIO-12 study
Rate: 28% in RAPIDO trial & PRODIGE 23 trial
mFOLFOX6 may ↑ pCR (up to 38%) after NACRT for locally advanced rectal cancer
This however was not a randomized trial
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Extramural depth of invasion < 0.5cm(T3a-b) at MRI is a predictor of pCR
Identifying cCR
Patients are said to have a cCR when (all the below)
DRE shows no palpable tumor (± nodularity)
Endoscopic findings support cCR
Regular & smooth mucosa
Changes such as whitening or telangiectasias
MRI shows TRG2 / TRG1 + absence of suspicious LN ± no restricted diffusion on DWI
Currently, the most objective method for identifying potential candidates for a W&W approach seems to be comparison of pre- and posttreatment high-resolution MRI imaging to assess response
CT demonstrates no disease
PET/CT has not been shown to be reliable for the idetification of complete responders (AUC 0.57–0.73). Although comparing the change in baseline with 12-week posttreatment standardized 18-FDG uptake values may provide some improvement in test performance
Combining clinical assessment (±Bx) with MRI has 98% accuracy in predicting complete response
Maas et al 2015
15% of patients will have mucosal abnormality and after surgery are found to have pCR
Following completion of chemoradiotherapy, 50% will experience complete Clinical Response (cCR)
In patients whom a cCR is desired to avoid surgery, endoscopy Q2m is performed
Concordance between clinical an pathologic evaluation has been poor in terms of sensitivity (~25%) for detecting pCR, and specificity (~60-90%) for excluding residual disease
While local excision of the scar may provide pathologic assessment of the bowel wall, it cannot provide information on the LN staging. N⊕ disease tends to be present in
9% of ypT0
17% of ypT2
W&W Surveillance protocols vary, but patients need assessments done at least Q3m (clinical, DRE, CEA, endoscopy)
MUHC W&W surveillance schedule
If Bx is done at the scar site and shows LGD or HGD, many would argue that this is evidence of recurrence (with sampling error, and actual malignancy deeper than the Bx site)
OPRA trial showed that 3Y DFS in W&W was similar to a historical cohort (76%)
cCR and near-completeCR underwent W&W; incomplete response had TME
3Y TME-free survival was 41-53%
DFS after TME vs after TME-for-regrowth was similar
International W&W Database study:
97% of recurrences were either endoluminal or endoluminal-and-LN
Salvage therapy was possible in ≥ 90%
22% had local excision only
5Y OS was 85%
For sustained cCR: 88%
For local regrowth after W&W: 75%
⅓ of patients with cCR will develop tumor regrowth
This suggests that a number of patients initially thought to have a pCR based on clinical assessment of complete response actually have undetected viable tumor, highlighting one of the major challenges and pitfalls of the watch and wait approach
The majority of tumor regrowth will be detected within the first 12-24m
Some argue that delays in identification of regrowth may be associated with > 50% decrease in the ability to perform sphincter preserving salvage surgery
Patients with cCR but not pCR have a ↑ potential risk for distant metastasis
Local excision following NACRT is associated with
↑pain and
Poor wound healing (dehiscence in 26-70%)
Anorectal dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction
Cleveland Clinic Foundation (2020) indications for neoadjuvant therapy regimens:
Long course radiation with total neoadjuvant therapy
T3/T4 &/or N⊕ tumors
“cT4 tumors are at high risk of local recurrence and distant metastasis up to 20 and 60%, respectively. 145 Therefore, these patients should undergo long-course chemoradiation to improve local control and minimize distant recurrence”
If downstaging is necessary to help achieve
Sphincter preservation
Negative CRM
Possible watch & wait candidacy
Short course radiation
Symptomatic rectal cancer with metastatic disease: short course then chemotherapy
Locally advanced tumors in patients with oligometastasis who could be surgical candidates: short course + total neoadjuvant therapy
T3N0 with non-threatened mesorectal fascia margin: short course + immediate surgery
Non-chemotherapy candidates who require down-staging: short course + delayed surgery
Surgical options & considerations
Local procedures
Rectal wall is incised full-thickness down to the perirectal fat
Maintain a 1-cm resection margin
The defect is closed with absorbable sutures
NCCN local excision criteria
<30% circumference of bowel
<3 cm in size
Margin clear (>3 mm)
Mobile, nonfixed
Within 8 cm of anal verge
T1 only
T2 disease may actually be candidates for a transanal excision.
Well to moderately differentiated
No lymphadenopathy on pretreatment imaging
Full-thickness excision must be feasible
Low lesions → TransAnal Excision (TAE):
Requirements: 6-8cm from AV + below peritoneal reflection
Mid- to upper lesions → Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM) & TransAnal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS)
TEM and TAMIS have been shown to be more likely to result in a negative margin and have decreased local recurrence compared with TAE, likely because of improved visualization during the procedure
Tumors as high as 10cm anteriorly, 15 cm laterally, & 18cm posteriorly can be excised with TEM
A limitation of TEM and TAMIS is that very distal lesions (<5 cm from the anal verge) are often not amenable to either approach because of difficulty maintaining an adequate seal required for pneumorectum
In addition, inadvertent entry into the abdominal cavity may occur during resection of lesions that are located above the peritoneal reflection, which may lead to peritonitis and sepsis if not identified and repaired promptly. This may be repaired transanally but sometimes may require conversion to laparotomy.
Radical resection
Sphincter preserving: LAR
With proper training and experience, it usually can be performed safely when cancers are located more than 1 cm from the upper portion of the anorectal ring, as long as the patient has a favorable body habitus and pelvic anatomy.
Contraindications to LAR:
Absolute contraindications include tumor invasion into:
Anal sphincter
Levator muscles
Relative contraindication includes impaired anorectal function (because it often leads to poor postOp bowel function)
It is generally thought to be preferable to avoid using the sigmoid colon as the proximal component of a colorectal anastomosis, because the blood supply to the sigmoid from the IMA may be tenuous, and the presence of diverticular disease, common in the sigmoid colon, is often considered to be a risk factor for anastomotic leak
Straight coloanal anastomosis
Colonic reservoir
Improve short-term functional outcomes but evidence of benefit beyond 1-2Y are lacking in terms of continence and QOL
Colonic J-pouch
If the anastomosis is created above 9 cm from the anal verge, there is little benefit of a J pouch
Transverse coloplasty pouch
This technique provides a rectal reservoir by making an 8- to 10-cm colotomy 4 to 6 cm from the divided end of the colon. The colotomy is closed transversely to provide increased rectal space and capacitance
Decreases the rate of symptomatic leak from 28% to 10%
When diversion is done only after a leak, the likelihood of stoma reversal is low
Risk factors for leak
Low anastomosis (<6cm from AV)
PreOp radiation
Larry Lee: always divert LAR patients who had pelvic radiation
Occurrence of intraOp complications
Planning reversal:
PreOp evaluation:
Enema study to assess: leak or stenosis
DRE & flexible sigmoidoscopy: rule out recurrence
Several studies show that reversal within 2-4w postOp is safe (even in patients who are planned for chemotherapy)
If no chemotherapy is planned: 3m postOp
If chemotherapy is planned: after completion of chemotherapy
Consider TaTME for rectal tumors < 8 cm from AV, especially in obese and male patients
Sphincter sacrificing: APR
Extralevator abdominoperineal excision (ELAPE) with tissue-flap reconstruction may result in a more cylindric specimen & decrease the rate of tumor perforation and positive CRM and improves outcomes.
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For ELAPE, to minimize would complications, be sure to only take the necessary levator muscles on the side involved by the tumor. Preserve the muscles in the unaffected side
Oncologic considerations
TME is the standard of care
TME entails sharp dissection done under direct vision in the avascular areolar plane between the visceral fascia that envelops the rectum and mesorectum and the parietal fascia overlying the sacrum and pelvic sidewall structures with pelvic nerve preservation (up to the level of the levators)
The potential space between the fasciae is referred to as the ‘holy plane’
TME was introduced by Heald & Ryall during the 1980s
Total mesorectal excision is required for middle and low lesions. If lesion >10 cm from AV → tumor specific excision + divide mesorectum at a right angle to the bowel 5cm distal to the mucosal edge of the tumor (also known as a Tumor-specific Mesorectal Excision (TsME)). You don’t need 5cm of margin on the mural margin, but lymphatic spread is seen beyond that of the mural extension.
Mesorectum = fatty connective tissue layer (2-3 cm thick) with associated vessels, lymphatics and LNs surrounding the rectum and enveloped by fascia
Tumor-specific Mesorectal Excision (TsME) is appropriate for tumors in the upper rectum
The mesorectum & rectum are divided at a right angle to the luminal axis at a level 5 cm distal to the tumor
Dissection medial to fascia → local recurrence
Dissection lateral to fascia → autonomic nerve injury
Superior hypogastric plexus (sympathetic)
• Arise from T12-L3
• Injury:
• Highest risk at time of:
• Ligation of IMV
• Posterior mesorectal dissection at the level of the sacral promontory
• Lateral mesorectal dissection
• Consequence:
• ↑ Bladder tone (female urgency and stress incontinence)
• ↓ Bladder capacity
• ♂ Retrograde ejaculation
Nervi erigentes (parasympathetic)
• Arise from S2-S4
• Join the sympathetic hypogastric nerves on the pelvic sidewall to form the inferior hypogastric plexus
• Injury:
• Highest risk at time of:
• Distal anterolateral mesorectal dissection
• Consequence:
• ↑ Voiding difficulties (atonic bladder)
• ♂ Erectile dysfunction
• ♀ Impaired vaginal lubrication
Local recurrence rates were reduced with TME (from 30-40% to < 5-10%)
Circumferential Resection Margin (CRM) (target: > 2mm)
CRM status refers to the adequacy of the surgical resection margin relative to the 360-degree radial extension of the primary tumor, which may include extension into the mesorectum and adjacent extrarectal soft tissue.
NCCN: A positive CRM is defined as tumor ≤1 mm from the margin
Local recurrence rate:
• 16% in margin <2 mm Vs 6% if >2 mm
• 78% in margin <1 mm Vs 13 if >1 mm
DFS & OS are affected when CRM <2 mm
Distal resection margin (DSM) (2-5 cm*)
Traditionally: 2-5 cm, but EBM shows that following NACRT, intramural extension beyond gross mucosal edge occurs in <2% & is found within 1cm
Strive from ≥ 2 cm, but 1cm is likely adequate in cases of:
• ⊖ Adverse histologic features
Obtain intraoperative frozen section if the distal resection margin status is uncertain
Results from the Dutch TME trial showed that while in nearly 40% of cases the distance between the tumour and the distal margin was, 2 cm, there was no statistical difference in recurrence between patients with a distal margin < 2 cm compared to those with a distal margin > 5 cm.
The specimen
NCCN: The pathologist should evaluate the quality (completeness) of the mesorectum (only for low rectal cancer - distal 2/3).
Judging the adequacy of resection is done by evaluating:
CRM (positive; negative)
A specific term that applies only to rectal tumours
This margin refers to the non-peritonealised bare area of the rectum located both anteriorly and posteriorly
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This is the single most important factor for predicting the risk of local recurrence in patients with rectal cancer
⊕ CRM is defined as (either):
Direct tumour extension (either continuous or discontinuous)
A radial margin of ≤ 1 mm is regarded as positive and there is adequate evidence that tumour within 1 mm of the CRM is associated with an increased risk of local recurrence
There is now evidence that tumour extension to within even 2 mm of the radial margin is predictive of a worse outcome
The presence of a positive LN within 1 mm of the radial, nonperitonealised soft tissue edge
Nagtegaal et al showed that patients with a ⊕ CRM due to direct tumour extension developed local recurrence more frequently than those with a ⊕ CRM due to ⊕ LN (22.1% vs 12.4%, p = 0.06); in fact, in their study there was no difference in the rate of local recurrence between patients with a ⊕ CRM due to ⊕ LN compared to those with a ⊖ CRM
TME quality (bulk; coning; surface defects; CRM irregularities)
Coning refers to the tendency for the surgeon to cut towards the tubular rectum during distal dissection and is an indication of suboptimal surgical quality
DRM (positive; negative)
“One final issue to keep in mind, when measuring the distal margin, is shrinkage artefact. Goldstein et al have shown that a 5 cm length of colorectum in vivo is equivalent to 3 cm after resection and 2.2 cm after fixation. Pinning of the specimen under tension on a corkboard helps to avoid shrinkage.”
Grading the quality of the TME
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Handling of the specimen
The mesorectal fat is inked about its CRM, including all non-peritonealised bare areas anteriorly and posteriorly
The rectum may then be opened anteriorly, apart from the segment 2 cm above to 2 cm below the tumour, where the specimen is left intact
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Pinning the specimen on a corkboard is helpful to prevent shrinkage artefact, and placement of a gauze wick within the lumen of the intact segment is necessary to optimise fixation
The duration of specimen fixation should be at least 48 hours - this is an important step, which facilitates serial cross-sectional slicing of the specimen.
The unopened portion of the fixed specimen is then sliced into thin transverse sections (3–5 mm in thickness)
The orientation of grossly suspicious nodes that are closely related to the CRM should be preserved in sections, while the remainder of the lymph nodes can be harvested in the usual manner
The adequacy of the resection correlates with outcomes
Local recurrence
Complete vs incomplete: 36% vs 20%
Complete vs nearly complete: no prognostic difference
For ⊖ CRM patients: overall recurrence is affected by the quality of the excision
Complete vs incomplete: 28.6% vs 14.9%
For ⊕ CRM patients: there is no added value to the assessment of surgical quality in predicting prognosis
Stents (see Large bowel obstruction)
Nd:YAG laser therapy may be the palliative treatment of choice in patients with rectal carcinoma unsuitable for surgery
NCCN summary for adjuvant therapy considerations in colon cancer
Bolus 5FU is better tolerated than capecitabine or infusional 5FU
For stage II colon cancer: A survival benefit has not been demonstrated for the addition of oxaliplatin to 5-FU/LV. FOLFOX is reasonable for stage II patients with multiple high-risk factors and is not indicated for good- or average-risk patients with stage II colon cancer.
For stage III colon cancer
FOLFOX is superior to 5-FU/LV
Capecitabine/oxaliplatin is superior to bolus 5-FU/LV
For patients with advanced or metastatic disease that are not appropriate for intensive therapy (oxaliplatin or irinotecan), chemotherapy options include:
5FU/LV ± Avastin
Capecetabine ± Avastin
Cetuximab or panitumumab (KRAS wild-type)
Nivolumab or pembrolizumab (for MMR deficient / MSI-H patients only)
Previous therapy with oxaliplatin (without irinotecan) precludes further treatment with it. Irinotecan can be given alone or as part of FOLFIRI
Previous therapy with irinotecan (without oxaliplatin) precludes further treatment with it. Oxaliplatin can be given alone or as part of FOLFOX/CapeOx
Previous therapy with FOLFOXIRI are managed with irinotecan with biologics
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Management of metastatic disease
With chemotherapy, median survival has improved from ~12m to ≥ 24-36m
Assessment of the nature of metastasis
Isolated metastases (liver or lung) may benefit from metastasectomy
Neoadjuvant therapy is considered for colon cancer, and preferred for rectal cancer
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Resection of extrahepatic metastasis that present at the same time have been associated with long-term survival, especially when it’s to lungs
Colorectal cancer liver metastasis (CRCLM)
Benefits of NACT
Assists in identifying patients who are better candidates for surgery
Avoids delay in starting chemotherapy as a result of postoperative complications
Contraindication to resection is the inability to resect all the hepatic disease
For survivorship with/without resection of metastasis, see Prognosis section
“A liver-first strategy should be adopted as cancer survival is related to burden of systemic disease rather than the primary tumor”
Fong clinical risk score
1 point for each:
N⊕ primary disease
DFS < 12m
> 1 liver tumor
Tumor size > 5
CEA > 200 ng/ml
Score Survival
2Y 5Y
0 79% 60%
1-2 74% 42%
3 67% 20%
4 45% 25%
5 45% 14%
20% of CRCLM are resectable upfront
Upfront resectable CRCLM not necessarily require NACT in the setting of a colon primary (for rectal primary, start with chemoradiation). Patients may undergo a single stage or two-stage resection with chemotherapy 2-3 months in between. “Consider disease burden: start with resection if the extent of metastatic disease if very limited. Otherwise: NACT → restaging → combined/staged resection”
Resection approach: combined Vs liver first Vs colon first
Perioperative mortality in experienced centers is consistently less than 2-5%
Patients have 30-50% morbidity
Complications are most commonly bleeding, bile leak, abscess, and other generalized cardiorespiratory complications
Only 20-30% remain free of recurrence long term and may be cured
Cameron: Almost 50% of patients undergoing a liver resection for metastatic colorectal cancer will survive 3 years and 20% will survive 10 years
Only 5% of those who have second recurrence with isolated liver involvement are candidates for second liver resection
Ovarian metastasis
Primary en bloc resection of CRC with direct extension to the ovary (T4) or resection of macroscopic metastatic disease to the ovary with prophylactic bilateral resection has been suggested to offer survival benefit and should be performed with curative intent in the absence of other significant metastatic disease.
Ovarian metastases are frequently resistant to systemic chemotherapy even when other sites of metastatic disease are responding, and therefore, resection of these synchronous metastases including bilateral oophorectomy and resection of gross disease should be performed at the index operation. i.e If 1 ovary is involved with metastatic disease, bilateral oophorectomy should be performed
Prophylactic oophorectomy should be considered when there are other risk factors for ovarian pathology:
Postmenopausal women
Unresectable synchronous (liver/lung) metastases only:
Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment
For rectal cancer: radiation therapy is reserved until reassessment of response to determine resectability. Resectable disease is candidate for short-course radiation.
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Consider colon resection only if imminent risk of obstruction, significant bleeding, or tumor-related symptoms
Re-evaluate Q2m to assess for resectability
Synchronous abdominal/peritoneal metastasis
If colorectal peritoneal metastasis is diagnosed during a surgical procedure, it is recommended that surgical intervention and disruption of anatomical planes are kept to a minimum. In this context, in a case of impending intestinal obstruction, defunctioning stoma formation is preferred over resection — ASRCS
Role of surgeon:
Consider limited resection or stoma for impending obstruction
Explore the extent of the disease (PCI score)
Refer for peritoneal malignancy center
Nonobstructing → manage with chemotherapy
Indications to proceed with a planned colectomy in the event of intraOp discovery of peritoneal metastases: perforation, obstruction, or bleeding
Obstructing or imminent obstruction → manage with colon resection vs diversion vs bypass vs stenting
For patients with isolated peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer, radical surgery to achieve an R0 resection (if it can be accomplished) remains the mainstay of treatment
Chemotherapy regimens
FOLFIRI (for unresectable metastatic disease)
FOLFOXIRI (for unresectable metastatic disease)
Everyone receives chemotherapy & is considered for new complementing agents (in addition to 5FU regimens)
Cameron: Combination chemotherapy, including 5-FU with irinotecan or oxaliplatin combined with targeted antiangiogenic antibodies such as bevacizumab (anti-VEGF antibody) or cetuximab (Erbitux; antiepidermal growth factor antibody) have now resulted in response rates of over 50% and median survivals of 20 months and longer for patients with advanced disease
Avastin, Panitumumab, and Cetuximab are given Q2w
Cetuximab can also be given Q1w
Cetuximab and panitumumab:
Effective only on tumors that do not have a mutation of the KRAS gene (i.e KRAS wild-type gene)
Given in conjunction with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
Bevacizumab (Avastin®) is indicated for unresectable metastatic disease
It is associated with wound and anastomotic complications. Surgery should be delayed 6-8w from the last dose. Avastin may be resumed no sooner than 28d postOp
Multi-kinase inhibitor (Regorafenib) may be used for metastatic disease but not for non-metastatic
Left untreated, patients receiving multiagency palliative chemotherapy:
~7-30% of primary lesions progressed to require emergency surgery (obstruction or perforation)
~4% required a nonoperative intervention (e.g., stent or radiotherapy)
NCCN: “The panel cautions that the use of bevacizumab (Avastin®) in patients with colon or rectal stents is associated with a possible increased risk of bowel perforation”
NCCN: pTis is not considered a “malignant polyp.”
Stage I
Colonoscopy at 1Y postOp
Colon cancer stage I: imaging is not routinely indicated and should only be based on symptoms and clinical concern for recurrent/metastatic disease.
For rectal cancer after local excision, add proctoscopy (with EUS or MRI with contrast) every 3–6 mo for the first 2Y, then Q6m for a total of 5Y
Stage II-III
Hx + physical exam + CEA: Q3m X 2Y, then Q6m X3Y
CT chest/abdomen/pelvis: Q12m X5Y
Colonoscopy: at 12m postOp (or within 3-6m if not done completely preOp)
Canadian practice: Flexible sigmoidoscopy can be done in clinic Q3m to assess anastomosis for recurrence
If ⊕ adenoma → Q12m colonoscopy
If ⊖ adenoma → Q3Y colonoscopy
Unresectable disease: reassess/re-stage Q2m to assess for resectability when appropriate
Recurrent disease
16-66% of patients with CRC are symptomatic at the time of their Dx with recurrence
< 7% with symptomatic CRC recurrence have resectable disease
Most common pattern of recurrence after colon cancer
Peri-anastomotic: 36%
Peritoneal: 16%
Most frequent symptoms are
Ascites (29.7%)
Bowel obstruction (19.5%)
Sensitivity of CT to detect lesions:
< 5mm: 28%
> 2cm: 70%
Thus, indirect signs such as bulky primary tumor, ascites, or bowel obstruction are important clues
Mesenteric: 15%
Retroperitoneal: 12%
Following proctectomy, the 5Y local recurrence rate is 5-10%
Locally recurrent rectal cancer
Incidence of local recurrence: 4-8%
Recurrence of high rectal cancer: 5%
Recurrence of mid rectal cancer: 10%
Recurrence of low rectal cancer: 15%
Approach / Questions that need to be answered
1. What if we don't resect/is there value to surgery?
2. Determine resectability
3. Is there a roles Neoadjuvant therapy??
4. What's the role of IORT
5. Assess potential long-term complications
Mortality: 0-3%
Double stomas
Pelvic & limb instability
Sacral resection at S3-S5 is acceptable
Sacral resection at S1-S2 is controversial
Nerve injury
Principles for treatment
Approach must be multimodal
MUST obtain negative margins any means necessary — the surgeon must be very aggressive
5Y-survival of locally recurrent rectal cancer: 9%
Surgery 57% (median survival 21 months)
Radiation and/or chemotherapy 0% (12 months)
Palliative 0% (3 months)
Most important prognostic indicator is negative margins
Preserve uninvolved organs
Maintain quality of life
Indications for surgery: achievable R0 resection with acceptable resultant morbidity
The required plane of dissection is one plane deeper to the level of the tumor involvement
Contraindications to radical surgery
1. Proximal tumor invasion with extension into sacral promontory or sacral involvement above S2
2. Tumor encasement of iliac vessels
3. Extension of tumor into greater sciatic notch / Sciatic nerve involvement
4. Unresectable extra-pelvic disease
5. Bilateral ureteric obstruction (disease is resectable, but they have poor outcomes)
6. Circumferential involvement of pelvic sidewall
7. Medically unfit patients (ASA IV-V)
± Lower extremity edema
Perform extensive restaging with confirmed tissue Bx and PET/CT, & MRI
Classification of recurrence:
R0 is easier for central/anterior than posterior than lateral
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Axial (anastomotic, perineal, luminal)
Anterior (urologic, gynecologic)
Posterior (sacrum, coccyx)
Lateral (pelvic sidewall structures: ureters, iliacs, nerves, bone)
Obtaining R0 resection is notoriously challenging in lateral pelvic sidewall involvement (one study suggests the rate of R0 resection in these cases is only 19%)
EBM: Iliac vessel involvement may not affect the ability to achieve R0 resection
Surgery is a multidisciplinary team contribution
Always try to place clips at the lateral margin because it tends to be positive on final resection and so (it helps guide adjuvant radiation)
Radiation therapy
Almost everyone should get NART, even if they received it with the primary rectal cancer treatment
Previously treated RT patients can get: 20-30 Gy
Chemotherapy may be added to radiation therapy but chemotherapy alone does not affect outcomes
IntraOp radiation is of greatest benefit for patients with R1 & R2
Recurrent peritoneal disease
NCCN: If an R0 resection can be achieved, surgical resection of isolated peritoneal disease may be considered at experienced centers
NCCN: The panel currently believes that complete cytoreductive surgery and/or intraperitoneal chemotherapy can be considered in experienced centers for selected patients with limited peritoneal metastases for whom R0 resection can be achieved
Recurrent metachronous metastases: is considered for PET scan then resected (preferred) if resectable
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Re-resection can be considered in selected patients
Rectal cancer: resectable metachronous metastases are preferred to go for upfront resection (but metastatic disease at presentation should undergo NACRT)
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Lymphocytic infiltration has been repeatedly shown to be a positive prognostic feature. Associated with MSI-H biology, and reflects activation from T-cells directed against tumor-specific carboxy-terminal frameshifts associated with MSI. MSI-H is also a positive prognostic feature, and seems to mitigate the poor differentiation (which is also usually seen in MSI-H tumors).
5Y survival:
Screen Shot 2021-03-21 at 19.34.14Screen Shot 2021-03-21 at 19.33.34
Stage I = 90%
Stage II = 75%
Stage III = 50%
Stage IV = 5%
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Survival of CRCLM on chemotherapy: ~2Y
For Stage-IV being treated with chemotherapy, median survival has improved from ~12m to ≥ 24-36m
Survival of CRCLM after resection of CRCLM:
⅓ of resections are curative
5Y survival increases to 43%
Left untreated, patients receiving multiagency palliative chemotherapy:
~7-30% of primary lesions progressed to require emergency surgery (obstruction or perforation)
~4% required a nonoperative intervention (e.g., stent or radiotherapy)
In CRCLM, it is the metastatic disease in the liver (particularly if >3 cm in size) that is the primary determinant of overall survival
PostOp local & systemic recurrence occurs in 30% of patients within 2Y
85% of recurrence is within 2Y of the time of resection
Isolated hepatic or pulmonary metastases are amenable to resection, with a 5-year survival rate of 20%
Risk factors for metacharonous CRC peritoneal metastases
Honoré C. Ann Surg Oncol 2013 Jan;20(1): 183-92
Synchronous resected primary tumor: ~ 70%
Synchronous ovarian metastasis: ~60%
Perforated primary tumor: ~50%
Mucinous adenocarcinoma: ~30%
T4 primary tumor: ~20%
Colon cancer: high LN yield is correlated positively with survival
Rectal cancer: Rates of distal recurrence after TME are as high as 18% in stage II disease and 37% in stage III disease
Consider additional surveillance beyond what is advised in patients with prognosis affected by:
Poor differentiation
Mucinous or signet-ring cell histology
Tumor budding
DNA aneuploidy
BRAF mutation
↑CEA (especially postOp levels ≥ 5.0 ng/mL)
Being operated by a high-volume surgeon is associated with:
Lower mortality rate
↓ 30% in reoperation rates
↓ 25% in complication rates
Neuroendocrine tumors of the rectum
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Overproduction of serotonin can consume up tryptophan and cause deficiency in niacin (B7) and nicotinamide (B3)
If diagnosed preOp:
MRI or Endorectal US
If T2-4:
Abdomen/pelvic CT
± Chest CT
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T1: ≤ 2cm
T2: > 2cm or invades muscularis propria
T2 disease is associated with N⊕ disease in 47%
T3: invades subserosal tissue
T4: invades visceral peritoneum
< 1cm incidental lesions: complete endoscopic resection
If not incidentally noticed: require MRI or EUS
≤ 2 cm + minimally invasive T1 (not involving muscularis propria): endoscopic or transanal excision is sufficient
Indications for radical resection:
≥ T2 (involvement of muscularis propria or size > 2cm)
Ki67 > 20%
Resection for all rectal NET
< 1 cm + incidental + completely excised = surveillance
< 1 cm + incidental + positive margin or intermediate grade = as below
PreOp stage T1 = TAE
PreOp stage T2-4 = LAR/APR
Symptomatic management for metastatic disease
Octreotide / lanreotide
3-12 months: CT and chromogranin A (as clinically indicated)
From 1Y to 10Y: Q12-24 months: CT and chromogranin A (as clinically indicated)
No recommendation for colonoscopy
Atypical tumors
Carcinoids (See Appendix for details)
Carcinoid tumors are associated with an increased risk of synchronous colorectal and small bowel tumors, as well as metachronous lung, prostate, and urinary tract neoplasms
May arise throughout the colon; most commonly found in cecum
Malignancy is frequently associated with carcinoids > 2 cm with invasion through the muscularis propria.
Metastatic disease tends to occur less frequently in carcinoid tumors of the hindgut (rectum 18%) when compared with midgut carcinoids and foregut tumors
Hindgut carcinoids rarely produce serotonin
Endoscopic US
24h urine 5HIAA
Normal range: 2-8 mg/24h
Sensitivity: 73%
Specificity: 100%
Levels of 5HIAA may be influenced by Rx:
CT chest/abdomen/pelvis
10% of tumors do not express somatostatin receptors
18F-Dopa PET/CT detects more true positives and is better tolerated by patients than SRS
Small bowel
Carcinoids are frequently multi centric and have a propensity for developing symptoms/complications
Mesenteric fibrosis
Kinking of the bowel
Size of the tumor is a poor predictor of distant metastases
1. Surgical resection with lymphadenectomy even in the presence of metastatic disease
2. ‘Run the bowel’ to ensure no multicentric disease is present
Often asymptomatic until they develop into large tumors
Treatment: colonic resection similar to that performed for adenoCa
Rectum (see NET of the rectum)
GIST (see gastric GISTs for details)
Tumors located in the colon/rectum account for 10-20% of GISTs (rectum > colon)
Resection is done either by radical resection or local excision, as long as the pseudocapsule can be removed with adequate margin
Local recurrence after complete resection: 50%
70% of lymphomas occur proximal to the hepatic flexure
Risk factors
Family Hx of lymphoma
Hx radiation or chemotherapy
Prolonged steroid use
Azathioprine & mercaptopurine
Autoimmune disorders
Viral infections
GIT is the most common site of extra-nodal lymphoma
Stomach (75%)> small bowel & colon
Account for 0.4% of all colonic malignacies
Most frequent histologic types seen in the colon
NHL DLBCL is the most common
Follicular lymphoma
MALT-associated low-grade b-cell lymphoma
As opposed to the stomach, colon MALT lyhmphoma does not appear to be associated with H. pylori
Mantle cell lymphoma
T-cell lymphoma
More commonly associated with ulcerative lesions & perforation than B-cell lymphoma
There are only few case reports of primary GI Hodgkin Lymphoma
Determining the histologic type aids in guiding treatment options & expected outcomes
Begin in the submucosal lymphoid tissue and spread either by direct extension or through lymphatic channels
Most common presenting symptom: weight loss & abdominal pain
T cell lymphomas are more commonly associated with ulcerative lesions and perforation than B cell lymphomas
Endoscopic findings
Mucosal nodularity
Mucosal induration
Mucosal ulceration
Mass ± ulceration
Dx is made on histologic, flow cytometric, and molecular evaluation of adequate tissue specimen
FNA is usually inadequate to determine specific lymphoma subtype
Criteria to Dx of primary GI lymphoma:
Absence of enlarged superficial LN or mediastinal LN
Normal total & differential WBC
At laparotomy: a dominant bowel lesion ± only regional LN disease
Liver and spleen are unaffected
CT scan and double-contrast barium enema are complementary modalities to assess extraluminal as well as subtle mucosal changes
Radiologic findings may mimic IBD
Lymphoma is more likely than adenocarcinoma to show extension into the terminal ileum, have well-defined margins, preservation of fat planes, an absence of invasion into adjacent structures, and perforation with no desmoplastic reaction
Lymphoma is more likely than adenocarcinoma to show:
Extension into the terminal ileum
Well-defined margins
Preservation of fat planes
Absence of invasion into adjacent structures
Perforation with no desmoplastic reaction
Modified TNM staging
T stage is similar to adenoCa, but T1 is divided into T1mucosa (T1m) & T1submucosa(T1sm)
N1: ⊕ regional LN
N2: ⊕ intra-abdominal non-regional LN
N3: ⊕ extra-abdmoinal LN
M1: noncontinuous involvement of separate site in GI tract
M2: noncontinuous involvement of other tissues or organs
B0: no bone marrow involvement
B1: ⊕ bone marrow involvement
One unique consideration: high risk of radiation to the bowel in contrast to nodal beds elsewhere in the body
Patients with existing symptoms are best treated with surgery prior to chemotherapy
In general, if the disease is not advanced (stage III/IV) and is resectable, treatment starts with surgery and likely adds chemoradiation afterwards
Rationale for surgery when the Dx is made preOp:
Possibly therapeutic surgery if the disease has not spread
Avoid risks of obstruction, perforation, & bleeding
May provide a chance to decrease chemotherapy administration → ↓ toxicity
DLBCL and Burkitt’s lymphoma are usually quite sensitive to multiagent immunochemotherapy, which can be curative, even in advanced-stage disease.
For stage I/II DLBCL, surgery followed by chemotherapy is associated with lower recurrences & improve 3Y OS
Rationale for & against upfront chemotherapy:
Possibility of avoiding surgery
One potential risk is perforation of the bowel if chemotherapy causes tumor necrosis
Disease control may be inferior to surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy
MALT lymphoma
Small, shallow lesions: ESD if amenable
Deeper and larger lesions: surgery ± radiation
Chemotherapy is considered in the setting of positive margins not amenable to radiation
Disseminated disease: chemotherapy
Is very rare
Reports advocate for surgical treatment as soon as Dx is established
The decision between wide local excision Vs more aggressive (APR) surgery remains controversial
Diverticular disease
> 60% of affected individuals are older than 80Y
Although there is some evidence that young patients present with a more virulent form of the disease, it is not clear that these patients will go on to have a recurrence. — ASCRS Textbook
10-25% of diverticulosis patients will have acute diverticulitis
The incidence of diverticulosis/diverticulitis is increasing
Diverticulosis is a common condition of Western society and seems to be an unfortunate product of the Industrial Revolution. It is interesting that there seem to be no specimens of colonic diverticulosis in anatomic or medical museums in Europe that were archived before the Industrial Revolution
Sites of diverticulae are on the mesenteric side of the antimesenteric taeniae
Some estimate that in Asia, 70% of the diverticula is isolated to the right side
It is likely that a number of processes including impaired motility, low fiber intake, inflammation, and elastin deposition contribute to the pathogenesis of diverticular disease.
Fiber deficiency is related to diverticular disease
Colonic wall thickening is secondary to elastin deposition & not muscular hypertrophy or hyperplasia
The incidence of bleeding diverticular disease is < 20%
Risk factors
Recent data suggest that younger and older patients have similar severity of disease
♂:♀ ratio between 2:3 and 3:1
⊕ Family Hx of sibling with diverticular disease = 3X greater risk than the general population
Physical activity is protective against diverticular disease
“Evidence suggests that chronic NSAID use is almost twice as common in patients with diverticular disease as healthy controls with no known colonic disease.
While the health professionals follow-up study showed an increased incidence of uncomplicated diverticular disease in patients who used NSAIDs compared with their asymptomatic counterparts, additional studies have noted an increased risk of complicated diverticulitis with NSAID use. One retrospective study showed a 23% higher risk of perforating diverticulitis in patients who took NSAIDs regularly compared with patients with diverticular disease who did not take NSAIDs.” ASCRS Textbook
Smoking is associated with ↑ risk of diverticular disease in women
“The potential association between diverticular disease and smoking is contradictory” ASCRS Textbook
Factors not associated with ↑ risk of diverticulitis:
Reference - JAMA 2008 Aug 27;300(8):907
15% of diverticular disease includes involvement of the ascending colon
Left-sided diverticular disease associated with higher rate of surgery than right-sided disease
Reference - Dis Colon Rectum 1995 Jul;38(7):755
Workup & classification (diverticulitis)
CT is the gold-standard, but US has a diagnostic accuracy of 97%, and MRI a sensitivity of 94% & specificity of 92%
The selection among CT, MRI, and ultrasound examinations varies considerably among institutions, but all three techniques have been shown to be useful in establishing the diagnosis of diverticulitis
US is highly sensitive and specific if done by an experienced operator
Hinchey / Modified Hinchey correlates with postoperative morbidity & mortality
Hinchey Classification
I: Pericolic abscess or phlegmon
II: Pelvic, intra-abdominal, or retroperitoneal abscess
III: Generalized purulent peritonitis
IV: Generalized fecal peritonitis
Modified Hinchey Classification
0: Mild clinical diverticulitis
Ia: Confined pericolic inflammation, phlegmon
Ib: Confined pericolic abscess
II: Pelvic, distant intra-abdominal, or retroperitoneal abscess
III: Generalized purulent peritonitis
IV: Generalized fecal peritonitis
Colonoscopy is usually delayed for 6w to avoid converting a sealed perforation into a free one
“This position has been questioned by other groups who have demonstrated that colonoscopy during an acute episode of diverticulitis can be safe” ASCRS Textbook
CRP level of ≥ 150-175 mg/L are indicators of complicated disease with higher chance of surgical intervention
Predictors of acute diverticulitis severity: A systematic review
James P.L. Tan a, b , Ahmed W.H. Barazanchi c, * , Primal P. Singh a , Andrew G. Hill a, b , Andrew D. Maccormick
CRP level may distinguish between complicated and uncomplicated disease among left-sided diverticulitis patients including those taking aspirin, but not among those on corticosteroid treatment
C-reactive protein as a marker of complicated diverticulitis in patients on anti-inflammatory medications
E. Nizri • S. Spring • A. Ben-Yehuda • M. Khatib • J. Klausner • R. Greenberg
Presentation & variants
Symptomatic Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease (SUDD)
Patients present with classical symptoms but lack confirmatory blood tests or imaging
Sabiston: Diverticular-Associated Colitis: In severe cases, mucin depletion, chronic architectural distortion, cryptitis, and crypt abscesses may be detected
They tend to have cyclic episodes of LLQ pain
⅓ of patients with an acute uncomplicated attack develop chronic symptoms
Increase fiber (30g/d) & water intake
Avoid foods high in fats
Consider surgery if symptoms impair quality of life
Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis
Medical therapy is successful 75-90% of the times
High fiber diet or dietary fiber supplement may reduce symptoms
Recent evidence now suggests that omitting Abx is safe
Indications for admission:
IV antibiotics for only 1 to 2 days may have similar outcomes as IV antibiotics for 7 days in treatment of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis (level 2 [mid-level] evidence) — Reference - Int J Colorectal Dis 2010 Nov;25(11):1363
Inability to tolerate PO diet
Suspected complicated diverticulitis
Outpatient management entails:
Outpatient treatment often successful in patient with mild-to-moderate acute colonic diverticulitis (level 2 [mid-level] evidence) — (mild-to-moderate acute colonic diverticulitis (defined by ultrasound findings ranging from limited inflammation within diverticulum to abscess < 2 cm)) — Reference - Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2005 Apr 1;21(7):889
Clear liquid diet X 2-3 days
± Antibiotics
Follow up in 2-3 days
Antibiotic regimen
Single-agent regimen exhibit similar efficacy to two-agent regimen
ASCRS Textbook
Usual antibiotic regimens
For mild symptoms in outpatient setting, consider one of
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole DS 160/800 mg orally every 12 hours
ciprofloxacin 750 mg orally every 12 hours plus metronidazole 500 mg orally every 6 hours
levofloxacin 750 mg orally every 24 hours plus metronidazole 500 mg orally every 6 hours
consider one of suggested second-line regimens:
amoxicillin-clavulanate extended release (ER) 2,000/125 mg orally every 12 hours
moxifloxacin 400 mg orally every 24 hours
For mild-to-moderate symptoms in inpatient setting, consider one of
piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375 g IV every 6 hours or 4.5 g IV every 8 hours
ticarcillin-clavulanate 3.1 g IV every 6 hours
ertapenem 1 g IV every 24 hours
moxifloxacin 400 mg IV every 24 hours
For severe symptoms and inpatient management, consider one of
imipenem-cilastatin 500 mg IV every 6 hours
meropenem 1 g IV every 8 hours
doripenem 500 mg IV every 8 hours
Intermittent use of rifaximin may decrease likelihood of symptoms at 6-12m in acute uncomplicated disease
Rifaximin (Xifaxan) is an antibiotic structurally similar to rifampin and is not absorbed systemically.
addition of rifaximin to fiber supplementation associated with lower likelihood of symptoms at 6-12 months in patients with symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (level 2 [mid-level] evidence)
Reference - Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2011 Apr;33(8):902 EBSCOhost Full Text
DynaMed commentary -- concept of symptomatic diverticular disease may be irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in patient with diverticula; rifaximin reduces symptoms in patients with IBS
Optimal daily fiber recommendation ~ 20-30g (after acute attack)
Fiber found in fruits and vegetables conferred the most protective effect (compared with fiber from cereal), and a high intake of total fat and red meat increased the incidence of diverticular disease
5-Aminosalicylic Acid drugs:
“In a systematic review which included six randomized trials of 5-ASA products in the treatment of diverticulitis, patients treated with 5-ASA products had better outcomes than those not treated with 5-ASA. They also concluded, however, that larger trials which had objective confirmation of diagnosis by endoscopy are needed for confirmation of the initial data on this type of treatment” ASCRS Textbook
5-aminosalicylic acid medications may reduce recurrence and persistent symptoms in patients with uncomplicated diverticular disease (level 2 [mid-level] evidence)
Daily mesalazine therapy may be more effective than intermittent therapy to prevent recurrence and other complications following an attack of acute diverticulitis (level 2 [mid-level] evidence)
For diverticulitis patients: rifaximin/mesalamine (vs. rifaximin only) had significantly improved bowel habits, less recurrent episodes and lower symptom severity
Probiotics may be associated with longer remission
Recurrent Diverticulitis / Risk of recurrence
Start with ruling out other etiologies:
Ischemic colitis
Colorectal cancer
Gynecologic pathologies
Recurrences after acute uncomplicated diverticulitis
Overall recurrence rate: 13-33%
Rate of complicated recurrence: 5%
Rate of recurrence requiring emergency surgery: 1%
The risk of recurrence (and developing a complicated recurrence) increases if the first attack was complicated by an abscess (larger risk for bigger abscesses)
Risk of recurrence tends to increase with every subsequent episode
~20% recurrence after 1 attack
~30% recurrence after 2nd attack
~80% recurrence after 3rd attack
Recurrence after colectomy
Following resection, the most established risk factor for recurrent diverticulitis is the level of anastomosis
(Albany, 2020) & (Cleveland Clinic, 2003):
4.2-5% recurrence rate
0.3-0.4% reoperation rate
Mean time to recurrence: 55-78 months
Sparing of the sigmoid increases recurrence rate by 4 folds
Mayo Clinic recurrence:
22.7% in colocolic anastomosis
6.2% in colorectal anastomosis
Cleveland Clinic recurrence:
12.2% in colocolic anastomosis
2.8% in colorectal anastomosis
Smoldering Diverticulitis
This presentation only partially improves on antibiotics and medical therapy
Patients have recurrent symptoms which can manifest with ongoing low-grade fever
These patients often require resection to treat ongoing symptoms
Bleeding diverticulosis
Typically experienced as abrupt onset of passage of red blood. Melena can happen
Stops spontaneously with bowel rest in 70-80%
After nonoperative management, the lifetime risk of rebreeding is 35%
Indications for surgery:
Requirement of more than 4-6 PRBC within 24h
Continued bleeding after 72h
Rebleeding within 1 week of the initial episode
The mortality rate with medical treatment of diverticular disease in patients with significant comorbidities is high (up to 60% in some trials), and the threshold for surgical intervention should be low
Occur in 15-20% of patients with diverticulitis
Abscesses less than 4 cm in size often resolve with intravenous antibiotics alone without the need for further procedures — ASCRS Textbook
28% symptomatic recurrence rate in patients having nonoperative management of diverticular abscess (level 2 [mid-level] evidence)
Reference - Dis Colon Rectum 2014 Dec;57(12):1430
The decision for surgery following successful drainage of a diverticular abscess should be approached on a case-by-case basis — ASCRS Textbook
Fistulas occur in 2% of patients with diverticular disease
Diverticulitis is a more common cause of a fistula between the colon and bladder than Crohn’s disease or cancer
Colovesical is the most common form (65%)
Coloappendiceal; Colocolonic; Colocutaneous; Coloenteric; Colouterine; Colovenous; Cologastric; Coloperineal;Coloperianal; Coloureteral; Colovaginal; Colovesical; Colovesicovaginal
Cystoscopy & colonoscopy is indicated to exclude malignancy, when it is suspected
The fistula is generally small ± may be suture repaired
The bladder defect is usually so small that no closure is necessary, and healing will occur if the bladder is drained with a Foley catheter or suprapubic cystostomy for 7 days after the operation — Sabiston
Often, pinching off the fistula tract may be sufficient
Omentum is used to interpose tissue between the colonic anastomosis & the bladder
Prior to proceeding with surgery, ensure that the fistula site is not to the trigone of the bladder as that will require urology to assist in
1% of patients with diverticulitis develop free perforation
Free perforation almost exclusively develops on the first attack of diverticulitis and is generally not seen in patients who have had multiple attacks of diverticulitis. — ASCRS Textbook
Reported mortality rates are 6% for purulent and 35% for fecal peritonitis
Surgical options
Risk factor for mortality in emergency surgery:
- Corticosteroid therapy or immunosuppression
- ASA > 3
- Hinchey IV
- Malnutrition
- Recent radiation
- Ascites
- Loss of autonomy
- Dyspnoea
Resection vs lavage
Surgical considerations:
Although diverticulitis may only involve a portion of the sigmoid colon, the entire sigmoid should be resected and anastomosis performed to the proximal rectum.
The proximal resection margin = healthy descending colon with absence of thickened & inflamed tissue
It is not necessary to resect all proximal diverticula
Distal resection margin = proximal rectum
When inflammatory changes involve the upper rectum, the primary anastomosis potentially to the mid-rectum with proximal fecal diversion may be performed
Avoid incorporating diverticula in the proximal side of the anastomosis
Laparoscopic Peritoneal Lavage (LPL)
Laparoscopic Peritoneal Lavage is a conservative alternative to urgent resection in Hinchey III diverticulitis, as well as Hinchey I and II diverticulitis, after failure of medical treatment to avoid stoma creation or even elective sigmoid colectomy, which is performed in 38% to 51% of cases after Laparoscopic Peritoneal Lavage
Emergency Surgery in Acute Diverticulitis: A Systematic Review Dis Colon Rectum 2019; 62: 00–00
SCANDIV trial showed no difference in mortality between Hartmann’s vs laparoscopic lavage, but had 4X higher reoperation rates following lavage
Reference - SCANDIV trial (JAMA 2015 Oct 6;314(13):1364)
LADIES trial (LOLA group) compared LPL with urgent sigmoid colectomy (HP or primary resection with anastomosis (with or without diversion)) for Hinchey III: The trial was prematurely terminated because of increased morbidity in the LPL group. The 30-day mortality was comparable
DILALA trial compared LPL with HP for Hinchey III. Reoperation rate was significantly higher in the LPL group. Short-term morbidity was comparable between groups
Predictors of failure of LPL:
Age > 65Y
ASA > 2
Presence of chronic rheumatologic disease or CKD
“In conclusion, LPL is not a good option for the surgical management of Hinchey III/IV diverticulitis.”
Emergency Surgery in Acute Diverticulitis: A Systematic Review Dis Colon Rectum 2019; 62: 00–00
Primary Resection & Anastomosis ± diversion Ileostomy (PRA±I)
6 systematic reviews concluded that PRA±I was superior to HP for Hinchey III and IV diverticulitis.
For guidelines, most concluded that the type of procedure depended on septic parameters (especially septic shock), whereas in the Danish guidelines the choice between PRA±I and HP was not settled in Hinchey IV diverticulitis.
A meta-analysis by Constantinides et al: Mortality was similar in PRA±I has similar morality rate to HP but with fewer wound & deep sepsis events
A meta-analysis by Constantinides et al included 15 studies composed of 963 patients. Mortality was similar in PRA±I and HP in the case of Hinchey III/IV diverticulitis (14.1% vs 14.4%; OR = 0.85 (95% CI, 0.36–2.01); p = 0.71), as well as operative time and LOS. However, there were fewer wounds and deep sepsis in the case of PRA±I
A meta-analysis by showed PRA±I to be significantly associated with reduced mortality & LOS (whereas morbidity was similar between groups)
PRA may be associated with lower mortality than HP in patients with Hinchey III or IV colon diverticulitis (level 2 [mid-level] evidence)
Reference - Int J Colorectal Dis 2013 Apr;28(4):447
PRA+I improves stoma reversal rate compared to HP in patients with perforated colon and peritonitis (level 1 [likely reliable] evidence)
“In total, the results of recent meta-analyses and RCTs on Hinchey III/IV diverticulitis indicated in the short term similar morbidity and mortality and reduced LOS with HP. In the long term, more definite stoma, along with a worse QoL with HP and finally a higher morbidity with Continuity Restoration after HP, was indicated.”
Dis Colon Rectum 2019; 62: 00–00
Emergency Surgery in Acute Diverticulitis: A Systematic Review
Hartmann’s Procedure (HP)
Biondo et al specified that HP was restricted to patients with a bad prognosis — see “risk factors for morality in emergency surgery”
Indications to perform HP rather than PRA+I:
Diffuse peritonitis
Hemodynamic instability
ASA > 3
Immunosuppression / malnutrition / severe anemia
Edema of the bowel at the proposed site of anastomosis
Pooled rates:
Procedure Morbidity Mortality
Resection + PA 31.7% 3.8%
Resection + PA + Diversion 23.7% 7.2%
Hartmann’s 49.5% 17.4%
Laparoscopic vs open: “In summary, patients who fail nonoperative treatment of Hinchey I/II diverticulitis are candidates for either laparoscopic or open colonic resection, but there are insufficient data to fully support the use of laparoscopy for colonic resection in Hinchey III/IV diverticulitis. Moreover, as explained above, LPL is not a good option for the surgical management of Hinchey III/IV diverticulitis.”
Dis Colon Rectum 2019; 62: 00–00
Emergency Surgery in Acute Diverticulitis: A Systematic Review
Perforated diverticulitis associated with 24.3% mortality — significant risk factors for death:
Reference - Br J Surg 2008 Jul;95(7):876
Preexisting renal disease
Increased age (especially if > 65Y)
Preexisting NSAID use
Obstruction / colonic stricture
Classic procedure for obstruction is Hartmann’s procedure.
Alternatives (in select patients) include a sigmoid resection with primary anastomosis & diverting ileostomy; resection, on-table lavage with primary anastomosis; or colonic stenting followed by semi-elective sigmoid resection
In the past, persistence of obstruction after treatment with antibiotics typically required sigmoid resection, end colostomy, and Hartmann closure of the rectum because of the concern about the increased risk of anastomotic leakage in patients who had dilated and edematous bowel or who were not able to undergo preoperative mechanical bowel preparation. While the Hartmann resection is still an excellent option in selected patients, other options include sigmoid resection with primary anastomosis and diverting proximal stoma (usually a loop ileostomy), on-table lavage and primary anastomosis, or colonic stenting placement followed by semi-elective sigmoid resection.
On-table lavage may be performed through the appendix, cecostomy, or ileostomy
Screen Shot 2020-12-02 at 16.43.40
Colonic stenting followed by semi-elective sigmoid resection is associated with high rate of stent migration as well as other delayed complications
Many patients with atypical presentations of diverticulitis may have irritable bowel syndrome
Following non-operative management
Prevention recommendations lack strong evidence
Limited evidence for efficacy of measures to prevent recurrent diverticulitis episodes, but consider:
supplemental or increased dietary fiber
mesalamine: Mesalazine 800 mg twice daily for 10 days every month may reduce symptoms more than rifaximin in uncomplicated diverticular disease (level 2 [mid-level] evidence)
probiotics (such as Lactobacillus casei): length of remission was significantly longer when a probiotic was administered (14 months vs. 2.4 months). Although the initial results are promising, there is only a small amount of data supporting the use of probiotics.
weight loss if body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m
smoking cessation
Follow up
Failure of uncomplicated diverticulitis to improve within 2-3 days should trigger additional imaging to rule out complication
Colonoscopy in 4-8w to evaluate luminal disease (rule out malignancy & IBD)
Risk for colon cancer is higher with complicated diverticulitis compared to uncomplicated (11% vs 0.7%)
Routine colonoscopy for CT-proven uncomplicated diverticulitis may be unnecessary
Early (in-hospital) colonoscopy may be safe but may not be more useful than delayed colonoscopy in patients with CT results (level 2 [mid-level] evidence)
Elective surgery
See “Perforation” for surgical considerations
ASCRS practice parameters do not consider the number of episodes as a definite indication for elective surgery
Salem and associates have determined that performing colectomy after the fourth episode of diverticulitis, rather than after the second episode, in patients older than 50 years results in 0.5% fewer deaths, 0.7% fewer colostomies, and a reduction in cost per patient — Sabiston
“The risk of needing a colostomy following a successfully managed episode of diverticulitis is small (1/2000). Therefore, the practice of recommending elective surgery to avoid future stoma formation should be avoided” — ASCRS Textbook
The decision to perform elective surgery after uncomplicated diverticulitis is on a case-by-case basis and individualized to each patient
Immunocompromised patients have greater risk for recurrent complicated diverticulitis. Operative treatment during the first hospitalization may be required. The decision to offer sigmoid colectomy after recovery from uncomplicated acute diverticulitis in immunosuppressed patients should be individualized.
Elective resection in anticipation of transplantation remains controversial
Colitis, proctitis, IBD & IBS
Traveller’s diarrhea usually has no colitis or blood/pus in the stool. ETEC is treated with azithromycin
The symptoms of travellers' diarrhea depend upon the microbial etiology. The classic "turista" due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) generally produces malaise, anorexia, and abdominal cramps followed by the sudden onset of watery diarrhea. Very frequent stools are uncommon. Nausea and vomiting also may occur. Typically there are no symptoms of colitis such as blood or pus in the stool. Patients may develop a low grade fever
In general, we use azithromycin or a fluoroquinolone. In particular, azithromycin is the preferred option for patients with fever or dysentery (bloody or mucoid diarrhea), pregnant women, children, and for travelers to locations (such as Southeast Asia) where fluoroquinolone-resistant pathogens are prevalent. Fluoroquinolones had long been the first choice for treatment of travelers' diarrhea, but the emergence of resistance to this drug class and increased awareness of adverse events make the risk-benefit assessment less clear
Microscopic colitis
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Collagenous colitis
Generally occurs in ♀ >50Y
Typically presents with profuse watery, non-bloody, diarrhea
Characterized histologically by marked thickening of the colonic subepithelial basement membrane
On endoscopic evaluation, the mucosa appears normal in most patients and the diagnosis is made by (random) endoscopic biopsy (2 Bx per segment)
Management is medical
Cessation of NSAIDS
Antidiarrheals may be used alone in patients with mild diarrhea
For active disease, start with budesonide 9mg QD± cholestyramine
2nd line medical therapy:
Bismuth subsalicylate
Lymphocytic colitis
Behcet’s colitis
Behcet’s disease is a chronic, multisystem, vasculitic disease
HLA-B51 gene has been associated with the disease
Typical onset: 3rd decade of life
Prevalence is high along the Silk Road, with Turkey having the highest prevalence
Clinical manifestations of Behçet syndrome are believed to be due to vasculitis
Intestinal Behcet’s
Ulceration (typically in the ileocecal area; involvement of the anus and rectum is exceptionally rare)
Gl bleeding
Extraintestinal Behcet's
Recurrent oral ulcers
Primary Dx is by clinical findings
Nonspecific findings: ↑CRP; ↑IgD & IgA; ⊖ ANA antibodies; ⊖ Rheumatoid factors
Pathergy test is not specific
Diagnostic criteria:
Recurrent oral ulceration plus 2 of the following
Recurrent genital ulcers
Eye lesions (retinitis; uveitis)
Skin lesions (erythema nodosum; papulopustular lesions)
Positive pathergy reaction
Endoscopy: colonic ulcerations can take any shape and are usually large, deep, and “volcano-like”, and they are prone to progression and complication
Intestinal manifestation can be confused with IBD
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Medical management
First line: Sulfasalazine/mesalamine; corticosteroids
Second line: Azathioprine and thalidomide
Surgical management
Indications for surgery are similar to IBD
Early surgery may result in lower postoperative clinical recurrence & reoperation than late surgery
Dis Colon Rectum 2012; 55: 65–71 DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0b013e318238b57e
Early surgery was defined as:
“The early-surgery group included those patients who were first diagnosed with intestinal Behcet’s Disease at surgery”
“In some patients, intestinal BD is first diagnosed at surgery with an acute or complicated presentation. These patients undergo surgical intestinal resection at the time of diagnosis without receiving any specific medical treatment for intestinal BD. This surgical diagnosis group could be considered a surrogate model of “early surgery.””
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Limited resection is more favorable than an extended one (as extended resections may not affect recurrence)
Choi IJ, KJm JS, Cha SD, Jung HC, Park J-G, Song IS, Kim CY. Long-term clinical course and prognostic factors in intestinal Behget's Disease. Dis Colon Rectum 2000;43:692-700.
Recurrence of intestinal lesions maybe be higher than with IBD
Choi IJ, KJm JS, Cha SD, Jung HC, Park J-G, Song IS, Kim CY. Long-term clinical course and prognostic factors in intestinal Behget's Disease. Dis Colon Rectum 2000;43:692-700.
25% at 2Y
50% at 5Y
Neutropenic enterocolitis (typhlitis)
Occurs most commonly in individuals with hematologic malignancies
The cecum is usually affected — with extension into ascending colon & terminal ileum
Mucosal injury by cytotoxic drugs
Impaired host defences
Rare reports have described it in otherwise healthy non-neutropenic adults following ingestion of food contaminated with C. perfringens type A
It is considered in any severely neutropenic (ANC < 500 cell/microL) patients with fever & abdominal pain
Frequently occurs during the 3rd week after receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy
CT with IV & PO contrast should be given, when feasible
Rule out C-Diff & CMV colitis
Consider graft-versus-host disease — usually occurs after engraftment, while typhlitis occurs before engraftment
Non-complicated disease
Bowel rest, IV fluids, NGT suction
Anticholinergic, antidiarrheal, and opioid agents should be avoided since they may aggravate ileus
Nutritional support (TPN)
Blood product support (PRBC, FFP)
Broad-spectrum Abx: tazocin, cefepime + flagyl, or imipenem-cilastatin
Abx (IV or PO) are continued for 14d following recovery from neutropenia
Antifungals (voriconazole) are started for protracted fever (>72h) despite Abx
The use of G-CSF in patients with neutropenic enterocolitis remains controversial
Surgical resection & stoma formation is reserved for complicated disease
A surgeon may be tempted not to resect edematous bowel without apparent severe inflammation or gangrene. The caveat is that diffuse mucosal necrosis may be present underneath unimpressive serosal inflammation; incomplete removal of all necrotic tissue uniformly results in death.
Infectious colitis
Ciprofloxacin is appropriate for all bacterial infections except for:
- Campylobacter infections for whom azithromycin 500mg TID X 3-5d is used
- EHEC or EAEC (see below)
- TB
Infectious colitides that mimic ulcerative colitis must be evaluated via stool culture.
Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia, C-Diff, and CMV must be specifically queried
Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of infectious colitis worldwide and has become one of the major causes of infectious diarrhea in the United States. Only severe disease requires treatment ciprofloxacin or azithromycin
Patients infected with Yersinia enterocolitica typically present with bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. Enteritis will resolve with supportive care alone. Severe cases may require aminoglycosides or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
Salmonella typhi may rarely cause massive LGIB. Gangrenous cholecystitis has been reported with typhoid fever. Treatment is with Ciprofloxacin or Ceftriaxone
CMV colitis
Positive CMV antibody titers merely signal current or previous CMV infection (worldwide prevalence of CMV is in the order of 50%), but negative IgM titers means that the patient is highly unlikely to carry CMV and sigmoid biopsies are not required
Endoscopy shows patchy erythema: replication in the host cell typically manifests pathologically with large intranuclear inclusion bodies and smaller cytoplasmic inclusions, and is accompanied by the presence of CMV viral particles in the plasma
It is rare in immunocompetent patients
May present with bloody diarrhea
Treatment is with ganciclovir (foscarnet reserved for resistant cases)
Incidence: worldwide with high rates in India, Africa, Mexico, & parts of Central and South America
Subacute onset over 1-3w
Cecum and colon are the most common sites of involvement
Symptoms range from mild diarrhea to severe dysentery
Abdominal pain
Diarrhea (in 94-100%)
Bloody stools (94-100%)
Fulminant amebic colitis
Fever (in 38%)
All E. histolytica infections should be treated, even in the absence of symptoms, given the potential risk of developing invasive disease and the risk of spread to family members
Invasive colitis: Flagyl followed by paromomycin (to eliminate intraluminal cysts)
Invasive colitis is generally managed with metronidazole (alternative therapies include tinidazole, ornidazole, and nitazoxanide), followed by a luminal agent (such as paromomycin, diiodohydroxyquin, or diloxanide furoate) to eliminate intraluminal cysts
A 10-day course of metronidazole eliminates intraluminal infection in many cases, but a second agent is still warranted
C.Diff Infection (CDI)
Most antibiotic-associated diarrhea is not attributable to C. difficile infection (but rather to osmotic mechanisms), whereas antibiotic-associated diarrhea associated with colitis is nearly always C. difficile–associated diarrhea
Microbiologic considerations
Pathogenicity Locus Genes
PaLoc encodes for toxins A (tcdA) and B (tcdB)
The most commonly discussed regulatory genes within PaLoc are:
Recognized as a risk factor for severe forms of disease
Associated with C.Diff outbreaks
Binary toxin (CDT)
The binary toxin (CDT) is not as prevalent as toxins A and B.
Presence of binary toxin and a tcdC truncation is associated with higher incidence of recurrent infections with OR=5.3
Toxins A & B are considered part of the Large Clostridial Toxin (LCT) family
Studies using isogenic strains producing either toxin A or B were shown to be capable of causing life-threateningly severe CDI in rodents
The most frequently identified hypervirulent strain is known as B1, NAP-1/O27, toxigenotype III, or PCR-ribotype 027
Ribotype 078 harbors CDT in addition to tcdA and tcdB, and it has been associated with greater severity of disease than other non-027 ribotypes
Patients who maintain a carriage state without symptoms of CDI are those who have the ability to develop an antibody to toxins A and B
> 30% of Abx-associated diarrhea is 2ry to CDI
Colitis typically begins within 4-9d after the initiation of Abx, although some may have delayed symptoms up to 2-3 months
Characteristics of C. Diff diarrhea:
Patients who do not exhibit these kinds of bowel symptoms should not be tested for CDI
Watery stools
≥ 3 times / day
Without intervening constipation or formed BM
Additional risk factors
Age > 65Y
Recent hospitalization
Use of PPI
IBD is a significant risk factor for developing CDI and for requiring surgery
Diarrhea may be associated with mucus or occult blood. Occasionally, infection presents acutely with ileum with little or no diarrhea
For patients with ileus and suspected C. difficile infection, laboratory diagnosis via perirectal swab for toxin assay or anaerobic culture may be performed; the sensitivity of rectal swab for C. difficile culture in the setting of ileus is high (although takes time)
Fulminant infections occurs in 1-8% of cases and is associated with mortality rates in the range of 30-90%
Toxin B is the clinically important toxin
Cell culture cytotoxicity assayThe cell culture cytotoxicity assay was developed contemporaneously with the discovery of C. difficile and has been used as a gold standard test for diagnosis of C. difficile; it is more sensitive than enzyme immunoassay, although it is limited by lack of standardization and slow turnaround time (approximately two days)
2-step testing is preferred because no single test has a high enough sensitivity & specificity to reliably distinguish between asymptomatic carriers and symptomatic CDI
Initial screening (high sensitivity)
GDH: ↑sensitivity; ↓specificity
Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) uses PCR to detect for toxin A or B genes
C. difficile DNA may linger within stool for as long as 30 days after resolution of infection, leading to a false-positive test
Institution of PCR testing, although more expensive, is associated with:
↓ days of patient isolation
↓ tests ordered
↓ empiric Abx treatment
Stool cultures are impractical for clinical use & do not differentiate between active infection and the presence of Clostridium spp. bacteria)
Confirmatory antigen recognition (high specificity for toxins)
In places where 2-step testing or toxin-based testing is not available, NAAT alone may be used, but the results should be interpreted in the context of risk factors and symptoms suggestive of CDI
Fecal leukocyte testing is not helpful for diagnosis of C. difficile infection
Endoscopy has a limited role in distinguishing C.Diff from other colitides (CMV, graft-vs-host disease, IBD, & ischemic colitis). This is further limited by the development of PCR-based stool assays that are rapid and have high sensitivity & specificity
It may be helpful for patients with ileus or fulminant colitis in the absence of diarrhea since it may allow visualization of pseudomembranes
The finding of luminal disease is unlikely to provide useful information to guide patient care decisions or direct the timing & extent of colectomy.
Endoscopy also lacks a validated predictive value in guiding medical or surgical therapy or providing prognostic information
Fulminant colitis will frequently show ascites
Older data suggests that CT findings correlate poorly with the clinical severity of disease
~40% of patients will no radiologic evidence of colitis
The "accordion sign" is highly suggestive of pseudomembranous colitis; it consists of mucosal edema and inflammation involving the large bowel and is seen when orally administered contrast material becomes trapped between thickened haustral folds, giving the appearance of alternating bands of high attenuation (contrast material) and low attenuation (edematous haustra)
The length of time from onset of symptoms to initation of treatment directly correlates with mortality
ASCRS CPG 2021: Probiotics may be useful in preventing CDI, but not in treating CDI. Grade of recommendation: Weak recommendation based on high-quality evidence, 2A.
A meta-analysis of 20 trials with almost 4000 patients demonstrated a reduced incidence of CDI associated with the use of probiotics (RR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.24–0.49)
Despite extensive analyses regarding probiotics, questions regarding efficacy, the optimal agent(s), length of therapy, and dosing remain unanswered
Stop inciting Abx as soon as possible
ASCRS CPG 2021: Oral vancomycin or fidaxomicin is considered first-line treatment for an initial CDI, whereas metronidazole alone is no longer considered appropriate first-line treatment.
Grade of recommendation: Strong recommendation based on high-quality evidence, 1A
Fidaxomicin is associated with fewer CDI recurrences and higher rates of treating CDI than vancomycin, but higher costs prevent widespread use as 1st line agent
There has been a rise in resistance to metronidazole over the past 20Y
Combination therapy (vancomycin + metronidazole) is associated with ↑AE & is not typically recommended unless patients have severe-complicated or fulminant CDI
Duration of therapy
Not otherwise on Abx: 10-14 days
On Abx: continue therapy until cessation of offending Abx & extend an additional week after completion
Vancomycin enemas (for patients in ileum) or irrigations through a colonic tube may be used. The typical dose is 500 mg in 100 mL of NS given as a retention enema or irrigation administered Q6h
Tigecycline is a useful antibiotic in patients who need a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is also active against C. difficile
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation can be administered via NG, upper endoscopy, enema and colonoscopy (see recurrent disease for details)
Indications for Fecal Microbiota Transplantation currently include:
At least three episodes of CDI unresponsive to standard treatment
CDI not responding to therapy after a week
There is no role for repeat laboratory testing or testing for cure
Surgery is required for complicated or progressive disease
Consider early surgery for patients with the following indications
Underlying IBD
Recent surgery
Prior treatment with IVIG
Vasopressor treatment
Signs of impending perforation
The mortality after colectomy for CDI has been reported to be 34-57%; although the cause of postoperative mortality is often related to the patient’s chronic comorbidities, and not to surgery
When the decision to resect has been made, the surgeon must proceed with a total colectomy with end ileostomy. A segmental colonic resection should not be performed for CDI regardless of the perceived extent of disease
Because C difficile colitis is a mucosal-based disease, a reliable assessment of the extent and severity of disease cannot typically be made by assessing the serosal surface of the bowel.
Retrospective studies comparing the extent of resection demonstrated, in general, lower mortality with total colectomy than with segmental resection (11%–56% total colectomy vs 14%–100% partial colectomy).
Partial colectomies were associated with ~16 % need for reoperation to resect additional colon
Alternative surgery for C-Diff: loop ileostomy with colonic lavage
Who to consider it for:
Patients who will not fare well with an end colostomy that is likely to be permanent
Patients with high mortality risk for colectomy
1. Visual assessment for colonic viability
2. Creation of loop ileostomy
3. Lavage: 8L of warmed PEG drained via a rectal tube
4. Postoperative antegrade enema: Vancomycin 500mg in 500ml of RL Q8h X 10days
93% do not require colectomy
79% have ileostomy reversal in 6 months
These results however have not been replicated, and so no clear evidence exists to suggest which patients benefit from this approach
Recurrent/nonresponding disease
Defined as recurrence of symptoms with ⊕ stool test within 8w after completion of therapy with resolution of symptoms
12-64% of treated patients will experience recurrence; 65% of those will develop additional recurrences
Risk factors for CDI recurrence
Abx use after completing treatment for CDI
PPI use
Infection with certain C. Diff strains
Bezlotoxumab, a monoclonal antibody that binds exotoxin B, administered concurrently with treatment of CDI, can decrease the risk of recurrence in patients at higher risk due to advanced age, immunosuppression, IBD, or other comorbidities
A single dose of 10mg/kg infused during Abx course is associated with:
40% relative risk reduction in recurrent CDI
↓ Length of hospital stay
Cost of bezlotoxumab may be prohibitive
Most recurrences present within 1-3 months after discontinuing antibiotic therapy
In general, patients are not treated by simply repeating the same regimen.
Strategies for subsequent recurrences:
Tapering & pulsed Abx strategies over 4-6w
In general, conventional antibiotic treatment should be used for at least 2 recurrences (ie, 3 CDI episodes) before offering fecal microbiota transplantation
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation
Most common delivery method is through colonoscopy; alternatively through NGT or oral capsules
Given active disease in the colon, consider NGT administration if possible
Most protocols require the patient to be off of Abx for ≥ 36h before the transplant
Overall success rates for fecal transplantation, regardless of the delivery mode, are reported to be between 60-90% after a single treatment
Predictors of failure of FMT after a single infusion by colonoscpy:
Severe CDI
Inadequate bowel preparation
The anion-binding resins colestipol and cholestyramine are not effective as primary therapy for C. difficile colitis, although they may be beneficial as adjunctive therapy for relapsing infection
Anion-exchange resins bind vancomycin as well as toxins; thus, the resin must be taken at least 2-3h apart from the vancomycin
ASCRS CPG: Toxin-binding agents such as cholestyramine and colestipol are also used as adjuncts for recurrent CDI with variable success.
Rifaximin may be used to treat recurrent CDI and has a moderate success rate (53%–67%) in this setting.
However, because of the propensity of C difficile to develop resistance to rifaximin, this drug should typically be used in combination with other recommended agents
Tigecycline can successfully treat otherwise multidrug-resistant strains of C difficile
Giardia lambda is a common cause of colitis in patients with history of hiking/camping
Cryptosporidium is more commonly seen in immunocompromised patients
Caused by Actinomyces israelii, an anaerobic gram-positive bacterium; a normal part of GI flora
Active infection results after
Break in mucosal defences
Presence of necrotic tissue
Infection results in formation of draining sinuses, fistulas, & abscesses [may be confused with IBD]
Fever / chills
Night sweats
Weight loss
Usually involves the appendix/cecum
Manifests as slow growing mass with obstructive symptoms and localized peritonitis
May form fistulas to the abdominal wall
Dx is by either
Culturing A. israelii
Microscopic identification of characteristic yellow (sulfur) granules
Penicillin IV X 4-6w then oral penicillin X 6-12m to avoid relapse
Surgery is reserved for complications or when Dx is not definitive
Disease prevalence is higher in:
Higher socioeconomic populations
Urban areas
Geographic regions rather from the equator
The current theory on the etiology of inflammatory bowel disease is an exposure to an environmental factor of host or foreign origin in the individual with a genetic predisposition to dysregulated immunity
The NOD2/CARD15 gene, (involved in bacterial recognition and response), is the most commonly associated gene in IBD
NOD2: nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2; AKA caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 15 (CARD15)Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 18.17.39
Biological characteristics of CD & UC
Memory queues:
— Paneth cells are only present in the small bowel (i.e associated with CD but not UC)
— Th2 are highly associated with UC, whereas other T-cells are associated with CD
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The presence of a family member with IBD is the number one risk factor for developing the disease
~ 40% of IBD patients have ≥ 1 affected family member
Affected family members from “IBD families” are generally concordant for age of onset, localization, and disease behaviour
Genetics play a stronger role in CD than UC
> 300 SNPs over 150 genetic loci/genes have been associated with IBD. No single gene appears to be causative of either CD or UC. Inheritance is not the simple Mendelian pattern seen in some disease.
Anti-inflammatory prostaglandins are involved in epithelial mucosal repair. Prostaglandin E receptor 4 (PTGER4) SNPs have been associated with the development of CD. A similar association has not been found in UC
Although the majority of such IBD alleles are associated with both CD and UC, others are exclusive to one or the other disease
Despite intense early interest, no role for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in IBD has been proven to date, and these “familial” cases were likely due to a shared genetic predisposition
Pathogens associated with IBD (highlighted in green seem to be protective)
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Of all environmental factors studied, tobacco smoking has the most replicated association with IBD. The association appears to be “dose dependent”
Despite lack of clarity, avoidance of NSAIDs (except aspirin) is currently recommended in most IBD patients.
An increased likelihood of being diagnosed with CD is found in the first year following appendectomy by meta-analysis. However, this rate falls to that of the general population within 5 years
Immunity in CD
Innate immunity in CD
Epithelial barrier function & pathogen recognition
Tight junction abnormalities in IBD patients facilitate the uptake of antigens leading to inflammation and the release of cytokines such as interleukins, TNFα, and IFNɣ which in turn further propagate tight junction permeability
The NOD2/CARD15 pathway plays a role in recognition of MDP on the bacterial wall ultimately leading to NFkB activation that then results in changes in nuclear transcription of relevant inflammatory genes
Dendritic cells are the Antigen Presenting Cells most implicated in the pathobiology of IBD. “Leaky” epithelial barrier may allow increased DC-antigen contact and an overstimulation of the systemic immune system
TLR2 and TLR4 have been demonstrated to play the most prominent roles in IBD
The main site of autophagy is the small intestinal Paneth cell; thus autophagy plays a stronger role in the pathobiology of CD than UC
Adaptive immunity in CD
T cell-mediated adaptive immune responses are better characterized in the pathobiology of IBD than the B cell response
The secretion of the key immunological defense molecule, IgA, is the main function for B cells in IBD elucidated to date
Immunity in UC
Innate immunity in UC
Epithelial barrier function & pathogen recognition
The epithelial barrier plays a greater role in the pathobiology of UC as opposed to CD since the inflammation of UC is limited to the mucosa of the colon and rectum
Paneth cells are only found in the small intestine; thus they do not play a role in the pathobiology of UC
Two genes POU5F1 and LAMB1 are exclusively associated with UC, suggesting a greater role in epithelial barrier function in UC vs. CD
As granulomas are not found in UC, the role of macrophages in UC is likely limited to the production of proinflammatory cytokines and the activation of NK and dendritic cells
Adaptive immunity in UC
During differentiation, a Th2 cell bias leading to increased production of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 has been associated with UC
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The most commonly studied autophagy-associated genes in IBD are:
NOD2 / CARD 15
Neoplasia in IBD
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APC mutations are involved in the first step of progression from normal tissue to sporadic cancer. However, APC mutations are involved relatively late in the progression from inflammation to IBD-associated cancer
Surgical genetics
Three loci (IL-23R, IL-12B, & chromosome 11 open reading frame 30) are associated with increased need for surgery within 5Y of Dx of IBD
SNPs in the PTGER, NOD2, and TNFSF15 have also been associated with Crohn’s-like pouch complications (i.e., fistula, abscesses) and severe pouchitis after IPAA
Markers for disease
Inflammatory markers allow for excluding IBD Dx in patients with functional bowel disorders without invasive studies
The presence of calprotectin in stool implies mucosal inflammation, which is nonspecific, and can also occur with mucosal bleeding
It has been used in:
Prediction of clinical course
Monitoring response to therapy
PostOp surveillance
In post-resection CD, fecal calprotectin >200 μg/g has been shown to be predictive of endoscopic recurrence after 12 months
Calprotectin was superior to CRP and a clinical disease index (CDAI) for detection of recurrence and monitoring response to treatment
A meta-analysis showed good sensitivity (93%) and specificity (96%) of fecal calprotectin to diagnose IBD in adult patients, although specificity (76%) was much lower for pediatric patients
Tends to be elevated in CD > UC
CRP tends to be a less reliable predictor of endoscopic disease in the postoperative CD patient
Flexible endoscopy remains a gold standard technique in the initial diagnosis and follow-up management of suspected/established IBD
There are no specific guidelines for routine colonoscopy during medical therapy for IBD
Colonoscopy is recommended 6–12 months after surgery for CD, as anastomotic recurrence is common (60–90% at 1 year)
Meta-analysis has shown Video Capsule Endoscopy to have higher diagnostic yield than colonoscopy, push enteroscopy, conventional enterography, and CT enterography. VCE was found to be similar to MR enterography in those same reviews. Capsule retention is a rare, but feared, complication of VCE. Reported rates of capsule retention in CD patients are around 13%
Medical management
Crohn’s disease agent selection
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UC Management
Mild-moderate distal colitis/proctitis = “bottom-up” approach
Suppositories are appropriate for proctitis without proximal involvement
Foams reach the sigmoid
Enemas may reach the splenic flexure
In moderately severe disease: PO + topical therapy is more effective than topical mesalamine alone in both achieving and maintaining remission
In either distal or extensive colitis not responding to 4w of aminosalicylate therapy, a course of oral steroids is indicated. This is usually started at 40–60 mg of prednisone per day.
Remission can be maintained by either: aminosalicylates, thiopurines, or infliximab
The choice of maintenance therapy is chiefly determined by the method by which remission was induced
Alternately, patients with a single episode of mild disease may opt for clinical observation alone.
Severe colitis
For toxic colitis and fulminant colitis, see Indications for Surgery
Hydrocortisone 300mg QD X 3-5d given under observation
20-40% with severe UC will fail to improve on IV steroids
Some 25–36% of patients with steroid-refractory UC have CMV disease in colonic biopsies
Continued PO diet is encouraged in most patients; but bowel rest may be indicated if BMs are excessive
Use of cyclosporine or infliximab is highly effective in steroid-resistant severe UC, with response rates of up to 82–83%. On the other hand, it has proven difficult to maintain remission in responders, with up to 54% of patients subsequently requiring colectomy
General guidelines for treatment of UC
Mild-moderate chronic UC is typically treated in a bottom-up manner with PO aminosalicylates, and if steroids are required for flares, then the patient is transitioned to AZA/6MP or a biologic agent to wean the steroids
Moderate-severe disease is typically treated in a top-down manner with combination therapy with a biologic agent and immunomodulator, often under the cover of temporary steroid treatment
Perianal Crohn’s disease
Corticosteroids are ineffective and should be avoided
There is no evidence that aminosalicylates play any role in the treatment of perianal Crohn’s disease
Infliximab (Remicade®), adalimumab (Humira®), and certolizumab (Climzia®) have been shown to be effective for perianal Crohn’s disease
Probiotics are ineffective for both induction and maintenance of remission in CD
Metronidazole is effective for active colonic and ileocolonic CD but not upper GI inflammation
Aminosalicylates (sulfasalazine; mesalamine)
Clinical effects of PO aminosalicylates are apparent in 2-4h
Patients who take sulfasalazine must also take folic acid (1 mg daily) because the medication depletes folic acid stores.
Topical steroids have similar efficacy to topical mesalamine in achieving remission in active disease
Three release mechanisms of the drug (mechanism dictates target area of bowel)
pH: Asacol®, Lialda®
Time-release: Pentasa®
Bacterial cleavage release: Azulfadine®
5-ASA is released in the colon when bacterial azo-reductases cleave the diazo bond
Newer sulfasalazine-like drugs (e.g., mesalamine) provide for a slow release of 5-aminosalicylic acid during their passage through the small bowel and colon
It’s the most common treatment (induction & maintenance) for mild-moderate UC
Salicylates can be used in the treatment of active disease at higher doses and also play a role in maintaining remission at lower doses
High doses are associated with ↑AE but are not more effective at induction of remission than moderate dose
“Bidirectional therapy” (PO + PR) is well known to be more effective than either alone. However, patients are often resistant to the daily use of suppositories or enemas
In context of CD
Given its reasonable side effect profile, mesalamine remains 1st-line therapy for CD
The effectiveness of sulfasalazine alone in the treatment of Crohn’s disease limited to the small bowel is controversial
In contrast to its use in UC, sulfasalazine has not been conclusively proven to maintain remission in Crohn’s disease or to prevent recurrence after surgery
Sun exposure can lead to severe sunburn
Topical steroids have similar efficacy to topical mesalamine in achieving remission in active disease
Highly effective in the treatment of active UC & Crohn’s disease but are ineffective in maintaining remission in Crohn’s disease
Should not be used for maintenance therapy because of their AE profile
Long-term therapy (>1Y) is contraindicated
Inability to wean off chronic steroids represents an indication for surgery
Prednisone is generally prescribed in dosages of 40–60 mg daily for 2–6 weeks to induce remission
Maximum-effective dose is 300 mg hydrocortisone per day (equivalent to methylprednisone 60mg)
Duration of therapy & tapering
Prednisone 40-60mg QD X 2w
Taper 5mg Qweek
Steroids act to block phospholipase A2, thereby decreasing prostaglandins and leukotrienes
Patients weaning from steroids should anticipate symptoms of physical and emotional withdrawal from the steroids such as decreased energy and mood
Budesonide has a high first-pass hepatic metabolism, which allows for targeted delivery to the intestine while mitigating the systemic effects of steroid therapy
Budesonide is effective for chronic UC
Budesonide at any dose to maintain remission is no more effective than placebo, but significantly more toxic
Hydrocortisone enemas delivered BID-TID are often effective in the treatment of disease limited to the rectum and left side of the colon, these have the benefit of less absorption and therefore fewer systemic side effects
½ of patients treated for active symptoms with a glucocorticoid will be “steroid resistant” or “steroid dependent”
PreOp ‘high dose’ steroids is defined as > 20mg prednisone / day and is associated with ↑ postOp infectious complications
Immunomodulatory agents mostly applies to Crohn’s Disease
In context of Crohn’s disease
Immunomodulators are of limited use for induction of remission, but successfully maintain remission in many patients
Inducing remission
They are useful in inducing remission in patients who are refractory to 5-ASA
Allow steroid tapering in patients with “steroid-resistant” or “steroid-dependent” disease
Maintain remission in patients with quiescent disease
Clinical benefit may not be evident until 6–12w after initiation of therapy, but tends to be durable
The relapse rate following immunomodulator cessation in patients receiving immunomodulator monotherapy for maintenance of remission is nearly 20% at 1 year
Immunomodulatory therapy is associated with a marginally increased risk of lymphoma, but the absolute risk is small
Use of immunomodulators has not been associated with increased postOp complications
Thiopurines (AZA (Imuran®) & 6-MP)
Azathioprine is effective in inducing and maintaining remission, but its effects are slow with the time of onset measured in months, requiring overlap with an extended course of oral prednisone.
6-Mercaptopurine is a purine analogue, and azathioprine is its precursor
Exert a glucocorticoid-sparing effect for patients who cannot maintain remission when glucocorticoids are tapered and withdrawn
They are seldom used by themselves and are often started upfront with steroids (top-down or step-up therapy) to induce remission in a top-down manner. The steroids are then weaned, and the TP used as a maintenance drug
Since thiopurines are immunosuppressive, any active infections must be treated prior to initiating therapy
In TMPT-deficient patients, active metabolites are not efficiently degraded resulting in supra-therapeutic AZA concentrations myelosuppression
Prior to starting therapy, TPMT enzyme activity or genotype should usually be assessed
Monitor CBC Q1–2w initially and subsequent to a dose change, then at least Q3m thereafter to detect evidence of acute or delayed bone marrow suppression
Relative risk of failure to prevent disease relapse on withdrawal of azathioprine: 0.39
This translates into 201 fewer disease relapses per 1000 patients for those continuing azathioprine compared with azathioprine withdrawal
Antimetabolite, specifically inhibiting folic acid metabolism by competitive inhibition of DHFR
Dose: 25 mg SC/IM Q1w
Folic acid (1 mg daily) should be concomitantly prescribed
After remission has been achieved, a dose of 15 mg Q1w may be effective
Moderate quality evidence indicates that methotrexate at a dose of 15 mg weekly is superior to placebo for maintenance of remission in Crohn’s disease and appears to be safe [48]. Conversely, low-dose oral methotrexate (12.5–15 mg/week) does not appear to be effective for maintenance of remission
Although MTX may be used in the treatment of CD, at present there is no evidence supporting the use of MTX for induction or maintenance of remission in chronic UC
Cyclosporine and tacrolimus
Because of their AE profile, it is typically reserved for use in acute severe UC and refractory CD (rescue agent)
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Pretreatment assessment (because of risk of reactivation)
HBsAg, HBsAb, HBcAb
Tuberculin skin test
UTD: For most patients with fistulizing moderate to severe Crohn disease (eg, perianal or intestinal fistula), we use combination therapy consisting of TNF-inhibitor and an immunomodulator (eg, azathioprine [AZA], 6-mercaptopurine [6-MP], or methotrexate)
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Active infection is an absolute contraindication to treatment with any TNF inhibitor
The best outcomes of anti-TNF therapy are seen in combination with other medications such as thiopurines
Infliximab (Remicade ® — 5 mg/Kg IV Q8w) is a first line agent, shows a clinical response in 70% & can induce remission.
Randomized trials have confirmed that infliximab maintenance therapy is superior to episodic delivery based on exacerbations and potentiates the benefit of azathioprine maintenance therapy
Loss of responsiveness can be managed with ↑dose to 10mg/Kg Q4-8w
Adalimumab (Humira® — 40 mg SC Q2w) is indicated for use in patients with moderate-to-severe CD and those with moderate-to-severe UC
Similar to infliximab albeit less powerful
Humira may be more convenient for patients since they self-administer, but some patients may be less compliant because patients may not be self-medicating
Although highly effective in the initial treatment stages, some patients lose response over time and the medication may need to be administered Q1w
Certolizumab Pegol (Cimzia®)
Golimumab (Simponi®)
Potential AE:
Susceptibility to infections (invasive fungal and other opportunistic infections)
Tuberculosis reactivation
Demyelinating CNS lesions
Activation of latent multiple sclerosis
CHF exacerbation
Integrin receptor antagonist:
Should not be used in combination with immunomodulators or anti-TNF medications due to the risk of developing Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
PML is caused by JC virus, although an immunocompetent immune system will prevent disease development
Natalizumab (Tysabri®)
Indication: inducing and maintaining remission in patients with moderate-severe CD who have inadequate response to or are unable to tolerate conventional therapies & anti-TNF agents
Vedolizumab (Entyvio®)
Monoclonal Ab to intern α4β7 (AKA Payer’s patch adhesion molecule (LPAM-1). Blocking this receptor results in upregulation of anti-inflammatory pathways
Anti-IL12/23 Ab: Ustekinumab (Stelara®) is approved by the FDA for use in adult patients with moderate to severely active Crohn disease who had failed standard therapy
UTD: We use ustekinumab as second line therapy after anti-TNF agents have been tried
Cessation of the anti-TNF agent in combination therapy (anti-TNF with immunomodulators) is associated with a 50% recurrence rate after 2 years. These findings suggest that a deescalating treatment strategy should be largely limited to patients with a high risk for severe adverse events and patients in deep remission
Anti-TNF therapy in the setting of an inflammatory mass (ie, phlegmon) with a concomitant abscess typically carries a low risk when initiated after intravenous antibiotics and PD of the abscess, as needed
Tofacitinib and methotrexate are not safe during pregnancy, however the remaining medications probably are.
There is mounting evidence that mucosal healing is a better target in IBD treatment than clinical symptom control, as it can alter the course of disease, reducing hospitalizations and rates of future surgery
Ulcerative Colitis
The goal for treating UC is to resolve symptoms and achieve mucosal healing, defined as the resolution of inflammatory changes on endoscopic evaluation
There appears to be seasonal variation in the activity of the disease: onset & relapse more often between August-January
75% have pANCA⊕
The presence of pANCA has been used as a diagnostic test to help differentiate ulcerative colitis from Crohn’s disease
Pain is uncommon except in severe active disease
After long-term medical therapy, patients tend to experience constipation
Backwash ileitis = severe inflammation of the cecum causing an inflamed terminal ileum
Dr. Hyman — Determining Crohn’s vs backwash ileitis: it’s backwash ileitis if colonoscopy was normal and then the pathologist calls inflammation post-resection. If it was evident grossly, then it is likely Crohn’s Disease
10% of patients will require surgery within the 1st year of Dx
Ultimately, 20-40% of patients with UC will require surgery
50% of those who do not undergo surgery will have active disease
50% of the who do not undergo surgery will be in remission
Disease behaviour
The disease location remains stable for the majority of patients. 5-15% develop proximal progression over 5Y
In distal disease (proctitis only): up to 20% will have spontaneous resolution
10Y colectomy rate is 9-21%
Pouchitis: 50% within 5Y
Pouch failure
♀ infertility
Nocturnal incontinence
Risk factors
Family Hx of IBD is the most prominent risk factor
It is more common in whites, Jews, and persons of northern European ancestry.
Environmental stimuli:
↑ sugar consumption
Low-fiber diet
Food allergies
Food additives
Infectious agents
Shortened breastfeeding time
Cigarette smoking is protective in UC, whereas it is a risk factor for developing (& for more severe) Crohn’s Disease
Pathologic findings:
Inflammation of the mucosa & submucosa, sparing the muscularis
Clinicians should be aware of certain instances where macroscopic inflammation in UC may not be in a continuous pattern. These situations are often confused with Crohn’s disease
Among medically treated UC patients, both oral and per rectum, 33–44% have been shown to have some patchy distribution of inflammation
Grossly: Pseudopolyps (more common in UC than CD), or inflammatory polyps, represent regeneration of inflamed mucosa and are composed of a variable mixture of non-neoplastic colonic mucosa and inflamed lamina propria
Significant pseudopolyposis may make surveillance unreliable by obscuring the mucosa or being too numerable to sample
Grossly: colonic strictures occur in up ate 12% of chronic UC
The most characteristic lesion is the crypt abscess, in which collections of neutrophils fill and expand the lumina of individual crypts of Lieberkühn (less likely seen in CD; may be seen in infectious colitis). Crypt branching may be seen in chronic ulcerative colitis and is an important characteristic
The number of goblet cells in the crypts is diminished, as is mucus production (not seen in Crohn’s disease)
Basal plasmacytosis is an early feature of UC and can be used to help differentiate it from infectious colitis
Dx: The combination of clinical disease activity, endoscopic findings, and histology generates accurate diagnosis
ASCA⊖ + pANCA⊕ = 98% specificity for UC
Other than in hospitalized patients, CRP tends not to be elevated in UC. It’s elevation may signal a Dx of Crohn’s Disease, super-infection, or severe acute colitis.
Classification of severity
Truelove-Witts classification of severity
Recently, the Montreal classification is the preferred way to specify disease activity for clinical use and for research
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S0 = clinical remission
S1 = mild disease: <4 BM/d, no serologic or systemic signs of inflammation
S2 = moderate: >4 BM/d, some signs of inflammation
S3 = severe: ≥ 6 bloody BM/d, HR >90, T >37.5 °C, Hgb <10.5 g, and ESR >30 mm/h
E1: ulcerative proctitis
E2: Lt-sided colitis
E3: pan colitis
Endoscopic grading system: Mayo UC severity score
Mayo score 0 = normal/inactive disease
No friability or granularity
Intact vascular pattern
Mayo score 1 = mild disease (erythema; ↓ vascular pattern, mild friability)
↓ Vascular pattern
Mild friability
Mayo score 2 = moderate disease (marked erythema; absent vascular pattern; friability; erosions)
Marked erythema
Absent vasular pattern
Friability & erosions
Mayo score 3 = severe disease (spontaneous bleeding; ulcers)
Spontaneous bleeding
Infectious colitides that mimic ulcerative colitis must be evaluated via stool culture. Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia, C-Diff, and CMV must be specifically queried
Extrainstestinal manifestations
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Arthritis: commonly the knees, ankles, hips, & shoulders
Eye disease (episcleritis, uveitis, iritis, conjunctivitis)
Ankylosing spondylitis most prevalent in HLA-B27⊕ patients
Erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum
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PSC: 10X more likely in patients with HLA-B8 and HLA-DR3 haplotypes
Patients with PSC and ulcerative colitis typically have a more quiescent disease course; however, the risk for colon cancer in these patients is up to five times greater than in patients with ulcerative colitis alone
Indications for surgery
Medically refractory disease is the most common indication for surgery
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Defined by poorly controlled symptoms, poor QoL, growth failure, or long-term AE
Complications of long-term steroid therapy that warrant evaluation for surgical management:
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head
Psychiatric problems
Weight gain
Acute severe colitis & toxic megacolon [are surgical emergencies as they indicate impending perforation]
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Workup includes
Rule out C-Diff
Baseline AXR
Rule out CMV: FFS with Bx on admission; with consideration of repeat FFS with Bx if there is no response to steroids
Tuberculin test + CXR on admission in order to avoid delays in initiating Anti-TNF therapy when needed
Caution that false-negative TB test results may occur in patients with severe UC who have impaired immune function while receiving immunosuppressants such as high-dose corticosteroids or thiopurines.
General care
PO nutrition is recommended as long as there is no increase in abdominal pain or bloody diarrhea
Patients should be placed on VTE prophylaxis even if they are bleeding.
A meta-analysis of eight RCTs assessing the efficacy and safety of fractionated and unfractionated heparin in the treatment of active UC revealed no significant increase in bleeding in patients treated with heparin in addition to conventional therapy (aminosalicylates, steroids, and/or azathioprine) compared with patients receiving conventional therapy and no heparin. However, it also showed no added therapeutic benefit of heparin over conventional therapy.
Ask for stoma marking early on, in case it is needed
Fulminant colitis / severe acute colitis = colitis + ≥ 6-10 BM/d + one element of SIRS
The preferred nomenclature is acute severe colitis rather than fulminant colitis
Toxic colitis = end-organ damage colitis = fever + ↑HR + ↑WBC
Toxic megacolon = toxic colitis + ≥ 6-8 cm transverse colon on X-ray
Once the transverse colon is dilated past 8 cm, there should be great concern for impending perforation.
Surgical consultation is warranted on admission to the hospital with acute severe colitis
Stool frequency and CRP level are simple validated objective measures to assess response.
Other factors evaluated on day 1 or 3 of hospitalization that have been reported to predict steroid failure include erythrocyte sedimentation rate, albumin, and fecal calprotectin levels, and abdominal radiographs showing mucosal islands. However, these factors are of limited use until they have been validated.
Oxford Criteria / Oxford Index to define non-response correlates with the need of colectomy during the same admission (in 85% of population)
CRP level 45 mg/L & stool frequency 3-8/day
Stool frequency ≥ 8/day on day 3
Patients with acute severe UC who fail to improve within 3d of IV steroids are given either infliximab or cyclosporine as second-line medical therapy, or they undergo colectomy.
Corticosteroid therapy is maintained concurrently with second-line medical therapy.
Mean time to response: 5-7d
Prior use of azathioprine may predict failure of intravenous cyclosporine
Initial response rates with cyclosporine range from 64 to 90% when defined as the avoidance of colectomy
Subsequent colectomy rates in initial responders to cyclosporine range from
20% at 1 year
69% at 5 years
Patients who fail to respond to the initial infliximab infusion within 5d are usually given a second infliximab infusion at a dose of 10 mg/kg.
“For patients who respond to the second infliximab infusion, we give the third induction infusion of infliximab in four weeks following the second induction dose.”
Patients who do not respond to the 2nd infliximab infusion within 5d are evaluated for colectomy
~50% patients responded to infliximab with significant improvement by day 7
For fulminant colitis index ≥ 8: 3-month colectomy rates between patients randomized to receive infliximab or placebo may be similar
“Finally, the Swedish index, also known as the fulminant colitis index, uses a formula including stool frequency and CRP (stool frequency/day + 0.14 × CRP (mg/L)); this index has a positive predictive value of 72% for colectomy at a cut-off score of >8 on the third day of corticosteroid therapy”
For severe or moderately severe UC activity, infliximab is associated with better outcomes at 3 months
Long-term colectomy-free survival:
71% at 3m
64% at 12m
59% at 36m
53% at 60 months
Statement 17: Sequential rescue therapy with cyclosporine and infliximab should be avoided. Vote: A + = 85%, A = 10%, A − = 5%; Grade of recommendation:1B
If perforation ensues, the mortality rate after surgical intervention may be as high as 57%
Postoperatively, steroid may be abruptly discontinued as long as the axis is not suppressed. The rectal stump inflammation will invariable settle down even without steroid
Incidence of massive hemorrhage = 0-5%
Bleeding accounts for 10% of all urgent colectomies performed for UC
Subtotal colectomy is the procedure of choice and will usually suffice. However, if bleeding continues from the remaining rectal mucosa, emergency proctectomy may be required
Dysplasia or cancer
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Higher risk for cancer is seen in patients with early onset, severe, pancolitis
Historic analysis suggested a cumulative risk of CRC:
2.1% at 10Y
10% at 20Y
50% at 30Y
75% at 40Y
More recent meta-analysis report a cumulative risk of half of that reported in the historic analysis
A rule of thumb is the risk of developing CRC in chronic UC is 0.5–1% per year after the first 10Y of disease. Recent series show annual incidence of 0.06-0.2%
Carcinomas arising in UC tend to be poorly differentiated and highly aggressive tumors
If screening Bx specimens are positive for HGD or cancer, a patient should undergo proctocolectomy. The risk of having an undetected cancer that is found after colectomy for high-grade dysplasia is 42%
In the setting of low-grade dysplasia, patients are encouraged to undergo elective prophylactic proctocolectomy.
ASCRS: The recommended procedure for UC patients with colorectal cancer or HGD is therefore proctocolectomy with end ileostomy or IPAA
Kiran et al. reported a 14 % synchronous cancer and 55 % synchronous dysplasia rate in 176 UC patients with colorectal cancer
Managing LGD
When detected on non-targeted Bx: high-definition colonoscopy with chromoendoscopy is indicated
Patients with repeated unifocal, invisible LGD on non-targeted Bx: multidisciplinary discussion is warranted (there is limited evidence to guide practice in this scenario)
Repeat non-targeted Bx showing multifocal LGD: total proctocolectomy is recommended
ASCRS CPG 2021: Patients with visible polypoid or nonpolypoid dysplasia that is completely excised endoscopically should undergo endoscopic surveillance. Patients with visible dysplasia not amenable to endoscopic excision, invisible dysplasia in the flat mucosa surrounding a visible dysplastic lesion, or colorectal adenocarcinoma should typically undergo total proctocolectomy with or without IPAA. Grade of recommendation: Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
After polypectomy, repeat endoscopic surveillance is warranted within 6m and then at 12m after removal of the index lesion
ASCRS CPG 2021: Patients with invisible dysplasia should typically be referred to an experienced endoscopist for repeat endoscopy using high-definition colonoscopy with chromoendoscopy with targeted and repeat random biopsies within 3 to 6 months. Patients confirmed to have invisible multifocal, low-grade dysplasia or any invisible high-grade dysplasia should typically be considered for total proctocolectomy. Grade of recommendation: Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B
Sabiston: Strictures form in 5-12% of patients, 25% of which are malignant. The development of strictures is an indication for resection.
A colonic stricture in a patient with ulcerative colitis must be presumed carcinoma until proved otherwise
7% asymptomatic colonic strictures harbor occult carcinoma
Extracolonic manifestations
OLTx for PSC
If colectomy is required, permanent ileostomy is contraindicated because of the complications associated with peri-ileostomy varices from portal HTN
Proctocolectomy for UC is beneficial for:
Erythema nodosum (most responsive)
Eye disease (episcleritis, uveitis, iritis, conjunctivitis)
Proctocolectomy for UC is not beneficial for:
Ankylosing spondylitis
Growth failure in children/adolescence
Surgical options
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Segmental colectomy
Selected patients with an increased operative risk or poor functional status may benefit from a segmental colectomy depending on the degree and extent of colitis
Two retrospective studies found patients who had a segmental resection done for colitis developed no CRC over a follow up duration of 7 & 9Y. However up to 20% of patients still required TPC for refractory disease
Staging surgeries:
The modified 2-stage IPAA (total abdominal colectomy and end ileostomy followed by completion proctectomy and IPAA without a diverting loop ileostomy), is not associated with increased rates of anastomotic leak, pelvic sepsis, or pouch failure compared with the conventional 2-stage IPAA (total proctocolectomy with IPAA and diverting ileostomy followed by ileostomy closure),
Although the preferred staged approach remains controversial, with the ever-expanding armamentarium of immunomodulatory agents used to treat these patients, a 3-stage IPAA should typically be considered to minimize postoperative morbidity
Turnbull-Blowhole colostomy for toxic colitis in extreme scenarios where the patient is not stable enough to carry out a complete total abdominal colectomy
Small upper midline incision is made
Transverse colon are identified
The transverse colon is brought up through the midline
Water-tight closure of fascia to the transverse colon is done
The colon is incised and fashioned to skin
This may be done in conjunction to a RLQ loop ileostomy
Subtotal colectomy, end ileostomy
It’s the least morbid procedure
It’s the procedure of choice for
First of a 3-stage pouch procedure
Patients on high-dose steroids / immunosuppression
Malnourished patients
The rectosigmoid is stapled above the sacral promontory
Remaining rectum has 10% risk of developing cancer
Total proctocoelctomy & end ileostomy
Is an acceptable option for patients with high risk of pouch failure:
Impaired anal sphincter
Previous anoperineal disease
Hx of pelvic radiation
Multiple comorbidities
Jimmo et al (DCR 2018) showed that permanent ileostomy may have similar QoL to IPAA
Intersphincteric proctectomy decreases the risk of perineal wound complications
Total proctocolectomy & ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (TPC + IPAA)
Relative contraindications to IPAA
Obesity is associated with high risk of pouch failure
In fact, it may be reasonable to perform an initial abdominal colectomy to allow control of disease and achieve weight loss prior to proctectomy and IPAA
A staged procedure would allow for weight loss when the weight is expected to be 2ry to steroid use
A goal BMI of ≤ 28 should be the target prior to IPAA
PreOp defecation problems including incontinence, diabetic neuropathy, & neurogenic disorders
Adjuvant radiation therapy after pouch construction should be avoided at all costs
If needed, adjuvant radiation should be performed before pouch creation because postoperative radiotherapy is associated with radiation enteritis, poor pouch function, & consequent failure. That said, patients who had or will have radiation therapy may be better candidates for total proctocolectomy & end ileostomy
Age alone is not a contraindication
It’s the second of a 3-stage pouch procedure (or the 1st of a 2-stage procedure)
It may be done as a single procedure if performed by an experienced surgeon in young, healthy patients with no obesity or immunosuppression
It may be done as a two-stage procedure in which TPA + IPAA + DLI is done and then ileostomy reversal is done. A loop ileostomy is performed 40cm from the ileal pouch.
Criteria for a single stage TPC + IPAA:
Patient factors
“Less” obese
No anemia
No hypoalbuminemia
Low-steroid dose (prednisone < 20 mg/d)
ASCRS CPG 2021: The decision to perform a proctocolectomy and IPAA in a staged fashion should not typically be influenced by immunomodulator exposure
Operative technical factors
Elective surgery
Minimal blood loss
No tension on the anastomosis
Good blood supply
Visibly intact anastomosis
Experienced surgeon
Associated with:
< 0.5% mortality rate
20-27% morbidity rate
Good QoL
In women, studies report worse sexual function after IPAA with increased vaginal dryness and dyspareunia, but affected QoL scores improve within 12 months of IPAA, suggesting that these findings are transient.
The use of intramesorectal proctectomy, in an effort to avoid pelvic nerve injury, and laparoscopy does not confer an advantage regarding postoperative sexual function
For mucosectomy IPAA: need to make sure the pouch reaches 6cm below symphysis pubis
The entire mucosa from the anal canal and distal rectum are removed transanally with the specimen (using a self-retaining retractor such as a Lone Star)
Indications for mucosectomy:
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High grade dysplasia
Pediatric population
Patients with PSC (known to have higher risk of dysplasia/cancer
FAP patients with polyps down to the low rectum
See advantages and disadvantages of mucosectomy vs stapled anastomosis in “Pouch construction & considerations”
Pouch construction & considerations
↑ pANCA (> 100 EU/ml) levels in UC patients undergoing IPAA have been shown to predict the incidence of chronic pouchitis (occurs in >50% of patients)
Main limiting factor in creating a pouch in cancer patients is the concern that they might get radiation after creation fo the pouch. If this happens, they will invariably lose the pouch
Some propose an intramesorectal dissection for the rectum (such as pediatric surgeons). Dr. Feza Remzi suggests that this is not great and the mesorectum left behind impairs the compliance of the pouch
J-pouch limb is usually 15-18 cm
Adequate reach for the pouch is confirmed when the distal aspect of the pouch reaches 6 cm below the pubic symphysis, without tension
If the J-pouch does not reach, the procedure can be aborted and a loop ileostomy created. Often the pouch mesentery will stretch over time and in 6 months the patient can be reoperated to completed the IPAA
S-pouch provides extra 2-4 cm length & is reserved for cases where the J-pouch doesn’t reach
The distal part of the S-pouch should not be more than 2 cm to avoid Efferent Syndrome occurring
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Each limb is 12cm long
Maintain distal efferent end no longer than 2 cm in length
Isoperistaltic H-pouch
W-pouch (4-Loop reservoir) has increased capacity but studies have shown there is no difference in reservoir function in terms of incontinence, urgency, & soiling, compared to J-pouch
Maneuvers to improve reach of small bowel down to the pelvis:
1. Mobilize the small bowel mesentery from the retroperitoneum up to the duodenum
2. Mobilize SMA/SMV to the pancreas
3. Releasing incisions across the mesentery perpendicular to the small bowel mesenteric vessels supplying the pouch. This can be done anteriorly and posteriorly
4. Decide on dividing the ileocolic pedicle or distal SMA
ASCRS: ileocolic vessel ligation close to their origin from the superior mesenteric pedicle
Test-clamp (with bulldog clamps) some ileocolic branches and sacrifice them to enhance reach
“Although ligation of some of the branches of the SMA (or the main trunk of the SMA) has also been described, we rarely employ this maneuver due to the risk for compromise of blood supply to the entire small intestine”
5. Consider s-pouch
6. If the pouch is formed and then it doesn’t reach. Consider stapling off the aperture and then creating a diverting ileostomy. Return to OR in a later date (6-12m later)
Several comparative long-term studied have reported better functional results for the stapled IPAA
Stapled IPAA
Technical ease and faster
Less tension on the anastomosis
Improved functional outcomes
Preservation of specialized nerves in the ATZ (preservation of the highly specialized anoderm, therefore better function)
Improved visualization of the ATZ
Potential for fewer anastomotic complications
Cuffitis: inflammation of the retained mucosa
ASCRS Textbook: When we looked at our stapled IPAA patients with chronic inflammatory changes, we found that their function was still superior to their mucosectomy counterparts
Handsewn IPAA with mucosectomy
Decrease the risk of dysplasia/cancer in retained rectal mucosa
Mucosectomy does not reliably remove the entire rectal mucosa
Small islets of residual rectal mucosa have been identified in up to 14 % of patients and in 7 % it was located at the actual ileoanal anastomosis
Poorer functional outcomes
Tips from Dr. Feza Remzi
When one can live happily & with good QOL with a stoma. Trying to convince them for a re-do pouch surgery, is a great disservice
All IPAAs should be protected with an ileostomy
C-section is recommended rather than NVD after an IPAA
A ‘thoughtful ileostomy’ takes into account the possibility of future pouch failure. In its construction, the length of small bowel proximal to the current pouch approximates the length required to create a new pouch while still using the previous ileostomy. This may be a diverting ileostomy that is formed after a leak is noted in an IPAA
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PostOp outcomes:
Normal pouch function
Short-term (adaptation phase: 0-12 months)
↑ Stool frequency & urgency
Difficulty differentiating gas and stool
Long-term (after 12 months)
4-8 BM/day
1-2 Nocturnal stools, sometimes requiring pad
Semi-liquid or liquid stool consistency
Good daytime fecal continence
No urgency
Very long-term (>20-30Y)
Consistent stool frequency
± Fecal incontinence
Patients > 50Y of age at the time of IPAA have higher rates of postoperative incontinence and this dysfunction can become more pronounced with longer post-IPAA follow-up
Cuff complications
Cuffitis: persistent inflammation/proctitis involving the cuff of rectal mucosa between the dentate line and the IPAA
Occurs in up to 15% after stapled IPAA
Topical steroids or 5-ASA
Failure of medical management may require transanal mucosectomy with ileal pouch advancement (with excellent results)
Excision of the pouch is a last resort
Cleveland Clinic data:
Risk is 3.3% with a median of 11 months postOp
Preservation of ATZ did not lead to the development of cancer after 5-10Y of follow up
Author recommend long-term surveillance, and if repeat biopsy confirms persistent dysplasia, mucosectomy with pouch advancement is advised
Pouch complications
In patients with generalized oozing, instilling ice-cold saline with dilute epinephrine into the pouch facilitates hemostasis
Pouch leak
Leak from the tip of the “J”
ASCRS: “Over-sewing of the staple line is also prudent”
These leaks may be difficult to discover on routine pre-stoma reversal evaluation and may not become symptomatic until after stoma takedown
Salvage surgery:
Suture repair of the pouch
Excision of the tip of the “J”
UC patients receiving infliximab, are at particular risk for developing post-IPAA septic complications; a planned three-stage approach needs to be considered in this situation
Hand-sewn anastomosis is associated with higher leak than stapled anastomosis (9.2% vs 6.1%)
Fazio et al. 2013
Presacral leak is best managed with transanal drainage (not trans-gluteal)
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Sometimes, the pouch may be opened onto the cavity to create a common channel. This can be done with a stapler or energy device
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In the even of a leak, perform a triple contrast scan. If there is no extravasation, opt for percutaneous drainage. If there is extravasation, a better option is placing a catheter through the anastomotic defect
A ‘thoughtful ileostomy’ takes into account the possibility of future pouch failure. In its construction, the length of small bowel proximal to the current pouch approximates the length required to create a new pouch while still using the previous ileostomy. This may be a diverting ileostomy that is formed after a leak is noted in an IPAA
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Pouch sinus
Occurs in 2-8%
Observation is recommended over intervention, when permitted by clinical circumstances, as these sinuses can resolve spontaneously.
Sinuses detected incidentally in patients without an ostomy are usually best left alone
Symptomatic sinus or a non-resolving tract may be managed by
Trans-anal debridement with drainage
Unroofing of the sinus
Glue injection
Pouch revision
Redo-pouch surgery
Pouch-vagina fistula occurs in 3-16% & requires operative repair
Advancement flap repair
Transvaginal repair is considered when access to the pouch is limited (such as stenosis)
Perineal pouch advancement
The anterior half of the IPAA is disconnected from the anal canal and the pouch is mobilized down from the vagina and is reapproximated to the anal canal after freshening and repairing the tissue surrounding the defect in the rectovaginal septum.
Ileoanal anastomotic stricture occurs in 5-40%
Management includes finger dilation or repeated dilations under anesthesia and rarely a transanal approach with excision of the stricture and pouch advancement
Management options:
Endoscopic management is the first-line therapy
Endoscopic balloon dilation
Endoscopic stricturotomy for refractory, long, fibrotic strictures
Endoscopic strituroplasty
Internal hernia & volvulus
Risk factors for pouchitis
Extent of UC disease: Extensive colitis has been associated with an increased risk of pouchitis
Extra-GI manifestations: patients with a PSC often have diffuse pouchitis and enteritis of a long segment of the afferent limb
Age at diagnosis or surgery: ↓ age associated with an ↑ risk
Coexisting autoimmune disorders
Smoking status
Dietary factors
In a cohort study including 172 patients with ileal pouches, lower fruit consumption was correlated with higher rates of pouchitis compared with higher fruit intake (31 versus 4 percent). In a cross-sectional study including 80 patients with ileal pouches, patients with pouches consumed more bakery products, oils, fats, nuts, and seeds compared with healthy controls
Pouch configuration: J-pouch having higher rate of pouchitis than S-pouch in some studies
Hematologic disorders including DVT
Fecal stasis
Endoscopic findings of confluent, erythematous, friable mucosa of the pouch body and histology demonstrating inflammation with a normal afferent limb and ATZ are consistent with a diagnosis of pouchitis.
40% develop one episode; 20% develop recurrent episodes
Pouchitis / nonspecific inflammation is the most frequent long-term complication
Acute: < 4w
Chronic: > 4w
1. Acute pouchitis: Ciprofloxacin (preferred) or Flagyl: 500mg BID X 2w
2. If persists: Cipro + [Flagyl | tinidazole | rifaximin] X 4w
Small focal areas of cuff inflammation may be addressed with ablation.
3. Chronic Abx Dependent Pouchitis:
3.1 ± Probiotics
3.2 Ciprofloxacin 250mg QOD (up to 1g/d)
4. Chronic Abx-Refractory Pouchitis:
4.0 Rule out IgG4, ischemic pouch, surgical complications, Crohn’s disease
4.1 Anti-inflammatory: mesalamine; NSAIDs
4.2 Immunosuppressive: budesonide, corticosteroid enema
4.3 Biologics: Anti-TNF
Use of an agent that was not previously used is more likely to succeed than an agent used prior to IPAA
5. Consider: DLI; redo-pouch; pouch excision with end ileostomy
Assessing ‘pouchitis’ vs Crohn’s disease of the pouch
Pouch inflammation may be due to ischemia rather than pouchitis
Stricture formation may be due to technical complications or ischemia
Fistula in the pouch maybe due to anastomotic complications
Outlet obstruction
Manage with : pelvic floor biofeedback
Enemas and intermittent self-intubation to vent or to irrigate the pouch may be useful for patients with obstruction from either anatomic or functional causes
Afferent limb syndrome
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Pouch prolapse
Occurs < 1%
Initial managment
Dietary changes
Bulking agents
Avoidance of straining
Definitive treatment
Mucosal prolapse: excision of redundant mucosa
Full-thickness prolapse: abdominal approach with fixation of the pouch to the sacrum
Dysplasia / cancer
Extremely rare
Routine surveillance of the pouch
Not warranted for UC patients
FAP patients are at risk for developing future polyps or cancer and should undergo annual surveillance with pouchoscopy and biopsies
UC patients (stapled or hand-sewn after mucosectomy) are counseled about the risk of malignant degeneration in or near the anal transition zone and can be offered periodic surveillance
Pouch failure occurs in 5-10% when done at high-volume colorectal centers
Reasons for pouch failure
IPAA leak
Efferent limb syndrome (relevant in S-pouch)
Leak from the tip of the J-pouch
Change in Dx to Crohn’s disease
Pouch prolapse
Afferent limb syndrome
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5-20% develop pelvic sepsis after IPAA resulting from anastomotic dehiscence
Management should focus on prolonged sepsis control with closed suction drainage (6-12months) with serial EUA and gastrografin studies
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Defunctioning ileostomy may be key in salvaging the J-pouch after the occurrence of an leak. The stoma loop itself can be used to redo the J-pouch later on
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At the time of redo-pouch, you will need to excise the pelvic phlegmon
The decision to go for a redo-pouch surgery should be patient driven
Alternatives for when pouches fail
Continent ileostomy
Dr. Hyman: Only offer the patient a redo-IPAA if you believe that it was a technical issue — this may be evident by inflammation only after stoma takedown by pouchogram showing some pathology that was missed before stoma takedown
For redo-IPAA, best to refer to an expert centre
~27% develop small bowel obstruction. It tends to be severe and 50% require surgery
Sexual dysfunction
Performing close rectal dissection rather than total mesorectal excision has been studied and does not appear to improve preservation of sexual function
3 fold increased risk of infertility
Pouch dysfunction has been reported during the third trimester of pregnancy, this appears to be transient
Colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis
It is used in selective patients and requires a relatively spared, healthy, and compliant rectum
Segmental colectomy for ulcerative colitis, in contrast to Crohn’s disease, has been shown to be an inadequate procedure for controlling disease. For example, in the case of colitis confined to the left side, a proctosigmoidectomy with an end-descending colostomy or coloanal anastomosis invariably results in the recurrence of disease in the remaining colon within a short time and is contraindicated
It is contraindicated in Crohn’s disease patients who have moderate-severe inflammation of the rectum, dysplasia or cancer of the rectum, perianal disease, and known anal incontinence
It may be considered in young females who want to preserve fertility and avoid an ostomy, but it is rare to have patients with UC who require surgery but have minimal rectal inflammation
Rectal biopsies every 6–12 months are advised following IRA
The risk of malignancy of the rectum after IRA is approximately 10% at 10Y, and 25% at 20Y
The cumulative probability of having a functioning IRA:
At 5Y: 84%
At 10Y: 69%
At 20Y: 46-69%
Indications for completion proctectomy
¼ of patients require a proctectomy resulting from severe proctitis
Rates of requiring completion proctectomy for refractory disease:
10% at 5Y
24% at 10Y
40% at 20Y
Dysplasia & malignancy
Rate of dysplasia & adenoCa in the retained rectum:
Dysplasia: 24% at 25Y
AdenoCa: 9% at 25Y
Crohn’s disease
Total proctocolectomy with continent ileostomy (Kock’s pouch)
Developed so patients are not required to wear stoma appliance
A nipple valve is created by intussusception of a portion of ileum into the planned reservoir
Two main complications associated with Kock’s pouch:
Malfunction of the nipple
When the continence mechanism fails, the stoma does not simply become conventional ileostomy, it rather causes mechanical obstruction requiring surgery for the “slipped valve”
Difficult intubation of the pouch occurs in 10-20% of patients
The procedure has been abandoned in the management of UC because of the excellent outcomes with the ileal J-pouch and the large complication rate associated with the Kock pouch
Ideally, colonoscopy should be performed while in remission to minimize confusion in the recognition of carcinoma because of inflammation
A typical endoscopic biopsy samples 0.05% of the mucosal surface; accordingly multiple samples must be taken for adequate sampling. A minimum of 33 random biopsies has been shown to result in 80–90% sensitivity for detecting dysplasia, with 64 required for 95%
Endoscopic grading system: Mayo UC severity score
Mayo score 0 = normal/inactive disease
No friability or granularity
Intact vascular pattern
Mayo score 1 = mild disease (erythema; ↓ vascular pattern, mild friability)
↓ Vascular pattern
Mild friability
Mayo score 2 = moderate disease (marked erythema; absent vascular pattern; friability; erosions)
Marked erythema
Absent vasular pattern
Friability & erosions
Mayo score 3 = severe disease (spontaneous bleeding; ulcers)
Spontaneous bleeding
8 years after Dx: endoscopy Q1-2Y
4-quadrant Bx Q10cm for a total of at least 32 Bx
Bx suspicious lesions + surrounding mucosa
If a patient also has primary sclerosing cholangitis or has a positive family history of colorectal cancer, surveillance intervals should shorten to annually.
Findings of HGD should prompt proctocolectomy. Low-grade dysplasia should be considered for proctocolectomy or strict endoscopic surveillance
Sabiston: When high-grade dysplasia is found and has been confirmed by a second independent pathologist, proctocolectomy should be recommended. This is also true for patients who have DALM. If low-grade dysplasia is confirmed, strong consideration should also be given to proctocolectomy.
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Rectal biopsies every 6–12 months are advised following IRA
ASCRS CPG postOp surveillance
Routine surveillance of ileal pouches for dysplasia in the ileal mucosa is not warranted.
Pouchoscopy is typically done at 1Y postOp then
Q1-3Y if there was evidence of neoplasia in the proctocolectomy
Q3-5Y if there was no evidence of neoplasia
Surveillance of the residual rectal cuff or the anal transition zone following restorative proctocolectomy may detect malignant degeneration.
Although the optimal surveillance interval remains largely anecdotal, patients should be counseled about the risk of malignant degeneration in or near the anal transition zone, and can be offered periodic surveillance by endoscopic or anoscopic means every few years, or when symptomatic
ASCRS Textbook recommends surveillance of ATZ Q1-3Y
Indeterminate colitis now called IBD-unspecified: accounts for 10-15% of IBD patients
The Montreal Working Party recommended that the term indeterminate colitis should be reserved only for those cases where colectomy has been performed and pathologists are unable to make a definitive diagnosis of either CD or UC after full examination
Ultimately, most patients with an initial IC diagnosis will be found to have UC.
In the absence of current or historical clinical features of CD, most IC patients could be considered for IPAA, with expectations of functional outcome and pouch retention rates similar to that of UC patients
Often clinicians are confronted with IBD patients who are difficult to diagnose with IBD or who do not fit nicely into the category of CD or CUC. In these patients, Prometheus® antigen testing panel has been used as a diagnostic aid. Now in its fourth generation the panel assesses nine antigens, Prometheus testing is reserved for helping to diagnose cases that are difficult to classify based on traditional testing. Prometheus testing is most helpful in ruling out IBD, but may also have a role in differentiating between CUC vs. indeterminate colitis vs. CD, although it may not have adequate specificity for that indication
Crohn's Disease
Surgeon’s note: Don’t operate on Crohn’s Disease operate on its complications
In patients with more than 20Y of disease, the cumulative probability of surgery is ~78%
Probability of surgery:
14-16% in 1Y of Dx
27-33% in 5Y of Dx
38-47% in 10Y of Dx
Before the era of anti-TNF therapy, 27-61% within 5Y of Dx
Risk of 2nd surgery: 28-45%
If defined exclusively by the need for reoperation, recurrence rates are only 25-30% at 5 years and 40-50% at 20 years. To put this in perspective, after a first resection for Crohn’s disease, about 45% of patients will ultimately require a second operation, of whom only 25% will require a third operation
Gastrointestinal cancer remains the leading cause of disease-related death in patients with Crohn’s disease; other causes of disease-related deaths include sepsis, thromboembolic complications, and electrolyte disorders
The small bowel is the part most commonly involved
15% have disease limited to the colon
Cigarette smoking is protective in UC, whereas it is a risk factor for developing (& for more severe) Crohn’s Disease
In regards to Crohn’s disease, smoking is associated with an increase in the incidence of relapse and failure of maintenance therapy
There is a strong familial association, with the risk for developing Crohn’s disease increased about 30-fold in siblings and 15-fold for all FDRs
Describe the disease
Regardless of the distribution and behavior of the intestinal component of the process, many patients have anal manifestations of the disease
Activity: acute/severe, acute fulminant, active/chronic, chronic, dormant
Behaviour: inflammatory, stricturizing, fistulizing/penetrating, neither
Strictures are not amenable to medical therapy once fibrosis sets in
Distribution: ileal, ileocolic, colic, isolated upper GI
Small bowel disease is the most common
General Surgery Review Course: Biologics are less effective for small bowel fistulas
For duodenal disease: resection is rarely need; plasty or bypass are best options
CD Activity Index
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Extraintestinal manifestations:
Ankylosing spondylitis most prevalent in HLA-B27⊕ patients
Erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum
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Sclerosing cholangitis
Uveitis, iritis
Aphthous stomatitis
The combination of clinical disease activity, endoscopic findings, and histology generates accurate diagnosis
Labs: ↑ CRP/ESR; IDA; ↓Albumin; ⊕ ASCA; ⊖ p-ANCA
Pathologic findings:
Grossly: creeping fat of the mesentery ± strictures of the small/large intestines
“Creeping fat” is nonspecific and is found in other inflammatory conditions, including diverticular disease
Endoscopically: Linear ulcerations with cobblestone appearance
Coalescence and spread of the ulcers leads to the classic cobblestoned mucosal appearance
Pseudopolyps (resulting from inflammation & reactive hyperplasia) are more commonly seen in UC than CD
Crypt abscesses are less frequent than in UC (seen also in infectious colitis)
Transmural inflammation (predominantly submucosal) & lymphoid aggregation (not seen in UC)
Ulceration & deep fissures to the serosa (not seen in UC)
20-25% demonstrate noncaseating granulomas (Pathognomonic for Crohn’s)
Sabiston: Characteristic histologic lesions of Crohn’s disease are noncaseating granulomas with Langerhans’ giant cells
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Surgical indications
Traditional therapy for patients with terminal ileitis found at the time of surgery for appendicitis has been to perform an appendectomy when the cecum is normal, leave the ileum in place, and treat with medical therapy after surgery. A contradictory experience, however, has reported that 92% of patients found to have terminal ileitis at the time of surgery and who did not undergo resection require ileocolic resection for complications of Crohn’s disease within 12 years.
Early resection rather than the initiation of anit-TNF therapy may be appropriate in patients with limited, nonstricturing ileocecal CD as supported by an RCT that compared early laparoscopic ileocecal resection (n = 73) and infliximab initiation (n = 70) and demonstrated ↑ QoL scores and ↓ overall cost in the operative group
Intractability is the most common indication for operative treatment
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For immunomodulators, a plateau in improvement of clinical symptoms is demonstrated within 12-16w
Inability to wean off corticosteroids within 3–6 months is also considered failure of medical management
ASCRS CPG 2015: If a patient cannot tolerate medical therapy other than steroids, or if their disease is limited in extent (e.g short segment ileocolic disease), surgery should be strongly considered
When in doubt of whether to keep the rectum or not in a Crohn’s colitis, evaluate distensibility of the rectum with endoscopy. If stiff, it needs to be resected
Massive LGIB: most commonly from the terminal ileum
LGIB in general is more common with UC, but massive bleeding is more likely Crohn’s disease related
Endoscopic clipping may be difficult in the presence of inflamed and friable mucosa and rebleeding in patients successfully managed with nonoperative measures may be reduced with anti-TNF therapy
Recurrence of bleeding after non-operative and even operative management is not uncommon and undermines the importance of accurate localization studies prior to intervention. This can be aided with highly selective methylene blue injection to localize occult bleeding sites
Severe/fulminant colitis, toxic megacolon
See Ulcerative Colitis for details
Strictures are classified as either inflammatory or fibrotic; the chronicity of symptoms and CRP levels can aid in differentiating between the two
Stricturoplasty is not indicated for disease of the terminal ileum. In most series, the recurrence rate of Crohn’s disease requiring reresection in patients who have undergone ileocolic resection, is approximately 50% in 10 years.
7% of asymptomatic colonic strictures will harbor malignancy; there’s a high rate of false negative Bx
Symptomatic strictures typically require surgery or endoscopic dilation
Outcomes of endoscopic dilation
Very high success rate (90%); only a single dilation is required in ⅔ of patients
Low complication rate (3%)
Rate of surgery after endoscopic dilation: 13%
20–25 % of surgeries for Crohn’s disease are secondary to obstruction
Stenting of anastomotic strictures tends to be successful but has high migration rates
Perforation, fistula, abscess
Abscesses is the indication for 7-25% of surgeries performed on Crohn’s
The majority of patients managed non-operatively will require surgery
Percutaneous drainage used as a bridge to bowel resection compared with bowel resection without prior PD results:
↓ overall complications,
↓ need for diverting stoma
↓ overall cost
No difference in rates of postoperative enterocutaneous fistula and anastomotic leak
Anti-TNF therapy in the setting of an inflammatory mass (ie, phlegmon) with a concomitant abscess typically carries a low risk when initiated after intravenous antibiotics and PD of the abscess, as needed
75-85% occur in the postOp period and are secondary to anastomotic leaks or inadvertent injury to the bowel
Spontaneous enterocutaneous fistulas are unlikely to heal without surgical intervention
Enterocutaneous fistulas are managed with drainage of abscesses if present & nutritional support and medical management. 50% of patients will be able to resolve the acute episode, and some of those will not require surgery.
Penetrating disease is particularly sensitive to anticytokine therapy, and a conservative approach to Crohn’s related fistula is most appropriate. However, many of these patients will require eventual resection as the disease progresses
Surgical management (consider interposition of omentum after resection)
Active disease only in fistulizing segment → resect active disease segment + repair the ‘fistulized-to’ organ
Active disease in both segments → resect both
The mere presence of a fistula does not necessarily mandate surgery, especially in the absence of malabsorption, intractable diarrhea, or recurrent infection
Free perforation:
Except for the rare situation of a free perforation with diffuse peritonitis, surgical intervention should be undertaken only in an optimally prepared patient by a surgeon prepared for a complex, multiorgan procedure
Perforation of small bowel secondary to stricture is best managed with resection + anastomosis ± proximal diversion
Resection is guided by the extent of disease activity. Frequently requiring a total colectomy + ileostomy
Site of perforation is at the atonic, thickened, transmurally inflamed, obstructed segment
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Patients with Crohn’s disease have 2-3X increased risk of CRC compared to the general population (this occurs also at a younger age of 49-56Y)
Literature supports that there is a higher risk of developing cancer in bypassed bowel and that it comes with a poor prognosis. It is for this reason that bypass surgery should be avoided and that defunctionalized rectal stumps should be removed if there is no plan for the patient to be placed back in continuity.
ASCRS CPG: Postinflammatory pseudopolyps are thought to increase the risk of CRC, and inflammation is believed to be risk factor for progression to colorectal neoplasia
Finding of dysplasia is an indication for resection because of the high risk of associated cancer (40%)
The predictive value of HGD for a final HGD or cancer diagnosis was 73 %
A good approach is to offer segmental resection if only one segment of the colon is involved. Total colectomy is offered if ≥ 2 segments are involved
When assessing whether the rectum should be resected or not (when not involved by cancer), evaluate its distensibility with endoscopy. Fibrotic rectums require resection
Polyps should be biopsied, as routine, in addition to the surrounding mucosa in four quadrants to sample for dysplasia or cancer
Although colonic strictureplasty has been reported, this is generally discouraged due to a lack of proven benefit as well as concerns about potential carcinoma being left in situ
Extracolonic manifestations — With resection of active disease:
Erythema nodosum & pyoderma gangrenosum are likely to improve
Ankylosing spondylitis & PSC are not likely to improve
Enteric findings suggestive of active disease rather than chronic fibrostenotic disease:
Mural hyperenhancement — is the most sensitive for active disease
Bowel wall thickening
Mural stratification
Extraenteric engorged vasa recta (comb sign)
Fat stranding
Surgical considerations & options
Surgery for early ileocecal disease
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LIRIC trial
Symptomatic relapsing ileocecal disease without obstructive symptoms randomized to IFX or Lap ileocecal resection
20% of patients in IFX arm finally required surgery
Improved cost-savings and improved QoL with surgery
Long term analysis:
48% of IFX arm required resection and 58% still required biologics
50% of surgery arm did not require any further medical treatment
Salvage surgery (after failing IFX) was associated with higher stoma rates
Identify the extent of the disease preOp
CT or MR Enterography
MRE is better at demonstrating endo-luminal abnormalities and ulcerations
Endoscopic balloon dilatation tends to have similar outcomes to surgery for structuring disease
Outcomes of endoscopic dilation
Very high success rate (90%); only a single dilation is required in ⅔ of patients
Low complication rate (3%)
Rate of surgery after endoscopic dilation: 13%
Surgical considerations:
When surgery is done for complications, the resection should be limited to the site involved with the complications. Diseased bowel that is not causing the complication should not be resected
Intestine should be resected with the aim of obtaining margins free of disease by gross inspection
Frozen sections of the margins of resection are unnecessary because positive microscopic margins are not predictive of postoperative recurrence
Stapled side-to-side anastomosis has fewer anastomotic leaks, shorter OR time, as well as lower rate of reoperation for recurrence compared to hand-sewn end-to-end
McLeod et al. performed a multicenter, randomized controlled trial comparing stapled sideto-side (ST) and hand-sewn end-to-end (HS) ileocolic anastomoses in Crohn’s disease patients. They did not find a difference with regard to overall complication rate. They concluded that the type of anastomosis did not affect recurrence of the disease [
ASCRS CPG: when possible, if a patient is on an every 8 weeks dosing regimen, the optimal time to perform surgery may be approximately 4 weeks after the last monoclonal antibody dose to allow for a washout period of about one half-life, with the plan to resume the monoclonal antibody about 4 weeks after surgery, if necessary, for postoperative treatment or prophylaxis
Ileocolectomy with primary anastomosis usually has acceptable anastomotic leak rates. For patients with multiple risk factors (smoking, steroid use, weight loss), temporary diversion should typically be considered
There remains controversy as to whether extended mesenteric resection helps control the disease and decreases recurrence and re-operation rates
Diversion only
A temporizing measure for colonic or anal disease, it allows inflammation to settle
Considered when resection is hazardous or as a first step for severely symptomatic disease
If 1 segment is involved → segmental resection
If multiple segments are involved → total colectomy ± proctectomy
Patients may develop ileorectal syndrome
Ileorectal syndrome: anal tone simulates SBO and its physiology → prolonged ileus
After ileocolic resection, patients may have impairment of bile-salt absorption that results in diarrhea. Management options include cholestyramine
Intersphincteric proctectomy decreases the risk of perineal wound complications
There is no rush for proctectomy for less symptomatic patients, but the stump has ↑ risk of cancer
The presence of rectal stricturing that precludes endoscopic evaluation is especially worrisome. In the absence of known or suspected malignancy, completion proctectomy with intersphincteric anal dissection is recommended
Requires evaluation (±scope) in the event of: cancer, diversion proctitis, or recurrent disease
Healing may be impaired by anal fistulas — Management:
Fistulectomy ± wide excision
Consider: VAC or Myocutaneous flaps
Usually not recommended 2ry to risk of recurrent disease at the pouch or perianally
Patient selection is paramount: ⊖ small bowel disease + ⊖ anal involvement + normal sphincter + long disease free interval post-colectomy
With appropriate patient selection, 5Y pouch survival rate is ≥ 85% (still lower than that of UC patients)
PostOp considerations & recurrences
Recurrence tends to occur at site of previous resection
Endoscopy is warranted at 6m postOp to assess for recurrence
Rutgeerts score was developed to predict post-surgical recurrence via endoscopy in patients after having ileocolonic resection
Chongthammakun et al. Gastroenterol Rep 2017 Nov: Median duration from EI to the first ileoscopy was 28 months (interquartile range: 11-93 months)
Rutgeerts score ≥ i2 is usually managed with anti-TNF ± thiopurine
Recurrence rate varies by the definition used
Endoscopic recurrence at 1Y = 60-80%
Olaison et al. found even higher rates. They found 73 % of patients had endoscopic recurrence at 3 months, with 33 % being symptomatic. At 1 year, the endoscopic rate had increased to 93 % with a correlating symptomatic rate of 37 %
Clinical recurrence at 1Y = 10-20%
Clinical recurrence at 5Y = 28-45%
Surgical recurrence at 1Y = 5%
Risk factors for postOp recurrence (reoperation rate is 5% per year)
Shorter preoperative disease duration is associated with increased recurrence
Age < 30Y
Smokers have higher rates of both postoperative clinical recurrence (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.4-3.3) and surgical recurrence (OR 2.6, 95%CI 1.8-3.8) at 10 year follow-up
Penetrating or fistulizing disease
Presence of granuloma in the specimen
End-end anastomosis of ileocolic resection has higher recurrence rate than side-side
Low risk patients:
Metronidazole X 3m postOp has been shown to decrease recurrence
High risk patients are started on therapy 8w following resection
Treatment-naive patients: start azathioprine or 6MP
Treatment non-naive patients: start anti-TNF
Start colonoscopy 8Y after Dx, continuing Q1-2Y
Simple Endoscopy Score - Crohn’s Disease (SES-CD)
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Aphthous ulcers have a very characteristic appearance. The ulcers are discrete and usually 3 to 5 mm in diameter (picture 1A-C). They have an erythematous halo at the margin and a yellowish exudate centrally.
Score < 2 → remission
Score 3-6 → mild
Score 7-15 → moderate
Score > 16 → severe
Remember that strictured segments may not be accessible and may harbor malignancy
Patients with PSC, a family Hx of CRC, inflammatory pseudopolyps, strictures, or ongoing inflammation may warrant more frequent evaluation
Polyps should be biopsied, as routine, in addition to surrounding the surrounding mucosa in four quadrants to sample for dysplasia or cancer
Toxic colitis
Inflammatory: IBD, chemotherapy
Bacterial: C-Diff, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, or Entamoeba
Viral: CMV
In patients with HIV infection or AIDS, CMV colitis is the leading cause of toxic megacolon and emergency laparotomy; this usually occurs in the setting of disseminated CMV infection
Vascular: ischemic colitis
The acute severe mucosal inflammation becomes transmural and extends into the smooth muscle layer, resulting in loss of motor tone and paralysis. The severely inflamed smooth muscle produces nitric oxide, which is released into the colonic wall and further inhibits smooth muscle tone and causes dysmotility and atony. The toxic systemic response results from bacterial translocation and subsequent bacteremia
Toxic colitis = fever + ↑HR + ↑WBC
Deterioration or lack of improvement within 48 to 72 hours of the initiation of medical treatment warrants an urgent procedure
Toxic megacolon = toxic colitis + ≥ 6-8 cm transverse colon on X-ray
Once the transverse colon is dilated past 8 cm, there should be great concern for pending perforation.
UTD ‘most widely used criteria’ for toxic megacolon (all need to be met):
Radiologic evidence of colonic dilation > 6 cm
At least 3 of the following:
Fever > 38 ℃
HR > 120
WBC > 10.5
At least 1 of the following:
Altered sensorium
Electrolyte imbalance
Bacteremia occurs in up to 25% of patients with toxic megacolon
No evidence to support NGT decompression without small bowel dilatation
Frequent patient repositioning is simple & may be attempted, but is not supported by strong evidence
Stop Rx affecting colonic motility: opioids, antimotility agents, & anticholinergics
DVT & gastric ulcer prophylaxis
Broad spectrum Abx
Serial examinations, labs, & X-rays
Establish etiology
Limited endoscopy may be considered to determine the cause of toxic megacolon in patients who are not known to have IBD
It should be performed with extreme caution, without bowel preparation, and with minimal air insufflation
For IBD: hydrocortison 100mg Q6-8h
There is no evidence that steroid therapy increases the risk for perforation
Aminosalicylic acid products are useful for mild-moderate cases, but no data supports their use in toxic megacolon
C-Diff: vancomycin PO/PT/enema or Flagyl
Perforation & abdominal compartment syndrome increase the mortality rate from 9% to 40%
Ask for stoma marking early on, in case it is needed
Indications for surgery
Lack of improvement within 48-72h
Uncontrolled hemorrhage
Progressive colonic dilatation
Development of complications or perforation
Patients with CMV colitis or C. difficile infection respond poorly to medical therapy and often require emergent laparotomy with subtotal colectomy and ileostomy
Procedure of choice: total colectomy + end ileostomy
The rectum should not be resected at the time of this emergent operation, despite how inflamed it may appear.
If the rectosigmoid junction appears too inflamed to hold staples or sutures, then the surgeon should leave a short segment of sigmoid colon to form a mucous fistula to decompress the remaining colon and rectum. If a rectal stump is left in the peritoneal cavity, it should be decompressed in the operating room with a rectal tube that is left in place to allow for further postoperative decompression and possible vancomycin enemas
Alternative surgery for C-Diff:
May be associated with improved survival, but indicators for patient selection is still unclear
1. Visual assessment for colonic viability
2. Creation of loop ileostomy
3. Lavage: 8L of warmed PEG drained via a rectal tube
4. Postoperative antegrade enema: Vancomycin 500mg in 500ml of RL Q8h X 10days
Ischemic colitis
If the ischemia is limited to the most vulnerable layer of the intestine, the mucosa, the disease may be transient and recovery may be complete
Ischemia involving the muscularis → scarring and chronic stricture
Ischemia affecting the full thickness → gangrene, perforation and fecal peritonitis
The combination of abdominal pain, tenesmus, hematochezia/bloody diarrhea is present in about half of the patients
It tends to be segmental, based on the affected blood supply. The left colon (including the splenic flexure) is the most commonly affected segment, followed by the sigmoid colon. About 25% of patients demonstrate isolated right-sided IC. Patients with right-sided IC are more likely to have atrial fibrillation
After resolution, about 10% of patients will have a recurrence
A small proportion will continue to have chronic colitis lasting more than 3 months with continued symptoms
“Thumb printing,” which is indicative of submucosal edema, is the most common radiographic finding in patients with ischemic colitis
Flexible endoscopy is the gold standard for the diagnosis. The finding of hemorrhagic dusky mucosa is typical. Patches of inflammation may be interspersed with healthy-appearing mucosa
Mainstay of medical management is bowel rest, resuscitation & minimizing use of vasopressors, maximize cardiac output, & broad spectrum Abx. OCP is also stopped as it has been associated with ischemic colitis
Because loss of integrity of the mucosa may result in bacterial translocation, broad-spectrum antibiotics are generally advocated
Multiphasic CTA should be performed to exclude acute mesenteric ischemia in cases of pain of sudden onset that is out of proportion to physical and laboratory findings. Multiphasic CTA also is recommended after an endoscopically or CT-diagnosed isolated right colon IC because this may be an indicator of SMA occlusive disease
The mortality rate approaches 50% in patients who require acute surgical intervention for ischemic colitis
Indications for Surgical Intervention in Patients With Ischemic Colitis:
Bowel perforation
Bowel necrosis
Fulminant colitis
Massive hemorrhage
Intractable symptoms lasting >2 weeks
Recurrent sepsis
Chronic colitis
Ischemic stricture
Malnutrition from protein-losing enteropathy
Diversion colitis
Thought to develop as a result of butyrate deficiency
Endoscopic findings
Tissue palor
Mucus plugs
Contact irritations
Bx are likely to demonstrate acute on chronic inflammation ± crypt architectural abnormalities
Presence of lymphoid follicular hyperplasia is pathognomonic
Short-chain fatty acid enemas BID (up to 6w)
5-ASA enemas
Steroid enemas
Disinfectant and corrosive colitis
Etiology (often associated with cleaning solutions for endoscopes)
Hydrogen peroxide bases
Glutaraldhyde formulations
Finding of plaques on withdrawal of an endoscope that were not seen on introduction raises suspicion for this type of injury
No treatment is necessary
Prevention is with thorough rinsing of endoscopes
NSAID & salicylate-induced colitis
NSAIDs may cause
Colonic mucosal injury and ulceration
Colonic stricture formation
Presentation may be with diarrhea, rectal bleeding, or abdominal pain
Treatment is discontinuation of offending agents ± (5-ASA or steroid enemas)
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis associated colitis
Endoscopic findings often show diffuse ulceration ± necrosis
Pathologic examination often demonstrates intact muscular layer with no crypt abscesses on pathology
Asymptomatic high-risk patients:
Populations at risk:
Current ulcerative STIs
HIV seropositivity
Men who have sex with men (MSM) engaging in unprotected receptive anal intercourse
Method: regular universal testing for STIs
Symptomatic patients with:
Painful/painless perianal/genital lesions
Genital lesions in young sexually active patients are most likely to be genital herpes or syphilis
Suggested screening: syphilis, HSV, and HIV
Rectal/vaginal/urethral discharge
Swabs should be taken before doing a rectal exam with lubricant given its bacteriostatic properties.
Presence of both proctitis symptoms + anal ulceration = very likely to have HSV (83 %) or gonorrhea
Empiric treatment for proctitis should be given at the time of evaluation rather than waiting for test results and should consist of treatment for (all three):
Gonorrhea (ceftriaxone 250 mg intramuscular × 1 day)
Chlamydia/LGV (doxycycline 100 mg bid × 21 days)
HSV (valacyclovir 1 g bid × 10 days)
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Testing and diagnosis
NAAT has sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 97%
Men: first catch urine
Women: vaginal swab; endocervical swab if suspecting PID
NAAT is recommended for all situations except:
Prepubescent patients
Potential treatment failures
N. Gonorrhea
Neisseria gonorrhoea: intracellular Gram⊖ diplococci
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The 2nd most common notifiable communicable disease in the USA
Most infection in men manifests with:
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Disseminated infection
Infections tend to be asymptomatic in women, although they can cause:
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Screening & testing
CDC recommends routine screening of oropharyngeal, anorectal, and urogenital sites for all MSM who are sexually active and at risk for STI.
CDC recommends that NAATs be used in all circumstances to detect chlamydia and gonorrhea
Men: first catch urine or urethral swab
Women: vaginal swabs (self- or clinician-collected) or endocervical swab if a pelvic examination is also indicated
Culture testing indicated to evaluate for Abx susceptibility if treatment failure is clinically expected or if NAAT positivity persists
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Ceftriaxone 250mg IM X1 + azithromycin 1g PO X1
Alternative: Doxycycline 100mg PO BID X 7d
Sexual partners of infected patients in the preceding 2 months should also undergo treatment the same regimen
Chlamydia trachomatis
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The most common notifiable disease in the USA
Presentations / manifestations
Most patients are asymptomatic or have mild nonspecific symptoms
Men most commonly have symptoms of urethritis, less frequently epididymitis or infertility
Some develop proctocolitis
Ocular infection and reactivation arthritis can also occur
Screening & testing
CDC and the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend screening sexually active women aged 24 and younger for chlamydia, as well as older women at increased risk for infection
Routine universal screening for men is not recommended
For all MSM reporting receptive anorectal intercourse, rectal chlamydia screening is recommended
Recommended testing method is with NAAT
Men: 1st catch urine or urethral swab
Women: vaginal swab
Azithromycin 1g PO X1
Alternative: Doxycycline 100mg PO BID X 7d
Sexual partners of infected patients in the preceding 2 months should undergo testing and treatment
Routine test-of-cure several weeks after treatment is not recommended by the CDC if the patient has undergone appropriate treatment and is asymptomatic with no suspicion of re-infection. However, recurrent chlamydia infections are common in both men and women. When indicated, repeat testing should be performed three months after treatment
Lymphogranuloma venereum (C. Trachomatis)
Caused by C. Trachomatis serovars L1, L2, and L3 → result in severe inflammation and invasive infection
Inguinal syndrome (genital inoculation): painful inguinal/femoral lymphadenopathy (buboes) ± genital ulcers
Anorectal syndrome: ulcerative proctitis/proctocolitis (mucopurulent discharge + tenesmus + constitutional symptoms)
Untreated LGV can result in severe complications:
Colorectal fistulas
Pelvic fibrosis
There is no routine diagnostic test for LGV serovars
It can be mistaken for IBD even on pathologic examination (may even cause granulomas)
Doxycycline 100mg PO BID X 3w
Buboes require aspiration or I&D to prevent ulcerations
Sexual partners for the prior 60d should be treated
Stages of infection
Primary syphilis
HIV⊕ patients have higher rate of asymptomatic primary syphilis
Solitary non-tender genital chancre
± Proctitis: bleeding, pain, tenesmus
Regional lymphadenopathy
Secondary syphilis: rash, fever, malaise, pharyngitis, hepatitis, mucous patches, condyloma lata, alopecia
Tertiary syphilis
Cardiovascular system or gummatous disease (granulomatous disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, bones, or viscera)
Neurosyphilis (meningitis & stroke)
Screening with non-treponemal tests: VDRL and RPR (they become positive within 3w of the primary chancre)
Dark field examination to detect T. Palladium in lesion exudate or tissue may be successful in diagnosing early syphilis
Confirmatory treponemal tests (usually remain reactive for life in patients who have had a reactive test at one point):
Fluorescent treponemal absorption tests
T. pallidum passive particle agglutination assay
All sexually active MSM should be screened at least annually for syphilis, more frequently if they engage in high-risk sexual practices
Repeat testing with non-treponemal tests should be performed at 6 and 12 months after treatment
Penicillin G 2.4 million units IM X1 for primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis
Patients coinfected with HIV should be treated with the regimen recommended for the treatment of neurosyphilis
Pregnant women with syphilis and a penicillin allergy should undergo desensitization and treated with penicillin
Repeat testing with non-treponemal tests should be performed at 6 and 12 months after treatment
Caused by Haemophilus ducreyi
Usually presents with multiple painful purulent genital ulcers that progress through pustular and ulcerative stages
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There are no FDA-approved tests for it in the USA. Thus, diagnosis of chancroid is made based on symptoms of painful genital ulceration and regional lymphadenopathy in the absence of syphilis and HSV
First-line treatment of chancroid includes azithromycin, erythromycin, ceftriaxone, and ciprofloxacin
Inguinal bubo formation requires at least a two-week course of antibiotic therapy and may also require aspiration or incision and drainage to prevent spontaneous rupture
Donovanosis (Granuloma Inguinale)
Caused by Klebsiella granulomatis
Donovanosis + HIV = ↑ aggressiveness and can result in malignant transformation
Transmission is via sexual contact, fecal contamination, and autoinoculation
Clinical presentation includes papules or nodules that progress into a painless ulcer, usually in the genital area
Testing is performed using tissue smears from the lesions and microscopic identification of characteristic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies (Donovan bodies) or with PCR
Treatment regimens include 3w course of doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin base, or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
HSV-1 and HSV-2 may cause anogenital herpes infection
Most cases are caused by HSV-2
HSV-2 infection is more likely to cause recurrences than HSV-1 infection
Present with multiple painful vesicular ulcers
HSV is the most common cause of proctitis among HIV-positive men
Cell culture or PCR (although a negative result may be attributed to intermittent viral shedding)
Serologic assays are useful for symptomatics but with negative cultures
Routine screening of the general population is not recommended
The first clinical episode of genital herpes can cause severe ulcerations as well as systemic symptoms. Therefore, treatment with antiviral therapy—acyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir—is recommended to shorten the course of the episode.
Suppressive antiviral therapy can decrease the number of recurrences in patients with frequent recurrences (at least four per year)
HPV (see ‘The Anus: HPV’)
HIV screening is recommended for all patients who present for STI testing
If patient is suspected of having acute HIV infection, then a nucleic acid test should be performed in addition to the antibody test, and the patient should be referred immediately to an infectious disease specialist
Molluscum contagiosum
Caused by Molluscipoxvirus
Causes small, waxy, dome-shaped umbilicate papules
Risk factors include shaving
Transmission: skin-skin & autoinoculation to other sites
Dx is made with visual inspection. Dermatoscopy may aid in Dx
Treatment is similar to that of genital warts (cryotherapy, curette) or Podophyllotoxin
Immunocompetent patients will self-resolve the lesions over months to years. Therefore, treatment is offered to speed up the healing process
Immunocompromised patients are treated to prevent non-healing wounds and superinfections
Pubic lice: Phthirus pubis
Dx: by finding lice on pubic hair
Transmission is by direct contact, therefore: Dx of pubic lice should prompt testing for other STIs
Treatment: permethrin 1% cream or pyrethrins 0.3%/piperonyl but oxide 4%
Alternative treatment: ivermectin PO
Permethrin should be used on the day of Dx and again 7-10d later to completely eradicate the infestations as the treatment does not kill the eggs
Laundering clothes and feedings in hot water should be done to prevent reinfection
Caused by Sacroptes scabiei
Trasmission: skin-to-skin contact
The mites burrow into the skin, creating wavy scaly lines on the skin surface, usually located on the hands and feet, typically in finger webs
Causes intense pruritic rash
Infants, children, and immunosuppressed patients may develop more severe vesicular and pustule rash
Skin scrapings is done by applying mineral oil to the skin and scraping laterally across the lesion then examining microscopically for mites, eggs, and fecal pellets
1st line treatment: permethrin 5% cream applied from the neck down (all the body), then washed off 8-14h later. Reapplication of the cream is performed 7d later to ensure eradication. Pruritic may press for up to 2w after treatment
Laundering clothes and feedings in hot water should be done to prevent reinfection
Large bowel obstruction
1. Colorectal cancer (account for >50% in the USA)
2. Volvulus
Unlike many other conditions of the colon, the Western hemisphere actually has a lower incidence of colonic volvulus than other regions worldwide. In the region known as the volvulus belt, an area extending along South America, Africa, the Middle East, India, and Russia, colonic volvulus is more common, and accounts for approximately 50% of all cases of colonic obstruction.
The ‘volvulus belt’
Presentation may be urgent/emergent or as a relapsing chronic form of recurrent obstructions
Sigmoid volvulus is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in pregnancy worldwide occurring at rates of 3.1–12.5%
Sigmoid volvulus patients are more likely older, male, and institutionalized
For ileosigmoid knotting: Imaging may suggest the diagnosis by a distended sigmoid colon on the right and distended small bowel loops on the left
Bowel almost exclusively twists in counterclockwise direction around mesocolic axis
Volvulus < 180 degrees is physiologic
Volvulus > 180 degrees results in mechanical luminal obstruction
Volvulus > 360 degrees results in vascular compromise
Sigmoid volvulus (75%)
1. Endoscopic or operative detorsion
Successful in 75-95%
Endoscopic decompression alone has an extremely high recurrence (50-70%) and still carries a mortality of 6%.
May be performed with rigid proctoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy
A long flexible tube, such as a small-caliber chest tube or nasogastric tube, may be left in place to allow for continued decompression and to prevent retorsion.
Confirm successful reduction and absence of air under diaphragm by abdominal x-ray following detorsion procedure
Failure of endoscopic decompression is an indication for surgery
2. Operative
Resection of the sigmoid colon generally is accepted as the best method to address acute and chronic sigmoid volvulus.
Successful decompression is usually followed by semi-elective resection (usually < 5-7 days — during the same admission). Colonoscopy should be performed before elective surgery to exclude an associated neoplasm
In 2 retrospective reviews, emergency surgery at the time of recurrent sigmoid volvulus had much higher mortality (13% and 62%) than patients who had elective surgery following their initial volvulus episode (3.3% and 32%)
All fixation techniques carry a recurrence risk of ≥ 25%
The amount of bowel resected is determined by areas of ischemia and/or redundancy
Resection + (Hartmann’s pouch Vs anastomosis) is dependent on patient factors
Sigmoid resection with primary anastomosis has been associated with the greatest success in patients who have not developed gangrene
In patients with a history of volvulus in other segments of the colon or concurrent megacolon, subtotal colectomy should be considered because it may be more effective in preventing future volvulus than sigmoid colectomy alone
Resection can be done through a LLQ incision alone
ASCRS CPG 2021: Endoscopic fixation of the sigmoid colon may be considered in selected patients in whom operative intervention presents a prohibitive risk. Grade of recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C.
In pregnancy
Endoscopic detorsion should be undertaken in the first trimester with elective resection delayed until the second trimester, when the risk to the fetus is diminished
During the third trimester, endoscopic detorsion should be followed by close observation allowing for completion of fetal maturity, followed by delivery, and then elective resection
Cecal bascule & volvulus
Cecal bascule: the cecum turns anteriorly over a fixed ascending colon
The cecal bascule commonly causes intermittent bouts of abdominal pain because the mobile cecum permits intermittent episodes of isolated cecal obstruction that are spontaneously relieved as the cecum falls back into its normal position.
Cecal volvulus: the cecum turns along it’s mesenteric axis
Nonviable or gangrenous cecum is present in 18-44% of patients with cecal volvulus and is associated with a significant mortality rate
Operative fixation has ≥ 26% recurrence and a mortality of 5-10% (similar to resection)
Cecopexy: The colon is sutured into position using the surgeon’s suture of choice in either a running or interrupted fashion
Cecostomy tube: has a mortality double that of resection
A cecostomy is created by placing a purse-string suture (usually two layers) on the anterior surface of the cecum, then creating an enterotomy in the middle and placing a drainage tube (typically a Malecot tube [28F to 32F]) into the lumen of the cecum. This is tied into position and the tube then is drained externally providing a fixation point and relieving distension.
The amount of bowel resected is determined by areas of ischemia and or redundancy
Surgical resection: < 1% recurrence and a mortality of 5-10%
Anastomotic complications (to include leak/abscess/fistula) are as high as 15%
Transverse & splenic flexure volvulus
Surgical intervention is recommended because of the belief of high recurrence rate with endoscopic treatment alone
Ileosigmoid knotting
If ileosigmoid knotting is suspected, these patients should be resuscitated and emergently explored
3. Diverticular disease
4. Other:
Extrinsic tumor
Fecal impaction
Foreign body
Hirschsprung’s disease
It is caused by interruption of the normal migration of the neuroenteric cells (Meissner’s & Auerbach’s) from the neural crest before they reach the rectum.
Aganglionic area lacks nitric oxide synthase → lack of the muscle relaxant nitric oxide → constriction
Transition zone is usually (80%) the rectosigmoid colon
Incidence: 1 in 5,000 live births
♂ 4:1 ♀ (except in total colonic aganglionosis in which ♀>♂)
RET proto-oncogene mutations compromise nearly ½ of all familial cases & a smaller fraction of sporadic cases
Delayed passage of meconium (> 48h)
Poor feeding, poor weight gain, progressive abdominal distension
Evaluation & Dx
Xray: dilated bowel loops (the dilated part is the normal segment of bowel)
Barium enema with a rectum/sigmoid ratio of <1 is diagnostic
Barium enema is the primary diagnostic radiologic study and should be done before a rectal examination or washout enema is administered as that might decompress the characteristic transition zone
Rule out congenital abnormalities
Evaluate for the presence of Hirschsprung’s associated eneterocolitis
Gold standard Dx is with Bx
Avoid Bx in the distal most rectum (0.5-1cm from dentate line) as that segment may normally be aganglionic
Infants: bedside suction rectal Bx of mucosa and submucosa is appropriate
Older children & adults: full thickness distal rectal Bx
Bx results
Absence of ganglion cells in submucosa
Hypertrophic parasympathetic nerve trunks
acetylcholinesterase staining
Absence of calretinin positive nerves
Anorectal manometry is useful in adults but not paediatrics
Absence of RAIR should raise suspicion for certain pathologic conditions, including Hirschsprung’s disease, Chagas disease, dermatomyositis, and scleroderma
Pediatric population
PreOp: bedside decompression with rectal irrigation 20-30ml/kg Q6h
If the transition zone is higher than can be reached by the washouts, the decompression is going to be unsuccessful and the patient will require a formal levelling colostomy. If the washouts are successful in decompressing the obstruction, an elective repair is contemplated
Stage 1: Colostomy creation / Levelling procedure
Levelling procedure = intraoperative biopsies are serially obtained to determine the level of ganglionosis
Identify transition zone
Transect bowel proximal to the transition zone
Stage 2: Pull through ± proximal diversion
Throughout the procedure, full-thickness Bx are obtained at various levels to determine the level of ganglionosis on frozen sections
Swenson procedure
Resection of the entire aganglionic segment down to the dentate line
Perineal coloanal anastomosis
Duhamel procedure (rectorectal pull-through)
Posterior rectal dissection
The bowel is divided proximal to the transition zone (in the normally innervated colon)
From a transanal approach, an incision is made in the posterior rectal wall 1cm proximal to the dentate line
An anastomosis is made
Optional step: linear stapler is used to divide the common wall between the native rectal vault and the ganglionic colon to create a side-to-side anastomosis
This can be used as a salvage procedure for failed Swenson procedure
Soave-Boley procedure (submucosal endorectal pull-through)
Main advantage: minimizes risk to pelvic structures during dissection
The aganglionic intestine is resected to the level of the rectum below the peritoneal reflection
A submucosal dissection from both the pelvic side and the anal side removes the rectal mucosa and creates a muscular cuff
The ganglionic intestine is then pulled through the cuff
Anastomosis 1 cm above the dentate line
Most children do well regardless of the type of procedure
Stage 3: Reversal of diversion
Adult population
Posterior anorectal strip myectomy: diagnostic ± therapeutic. In short-segment disease, this procedure may be curative
Incision is made in the rectal mucosa proximal to the dentate line to expose the underlying muscularis.
A portion of internal sphincter muscle is excised and ideally contains ganglion cells at the proximal surgical margin.
Laparoscopic rectosigmoid resection with a trans-anal colonic pull-through followed by delayed coloanal anastomosis
Stage 1
Abdominal phase: in contrast to procedures for rectal cancer, the dissection plane stays between the rectal muscular layer and the mesorectum
Perineal phase:
Gradual anal dilatation
Installation of a LoneStar retractor
Circumferential incision of the mucosa is made at the level of the dentate line and a short mucosectomy is performed
Rectum is then transected at the upper border of the anal sphincter until the level of the abdominal dissection is reached (usually at the level of the levator ani)
The rectum and sigmoid colon are pulled through the anal canal. Once the colon is pulled through, it is cut above the megacolon, therefore leaving an 8-10 cm colonic segment outside the anal canal.
This exteriorized colonic segment is tied by means of 2 stitches to the right thigh and left open to allow clearance of gas and stool
The exteriorized segment is wrapped in absorbent, paraffin-impregnated gauze
Stage 2: 5-7 days after the first stage
No retractors are needed and the adhesions between the anal canal and colon must be left intact
After the mesocolon is tied off at the level of the anal verge, the pulled-through colonic segment is excised at the same level, and a handsewn coloanal anastomosis is created at the level of the dentate line
No preventive diverting stoma is constructed
Duhamel procedure: Only small numbers of Swenson and Soave operations have been reported in adults. Although functional results in the long term were reported to be satisfactory, the incidence of septic complications was higher with these operations. Neither of these two operations offers a compliant reservoir, which is usually considered a necessity for acceptable defecatory function. However, compared with the Swenson and Soave operations, the Duhamel and modified Duhamel operations are superior for preventing postoperative impotence and anastomotic dehiscence, and creating a reservoir to minimize soiling.
PostOp concerns
These more uncommon conditions may require reoperation, including a posterior myomectomy (in the case of recurrent enterocolitis), or redo-pull-through for strictures or aganglionic segments
Chronic obstruction; etiology:
Mechanical obstruction 2ry to strictures (most common) requiring dilatation
Recurrence / residual aganglionosis (second most common)
Motility disorder
Anal sphincter achalasia
Etiology of constipation in Hirschsprung’s disease
Anastomotic issues (strictures)
Sphincter dysfunction
Retained/acquired aganglionic segment
Recurrent enterocolitis
Affects up to 40% of pull-through patients
Functional Ogilvie’s syndrome
May be acute or chronic
It is most frequently associated with infection, cardiac disease, and operative & non-operative trauma
Cesarean section and hip surgery were the most common surgical procedures associated with acute colonic pseudo-obstruction
Usually involves the cecum and right hemicolon
Average onset is 4d after surgery
Ischemia or perforation at presentation is reported in 3-15% of cases (associated mortality: <50%)
Assessment & Dx
Colonoscopy should not be used to make the diagnosis of acute intestinal pseudo-obstruction, as insufflation of air may increase the colonic dilatation
The most useful investigation is a water-soluble contrast enema, which should be performed in all patients in whom the diagnosis is suspected, provided their condition is stable enough to warrant the procedure — Sabiston
Although larger cecal diameter is associated with a higher risk of perforation, the duration of distension and the rate of distension are important factors that contribute to perforation even in cases with less extreme degrees of dilation
Cecal diameter < 12cm
Discontinue gut-slowing agents: opioids, antidiarrheals, anticholinergics, antipsychotics, & CCB
NPO / Bowel rest
In general, oral laxatives are contraindicated under these circumstances as these can increase intraluminal pressure
Knee-chest or prone positioning to promote flatus
Insertion or rectal tube ± NGT
Serial examinations and radiographs
Success rate of conservative therapy is 70-90%
Cecal diameter > 12cm (or failed conservative management)
There are reports of immediate resolution of Ogilvie’s Syndrome after the administration of an epidural anesthetic that provides sympathetic blockade
Variable success rates have been reported using hourly position changes, including prone, left, and right lateral decubitus
Medical complications and mortality were significantly less in the group managed medically (complications 44%, mortality 7.3%) than in those eventually requiring colonoscopy (complications 64%, mortality 9%), surgery (complications 60%, mortality 12.3%) or in those who required both colonoscopy and surgery (complications 74.6%, mortality 14.8%)
1. Neostigmine
Reversibly inhibits the acetylcholinesterase
It is obviously imperative that mechanical obstruction be excluded by water-soluble contrast enema or colonoscopy before the administration of neostigmine — Sabiston
Neostigmine 2mg IV X1 over 3 minutes (repeat X1 in 24h, PRN)
Doses typically are reduced by 50% for a creatinine clearance of 10 to 50 mL/min
Simultaneous administration of intravenous glycopyrrolate at a dose of 0.4 mg has been shown to attenuate some of these side effects
Adverse effects of neostigmine
AE can include: : bradycardia, hypotension, asystole, seizures, restlessness, tremor, bronchoconstriction, nausea, vomiting, salivation, diarrhea, sweating, and abdominal cramps
Abdominal pain (50%–73%)
Sialorrhea (23%38%)
Vomiting (10%–20%)
Bradycardia (5%–9%)
ASCRS clinical practice guideline: it may be used with caution in patients with bradycardia, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, renal insufficiency, or recent myocardial infarction
Mechanical bowel obstruction
Presence of any baseline arrhythmia
SBP < 90
HR < 60
Severe active bronchospasm
Recent MI
Cardiac arrhythmia
Concommitant β-blocker use (relative contraindication)
Efficacy: 60-100%
Administration is done in a monitored setting with glycopyrrolate or atropine readily available for rapid use in cases of bronchospasm or bradycardia
Effect is demonstrated usually in ≤ 30m
It induces bradyarrhythmias; atropine should be available at bedside
The recurrence rates (0-30%) following the administration of neostigmine appear to be far lower than those associated with colonoscopic decompression
Recurrences may be prevented by administration of polyethylene glycol (PEG) following decompression
2. Colonoscopic decompression
In general, the risks of colonoscopy and its high recurrence rates outweigh its benefits as a first-line treatment in the setting of ACPO. In summary, colonoscopy should be considered rescue therapy in those patients that have failed all supportive and pharmacologic measures
Perforation rate is 2-3%
Performed without bowel preparation
Use benzodiazepines alone for procedural sedation (narcotics will affect bowel motility)
Decompression at the level of the hepatic flexur is usually sufficient to achieve decompression
Success rate:
Decompression alone = 50%
Decompression + placement of decompression tube in ascending colon = 80-90%
Most patients require repeat colonoscopic decompression for it to be successful
Advancement to the cecum may be attempted, but if it cannot be safely reached, decompression up to the hepatic flexure is often sufficient for clinical benefit
Decompression tube care:
Applied to low intermittent suction
Flushed Q4-6h with small volume of saline to prevent clogging
The tube is removed after 72h
The ascending/transverse colon should decompress 2cm 4h after endoscopic decompression
Pham TN, Cosman BC, Chu P, Savides TJ. Radiographic changes after colonoscopic decompression for acute pseudo-obstruction. Dis Colon Rectum 1999;42:1586-1591.
PURPOSE: Colonoscopy has been the principal tool for decompression in acute colonic pseudo-obstruction, known as Ogilvie's syndrome. The objectives of this study were to determine the immediate effect of colonoscopy on the cecal diameter (measured on supine radiographs) and to delineate possible correlations in the diameters of dilated segments of the colon.
METHODS: The charts and radiographs of 24 patients who had colonoscopic decompression for acute colonic pseudo-obstruction between 1992 and 1997 at the San Diego Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of California, San Diego Hospitals were reviewed. We measured cecal, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon dianleters on serial radiographs up to the point of clinical resolution.
RESULTS: Mean + standard deviation cecal diameter change (between initial and postdecompression films) was -2 + 3.4 cm at four hours and -2.2 + 3.3 cm one day after decompression. On the daily radiographs between colonoscopic decompression and clinical resolution, there was a close correlation between the diameter of the cecum and that of the transverse colon (P < 0.05). There was no correlation between the cecal diameter and that of the descending or sigmoid colon.
CONCLUSIONS: Colonoscopic decompression only causes a small decrease in cecal size in the patient with acute colonic pseudo-obstruction. Dilation patterns of the cecum and transverse colon are significantly correlated in acute colonic pseudo-obstruction. This correlation provides additional support to the contention that the same pathophysiology affects these two segments of the colon.
3.1 After decompression, administration of daily low-dose polyethylene glycol is advised to prevent recurrence
3.2 Percutaneous cecostomy may be placed endoscopically or with radiologic guidance
3.3 Surgery
Mortality rate: 30-60% in those who undergo surgery of any kind
Indicated for complications or if obstruction persists ≥ 6 days
UTD: The risk of colonic perforation increases when cecal diameter exceeds 10 to 12 cm and when the distention has been present for greater than six days. The duration of dilation is probably more important than the absolute diameter of the colon
In practice, patients without a firm indication for operation may undergo continued medical therapy with repeated attempts of pharmacotherapy and/or endoscopic decompression before ultimately moving to a surgical intervention.
Surgery: stoma creation ± resection
ASCRS textbook: Patients with viable colon without perforation most commonly undergo exploration to confirm there is no compromised colon and are then decompressed and vented through a colostomy. The role of colectomy under these circumstances is questionable.
Viable colon: tube cecostomy or cecostomy is successful in 95-100% of patients with no comparative data available to guide the preferred type of ostomy creation.
Ischemic/perforated colon: resection + (fecal diversion vs anastomosis)
Contrast enema is the gold standard imaging modality, and is occasionally therapeutic
Cecal dilation of ≥ 12cm is associated with increased risk for ischemia & perforation
However, there is no direct correlation between cecal diameter and risk of perforation. Perforation can occur at smaller cecal diameters.
Mortality rate of 14.9% for emergency surgery versus 5.8% for elective surgery
Enteral stents
Benefits of stenting
Palliation in advanced disease
Preoperative decompression as a bridge to surgery (conversion of an emergency operation to an elective one is associated with reduced morbidity and mortality)
Allows preOp colonoscopy to assess for synchronous lesions
Avoids the need for a colostomy
Signs of systemic toxicity
Intraabdominal abscess or perforation
Receiving Avastin (bevacizumab)
Distal rectal lesion (within 5cm from AV)
Right sided lesions (stenting does not alter surgical procedure (single stage procedure, not requiring bowel preparation); but may be beneficial for palliative patients)
Clinical success in relieving obstruction with self-expanding metal stents is similar to left-sided obstructions (Dronamraju et al. DCR 2009)
Benign colon obstruction
Deployment systems
Through The Scope (TTS) stents
WallFlex Colonic Stent (Boston Scientific)
Uncovered nitinol
Mid-body diameter 22 or 25 mm
Proximal flange 27 or 30 mm
6,9,12 cm lengths
30-40% foreshortening
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Evolution Colonic Controlled-Release Stent (Cook Medical)
Uncovered nitinol
Diameter 25 mm
Flanges 30 mm
6,8,10 cm lengths
Also has foreshortening
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Non-TTS stents
Ultraflex Precision Colonic Stent (Boston Scientific)
Too large to pass through the endoscope
Uncovered nitinol
Body diameter 25 mm, flange 30 mm
Lengths 5.7, 8.7, 11.7 cm
Less foreshortening
Cannot be re-constrained during deployment
Minimize insufflation (use water immersion instead)
Pass a guide-wire through the obstruction site, then confirm passage on fluoroscopy
Dilation of the lesion is no longer performed because of the ↑ risk of perforation
Deployment is done in 1-2 cm increments, under intermittent fluoroscopic guidance & endoscopic vision
The stent should sit ≥ 2 cm both proximal & distal to the lesion
To prevent re-obstruction, the diameter should be 24 mm at the mid-stent position
If stent placement is not satisfactory after deployment, a 2nd stent can be placed overlapping the first
Full expansion of the stent may take up to 72h & can be assessed by X-ray
After full stent expansion, the patient may be prepped for colonoscopic inspection of the entire colon
Technical & clinical success ~97%
Success rate is lower for distal tumors and tumors at flexures
Mean patency rate > 6 months
The Efficacy of Self-Expanding Metal Stents for Malignant Colorectal Obstruction by Noncolonic Malignancy with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis (Kim et al. 2013 DCR)
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Technical success: 90%
50% did not need further intervention
Mean event-free survival: 119 days
Mean overall survival: 156 days
Predictors of clinical failure (on multivariate analysis)
Lee, Hyun Jung, et al. "Clinical outcomes of self-expandable metal stents for malignant rectal obstruction." Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 61.1 (2018): 43-50.
Extracolonic malignancy etiology (vs CRC)
Rectal obstructions are more likely to be due to non-CRC malignancy than left sided colonic obstructions
Use of covered stent (vs uncovered)
There are some concerns about worsening of oncologic outcomes for obstructed but curable average risk cancer patients who undergo stenting initially. “On the contrary, in high-risk surgical patients, initial stenting followed by optimization for interval colectomy is recommended by these societies and should be considered on an individualized basis” — ASCRS CPG
Post-stent care
Avoid: vegetables, fruits, & whole grains
Maintain a low-residue diet
Laxatives sufficient to maintain soft-to-loose stool consistency
Several studies have noted silent perforations at the time of surgery as well. In the setting of potentially curable cancer, these perforations could negatively impact cancer control
Perforation: ≤ 5%
Perforation timing
Immediate — caused by the scope, stent, or guidewire
Delayed — erosion/pressure necrosis caused by the flared end of the stent
This occurs more frequently in colonic segments with sharp angulation, in which the stent ends abut and abrade the colonic wall
Stented patients receiving chemotherapy with bevacizumab (Avastin) appear to be at a significantly increased risk for perforation
Prior therapy with bevacizumab does not appear to increase the risk of colonic perforation.
Stent migration:
Occurs in 20% for covered, 2% for uncovered
25% of migrations occur within 3d of placement
Occurs more frequently in benign lesions or lesions extrinsic to the colon
Stent occlusion: 4% for covered, 15% for uncovered
Minor bleeding may occur because of tumor friability
Abdominal pain after stent placement is usually mild and resolves within hours to days
On-table lavage Vs subtotal colectomy
Subtotal colectomy usually associated with worse functional outcomes
On-table lavage is associated with higher infectious complications
Leak rate is similar between the two
Subtotal colectomy may be preferred when part of the sigmoid colon can be preserved
On-table lavage may be preferred in the setting of:
Distal sigmoid / rectosigmoid obstruction
Existing anal incontinence
The major disadvantages of on-table lavage include the additional time to perform, which can be as much as 60 min, and the additional dissection it often requires
15% of ♀ of reproductive age & ⅓ of infertile ♀ have endometriosis
Japanese women have double the incidence than Caucasian women
Studies indicate a possible genetic aspect to endometriosis
Affected sites
Ovaries: 60-75%
Uterosacral ligaments: 30-65%
Cul-de-sac: 20-30%
Uterus: 4-20%
Rectosigmoid colon: 3-10%
Appendix and terminal ileum: ≤ 2%
Symptoms are related to the depth of penetration of lesions, and last for the duration of menstruation
Pain is the most common symptom, present in 80%
Dysmenorrhea occurs in most women
Presence of dyspareunia is often indicative of the degree of fixation of the pelvic organs (especially in cul-de-sac and rectovaginal septum)
Pelvic endometriosis and the resulting inflammatory response can produce dense, fibrotic adhesions that may significantly interfere with both the oocyte release from the ovary and the ability of the fallopian tube to pick up and transmit the oocyte to the uterus.
Blockage of the tube may produce a hydrosalpinx
Endometrial implants of the appendix and cecum may serve as lead points for an intussusception
Endometriosis is associated with ↑ risk of ovarian cancer
Workup & Dx
There is no non-invasive screening test for endometriosis (Dx depends on visual or pathologic identification)
Confusion between small bowel endometriosis and Crohn’s disease is common, as both can produce similar laparoscopic, endoscopic, and even histologic findings
CA-125 is elevated in moderate-severe disease, but concentration does not correlate with the severity of disease
Colonoscopy for changes in bowel habits
Bx of mucosa in areas of endometriosis can resemble SRUS
Rarely is the Dx of endometriosis confirmed by endoscopy/Bx
Imaging studies
Transvaginal US
High accuracy in detecting ovarian endometriosis
Not very sensitive in detecting non-ovarian implants
Has better evaluation of pelvic sidewall compared to US, but has low specificity
CT is most useful for patients with pelvic pain + ⊖US
The best non-invasive modality for suspected endometriosis
Identification of endometrial implants is dependent on the hemorrhage that occurs in these lesions
Detection of colorectal involvement:
Sensitivity: 78%
Specificity: 98%
Diagnostic laparoscopy
There is no uniform type of endometrial lesion. The classic implant is nodular with a variable degree of fibrosis and pigmentation
The color may be black, white, brown, blue, or even red. The appearance of the lesion may be vesicular, papular, or hemorrhagic
The timing of laparoscopy in relation to the menstrual cycle is unimportant except in patients being evaluated for infertility.
In these patients, the procedure is performed in the luteal phase to provide additional valuable information concerning ovarian function
As endometrioid and clear cell ovarian cancers carry a poor prognosis, the long-term use of OCP is recommended by some to decrease the risk of malignant degeneration
Medical management
Aimed at treating symptoms
In limited disease, medical therapy is comparable with surgery in terms of relief of symptoms, recurrence of disease, and subsequent pregnancy rates.
Advanced lesions, especially those with a nodular, proliferative histology, will often only partially regress
No current hormonal regimen can completely eradicate these lesions, and upon cessation of therapy, the lesions may again become symptomatic
Oral contraception
Pseudopregnancy with hyperhormonal amenorrhea
Estrogen/progestrone: daily administration X 6-9m
Progestogens alone
Action: ↓ Peripheral estrogen/progesterone levels
Poorly tolerated for long-term suppresssion
Danazol raises free testosterone and produces a hyperandrogenic state, especially at lower doses
GnRH agonists
Administration suppresses pituitary release of FSH & LH
Administered at the wrong point in the menstrual cycle → hypersecretion of FSH and LH → precipitate an acute exacerbation in endometriotic symptoms →occasionally necessitating emergency surgical intervention
Recommended length of treatment: 6m
The degree of bone mineral density loss that can occur with the typical 6-month treatment regimen is 5–6%. This limits the use of GnRH-a to 6 months
Pain relief is complete in > 50% and significantly decreased in > 90%
Efficacy of danazol & GnRH agonist seem similar
Surgical management
Patients likely benefit from GnRH-a therapy for 3-6m preoperatively
Patients should have full mechanical & Abx bowel preparation
Ureteral stents are liberally used
Surgery improves pregnancy rate for moderate-severe, but not mild disease
In moderate or severe endometriosis, the pregnancy rates following surgery are 50% and 40%, respectively, compared to only 7% when expectant management is practiced
A study by Inoue on 2000 infertile women with mild endometriosis did not reveal any improvement in fertility with either medical or surgical therapy when compared to expectant management
Rectovaginal involvement
Surgical treatment of rectovaginal endometriosis involves dissection of the rectovaginal space and removal of the endometriotic nodules
If infiltration of the rectal or vaginal walls is present, resection and repair of these structures may be required
Some surgeons perform a LAR with repair for endometrial lesions
Bowel involvement other than rectosigmoid
For those patients with asymptomatic intestinal endometriosis, the natural history appears to be benign
Shaving or superficial excision – This may be performed only for lesions that do not invade beyond the serosa
Discoid full thickness bowel involvement: excision and repair
Segmental bowel resection and anastomosis indications:
Symptomatic implants
Multifocal lesions
Sigmoid involvement
Lesions > 3 cm or involving > 50% of the bowel wall circumference
PostOp outcomes
86% achieve complete or near-complete relief of pelvic pain
Recurrence after surgery: 19%
If the Dx is encountered intraoperatively: We would be reluctant to perform a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy without the patient’s knowledge. — Dr. P. Gordon
Presacral tumors
Anatomy of the presacral space
It is a potential space
The sacral nerve rootlets are located in this retrorectal space, and thus injury to and sacrifice of these structures can have substantial implications on rectoanal and sexual function
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Anteriorly: mesorectum
Posteriorly: presacral fascia and sacrum
Laterally: lateral rectal stalks, ureters, & iliac vessels
Superior extension: peritoneal reflection
Inferior extension: levator ani complex & coccygeal muscle
Classification of pathology
Congenital (most common type: 55-70%; ♀ > ♂)
Developmental cysts (most common congenital type: 60%)
Ectodermal origin
Epidermoid cysts: a closure defect of the ectodermal tube (have squamous epithelial lining)
Dermoid cysts: similar to epidermoid cyst but with more mature elements (dermal appendages: hair follicles and sweat glands)
Endodermal origin
Enterogenous duplication cysts can undergo malignant degeneration
Tailgut cysts / cystic hamartomas: derived from tailgut remnants (contain glandular, mucous-secreting columnar epithelium)
10% contain cancer
More common in children than adults
Incomplete resection and resection where the coccyx is not removed are associated with malignant degeneration &/or recurrence
Chordomas (the 2nd most common congenital type; the most common malignant type)
Arise from vestiges of the fetal notochord, usually from within the vertebral bodies
♂ > ♀
Frequently present with pain and complaints related to nerve impingement (incontinence or impotence)
Invade and destroy adjacent body structures, often requiring radical resection to prevent recurrence
Anterior sacral meningocele: a herniation of the dural sac through a defect in the sacrum
Present with headaches associated with defecation/Valsalva
Pathognomonic scimitar sign
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Avoid biopsy to avoid meningitis
Management: ligation of thecal sac
Adrenal rest tumors: differentiated by radiology studies; treated as ectopic pheochromocytoma
Foreign body granulomas: may be a result of barium leaks or postOp suture reaction
Perineal abscesses: supralevator space abscess
Chronic inflammation from fistulas
Neurogenic (10%)
Ependymomas (malignant) is the most common of these tumors
Neurilemomas (Schwannoma)
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Sporadic Schwannomas affect all ages, peak between 20-50Y
Made entirely of benign neoplastic Schwann cells
They are the most common tumor of peripheral nerves
They grow from peripheral nerves or nerve roots in an eccentric fashion with the nerve itself usually incorporated into the capsule
They do not transform to malignancy, with the exception of atypical types
Osseous (5-10%) may be the most aggressive of all presacral tumors
Although surgical excision of benign lesions often requires extensive resection and reconstruction, all osseous masses should be completely excised because of the high rate of recurrence
Osteogenic sarcoma
Sacral bone cyst
Ewing’s sarcoma
Giant cell tumor
Miscellaneous (10-25%)
Metastatic disease: commonly from the rectum
Desmoid tumor
Most common presentation: asymptomatic mass noted on routine DRE
Pain is the most common presenting symptom for malignant masses or for those of infectious etiology
Many patients will have lower back pain or pelvic pain
Small, midline dimples just posterior to the anus and immediately below the dentate line have been documented in 35-100% of patients with retrorectal developmental cysts
Any patient with a midline posterior “fistula” exiting just distal to the dentate line should be evaluated closely for the possibility of a retrorectal mass
Some lesions can cause vaginal canal obstruction that can lead to life-threatening dystocia during childbirth. This is one of the reasons that all retrorectal masses, even benign, asymptomatic masses, should be resected in females during childbearing years
Examination & workup
Most lesions are soft, compressible, and easily missed on DRE
DRE: evaluate the proximal extent of tumor & fixation
S3-S4 is usually the extent of the examiner’s finger during DRE. i.e if you are able ‘to get above it’, then it’s below S4
Sigmoidoscopy to assess extent of the tumor & mucosal integrity
CT and MRI (with gadolinium) are complementary
Evaluate if a lesion is cystic vs solid
Assess for bony destruction & nerve involvement
Assess pelvic sidewall involvement
Define the upper extent of the lesion
Bx is avoided for the following concerns
Seeding of malignant tumors
Infecting a sterile cystic lesion (as Bx is usually transvaginal or transrectal)
Risk of meningitis in the case of anterior sacral meningocele
Reserve Bx for unresectable lesions requiring tissue Dx to guide chemotherapy
Select centers prefer to Bx solid lesions and report no increase in recurrence
The cornerstone in the management of retrorectal tumor is surgical resection
Unless there is evidence of metastasis, presacral tumors should be resected
Potential for malignant transformation
Risk for infection making later attempts at resection more morbid with higher recurrence
Symptoms or potential symptoms (e.g vaginal canal obstruction that can lead to life-threatening dystocia during childbirth)
For locally advanced tumors: NART may ↓ size & ↑ resectability
Pelvic sidewall involvement may necessitate intraoperative radiotherapy and vascular or ureteric reconstruction
Surgical approach
Abdominal approach for: tumors with their lowest extent above S4
Frequently, the tumor is supplied by the middle sacral artery (branches from the aorta), which must be ligated
Posterior approach for:
Small, benign tumors not extending above S4
Presence of nerve involvement (nerves are better visualized from a posterior approach)
A combined approach may be necessary to complete dissection from the abdomen and dissect the ureters and iliac vessels away from the tumor
There are several maneuvers that can aid with visualization and facilitate posterior dissection.
The lateral stalks can be taken down to the level of the levators, and the rectum can be mobilized anteriorly to the pelvic floor
The superior rectal artery can be divided at the level of the sacral promontory to take tension off the mesentery
The root of sigmoid and left colon mesentery can be detached from the retroperitoneum and aorta all the way to the root of the inferior mesenteric
These maneuvers, in combination, allow the rectum to be pulled up and out of the pelvis to allow easier visualization of the dissection planes and better retraction
Surgical considerations & preOp planning
If the involvement of the internal iliac vessels is identified preoperatively, catheter-based venous or arterial embolization can be considered in advance of surgery
Proctectomy must be anticipated if there is invasion into the rectal wall
Need to preserve one S3 nerve for continence
Need to preserve half of S1 for pelvic stability (with the need for orthopaedic hardware)
Consider ureteric stenting for bulky, high tumors
The coccyx can harbor neoplastic cells
Resection of the coccyx is recommended for malignant lesions or lesions of uncertain malignant potential, but not for benign lesions
Risk for rectal injury
The fibers of the levator ani often can be difficult to differentiate from the rectal wall, particularly during the posterior approach
The surgeon should be cognizant of dural injuries. Failure to close a dural tear can result in CSF leak, recurrence, and infection
Wound closure
Large defects may require TRAM flap
Modest defects may be closed with V-Y fasciocutaneous flaps
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Overall recurrence rate: 16%
Recurrence of malignant lesions: 30% with intact en-bloc excision
Radiation proctitis
Current estimates: ~1-5% of patients develop chronic radiation proctitis after radiation for pelvic malignancy
Mucus discharge
Fecal incontinence
Rule out recurrence of the primary tumor that required radiation
Assess anal tone
Assess mucosa
Assess extent of disease
Colonoscopy is indicated if proctoscopy cannot delineate the full extent of the disease
Rule out malignancy
ASCRS CPG 2018: Formalin application is an effective treatment for bleeding in patients with chronic radiation proctitis
Application methods
Irrigation method: in small aliquots (20–50 cc) up to a total volume of 400–500 cc
Direct application of formalin soaked gauze onto mucosa
4% Formalin solution is used followed by washout
Treatment sessions are spaced 2w apart
Avoid contact with the anoderm as formalin can be irritating to this area
Many will have good response with one treatment, but it should also be noted that multiple applications may be required to achieve high efficacy rates of around 80%
Possible complication
Anal or pelvic pain
Rectal wall necrosis
Fistula formation
ASCRS CPG 2018: Endoscopic APC is safe and effective
A median of 2 sessions is typically required to control rectal hemorrhage
Settings for APC
Flow: 1-2 L/m
Power: 40-60 watts
Apply in pulses of 1-2 seconds
ASCRS CPG 2018: Sucralfate enemas are moderately effective treatment for chronic radiation proctitis
“…10% sucralfate suspension in water administered twice daily, resulted in a significant decrease in rectal bleeding after 4 weeks of therapy, including negligible or complete cessation of bleeding in 23 patients (88%) after 16 weeks of therapy and no recurrent bleeding in 71% patients who were followed for a median of 45 months (range, 5–72 mo)”
Short-chain fatty acid enema
Enemas with the SCFA butyrate may accelerate healing in patients with acute radiation proctitis.
ASCRS CPG 2018: Short chain fatty acids have been studied with reasonable clinical improvements in acute radiation proctitis, but have not been shown to decrease the incidence of chronic hemorrhagic radiation proctitis
ASCRS CPG 2018: Short chain fatty acid enemas given during radiation therapy were also studied in a randomized controlled trial and showed no benefit in preventing radiation proctitis
Surgery is reserved for intractable symptoms & complications (stricture, pain, bleeding, perforation, or fistula)
Other therapies
Hyperbaric oxygen is effective but expensive, not readily available, and takes weeks to show improvement
Antioxidants: Vitamin C & E
5-ASA: No clear role for its use
ASCRS CPG 2018: Nd-YAG laser, RFA, cryotherapy, and bipolar electrocautery are not recommended
Bipolar electrocautery may be as effective as APC, but carries high complication rates
Pelvic floor disorders, RVF, constipation, & incontinence
16% of women have at least 1 pelvic floor disorder
Prevalence of pelvic floor disorders in ♀ >80Y approaches 50%
20% of ♀ ≥ 45Y have experienced accidental bowel leakage ≥ 1/year
Posterior compartment prolapse and dyssynergic defection may be seen after hysterectomy or cystocele repair
Vaginal delivery (especially with instrumentation) can cause sphincter injury, levator avulsion, and pudendal nerve injury
Rectal prolapse
Rectal intussusception = rectum descends within itself but does not protrude from the anus
Partial prolapse is identified by radial folds
Complete prolapse is identified by circular folds
Occur in ~0.5% of the general population
90% of patients are females
Often ≥ 50Y with Hx of vaginal childbirth
An increased incidence is found in nursing home–bound and psychiatric patients
♀ 6:1 ♂
Men with rectal prolapse tend to suffer from disordered defecation, dysmotility, psychiatric comorbidities, eating disorders, and autism or developmental delays
30% of patients with rectal prolapse have vaginal prolapse
Rectal prolapse eventually results in stretching of the anal sphincter and then leads to fecal incontinence
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Risk factors / conditions associated with rectal prolapse
Deep rectouterine pouch of Douglas
Pregnancy is thought to contribute to development of a deep pouch
Levator ani diastasis: Laxity of muscles of the pelvic floor & anal canal
Patulous anal sphincter (weakness of sphincter muscles)
Pudendal neuropathy (present in 50% of patients with prolapse)
Lack of rectal fixation with mobile, redundant rectosigmoid
May be associated with pelvic disorders: rectal prolapse (enterocele, cystocele, rectocele) & urinary incontinence
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Presentation & evaluation
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Inquire about fecal incontinence and/or constipations
Fecal incontinence is reported in 50-75%
Constipation is reported in 25-50%, and may be associated with dysmotility or pelvic floor dyssynergia
Inquire about urinary incontinence
Inquire about uterine/vaginal prolapse
1. Examination
Options for position to examine: left lateral, lithotomy, on commode
“The best method to diagnose the type and degree of prolapse is with the patient sitting on a commode and bearing down to simulate a bowel movement”
Indirect anoscopy
Valsalva to help demonstrate prolapse
Perineal examination
Sensation of tissue outside of the anus
Assess length and strength of perineal body
Posterior compartment / anorectal examination
Assessment of anal sphincter structure and function
Rectal bleeding or mucus discharge after defecation
Proctoscopy may show an anterior solitary rectal ulcer
Anterior compartment / vaginal examination
Examine for uterine or vaginal prolapse
Examine for cystocele
Presence of anterior compartment disorders warrant urogynecologic (speculum) examination or for suspicion of weak vaginal septum
Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Quantitation system is used by OB/GYN to assess POP
Patient is examined in lithotomy position and standing; while resting and performing valsalva
Evaluation is performed for:
Apical prolapse = prolapse of the cervix or vaginal vault
Anterior vaginal wall prolapse
Posterior vaginal wall prolapse
The maximal point of prolapse of six points is recorded in relation to a fixed point of reference, the anterior-posterior plane of the hymen
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POP-Q Staging
Stage 0: no prolapse
Stage I: most distal portion of prolapse is “≤ -1”
Stage II: most distal portion of prolapse is between ≥ -1cm to ≤ +1cm
Stage III: most distal portion of prolapse is > +1 but < total vaginal length-2 cm
Stage IV: eversion of the total length of the vagina
2. Colonoscopy/flexible sigmoidoscopy to exclude colonic or rectal disease and rule out lead-point
3. Consider:
3.0. There is no role for routine imaging in the evaluation of pelvic organ prolapse, but it may be useful for diagnosis and management when rectal intussusception, occult rectal prolapse, sigmoidocele, or enterocele is suspected as the underlying cause of a patient’s defecatory symptoms
3.1. Defecography (for incontinent or elusive examination)
Fecal incontinence is reported in 50-75% of patients
It develops secondary to impairment of anorectal sensation & laxity of the sphincters & pelvic floor
Defecography may reveal the problem if clinical exam does not demonstrate the prolapse
Contrast or MRI defecography may be used to assess occult prolapse or internal intussusception which has been described in up to 33% of patients with disordered defecation
3.2. Colonic transit study (for constipated)
Constipation is reported in 25-50% of patients
Prolapse may be associated with colonic dysmotility or pelvic floor dyssynergia
Patients with a Hx of chronic constipation may benefit from colonic transit evaluation, which may affect the procedure chosen (these patients benefit from a subtotal colectomy)
Treatment is based on patient preference; repair of prolapse is a QoL issue. Always tailor therapy to address the patient’s symptoms
Stool-bulking agents or stool softeners may provide some symptomatic relief
ASCRS Textbook: Reduction of incarcerated rectal prolapse can be performed by coating the prolapse with table sugar to reduce edema and gently push the prolapse above the sphincters
Allowing prolapse to continue untreated beyond 4 years may lead to higher rates of subsequent rectal prolapse recurrence, presumably secondary to a secondarily weakened pelvic floor
Women who do not have symptoms of incontinence are at risk for de novo stress urinary incontinence when their prolapse is corrected because the previously obstructed urethrovesical junction is straightened by elevating the vaginal apex and anterior vaginal wall. Adding an anti-incontinence procedure at the time of prolapse repair significantly reduces the incidence of stress urinary incontinence
Surgical goals:
Narrowing of the anal orifice
Obliteration of the pouch of Douglas
Restoration of pelvic floor
Decreased rectosigmoid redundancy with bowel resection
Fixation of the rectum to the sacrum
Choice of procedure is guided by:
Patient’s comorbidities: abdominal vs perineal approach
Abdominal surgeries are move invasive but are thought to be more effective, with lower rates of recurrence
ASCRS Textbook: The paradigm for treatment rectal prolapse in the elderly has changed from perineal to abdominal minimally invasive procedures in elderly and high risk patients
However, the data to support these lower recurrence rates in abdominal approaches have recently been called into question
A 2000 systematic Cochrane database review comparing 274 patients in 8 randomized or quazirandomized trials reported no significant differences in recurrent prolapse between abdominal and perineal approaches.
A 2008 update of the Cochrane review including 12 randomized controlled trials involving 380 participants reached a similar conclusion, 33,44 while lamenting the lack of large-scale, randomized controlled trials powered to measure these outcomes adequately.
A third 2015 review of 15 randomized controlled trials involving 1007 patients was also unable to demonstrate a difference in recurrence rates between the 2 approaches.
Hx of constipation &/or incontinence
In general, because many patients with fecal incontinence secondary to rectal prolapse experience improvement in their symptoms once the prolapse is treated, rectal prolapse should be corrected as a first step in patients reporting of rectal prolapse and fecal incontinence.
ASCRS Textbook: a sigmoid resection is thought to be unnecessary in individuals whose predominant complaint is fecal incontinence
Resection tends to improve constipation ± incontinence
Levatorplasty is considered to improve incontinence when Altemeier’s procedure is done
Patients with constipation &/or pelvic dyssynergia may not be ideal candidates for certain surgical maneuvers known to exacerbate constipation after surgery (posterior rectal mobilization, transection of the lateral ligaments during suture rectopexy, or levatorplasty during a perineal proctectomy)
Patients with severe constipation are still candidates for resection suture rectopexy
For patients with confirmed slow colonic motility, sigmoid resection is an inadequate operation and a subtotal colectomy should be considered
Presence of pelvic floor defects
Rectocele or enterocele likely to benefit from rectopexy
Patients with pelvic dyssnergia are candidates for Altemeier’s procedure without levatorplasty
Consider simultaneous treatment of both rectal & genital prolapse
Abdominal sacrocolpopexy with rectopexy for combined middle and posterior compartment prolapse is a safe procedure with a low risk of recurrence and improves bowel function and quality of life
Presence of sphincter defect
Surgeon’s experience
Previous procedures that the patient has had (see section on recurrence)
Caution with resection procedures as that may result in a segment that is ischemic between the two anastomoses
Patient’s willingness to risk sexual dysfunction (associated with rectal dissection in abdominal procedures)
Surgical options
Mucosal sleeve resection (Delorme’s Procedure)
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The procedure of choice for mucosal and short-segment full-thickness prolapse
Dissection is started 1-2 cm above the dentate, and carried to separate the mucosa/submucosa from the muscular layer
50% report improvement in incontinence without associated constipation
PostOp morbidity (~25%)
Urinary retention
Anastomotic bleeding
ASCRS Textbook: Overall recurrence rate 16-30%
Retrospective studies suggest that recurrence rates after Delorme in the range of 10% to 15% may be higher than recurrence rates after abdominal approaches, but a recent randomized controlled trial showed that recurrence rates and functional outcomes after Delorme procedures were comparable to perineal rectosigmoidectomy or abdominal procedures
Associated mortality rate 0-2.5%
Perineal rectosigmoidectomy (Altemeier’s procedure)
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Surgical considerations
Patients with pelvic dyssnergia are candidates for Altemeier’s procedure without levatorplasty
In patients with poor continence: Levator plication (levatorplasty: figure-of-eight 2-0 absorbable sutures - taking care to avoid incorporating the vaginal wall) can be performed before completion of the anastomosis
Levatorplasty is associated with improved postoperative continence, decreased recurrence rates, and increased length of recurrence-free intervals.
One study showed that levatorplasty reduces recurrence rates from 21% to 7%
Resecting too much puts tension on the anastomosis
Resecting too little leaves redundant sigmoid colon leading to recurrence
Recurrence rate: 0-18% (may be as high as 30%) full-thickness prolapse; 6% mucosal prolapse
Morbidity rate up to 25%
PostOp bleeding
Anastomotic dehiscence
Mortality rate 0-6%
Stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR)
Used for internal intussusception or partial thickness prolapse
Some prefer STARR to Delorme’s procedure for full-thickness prolpase
Technique is similar to stapled hemorrhoidopexy
Sutures placed ~5cm proximal to dentate line
The anorectal junction is reinforced with the staple line
~30% develop recurrent internal intussusception or rectocele
Bleeding is the most common postOp complication (~10%)
Constipation with recurrence is reported by 50%
Incontinence is reported by 28%
Traditional anal encirclement (Thiersch procedure) options have been abandoned because of poor success rates (recurrence rate 33-44%). It is reserved for patients with high risk of anesthetic complications who could only tolerate local anesthesia
The Thiersch procedure involves reduction of prolapse and placement of a subcutaneous suture or mesh material to encircle the anus, thereby narrowing the anal canal. This procedure does not eradicate prolapse but prevents further descent by providing a mechanical barrier.
Abdominal procedures
Abdominal suture rectopexy & sigmoid resection
One of the most effective treatments for full-thickness prolapse
Mobilize the rectum down to the levator complex while maintaining the lateral ligaments intact
Elevation of the rectum with permanent suture fixation to the presacral fascia i.e anterior spinous ligament (or the sacral bone) just below the sacral promontory
Optional step: obliteration of the cul-de-sac with suturing the endopelvic fascia anteriorly to the rectum
Resection of the redundant sigmoid colon with an end-to-end anastomosis
Recurrence rate 0-9%
Morbidity rate 0-23%
Colonic & small bowel obstruction
Anastomotic leak
Presacral bleeding
Mortality rate 6.7%
Almost half of the patients will report improvement in constipation & incontinence
No-resection rectopexy
Recurrence rate 0-8%
Mesh rectopexy
Ripstein’s procedure (Anterior Sling Rectopexy) - partial anterior rectal encirclement
ASCRS Textbook: The Ripstein procedure (even the modified form) is being used less and less due to the morbidity and potential for new rectal outlet difficulties.
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Entails mobilizing the rectum down to the coccyx but preserving the lateral ligaments
5-cm mesh is wrapped anterior around the rectum at the level of the peritoneal reflection & sutured bilaterally to the presacral fascia (~5 cm below the sacral promontory)
The sling should allow 2 fingers between the rectum and the sling to avoid too tight of a wrap
The procedure is best suited for patients without preexisting constipation
50% have improved incontinence
Patients have a mixed response to constipation after the procedure
Morbidity rate is high (17-33%)
Constipation with fecal impaction
Presacral hemorrhage
Small bowel obsturction
Mesh complication: erosion into the bladder
Mortality rate 0-1.6%
Well’s procedure - partial posterior rectal encirclement
Requires complete rectal mobilization
Typical description utilizes the Ivalon® sponge as the mesh material
The mesh is sutured to the rectum and anterior spinous ligament
Recurrence rate 3%
Morality rate 0-3%
D’Hoore ventral rectopexy - partial anterior rectal encirclement prior to attachment of the mesh to the sacrum.
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Laparoscopic VR is the current gold standard for treatment of rectal prolapse in European countries
It is the only technique for rectal prolapse repair that uses only a limited anterior rectal mobilization
It can correct full-thickness rectal prolapse, rectoceles, and internal rectal prolapse and can be combined with vaginal prolapse procedures, such as sacrocolpopexy, in patients with multi-compartment pelvic floor defects.
It is based on correcting the descent in women of the posterior and middle compartment by mobilizing the rectovaginal septum down to the pelvic floor between the extraperitoneal rectum and the vagina
The rectovaginal septum is reinforced with (traditionally polypropylene) mesh and the mesh is suspended to the sacrum, thus elevating the pelvic floor
The mesh (synthetic or biologic) is secured on the anterior aspect of the distal rectum (+/- pelvic floor) & sacral promontory
Minimal posterior dissection is is undertaken to expose the sacrum at the site of fixation
2014 Consensus Panel on Contraindications
Severe intraabdominal adhesions
Active proctitis
Severe psychological instability
High BMI
Hx of pelvic irradiation
Hx of sigmoid diverticulitis
♂ sex
Recurrence rate: 3.4%
Complication rate 15-45%
Decreases fecal incontinence
Decreases constipation
Mesh complications
Mesh erosion rate is 2% by 23 months: vaginal erosion, rectal erosion, rectovaginal fistulas, or perineal erosion
Evans et al. DCR 2015; 58: 799–807
50% of mesh erosion patients will require minor surgery: local excision of exposed mesh/stitch
40% of mesh erosions will require major surgery: mesh removal, mesh removal plus colectomy, or anterior resection)
Pelvic pain, rectal bleeding, and mucus discharge may be concerning for mesh erosion
Sigmoid resection is not usually advocated in combination with repairs involving mesh
Suture rectopexy
Elevation of the rectum with permanent suture fixation to the presacral fascia i.e anterior spinous ligament (or the sacral bone) just below the sacral promontory
Frequently results in improved incontinence, and worsening constipation
Recurrence rates: 3-9% at 2Y; but may be up to 29% by 10Y
Permanent colostomy
Cochrane meta-analysis: division of the lateral rectal ligaments was associated with a decreased recurrence rate (0 vs 19%) but increased rates or worsening of constipation (67% vs 43%)
The lateral rectal stalks or ligaments are actually anterolateral structures containing the middle rectal artery
Preservation of the lateral stalks preserves nerves innervating the rectum. Division of the stalks may worsen or create new-onset constiptaiton
Emergency surgery for rectal prolapse is managed with Altemeier’s procedure ± proximal diversion
Mean time to (all procedure) recurrences: 33 months
ASCRS Textbook: Perineal procedures which have a higher incidence of recurrence after the primary procedure have an even greater chance at rerecurrence if utilized again for recurrent rectal prolapse.
The most important determinant of subsequent surgery is the remaining blood supply of the bowel
Patients who have previously undergone resection are at risk for development of ischemia to the segment of bowel between the two anastomoses should a second resection be attempted
Ding et al. reported that redo perineal rectosigmoidectomy is as safe and feasible after primary perineal rectosigmoidectomy as long as the prior anastomosis is included in resected specimen
Altemeier’s procedure patients are candidates for:
In this group of patients, addition of a sigmoid resection could cause ischemia in the remaining rectal segment
Altemeier’s procedure
Redo-Altemeier’s is safe and feasible, but has high recurrence rate (~40%)
Delorme’s procedure
Abdominal rectopexy without resection
Resection rectopexy following a Altemeier’s procedure should be performed with caution as the distal bowel requires an intact marginal artery for its blood supply. Aggressive mobilization could compromise the artery and lead to distal bowel ischemia.
Following ventral rectopexy
Small recurrence → Delorme procedure
Too big to address with Delorme → Reattachment of the mesh to the sacrum or reinforcement of the existing mesh
“We would not advise trying to excise the mesh that is attached to the rectal wall as this could lead to perforation” — ASCRS
Emergency rectal prolapse that presents with gangrene requires an Altemeier’s procedure preferably with proximal diversion
Rectovaginal fistula
Obstetric injury is the most common cause
2% of vaginal deliveries are associated with 3rd-4th degree perineal tears
RVFs are reported to occur following 0.1-0.5% of all vaginal deliveries
Trauma after vaginal delivery is almost always the cause of low fistulas, which often are associated with an associated sphincter injury → incontinence
Prolonged labor resulting in compression of the rectovaginal septum by the infant’s head can lead to necrosis of the rectovaginal septum and cause a rectovaginal fistula that presents in a more delayed fashion
Grading of obstetric injury
1st degree: Injury to vagina/skin only
2nd degree: Injury to perineal muscles, not involving anal sphincters
3rd degree:
3a: < 50% injury to EAS
3b: > 50% injury to EAS
3c: Injury to EAS & IAS
4th degree: Injury involving EAS, IAS, and anal epithelium
Crohn’s disease is the 2nd most common cause
10% of Crohn’s disease patients develop rectovaginal fistulas
Have high recurrence rate
Repair should not be undertaken in the presence of active inflammation of the rectum as the repair is unlikely to heal. Those with significant Crohn’s-related pathology of the anorectum are unlikely to be good candidates for repair and should be managed either medically, with a seton, or with a proctectomy
Multiple reports have shown spontaneous healing of rectovaginal fistulas with infliximab — duration until healing may be longer than 14w
Iatrogenic injury
Post-transanal excision of lesions
Post vaginal surgery
10% of ♀ develop rectovaginal fistulas after LAR
Infectious: diverticulitis, cryptoglandular abscess, TB
Neoplasms: anal, rectal, vaginal, cervical
Radiation: external beam radiation, brachytherapy
Prevention and management of vaginal injury in colorectal surgery
If the fistula cannot be identified on examination, alternate etiologies to explain the patient’s symptoms should be considered, such as a colovaginal fistula rather than a rectovaginal fistula.
Tampon test: place a tampon in the vagina & an enema of diluted methylene blue dye is administered
High Vs Low : in relation to the sphincter complex. Anything above the sphincter is high
Simple vs Complex: Simple fistulas being located in the middle or lower portion of the rectovaginal septum, are < 2.5 cm in diameter, & caused by trauma or cryptoglandular infection (does not include diverticulitis)
Identify the fistula
Location of fistula relative to sphincter muscles
Quality & strength of sphincter muscles
Patients with RVFs from obstetric trauma should be evaluated for concomitant sphincter defects
Determine the cause & rule out malignancy
Rule out stricturing/scarring of anal canal
Identify surrounding injuries: assess condition of perineal body & rectovaginal septum
EUA is the initial step in patients with IBD and is the best option to identify an occult RVF
Endoanal US is valuable to assess for sphincter injury. If present patient likely will benefit from sphincteroplasty at the time of an advancement flap
It should be performed routinely in patients with an RVF secondary to obstetric trauma as they may have associated sphincter damage.
Supplementary testing may require: MRI, anorectal manometry, &/or pudendal nerve testing. Less useful tests include gastrograffin enema & vaginography
The first step in radiation-induced fistulas is to rule out malignancy: imaging + EUA with multiple Bx
No definitive repair should be undertaken for at least 6 months after the completion of radiation treatment
Colonoscopy to assess for disease activity, in Crohn’s Disease
For many patients more than one attempt at repair is necessary
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Phosphate enema is adequate for simple repairs & vaginal-based repairs
Full mechanical & oral bowel preparation is performed for extensive repairs or when fecal diversion is anticipated
Surgical management
Goals of treatment = preserve continence + achieve healing of the fistula
The presence of active sepsis is an absolute contraindication to any attempt at surgical repair
Seton insertion is done for inflamed/infected tissue. Usually when the etiology is cryptoglandular disease
If the local tissues are not adequate for repair, then transposition of healthy tissue should be considered. The most common tissues used for transposition are the Martius flap or gracilis muscle
Immediate (at the time of episiotomy) repair is warranted post-obstetric injury
Treatment of fistulas in the postpartum period is delayed for a period of 3-6m to allow acute inflammation to subside and fibrosis to develop
Symptomatic relief often is achieved with bulking agents and antidiarrheals
Spontaneous closure occurs in 50-75%
Management with stiz bath, stool bulking agent, local wound care
Always interpose healthy tissue (omental in abdominal approach; gracilus in perineal approach) whenever surgery is performed for recurrent disease
Surgical approaches:
Fistulotomy: very rarely used today as it results in varying degrees of incontinence
Endorectal advancement flap (ERAF): the mainstay of treatment of low rectovaginal fistulas — it’s the most commonly performed procedure
The procedure may not be success in the presence of diseased rectal mucosa. It is not contraindicated in Crohn’s patients as long as the mucosa is healthy
ASCRS 2016 CPG: The link between ERAF and incontinence mandates a careful assessment of anal sphincter function and consideration of EUS before repair of RVF.
Flap retraction or necrosis is the most common cause of failure
The base of the flap should be at least twice as wide as the apex to ensure adequate blood supply
2 X 2 cm biological mesh may be placed and the flap sutured over it
Repair is performed from the high-pressure side of the fistula
Sphincter preservation
Short-term success rate 42-71%
The likelihood of a successful repair decreases if
Patients have undergone previous repairs
Crohn’s patients (29% success rate)
The need for dissection of otherwise healthy rectal wall & sphincter
The flap is started 1 cm distal to the fistula and consists of the rectal mucosa, submucosa, and a portion of the underlying internal sphincter,
Risks for flap failure (6%) which may result in a larger opening
Fibrin glue
Bioprosthetic mesh used as an interposition graft
Episioproctotomy & layered closure
This repair converts the fistula into a fourth-degree perineal tear by dividing all the tissue between the rectum and vagina through the perineal body.
The greatest disadvantage of this procedure is the creation of a full-thickness defect in a previously uninjured part of the anal sphincter
This procedure should be attempted only by experienced surgeons and in patients with documented existing sphincter defects with fecal incontinence
In experienced hands, healing rates superior to ERAF closure
Transperineal LIFT procedure ± overlapping sphincteroplasty ± levatorplasty
The technique should achieve similar results of episioproctotomy and, if it should fail, will not result in worse than preoperative incontinence.
A transperineal repair with sphincteroplasty is the most appropriate type of repair in women who have a sphincter defect (most often from obstetric injury), as this is addressed simultaneously.
Interposition flaps
Patients that are appropriate candidates for transposition repairs are those who have failed less invasive techniques or who have inadequate native tissue
Options: gracilis flap & bulbocavernosus flap
An endorectal advancement flap can be added
Disadvantage: risks dyspareunia
Although not mandatory, fecal diversion typically is recommended
The success rate of the gracilis muscle flap has been reported to be as high as 75% to 80%.
Transvaginal: vaginal advancement flap
Healthy, pliable, well-vascularized flap
Relatively easy
Better exposure (compared to transanal approach)
Especially when fibrostenotic disease is present in the anus or a transanal approach has failed, a transvaginal advancement flap is a viable option
However, as the rectum is the higher-pressure side of the fistula, any repair is unlikely to be successful if the rectal side is not addressed. Therefore transvaginal repairs should involve closure of the rectum and not just of the vagina
Generally reserved for fistulas that are located in the mid-rectum with an internal opening at the fornix of the vagina
Rectal resection/advancement with omental interposition
Indicated for: circumferential/stricturing disease or high & complex fistulas
Procedure entails mobilizing the rectum, resection of the diseased segment, anorectal anastomosis, & omental tissue interposition
ASCRS CPG 2016: Proctectomy with colon pull-through or coloanal anastomosis may be required to repair radiation-related and recurrent complex rectovaginal fistula.
Primary repair with omental interposition
Dr. Lee advises against this option as it is less likely to success. He suggests resection, diversion, and tissue interposition
Sometimes, a low rectovaginal fistula may require a transabdominal approach after multiple failed transanal, transvaginal, or transperineal approaches
If the rectal wall is healthy, the fistula tract can be débrided and closed primarily
The vaginal opening then is closed primarily
A pedicled omental flap is placed between the two closures and held in position with interrupted sutures
Fistula plug
Injection of fat into the tissue surrounding the fistula
TEMS approach for repair
Fecal diversion
After two failed attempts or the necessity of a pedicled flap closure, surgeons are more likely to proceed with diversion before or during the subsequent repair.
ASCRS: Patients undergoing major transabdominal resections, or muscle transposition procedures, should have fecal diversion
Crohn’s considerations
Treatment with anti-TNF agents should be considered preOp
Not all patients with Crohn’s disease and RVF will be candidates for repair
Repair should be considered for those who develop a mature isolated tract without branching, without other draining areas, and with healthy rectal mucosa. If this is not possible, non-cutting seton placement can be a long-term method of controlling symptoms
Proctectomy is considered for those with severe disease refractory to seton placement and maximized medical therapy.
Success rate of surgical interventions in Crohn’s: 30-70%
Decision making:
In patients with a sphincter defect, overlapping sphincteroplasty will address the fistula and incontinence and is first-line treatment
In those patients without sphincter defect, either a rectal or vaginal advancement flap can be undertaken as first-line options
If either the rectal or vaginal flap fails, the subsequent step is the opposite procedure
After failure of both a rectal and vaginal flap, the options are repeating a flap procedure or proceeding with an interposition pedicled flap, with the addition of fecal diversion
When low rates of success are anticipated (e.g., multiple prior repairs, poor tissue compliance), preoperative fecal diversion should be considered
Tobacco is identified as a risk factor for recurrence
Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS)
The spectrum ranges from solitary ulceration to nodular lesions along the anterior rectum
SRUS is associated almost exclusively with disorders of defection & rectal prolapse (internal or external)
Associated with paradoxical puborectalis contraction & internal or external full-thickness rectal prolapse. Trauma from chronic straining may lead to ischemic injury
Other causative factors:
Ergotamine suppositories (potent vasoconstrictor)
Anal intercourse
It is essential to exclude underlying malignancy leading to the formation of an ulcer
Generally affects adults; mean age 49Y, ♀ predominance
The syndrome is characterized clinically by
Excessive rectal mucus
Anismus: failure of normal relaxation of pelvic floor muscles during attempted defecation
Difficult evacuation
Dx criteria is based on the presence of:
1. Hx of straining / incomplete evacuation leaving the passage of blood & mucus per rectum
2. P/E demonstrating internal/external prolapse
3. Scope demonstrating typically anteriorly located solitary or multiple erythematous ulcerated or polypoid lesions. Located 5-12cm from AV
Ulcer is seen in 23% of cases; polyp/mass is seen in 74%
Ulcer features:
Single or multiple shallow ulcers
Have hyperemic margins and a pale base
4. Histologic evidence of: distorted muscularis mucosa, fibrous obliteration of lamina propria, extension of muscle fibers into lamina propria
On occasion, the glandular epithelium may be trapped in the submucosa during repeated healing episodes, resulting in the entity known as colitis cystica profunda. Biopsy of this may be confused easily with a cancer.
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Complete GI & sexual/social behavior history
All patients need colonoscopy (with a generous, deep Bx) to exclude malignancy or associated colitis
Work up for rectal prolapse ± defecating proctogram or dynamic pelvic MRI
Assess for weak pelvic floor disorders: uterine prolapse & urinary incontinence
Balloon expulsion EMG or anorectal manometry may detect abnormal or paradoxical puborectalis contraction with straining
EUS has been more recently used
Management is primarily symptomatic
Complete endoscopic histologic resolution is rarely achieved
Initial management
Elimination of harmful suppositories
High-fiber diet
Encourage ≥ 6 glasses of non-caffeinated fluids/day
Management algorithm
Biofeedback is successful in the short-term
Botulinum toxin type A Botox is successful in > 50% patients with tenesmus
Surgical resection of the rectal wall abnormality has not been associated with favorable outcomes and is best avoided
Ultimately, proctectomy with permanent stoma may be required in the most difficult cases of severely symptomatic patients. Perineal approaches to rectal prolapse may be successful; however, the failure rate is higher compared with abdominal approaches.
“Loss of the ability to defer defecation until a socially acceptable time”
Defined as: uncontrolled passage of feces or gas over ≥ 1m duration, in an individual of ≥ 4Y of age, who had previously achieved control
Urgency is described as “the in-ability to defer defection 15 minutes”
The most common cause in women is obstetric injury
Injury is observed clinically in ~10 % of all vaginal deliveries, but occult sphincter damage may be identified in up to 21–35 % of vaginal deliveries
Injury may be sustained at a younger age but presentate late when pelvic floor muscles weaken
2.6% in 20-30Y age group
15% in ≥ 70Y
The puborectalis muscle is the most important muscle contributing to continence
Types of incontinence
Passive incontinence:
Leakage without notice
Usually related to low anal resting pressure & IAS deficiency
Urge incontinence:
Inability to withstand an urge to defecate
Usually related to insufficiency in EAS tone and activity
Illicit history of vaginal delivery, anal trauma, comorbidities, and Rx
Stool consistency and frequency
Physical examination
External inspection especially looking for perineal body size & scars (indicating episiotomy/tear scars)
With chronic diarrhea, consider candidiasis at the perineum. They usually have satellite inflammation in the area as opposed to a discrete edge marking the limit of inflammation. Treat with candesartan
DRE assessing: basal tone, anal sphincter squeeze, and use of accessory (gluteal) muscles
Assess for rectocele, rectal prolapse, rectal mass, stricture, and fistula
Assessment instruments
2-Week bowel diary is the simplest method
CCF-FIS: Cleveland Clinic Florida Fecal Incontinence Score
SMIS: St. Marks Incontinence Score
FISI: Fecal Incontinence Severity Index
FIQL: Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life scale
Management & preOp testing
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Nonoperative management
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Some surgeons will offer SNS to patients with sphincter defect first as that has already been shown to be effective in managing fecal incontinence. Dr. Wexner’s landmark paper on SNS included patients with sphincter defects < 60 degrees.
Goal: improve stool quality
20-50% improve after counselling regarding diet changes, fluid consumption, & medication management
Lactose, caffeine, & artificial sweeteners should be stopped if they are linked to symptoms
Fiber creates mores solid stools and prevents seepage. However, in patients with impaired sphincter function, the addition of fiber can possibly result in worsening incontinence due to increased volume and liquid consistency of stools
Constipating agents decrease transit time & firm stool consistency
Cholysteramine may be useful in patients post-cholecystectomy
Laxatives & stool softeners are helpful with overflow incontinence
Daily enemas may reduce incontinence by decreasing rectal stool load in select patients
This measure may be particularly helpful in patients with underlying primary constipation with overflow incontinence, or in patients secondarily constipated because of the use of antidiarrheal medication
Biofeedback = sphincter exercises
Ideal candidate: patient with some preserved voluntary sphincter contraction rather than extensive or exclusive use of accessory muscles when asked to squeeze
ASCRS 2015 CPG: Biofeedback should be considered as an initial treatment for patients with incontinence and some preserved voluntary sphincter contraction.
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
Constitutes sphincter exercises, rectal sensory training, & learning to coordinate voluntary external anal sphincter contraction with the onset of rectal distention
4-6 sessions are needed usually
At least some improvement is noted in 64-89% of patients
Cochrane review (2006) concluded that no study reported any major difference between the results of biofeedback or any other form of conservative management
Preoperative Testing
Anoscopy/proctoscopy: rule out proctitis
Endoanal US
Has excellent sensitivity and specificity in identifying sphincter defects
Sphincter defect may not correlate with degree of incontinence
Presence of sphincter defect does not correlate with outcomes after SNS
It is a critical element in the planning of a sphincteroplasty operation
Anorectal physiology testing / manometry
Resting pressure
Squeeze pressure
Sphincter length
Anorectal sensation
Volume tolerance
Measurement of RAIR
Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency
There appears to be no association of PNTML testing results with response to SNS
Testing is not recommended routinely
Defecography may demonstrate incomplete evacuation, overflow incontinence, intussusception, or rectal prolapse
Colonoscopy is indicated for patient with bleeding or change in bowel habits
Surgical management
Injectable bulking agents
Sacral nerve stimulation
Anterior sphincteroplasty
Magnetic sphincter
Artificial bowel sphincter
Tibial nerve stimulation
Radiofrequency energy application procedure
Anal cerclage
ACE procedure
ASCRS 2015 CPG: Obvious anatomic defects such as rectovaginal fistula, rectal or hemorrhoidal prolapse, fistula in ano, or cloacalike deformity should be corrected as part of the treatment of fecal incontinence.
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on low- or very low-quality evidence, 1C
Overlapping anterior sphincteroplasty
It’s the gold-standard for treatment of incontinence in young women with obstetric sphincter injury
This may be a great option with the history of incontinence corresponds with the Hx of obstetric injury. It avoids all the limitations associated with SNS and its hardware including infections, external devices, recharging/replacing units…etc
It’s indicated also for older women with severe incontinence and an external sphincter defect < 120 degrees on US
It is most useful in the setting of an associated rectovaginal fistula
A curvilinear incision is made anterior to the anus in the perineal body
The two sides of the sphincter are mobilized
The associated scar should be preserved because this is important for the repair and allowing the sutures to hold.
Care is taken not to extend the dissection too far posteriorly (beyond 180 degrees) so as not to injure the pudendal nerves.
Once the dissection is completed, an anterior levatorplasty often is performed in conjunction with the sphincter repair to approximate the levator muscles.
The two sides of the sphincter-scar complex are reapproximated in an overlapping fashion with 2-0 monofilament mattress sutures.
The skin is closed loosely with deep dermal sutures to allow for drainage
80% develop reasonable function in the short-term (though not full continence)
After 5-10Y, ~10-14% have sustained improvement in most studies
Meta-analysis of 16 studies shows clear trend toward decay of functional outcomes over time
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Unilateral or bilateral pudendal neuropathy was associated with poor outcome in some but not all studies
Management of recurrence (or even prophylaxis after surgical repair) with SNS has good results on the long-term
Repeat US can be considered to assess success of repair
Repeat sphincteroplasty has slim chances of success and patients may be better managed with SNS
ASCRS 2015 CPG: Repeat anal sphincter reconstruction after a failed overlapping sphincteroplasty should generally be avoided unless other treatment modalities are not possible or have failed.
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on low- or very low-quality evidence, 1C.
In the absence of a rational identification of factors responsible for failure, like recurrent sphincter injury from additional vaginal delivery, repeat repairs are unlikely to be more successful.
ASCRS 2015 CPG: Plication of the external anal sphincter (Park postanal repair) is not recommended.
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
Injectable bulking agents
NASHA Dx (Solesta®) (stabilized hyaluronic acid dextranomer gel)
Office application with anoscopy: 1ml the bulking agent is injected into the submucosa just above the dentate line, typically in four areas evenly spaced around the anal canal. Needle is retained for 10s to avoid backward leakage through the injection channel
Outcomes in RCT:
Improvement (≥ 50% reduction in incontinence episodes) is seen in 53% (compared to 32% in the placebo group)
Improved outcomes likely require more than one injection
The improvement is sustained at 3Y
This procedure is low risk and easy to perform; however, it is probably most appropriate for patients with only mild fecal incontinence
Active IBD
Previous pelvic radiation
Full-thickness rectal prolapse
Anorectal malformation
Radiofrequency (SECCA®)
Contraindicated if the patient has previously had a biomaterial injection
Is done in the OR or endoscopy suite using a patented anoscope
Electrodes raise the temperature of the internal sphincter to 85 degrees → ↑ thickness of muscularis propria + change in collagen cell composition + ↓ interstitial cells of Cajal
Short- and long-term modest improvement in continence scores
Very few patients report full resolution of symptoms
Stimulation: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS)
Involves stimulating the S3 nerve root by delivering mild electrical pulses
Stage-one of the procedure: Tined lead is placed under fluoroscopic guidance along the S3 nerve root utilizing a Seldinger technique
Stage-two of the procedure: Permanent battery is implanted in those who have good response to the initial procedure & there is not evidence of infection
Success (i.e ≥ 50% reduction in the number of incontinence episodes or incontinence days) rate:
Wexner et al 2010: SNS for fecal incontinence - Results of a 120-patient prospective multicenter study
The percentages in the graph demonstrate the degree of continence
70-83% success
35-40% achieve full continence
Only a minority of patient show absolutely no improvement on SNS after implantation of a permanent device after showing improvement in the initial 10-14d period
The majority of patients will develop AE in the form of pain & paresthesia
11% develop implant site infections, the majority of which require surgery and likely explantation of the device
The results persist beyond 5-6 years on follow up, possibly even up to 10Y
success has been reported in patients with sphincter defects of up to 120 degrees
Different studies showed SNS is effective for different etiologies causing fecal incontinence (with varying degrees of success: 60-100%):
Idiopathic incontinence
Traumatic/obstetric anal sphincter lesions
Anorectal surgery
Rectal resection
Rectal prolapse surgery
Pelvic floor injury
Spinal cord injury
Risks and disadvantages
Infection rate: 11%
May require revisions/replacements for: lead migration, infection, or loss of battery power (battery usually lasts 7 years)
At 5 years, 24.4% of patients require at least 1 revision or replacement
Contraindication to body MRIs (though MRI of the head/neck are approved)
Stimulation: ASCRS 2015 CPG: Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation may be considered because it provides short-term improvement in episodes of fecal incontinence.
Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low- or very low-quality evidence, 2C.
Artificial bowel sphincter
Contraindications (conditions which impair healing):
Hx pelvic radiation
Best indications for ABS
In whom all other treatments have failed
Extensive sphincter destruction (>180 degrees)
Congenital malformations
Neurogenic incontinence from spinal cord injury
Postsurgical significant bowel dysfunction with intact anal canal anatomy
Long-term outcomes
20% require revisions/removal of their device due to infection, erosion or device malfunction
Another common cause for revisions is scar creation around the balloon in the space of Retzius →poor anal cuff deflation → outlet obstruction
Only 58% of patients end up keeping a functional implant at 5Y
Normal continence is seen in 65%
Excellent solid stool continence (98%)
Dynamic graciloplasty
ASCRS 2015 CPG: Current data are insufficient to support the use of the magnetic sphincter for fecal incontinence.
Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low- or very low-quality evidence, 2C.
Diversion & antegrade enemas
Colostomy creation
Malone antegrade continence enema (MACE)
ASCRS 2016 CPG: Antegrade colonic enema with appendicostomy or cecostomy may be an effective bowel management strategy in select highly motivated patients with refractory chronic constipation, although this is not a common alternative. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C
The appendix is imbricated. Openings on the mesentery of the appendix can be used for imbrication. The bowel is not opened throughout the procedure except when insertion the tube through the appendix. The tube is kept in place to allow the tract to fistulize.
Cecostomy tube placement
Leaker syndrome
Characterized by patients having normal bowel movements but then need to return many times to rewipe as the stool does not stop seeping out
Assessment often demonstrates:
Normal sphincter tone
Long anal canal
Soft stools
Cleansing enemas after bowel movements (small volume, water only)
Harden stool with: dietary modification ± Imodium
Surgical management of constipation
Prevalence of constipation in general population = 28%; ♀> ♂
Patients complaining of constipation have 20-30% incidence of physical and sexual abuse
Complaints of infrequent, hard stools may indicate colonic inertia
Complaints of incomplete evacuation may indicate pelvic floor dysfunction / obstructive defecation
Also associated with:
↑ Time spent on the toilet
↑ Number of attempts to defecate per day
Complaints of abdominal pain may indicate IBS
Physical examination to ilicit
Anal wink reflex
Hemorrhoids, fissures, skin tags
Rectal prolapse
Anal hypertonia
Paradoxical puborectalis contraction
Rectal mass
Fecal impaction
Vaginal examination for rectocele and cystocele
Factors contributing to constipation
Psychiatric conditions
Neurologic conditions
Endocrine disorders
Calcium supplements
Diagnostic criteria: Rome IV (2016) Dx for constipation requires 3m duration of ≥ 2 of the following (in lack of IBS) that started > 6m ago:
(1) straining with ≥ 25% of defecations
(2) lumpy or hard stools in ≥ 25% of defecations
(3) sensation of incomplete evacuation for ≥ 25% of defecations
(4) sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockage for ≥ 25% of defecations
(5) manual maneuvers to facilitate ≥ 25% of defecations (digital evacuation, pelvic floor support)
(6) < 3 defecations per week
Rome IV criteria for IBS
Symptom onset ≥ 6m before Dx
Recurrent abdominal pain ≥ 1d/week in the last 3m associated with ≥ 2 of the following
Pain related to defecation
Change in frequency of stools
Change in the form/appearance of stool
ASCRS 2016 CPG: The routine use of blood tests, radiographic examinations, or endoscopy is not typically needed in patients with constipation in the absence of alarming symptoms, screening recommendations, or other significant comorbidities. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C
Completion of the workup may require:
Chemistry panel with electrolyte levels
Thyroid function tests
Anorectal physiology and transit studies are warranted if patients do not respond to basic treatments (fiber + osmotic laxatives)
Anal manometry
EMG to assess puborectalis relaxation
Balloon expulsion test
RectoAnal Inhibitory Reflex testing (absent in Hirschsprung’s)
Colonic transit study
Assessment scores
CCF-CS: Cleveland Clinic Florida Constipation Score
Classification of patients is based on presence/absence of abnormal transit &/or pelvic floor dysfunction
See section above in Colorectal Surgery > Testing
1. Slow transit constipation (STC) = colonic inertia
Defined by < 1 BM Q3D
STC may coexist with IBS (ASCRS Consensus Statement of Definitions for Anorectal Physiology Testing and Pelvic Floor Terminology)
2. Obstructive defecation syndrome (ODS) / Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD)
The term pelvic floor dysfunction does not represent a particular pelvic floor disorder and should not be used in medical literature
Obstructed defecation syndrome is a well-defined symptom complex consisting of excessive straining at stool, need for perineal splinting, and incomplete rectal evacuation (± reduction in BM / weeks) — being present for ≥ 25% of the time
Patients tend to defecate frequently
Symptoms tend to be relatively refractory to cathartic therapy
Anatomic dysfunction
Overt rectal prolapse
It is defi as greater than 2 cm of rectal wall out pouching or bowing anteriorly while straining
Enterocele ± vaginal vault prolapse
Cystocele (demonstrated as anterior inward indentation in the vaginal wall on defecogram)
Non-anatomic dysfunction (dyssynergic defecation):
Occult rectal prolapse
Non-relaxing puborectalis/levator muscle spasm
Paradoxical puborectalis
Dx is suspected with clinical examination
Having the patient strain during digital rectal examination, the puborectalis is felt to contract against the examining finger
Dx is confirmed with anorectal electromyography & defecography
On defecogram: usually patients develop infralevator ballooning of the anorectum
Conservative management (dietary + biofeedback) result in improvement in 40-60%
Rectal hyposensitivity ± mega-rectum
Seen frequently in patients with neurologic or psychiatric impairment.
Patient with megarectum could have short segment Hirschsprung’s disease or a non-relaxing pelvic floor and these types of problems must be actively ruled out
Dx is confirmed with defecography & anorectal manometry
Dietary + behavioural + rectal stimulation suppository/enema
Abnormal perineal descent
Dx is confirmed with defecography (descent > 2-3.5cm past the static pelvic floor)
It is measured clinically by the position of the anal verge in relationship to the plane of the ischial tuberosities at rest and during maximal straining.
Normally, the anal verge lies just below an imaginary line drawn between the coccyx and the pubic symphysis. Perineal descent is diagnosed when the anus is observed to be several centimeters below this imaginary line at rest, with or without additional downward movement during straining.
Part of the pathology in abnormal perineal descent is that the pushing forces are no longer bound by the normal pelvis and thus pressure is directed not only along the axis of the anorectum, but it is also directed radially against the anterior and posterior rectal wall
3. Mixed disorder (STC + PFD)
4. Normal transit constipation (NTC) AKA constipation predominant-IBS
Newer drugs including “secretagogues” (lubiprostone and linaclotide) and serotonin 5HT agonists are significantly more expensive with no proven advantage over traditional treatment and therefore generally are reserved as last-line medical agents.
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1.1 Fiber supplementation BID + increase liquid intake X several weeks
Recommended daily fiber intake is between 25 and 35 grams
Cathartic therapy, either stimulant or osmotic in nature, while important for certain etiologies of constipation is typically ineffective in management of obstructed defecation
1.2 Exercise
1.3 Dietary modifications
2. Add (PEG or lactulose) + PRN (glycerin or bisacodyl)
3. If > 6-month trial of maximal medical treatment has failed, further evaluation with physiologic testing is warranted
Anal manometry (balloon expulsion, followed by defecography) to assess for surgically correctable features (rectocele, sigmoidocele, enterocele, intussusception)
Colonic transit study is done only after assessment for pelvic dysfunction (as per American Gastroenterology Association)
If ⊕ STC, proceed with gastric emptying & small bowel transit studies
If positive, would indicate a more global motility problem that is not correctable with surgery
4. Management
Obstructive defecation caused by anatomic abnormality should be repaired surgically (not including occult rectal prolapse)
Suggested indications for repair:
Size > 2 cm
Significant contrast retention in defecography
Nonresolution of ODS symptoms
Surgery has more durable results and better outcomes when the primary complaint is related to symptoms of pelvic floor abnormality (e.g posterior vaginal wall prolapse in rectocele) rather than constipation
Approaches for management of rectocele
Rectocele operations performed via transrectal versus transvaginal approaches demonstrated equal complication rates in the 2 groups.
Conservative management
Weight loss
Smoking cessation
Optimize constipation
Kegel exercises: 5-10 seconds 100X per day
Pessary (may not be very effective for rectoceles): require cleaning Q3m
Native-tissue Transvaginal repair may allow for relatively better visualization and access to the endopelvic fascia and levator musculature, as well as maintenance of rectal mucosal integrity that may reduce infection and fistula complications
Literature (including Cochrane Review) supports that transvaginal repairs are more durable than transanal/transrectal repairs
Transvaginal repair is offerd to patients with isolated rectocele (no rectal intussusception or prolapse)
There is no benefit in adding mesh in a transvaginal repair
For patients without any desire to preserve sexual function, a vaginal obliterative procedure, colpocleisis, is an attractive approach for its relative ease and safety
Transrectal repair theoretically has the advantage of less sexual and defecatory dysfunction than repairs with the transvaginal approach
Transrectal anatomic repair is relatively contraindicated in patients with combined rectocele and fecal incontinence, because the rectocele is closed transversely, plicating the muscularis anteriorly, which may shorten the anal canal and worsen internal sphincter function.
Transperineal repair (usually performed with mesh) is appealing for patients with both a symptomatic rectocele and fecal incontinence as a result of a sphincter defect as concomitant sphincteroplasty or levatorplasty may be performed
The transperineal approach involves a transverse incision made across the bulbocavernosus and transverse perineal muscles followed by identification and development of the plane between the external anal sphincter and the vaginal mucosa superior to the cul-de-sac, often with placement of mesh along the length of dissection, with plication of the levator muscles and closure of the vaginal mucosa.
Patients with multiple compartment prolapse or with rectal intussusception are better managed with a laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy along with sacrocolpopexy
And so, the colorectal surgeon is likely to only operate on rectoceles when pelvic organ prolapse involves other compartments and this is done in an operative approach in conjunction with GYN
ASCRS 2016 CPG: Transrectal stapled repair of rectoceles and rectal intussusception are typically not recommended because of the high rate of complications. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B
Convincingly high-grade symptomatic rectal intussusception can be managed with ventral mesh rectopexy if they fail biofeedback
STC is better managed with TAC with IRA rather than with a subtotal or segmental colectomy
Postoperative symptoms include: diarrhea, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, and constipation
Severe postoperative diarrhea is reported in a wide range, 0 to 46%.
90% of patients report that they would undergo TAC-IRA again to treat their constipation
Proctocolectomy with IPAA has been shown to have improvement for patients with STC with OOL scores higher than those with TAC-IRA, but these studies were in a highly-selected patient group. Before considering TAC-IRA, pelvic floor dysfunction must be ruled out
PFD / dyssynergic defecation :
Paradoxical puborectalis (PP) syndrome: managed nonoperatively with bowel training & biofeedback. Consider Botox under US guidance
Descending perineum syndrome (DPS): managed nonoperatively with bowel training & biofeedback
Mixed STC & PFD: surgery is of limited success. Manage each element separately (biofeedback first, then consider for TAC+IRA)
in general, patients with slow-transit constipation and pelvic floor dyssynergia should be treated with biofeedback before subtotal colectomy, because TAC-IRA in this population is associated with higher rates of recurrent constipation and lower rates of satisfaction
Adult Hirschsprung’s Disease
Clinical suspicion can be investigated with anal manometry, but the patient must undergo a full-thickness rectal biopsy to confirm the diagnosis pathologically
Posterior anorectal strip myectomy diagnostic ± therapeutic. In short-segment disease, this procedure may be curative
Incision is made in the rectal mucosa proximal to the dentate line to expose the underlying muscularis.
A portion of internal sphincter muscle is excised and ideally contains ganglion cells at the proximal surgical margin.
If myectomy is unsuccessful, AHD requires either bypass or resection of the dysfunctional rectum
Refractory disease may benefit from:
Diverting colostomies and ileostomies
Malone antegrade continence enema (MACE)
ASCRS 2016 CPG: Antegrade colonic enema with appendicostomy or cecostomy may be an effective bowel management strategy in select highly motivated patients with refractory chronic constipation, although this is not a common alternative. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C
The appendix is imbricated. Openings on the mesentery of the appendix can be used for imbrication. The bowel is not opened throughout the procedure except when insertion the tube through the appendix. The tube is kept in place to allow the tract to fistulize.
Sacral nerver stimulation
Levator ani syndrome
Described as constant and chronic pain felt in the rectum
Pain may be worsened or improved with bowel movement
Pathognomonic finding: ability to elicit tenderness on the left side during DRE (palpation of the levator muscle)
Sitz Bath
Evaluation of seating and toilet habits
Only biofeedback has been shown in an RCT have superior results in up to 87.1% at 1 month. These results have been sustained over time especially in patients who displayed tenderness of the levator ani on initial examination, with EGS and digital massage at 45% and 22% respectively.
Pharmaceutical can be tried for ~ 2m
Muscle relaxants
Botox injections (my be combined with pudendal nerve block)
It must be highlighted that the posterior and lateral component of the pelvic sling are the target for therapy, as such there is minimal benefit from anterior injections
Steroid injections, electrogalvanic stimulation (EGS), and pudendal nerve block are recommended as second-line therapy options.
Dyschezia lusoria
Attempt to evacuate a body part
Small bowel
Peritoneal cavity
Greater strain gives greater sensation of a “mass”
It leads to a vicious cycle leading to nerve stretch and damage
The Anus
Overview of the approach and management of anal pain
The prostate should be palpated since prostatitis may be the cause of anal pain
A cine-videodefecogram or dynamic MRI of the pelvis may help confirm the diagnosis of a patient with suspected proctalgia fugax or other pelvic floor disorders.
A pelvic radiograph can identify some foreign bodies
Proctalgia fugax
Duration does not exceed 30 minutes
Attacks are infrequent: 50% of patients have < 5 attacks per year
Completely asymptomatic between episodes
May have no obvious trigger for the pain
Topical nitroglycerine or diltazem
Botox injection
Pudendal nerve block
Inhaled β2-agonist albuterol may shorten the duration of symptoms
Chronic perineal pain
The ganglion impar is a solitary retroperitoneal structure at the level of the sacrococcygeal junction marking the termination of the paravertebral sympathetic chain.
The ganglion impar innervates the perineum, distal rectum, anus, distal urethra, vulva, and distal third of the vagina.
A ganglion impar block can be used to treat chronic perineal pain.
A diagnostic ganglion impar block with local anesthetic can be given to confirm the efficacy of the block.
The pain relief may be due to a blockade of nociceptive as well as sympathetic fibers.
If considerable pain relief is achieved, it can be long term in these patients by using a neurolytic or therapeutic block.
Different approaches to ganglion impar blocks have been described in the literature including injection via the anococcygeal ligament, transsacrococcygeal approach as well as a paramedian approach.
Pudendal neuralgia
The main symptom is pelvic pain; any area supplied by the pudendal nerve can be affected
Characteristics of the pain
Burning / crushing / shooting / pricking
Develops gradually or suddenly
Usually is constant, but can be worse at times and better at others
May be worse when sitting down & improve on standing or lying down
Other symptoms
Numbness & pins/needles in the pelvic area
Increased sensitivity to pain & light-touch
Sensation of swelling or mass in the perineum
Pain during sex; difficulty reaching orgasm; erectile dysfunction in men
Hemorrhoids contribute ~15-20% of anal resting pressure & aid in continence
Hemorrhoidal cushions are situated at left lateral, right anterior, and right posterior positions
Internal hemorrhoids are above the dentate line and covered in anoderm
Internal hemorrhoids are fed by terminal branches of superior rectal artery
External hemorrhoids are below the dentate line and covered with skin
Prevalence of hemorrhoids: 4.4%, half of which are > 50Y
External hemorrhoids typically cause few symptoms, unless there is an acute thrombosis
Fiber supplements
Recommended is: 25g (♀) to 38g (♂) per day
Meta-analysis has confired that fiber supplementation can alleviate hemorrhoidal bleeding but is not useful for pain, prolapse, and itching
It can take up to 6w for fiber therapy to show effect
Alternative to fiber = polyethylene glycol
Encourage ≥ 8 glasses of water/day
Counsel to reduce straining with defecation
Sitz bath for 20m TID helps with hygiene & provides symptomatic relief
Topical over-the-counter Rx have not been shown to reduce symptoms or address the underlying disease
ASCRS: The active ingredients can include vasoconstriction agents, local anesthetics, anti-inflammatory agents, and astringents. There is very little science to support the use of these agents; however, some patients do claim to get relief from these products, and there appears to be little or no harm in their use.
CCB and topical nitrates may be helpful in patient with high sphincter tone
Oral therapy (phlebotonics)
Phlebotonics are a heterogenous class of drugs consisting of plant extracts (i.e. flavonoids) and synthetic compounds (i.e. calcium dobesilate). Although their precise mechanism of action has not been fully established, they are known to improve venous tone, stabilize capillary permeability and increase lymphatic drainage.
Flavonoids (plant-based phlebotonic)
When used as oral therapy for hemorrhoids, a meta-analysis has shown decreased bleeding, pain, and itching with their use
Calcium dobesilate (synthetic phlebotonics)
Calcium dobesilate is one of many synthetic phlebotonics. It has also been shown to be effective in decreasing bleeding and inflammation in hemorrhoids
Office procedures are indicated grade I-II ± III after failure of conservative management
Rubber band ligation (RBL)
Meta-analysis of multiple studies reveals that banding is the most effective non-excisional treatment available
Can be used for grades I-III internal hemorrhoids
A Cochrane review evaluated the efficacy of RBL with respect to grade of hemorrhoids and found that excisional hemorrhoidectomy was superior to RBL for grade III hemorrhoids
Does not require anesthetic
The largest hemorrhoids is addressed on the initial banding session — if this is tolerated well, the next session can address the two remaining hemorrhoids
1-3 hemorrhoids can be done at the same setting (but with increasing risk of pain, urinary retention, & vasovagal reaction)
By applying a rubber band at the apex of the internal hemorrhoid, the hemorrhoid is fixed high in the anal canal, correcting the prolapse, and by decreasing the blood flow caudally, the hemorrhoids shrink in size
Patient positioned in left lateral position or prone Jack-Knife position
Forceps ligature technique
Anoscope is introduced (and stabilized by an assistant)
The rubber ring ligating drum with two rubber rings is placed into the anal canal
The internal hemorrhoid is grasped with forceps, and the excess tissue is pulled toward the tip or drum of the handheld ligator gun apparatus while the trigger causes the release of the rubber band
Endoscopic suction ligator technique
Suction of the symptomatic hemorrhoid into the ligating drum, which is attached to an endoscope
The ring is deployed through a trigger passed through the biopsy channel of the endoscope
The band is placed 1-2 cm above the dentate line at the apex of the internal hemorrhoid plexus
Success rate > 90%
Recurrence rate 11% at 2Y
The band will slough in ~1w
Follow up is done in 2-4w to evaluate the success of the banding
Contraindications to rubber band ligation
Grade IV
Coagulopathy or anticoagulated patients
ASCRS CPG 2018: Although there is limited evidence regarding the safety of RBL in patients on anticoagulation, it is generally considered a contraindication.
Bleeding rate in a retrospective review of 805 patients undergoing 2114 RBLs:
25.0% in patients on warfarin bled postprocedure
7.5% in patients taking aspirin or NSAIDs
2.9% in patients not taking any of these products
Cirrhosis / portal HTN
Relatively contraindicated in immunocompromised patients
Severe pain immediately after placement indicated that placement was too low near the dentate line. Immediate removal is required
Minor bleeding
Vasovagal symptoms (can be mitigated by using local anesthetic prior to RBL)
Thrombosis of adjacent external hemorrhoids
Pelvic sepsis & urinary retention is rare and requires aggressive management with IV Abx & drainage/debridement of necrotic tissue
ASCRS: In more severe cases, laparotomy with diverting colostomy and pelvic drainage may be necessary.
Appropriate for internal hemorrhoids, grade I-II
Sclerotherapy is reported to be highly successful but is still not quite as effective as RBL especially for grade III hemorrhoids
May only have 20% success at 1Y in the treatment of grade III hemorrhoids
Sclerosing agent used:
2-3ml of 5% phenol in almond or vegetable oil,
25-gauge needle inserted 1-cm above the dentate line into the submucosa at the apex of each hemorrhoid plexus
Can be applied to all hemorrhoids at the same session
Patients can be anticoagulated for the session
Risks are usually 2ry to inappropriate injection site
Sloughing of mucosa
8% experience transient bacteremia after sclerotherapy — Abx prophylaxis is considered for individuals at increased risk
Repetitive sclerotherapy can results in scarring/stricture but this is rare
Infrared coagulation (IRC)
Appropriate for grade I-II
Can be applied to all hemorrhoids at the same session
Technique: tip of the coagulator is placed at the apex of the internal hemorrhoid for 1-1.5 seconds X3-4 applications (different locations on each hemorrhoidal complex) per hemorrhoid
It is less painful than hemorrhoidal banding
Success rate: 81% for grade I-II hemorrhoids after 6m
28% of patients require a repeat procedure
Operative treatment
5-10% of patients with hemorrhoids will require surgical treatment
Excisional hemorrhoidectomy remains the gold standard for the long-term relief of hemorrhoidal symptoms
Indications for surgery
Grade III-IV hemorrhoids
In a metaanalysis of 18 RCTs comparing hemorrhoidectomy with office-based procedures, hemorrhoidectomy was the most effective treatment for patients with grade III hemorrhoids
Mixed (internal/external) hemorrhoids
Persistent symptoms despite medical and office-based treatments
Patients with substantial concomitant skin tags
Prophylactic antibiotic therapy is not indicated for elective hemorrhoid surgery
PreOp fleet enema is used to clear the rectum
Ferguson “closed” hemorrhoidectomy
Involves removal of the hemorrhoid tissue with ligation of the pedicle ± closure of the defect
Lidocaine with epinephrine (1:200,000) is injected into the hemorrhoid
A V-shaped incision is made on the perianal skin toward the anal canal
The hemorrhoid is dissected off the external sphincter then off the internal sphincter
The apex of the hemorrhoid with the vascular pedicle is clamped and the hemorrhoid excised
The pedicle at the apex is suture ligated
The defect is closed in a running, locked, fashion in the anal canal and continued in a simple running fashion on the perianal skin
In regards to addressing multiple hemorrhoids in the same session: if one can still place a medium-sized Hill Ferguson retractor at the end of the procedure, then there is usually very minimal risk of anal stenosis.
Modified Ferguson: instead of tying off the vascular pedicle at the apex, ‘pinch-burn’ technique is used in the last part of the dissection. After approximating the anodermal junction, the suture is continued in a subcuticular fashion
Milligan-Morgan “open” hemorrhoidectomy
Similar to Ferguson “closed” hemorrhoidectomy with dissection of the hemorrhoid off the sphincters
The hemorrhoid is excised
The apex is suture ligated
The wound left open to heal by 2ry intention
Energy devices
The hemorrhoid tissue is grasped
The energy device is used to excise the hemorrhoid & seal the defect
Results in less pain on POD1 but similar pain at 2 weeks PostOp
Because the hemorrhoid tissue is not dissected off the sphincter, care must be taken to avoid damage to the sphincters
Excessive removal of anoderm can result in anal stenosis
Stapled hemorrhoidopexy
Reserved for grade II-III circumferential internal hemorrhoids ± grade IV
Does not address external hemorrhoid disease
Removes a circumferential area of mucosa and submucosa proximal to the hemorrhoids. This does not remove hemorrhoidal tissue but rather disrupts the vascular supply and puts the hemorrhoids back into their proper position.
The dilator is placed into the anal canal
The clear plastic anoscope is sutured to the perianal skin to evert the dentate line
Place a purse-string in the submucosal plane 3-4 cm proximal to the dentate line
And so, this results in less PostOp pain compared to hemorrhoidectomy techniques
The purse-string is tied around the anvil of the stapler
The stapler is fired
In female patients the vagina should be inspected and palpated prior to firing the instrument to ensure that there is not a cuff of vaginal tissue included within the stapler.
The staple line should be inspected carefully for bleeding as this is a common occurrence and may require suture ligation.
Stapled (vs excisional hemorrhoidectomy) is associated with
↑ Recurrence
↓ Pain
↑ Trend towards worse incontinence, tenesmus, & hemorrhoidal symptoms
Patients undergoing hemorrhoidopexy were also more likely to require an additional operative procedure compared with those who underwent excisional hemorrhoidectomy
Potential complications
Rectovaginal fistula
Rectal perforation
Stricture at staple line
Transanal Hemorrhoidal Deartirialization
May be used for gradeI-IV hemorrhoids
Technique: a specialized anoscope with a Doppler is introduced into the anal canal. The Doppler is used as the anoscope is rotated until one of the feeding arteries is identified and suture ligated. The Doppler can also be used to confirm that the artery was adequately ligated. The anoscope is rotated until all of the significant arteries are identified and ligated (generally 4–6 arteries, but this can be quite variable). Depending on the need to correct the prolapse, a suture mucopexy can be performed immediately following the ligation using the same stitch. Suture mucopexy entails placing a running suture at the apex of the hemorrhoid (as the suture is tightened, it pulls up the prolapsed hemorrhoid)
The arterial ligation and mucopexy are all done above the dentate line
Recurrence: 3.0-60%
Bleeding: 5-10%
Pain on defecation: 9%
Outcomes are superior to office procedures but results in more complications
Metronidazole (oral and topical) have had mixed results in regards to decreasing pain
Topical nitroglycerin & 2% Diltiazem ointment have also been shown to decrease post hemorrhoidectomy pain & earlier return to routine activity
Some advocate for a lateral internal sphincterotomy at the time of hemorrhoidectomy to decrease anal tone and decrease pain
“[A]dvantages of pudendal nerve block use… reduction in opioid consumption, postoperative pain, complications, and length of stay”
Mongelli et al. 2021 DCR: Pudendal Nerve Block in Hemorrhoid Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Urinary retention is one of the most common complications (2-36%)
Incidence is higher after spinal anesthesia
Risk may be mitigated with decreasing volume of IV fluids and through judicious use of local anesthesia
Fecal incontinence (2-12%); etiology may include:
Sphincter stretch during OR
Direct injury to the sphincter complex
Loss of hemorrhoidal piles that have been contributing to 10-15% of continence
May be immediate: requires return to the operating room
May occur on POD 7-10: managed with packing of the anal canal or tamponade with a Foley. Uncontrolled bleeding requires return to the OR
Anal stenosis
Occurs if excessive anoderm is removed at the time of hemorrhoidectomy (most commonly in the emergency setting)
Treatment starts with bulk laxatives
May require dilatation or anoplasty
Infection/sepsis (<1%): may require operative drainage/debridement
Prophylactic antibiotic therapy is not indicated for elective hemorrhoid surgery
Complicated disease / special circumstances
Thrombosed external hemorrhoids
Present with an acutely painful purplish or blue mass in the perianal area
Pain usually peaks at 3-4 days
Aggressiveness of treatment is driven by the patient’s symptoms
ASCRS CPG 2018: Although most patients treated nonoperatively will experience eventual resolution of their symptoms, excision of thrombosed external hemorrhoids may result in more rapid symptom resolution, lower incidence of recurrence, and longer remission intervals.
Occasionally, a thrombosed hemorrhoid will evacuate spontaneously, leaving a small ulcer with residual clot at the anal opening
Once anesthetized, the skin should be excised overlying the thrombosis to allow as much of the clot to be removed
UTD: When indicated, external thrombosed hemorrhoids are best treated with hemorrhoid excision, rather than incision and simple evacuation of the clot, an approach that should generally be avoided. However, if timely evaluation by a surgeon is not available and the provider is not comfortable with excision of the thrombosed hemorrhoid, incision of the hemorrhoid can be performed to remove the clot, which should lessen symptoms.
The recurrence rate for a completely excised thrombosed hemorrhoid is 5-19%. By comparison, simple incision and evacuation of the clot is associated with a 30% risk of reaccumulation and thrombosis, which may disseminate to adjacent hemorrhoidal columns
When hemorrhoid incision, rather than excision, is used, there can be residual clot if the incision is too small, and reaccumulation of blood and thrombosis can occur.
The wound can be left open or closed with absorbable sutures, depending on surgeon’s preference
Bleeding usually can be managed with pressure, silver nitrate, & suture ligature
Consider prescribing Nifedipine/lidocaine ointment for faster resolution of symptoms
Strangulated, thrombosed prolapsed, hemorrhoids
They present with pain ± urinary retention & referred pain
Urgent hemorrhoidectomy is required for non-reducible hemorrhoids as edema can lead to ischema, ulceration, and necrosis
The excisional hemorrhoidectomy can be performed in an open or closed technique, although some recommend an open technique in the face of necrosis.
Enucleation of the thrombus is inadequate treatment
Alternative management for patients who refuse surgery:
1. Local anesthesia
2. Apply pressure/massage to decrease edema
3. Rubber band ligation & thrombectomy
Portal HTN & rectal varices (not hemorrhoids)
It is important to determine if the bleeding is from hemorrhoids or rectal varices
Ganguly et al defined rectal varices as dilated veins that originate > 4 cm above the anal verge, clearly distinct from hemorrhoids, and not contiguous with the anal columns and/or pectinate line
EUS is better than endoscopy alone at detecting rectal varices
Color doppler US may be helpful in identifying high-risk group for rectal variceal rupture via the measurement of velocity
Anorectal varies are present in > 75% of patients with portal HTN; 38-56% of patients with cirrhosis
Rarely cause bleeding
Management of bleeding varices:
1. Medical management of portal pressures: β-blockers; target SBP 90-100 mmHg & HR < 100 bpm
All GI bleeds (including rectal bleeding) in cirrhosis patients benefit from prophylactic Abx
2. Endoscopic
Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy
The recurrence rate in one series was 24% over the 1­year follow­up period.
Endoscopic band ligation (less effective than sclerotherapy)
Suture ligation / circumferential stapling
Surgical portosystemic shunts
Interventional radiology
Embolization: results in high 1Y rebleed rates
Management of bleeding hemorrhoids
Suture ligation
Surgical hemorrhoidectomy
Avoid RBL
Pregnancy & hemorrhoids
Topical agents are to be used with caution after consultation with OB/GYN
Hemorrhoid symptoms are not uncommon during pregnancy
Symptoms tend to resolve after delivery & rarely need intervention
Surgical intervention is not warranted unless in case of emergency
Crohn’s disease & hemorrhoids
Surgical management has been reported to have a high rate of complications and can precipitate proctectomy for surgical complications not manageable with conservative means
Surgery may be considered for patients with:
Well-controlled disease
Not on steroids
No active anorectal involvement
Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is contraindicated
Hemorrhoidectomy is contraindicated in patients with anorectal Crohn’s disease or Crohn’s proctitis
The main complication associated with hemorrhoidectomy in Crohn’s disease is non-healing chronic wound
Surgical interventions such as RBL and excisional procedures should only be undertaken when conservative measures have failed and the anorectum is otherwise free of evidence of CD
Immunocompromised patients
Hemorrhoidectomy is safe in HIV-positive patients without AIDS
Poor wound healing and infectious complications are at the forefront of decision making
Surgical intervention is reserved for emergencies
Ulcerated hemorrhoids in context of immunosuppression is suspicious for malignancy. Consider hemorrhoidectomy & sending the specimen for pathologic examination
Abnormally looking hemorrhoids should be excised and send for pathology to rule out malignancy
SCC on final pathology
2 mm is adequate resection margin for anal canal SCC
1 cm is adequate resection margin for anal margin SCC
Patients requiring therapeutic anticoagulation are managed with sclerotherapy rather than rubber banding (when appropriate)
Anorectal abscesses & fistulas
Following drainage of an abscess, fistula formation rates are as high as 40% within 12 months
Systematic review 2018: Antibiotic therapy following incision and drainage of anorectal abscesses is associated with a 36% lower odds of fistula formation
Anorectal abscesses
♂ 2:1 ♀
50% of anorectal abscesses develop a fistula-in-ano requiring surgery
Always rule out a Hx of IBD or immunocompromise
90% cryptoglandular
3% IBD
3% postoperative/traumatic
3% anal fissure
1% TB
Foreign body
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Invasive fungal infection
Principles of management:
Control sepsis
Identify the involved anatomy
Attend to symptoms without compromising sphincter function
Principles of abscess drainage
The incision should be oriented over the side of the abscess closest to the anal verge without transgression into the sphincter complex
Bx should be obtained from recurrent abscesses or fistula tracts
Perianal abscess: bedside I&D
For postanal space abscess:
Horseshoe-type extensions of anorectal abscesses may occur in the intersphincteric plane, the ischioanal fossa, or the supralevator plane
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Always consider an etiology of Crohn’s disease
Anesthesia is usually necessary
Cut at red; drain at greenScreen_Shot_2019-01-06_at_20.32.01
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The first incision is made in the posterior midline outside of the sphincter mechanism and is carried down into the deep postanal space. This drains the pus and exposes the extent of the horseshoe bilaterally into the ischiorectal fossae.
Subcutaneous tissue is divided and the underlying fibers of the external sphincter are spread with a hemostat clamp
The anococcygeal ligament then is divided to access the postanal space
A digit is inserted to explore the extent of suppuration
If a horseshoe abscess is present, elliptical counter incisions over the involved ischiorectal fossa are created
Penrose drains can be looped between incisions to maintain patency
If an underlying fistula is noted, a noncutting seton is placed to prevent recurrent sepsis, otherwise division of IAS posteriorly to the level of the transsphincteric fistula is done
Intersphincteric abscesses are addressed transanally. Mucosa overlying the bulging anal canal is divided vertically with cautery
Treatment consists of laying open the abscess, with division of the fibers of the internal sphincter from its lower end up to the level of the dentate line, or to a higher level if the cavity extends higher
Simply draining the abscess is inadequate therapy
Ischiorectal abscess: bedside I&D ± counter-incision, occasionally under GA
If a very large abscess is present, liberal use of one or more counter incisions may be done to drain the cavity satisfactorily.
Supralevator abscess: treatment depends on the source:
There is no external evidence of disease
Its origin, if possible, should be determined before treatment is begun.
If secondary to intersphincteric abscess: drain into the rectum by division of the internal sphincter
If secondary to ischioanal abscess: it should be drained through the ischioanal fossa
Attempts at draining this kind of abscess into the rectum will result in an extrasphincteric fistula and become a much more difficult problem to handle
Anorectal infections in immunocompromised patients:
Prolonged, broad-spectrum Abx are recommended
Patients with neutropenia suffer higher rates of morbidity following surgery, and mortality was upwards of 45 % in one study vs. 9 % in those treated only with antibiotics
Patients with absolute neutrophil counts > 1000/mm2 tend to mount a reaction that creates and abscess that requires surgical drainage
Patients with absolute neutrophil counts < 500/mm2 are not managed surgically because they don’t mount sufficient response
Due to the high risk of morbidity and mortality in patients with incomplete evacuation of purulent material, operative washout is preferred to bedside management.
Primary “prophylactic” fistulotomy
It is considered only in the most straightforward of superficial or low transsphincteric fistulas
Women with anterior fistulas
Compromised fecal continence
Crohn’s disease
High transsphincteric fistulas
Incidence of recurrence after adequate abscess drainage: 30%
Recurrence rate is higher when management is delayed more than 7d after the onset of symptoms
Horseshoe abscess recurrence rate is higher: 18-50%
Fistula formation: incidence of fistula formation after adequate abscess drainage: 26-50%
Necrotizing perianal skin infection
Radical debridement of all nonviable tissue is necessary
The need for fecal diversion is debated but should only be considered in the subacute setting after hemodynamic stability is well established
Transfer to a tertiary center with hyperbaric oxygen capability should be considered
Prevalence: 1-5:10,000
90% cryptoglandular
3% IBD
3% postoperative/traumatic
3% anal fissure
1% TB
Foreign body
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Invasive fungal infection
Physical examination can be helpful in delineating the fistula anatomy and reaches a very good accuracy in identifying superficial (100%) and transsphincteric (100%) tracts, but it appears inadequate for supralevator (63.6%) and intersphincteric (33.3%) tracts
ASCRS recommends performing imaging (endoanal US, MRI or fistulogram) for an accurate preoperative classification of the primary tract and its extensions
MRI technique
T2-High resolution: 512 X 512
T2-FatSat: suppression of fat signal helps identify edema/inlfammation
IV contrast: helps identify vessels/inflammation
Done in 3 planes; ≤ 4mm thick slices
Classification is the one published by Park et al (1976)
Features of complex fistulas (higher risk of recurrence and/or incontinence after intervention)
Multiple fistulas
High transsphincteric (>30% of anal sphincter length)
Associated high blind tract
Always rule out a Hx of IBD & fecal incontinence that is already present
It has been described that perianal CD fistulas reveal a characteristic aspect of hypoechogenic fistula tract surrounded by a well-defined hyperechogenic area with a thin hypoechogenic edge, defined as “Crohn’s Ultrasound Fistula Sign”.
Fistulas in Crohn’s often originate in the rectal mucosa creating high, complex fistulas
Fistulas in context of Crohn's tend to occur in a lateral position
Treatment strategies are uniformly conservative because of poor wound healing, high recurrence rates, vulnerability to incontinence related to frequent diarrhea, poor rectal compliance, & repeated insult to the sphincter complex with recurrent anal sepsis & need for intervention
The goal of treatment of perianal fistulas in Crohn’s disease is symptomatic control. Rubber seton placement are usually tolerated and satisfactory for long term (indefinite) management
Improved healing with metronidazole, fluoroquinolone, and immunomodulators have been reported
ACCENT II trial: infliximab shows significantly higher rate of fistula resolution compared to placebo (36% vs 19%)
CHOICE trial demonstrated adalimumab to be effective in inducing complete fistula healing in 39% after failing infliximab
Median duration of fistula closure during treatment with infliximab is 3m
Seton removal after at least 2 rounds (and better after at least 5 rounds) of infliximab ensure lower recurrence rate
Asymptomatic fistulas do not require surgical management
Endoanal ultrasound can also be used to determine the appropriate timing of seton removal in patients treated with infliximab therapy for perianal Crohn’s disease. If setons are not removed until the fistula tract is narrow and minimal hypoechoic inflammatory changes are seen on ultrasound, Schwartz et al. demonstrated long-term healing in 76 % of patients
Endorectal advancement flaps can be used in Crohn’s disease with fistulas when there’s no proctitis
Failure of local procedures warrants fecal diversion and then proctectomy if the disease is not controllable
When in doubt of whether to keep the rectum or not in a Crohn’s colitis, evaluate distensibility of the rectum with endoscopy. If stiff, it needs to be resected
For Crohn’s patients with extensive perianal disease, always assess for anal stenosis. If stenosis is present and an end colostomy is planned, the anus needs to be serially dilated to avoid having it scar down and causing perforated secondary to a closed loop obstruction. An alternative is to perform a mucus fistula with the distal colonic limb
As perineal disease can be extensive, a staged approach is often warranted. Abdominal proctectomy with rectal transection at the level of the levators will allow perineal disease to heal or improve and permit a subsequent, second-stage, perineal anoproctectomy of a more limited scale
Principles of management:
Define the fistula anatomy
Most often by EUA, aided by injecting hydrogen peroxide or blue dye
Goodsall’s rule: anterior external opening drain radially; posterior external openings (within 3 cm) drain to a posterior midline opening. The positive predictive value of Goodsall’s rule has been estimated to be 59 % and is more accurate for posteriorly located fistulas
If the tract cannot be cannulated fully:
External opening is enlarged toward the anal verge
The tract curetted, and the operation terminated
Adjunct imaging is done in 3-6w to allow inflammation to settle
Transanal US can predict the amount of sphincter that needs to be divided if primary fistulotomy is performed
MRI has been shown to alter surgical approach & decrease recurrence for complex & recurrent fistulas
Ensure resolution of sepsis
Always avoid fistulotomy with active proctitis
Always clear the tract and eliminate the source (gland) — usually done with fistulotomy of the internal sphincter portion
For complex fistulas or for patients with an obvious fistula at the time of treatment for anorectal sepsis: seton placement is most appropriate
For some Crohn’s or other high-risk patients, seton placement can be the definitive operation; it is left in place for prolonged periods to prevent recurrent sepsis without the intention to perform a second stage procedure because of the likelihood of failure or iatrogenic incontinence.
For patients initially treated with a seton, a second stage procedure is considered when the internal opening is < 5mm & the tract is simple, narrow, & without an associated cavity
Complex fistulas with persistent sepsis should be treated with débridement of the tract around the seton, widening of the external opening, and a search for a high blind or circular tract
Assess & preserve anal sphincter function
Division of the internal sphincter is well tolerated
Division of the distal ⅓ of the external sphincter is considered ‘safe’ in healthy male individuals
Sphincter preserving techniques are preferred in:
Women are vulnerable to incontinence because of their shorter sphincter complex, anatomic and neurologic injury to the pelvic floor sustained during childbirth, and to loss of elasticity and muscle attenuation associated with aging
IBD patients
Immunocompromised/immunodeficient patients
Fit patients with symptomatic anal fistula should have some surgical intervention
Universal approach to fistulas: identify tract. Start with fistulotomy, consider dividing the internal sphincter fibers PRN. If need to divide the external sphincter, just place a seton and bail out. After inflammation settles, the seton around the external sphincter can likely be removed in clinic.
Be weary of dividing any sphincter muscle anteriorly in a woman
Chronic fistulas will have an increase risk for developing malignant transformation that is not adequately surveyed. This warrants, at minimum, long term follow up
Verrucous squamous carcinoma tends to develop in chronic fistulas and they are characterized by their large size, exophytic growth pattern, and lack of deep invasion.
These lesions may be radio-resistant, and there may be limited role for NART
Fistulotomy/seton placement
Intersphincteric fistula
In short: sacrifice as little of the internal sphincter as required (all of it, if needed), ensure the primary source is drained, drain perianally even if no tract present
Transphicteric fistula
If low, divide internal & external muscle fibers.
If high (level of puborectalis), divide lower half of internal sphincter, ensure adequate drainage, divide only a small portion of external sphincter, & insert a seton
Dr. Lee: If high: just perform a LIFT
Suprasphincteric fistula
Division of the lower half of the internal sphincter (to eradicate the anal gland of origin), creation of adequate drainage of the secondary limb, and division of variable amounts (approximately half) of the external sphincter. The use of a seton is encouraged
Extrasphincteric fistula: If this tract is laid open, total incontinence will result.
An extrasphincteric fistula is most conveniently classified according to pathogenesis. When the cause is not ano-rectal disease, treatment consists of adequate drainage of the tract
When the disease is secondary to an Anal Fistula:
The primary tract in the anal canal must be eradicated by division of the lower half of the internal sphincter. The opening in the rectal wall is closed with two or three interrupted nonabsorbable sutures such as wire ones or with very slowly absorbable sutures such as polyglycolic acid ones. Adequate drainage of the fistulous tract must be achieved with special attention paid to the elimination of pocketing at the apex of the ischioanal fossa or supralevator extension. Preoperatively the patient is given a mechanical bowel preparation and postoperatively is fed an elemental diet, thus effectively creating a ‘‘medical colostomy’’
When the disease is secondary to specific Anorectal Disease:
These fistulas are not usually amenable to local treatment; thus, the disease itself must be treated, usually with a proctectomy
Non-cutting seton: a period of 12 or more weeks is typically advisable during which the patient is assessed periodically to ensure adequate drainage
Cutting seton
Overlying skin and anoderm are divided
The seton is then secured tightly around the remaining sphincter complex and is further tightened in the office at varying intervals (days to weeks)
Typically reserve for patients with high complex fistulas who failed multiple prior interventions or in fistulas not amenable to other techniques such as high posterior-based fistulas in patients with deep buttock cleft
Women with prior vaginal deliveries experienced significant incontinence leading the authors to advice against the use of cutting seton in this subgroup of patients especially in the setting of an anterior fistula
Time to complete healing:
Range 1m to 12m
Mean: 9.3 weeks
Incontinence (to liquid stool & flatus): 5-12% (up to 38%)
Recurrence: 3-5%
Fistulotomy with sphincter reconstruction is a suitable technique for complex or recurrent fistulas in incontinent patients or in patients who are at risk for incontinence
Prophylactic intravenous antibiotics are given at time of operation and are continued postoperatively for 1 week.
The fistula tract is completely divided using electrocautery
Curettage of the tract and any associated cavities is performed to ensure that all granulation tissue is debrided
Excision of the fibrous tract can be performed taking care not to excise any muscle or alternatively the fibrous tract is left in situ
An end-to-end primary sphincteroplasty is performed using a series of horizontal mattress sutures using 2.0 Vicryl or PDS sutures
The fistula bed of the divided fistulous tract is incorporated in the suturing to completely obliterate any potential space behind the muscle reconstruction
Overall healing rates range from 83.3 to 97.4 % and the incontinence rates between 3.7 and 21.4 %
Sphincter sparing
Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract (LIFT)
Performed most often as a second stage for transsphincteric fistula after a mature tract has developed
Very high fistula tracts are not good candidates for this approach
Success is higher than that with bioprosthetics & comparable to endorectal advancement flap
LIFT can be used for Crohn’s-related fistulas
Fistula tract is cannulated
External opening is widened
1-2cm curvilinear incision is made over the palpated intersphincteric groove above the fistula tract
Lonestar retractor is deployed
The intersphincteric space is developed bluntly with a fine-tipped hemostat
The fistula tract is isolated circumferentially without disrupting it
The probe is removed
Either end of the intersphincteric tract is ligated with absorbable sutures
The tract is divided sharply with scissors
The external opening is injected with hydrogen peroxide. If there is persistent leak, the intersphincteric opening of the external sphincter is oversewn
The anoderm is reapproximated with a running absorbable suture
Modified techniques
BioLIFT: uses bio prosthetic porcine graft to reinforce the ligation and closure of the fistula tract
LIFT-PLUS: adds partial fistulectomy of the subcutaneous portion of the tract from the skin to the external sphincter
LIFT with endorectal advancement flap
Endorectal advancement flap (the gold standard sphincter-sparing procedure)
It’s appropriate for high risk fistulae (high transsphincteric, suprasphincteric, anterior fistula in women)
Reported success rate 70-90%; real world success < 50%
Success in Crohn’s disease: 64%
Repeat anorectal advancement flap after recurrence has been shown to be feasible with overall good outcomes
Preoperative bowel preparation is done to forestall PostOp bowel movement
The seton is removed & the internal opening serves to mark the apex of the flap
A flap is created by distal to proximal dissection with electrocautery, including mucosa, submucosa, and a few fibers of the internal sphincter (partial thickness).
To ensure adequate perfusion, it is crucial that the base (proximal end) of the flap is wide, at least two to three times the width of the apex.
The tongue-shaped flap is typically 2 to 4 cm long to allow for tension-free closure.
The fistula tract is débrided with a curette, and the external opening is widened to allow for drainage.
Absorbable suture is used to close the internal opening, and the integrity of the closure is tested with injection of hydrogen peroxide at the external opening.
The tip of the flap with the internal opening is excised
The flap gently is retracted distally over the internal opening to the dentate line, but not below it, to prevent ectropion formation.
Wound edges are reapproximated with interrupted absorbable suture.
Some surgeons place a small length of Penrose drain beneath the flap for drainage to decompress dead space and prevent seroma formation
Some authors describe maintaining the patient on antibiotics for 7 days postoperatively.
The location of the internal opening (posterior vs. anterior) has no impact on outcomes of advancement flap repairs in the published literature
Fibrin sealant & collagen plug
The principle of use it to obliterate the internal opening & fistula tract
Their primary benefit is a minimal risk profile
Fibrin sealant (Tisseel) is a combination of fibrinogen & thrombin: healing rate is low (10-67%)
Fibrin sealant: shorter fistula (<4 cm) tended to recur more frequently than longer fistula (>4 cm) with recurrence rate of 54% vs. 11%
Plug: bioabsorbable xenograft, made of lyophilized porcine intestinal submucosa (Surmises®): success rate 14-87%
For plug application: the tract is cannulated, a large silk suture is threaded through the tract, the suture is tied to the narrow end of the plug and then pulled through the tract until the plug exists the external opening
Success rate in Crohn’s disease: 29-86%; failure often attributed to plug extrusion
Stem cell therapy
There is limited evidence for the use of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) to treat complex anal fistula mostly in patients with Crohn’s disease. Autologous ADSC can be easily obtained with liposuction with minimal adverse effects on the patient.
Healing rate
71% initially
63% at 1Y
33% at 3Y
Rectal sleeve advancement flap
Rectourethral fistulas
Pelvic infeciton
In the Western world, the most common mechanism of RUF is multimodality treatment for prostate cancer, including surgery, external radiation therapy (EBRT), or brachytherapy, with an incidence of 0.1–3 % in patients who received these therapies
Up to 50% of patients with RUF have a history of irradiation
The mean time from the last radiotherapy session and the diagnosis of RUF ranged from 14 months to as long as 14 years
Not all patients require definitive repair. A spontaneous closure rate of 14–46.5 % has been reported after fecal diversion, and some patients can heal small RUF with urethral catheter drainage alone
Small, minimally symptomatic, nonirradiated RUF can be managed initially with a urethral catheter and if needed suprapubic catheter drainage
If unhealed for 2 or more months, surgical intervention is usually warranted
Small distal fistulas and those not radiation-induced can be amenable to a local anal repair such as an endorectal advancement flap
If RUF remains unhealed following local flap repair, a diverting stoma followed by additional local flap repair or transperineal repair with gracilis interposition flap or dartos flap would be the next step
Patients with large RUF (>1 cm), prior radiation or cryotherapy, significant symptoms, severe urethral stricture, or prior failed repair require fecal diversion with suprapubic catheter drainage
After 3 months of fecal diversion, the RUF should be reassessed
It is important to reassess the patient with a minimum of two diagnostic studies (endoscopic or imaging) from the bladder and rectal side to confirm complete healing prior to closing the stoma
Transabdominal (proctectomy with coloanal with or without omental flap, pelvic exenteration with or without sphincter preservation)
Patients with postoperative RUF following prostate or rectal surgery and positive oncologic margins can be offered a transabdominal approach
Additional indications include high RUF not accessible to a transanal or transperineal approach, patients with nonfunctioning irradiated bladder or severely stricture urethra which requires excision with urinary diversion, and patients with prior failed repairs
Transanal flap (endorectal advancement flap with or without biologic mesh)
Transperineal (gracilis flap interposition or dartos flap)
The gracilis muscle interposition is currently the most commonly used method for treating complex, large, recurrent, and/or irradiated RUF.
Transsphincteric (York-Mason technique)
Transsacral (Kraske approach)
Anal fissures
Constipation and diarrhea are frequent antecedent historical features
The Dx is made with an external physical examination
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Confirming the Dx: touching the site of defect with a cotton-tipped swab will reproduce the pain associated with defecation
DRE & office anoscopy are used to rule out other diagnoses if the Dx is unclear
If anal tone is high and there is twitching of the anal sphincter, even if there is no visible fissure, a diagnosis of anal fissure disease is likely
Failure to make a Dx warrants an EUA
Fissure location
75-90% of fissures are in the posterior midline; 10% are anterior midline (mostly in ♀). In 3% of patients, fissures can be located at posterior and anterior positions simultaneously
Anterior midline fissures are seen more commonly in women & are associated with an external sphincter defect
Younger women with anterior midline fissure: consider low-pressure fissure associated with obstetric trauma
Fissures not located in the midline should prompt work up for other disease:
Crohn’s disease
STDs (HIV; syphilis)
Non-healing ulcers should evaluated for a secondary cause of the fissure, most likely with an EUA and Bx
After 6-8w of developing the fissure & symptoms, the fissure takes on a chronic appearance: fibrosis, exposed internal sphincter muscle, skin tag at the distal end, and/or a hypertrophied papilla at the proximal end
The duration of symptoms guides management strategies
Anal manometry is indicated if the anal tone is suspected to be low or if fissure recurs after LIS
↑ Dietary fiber, analgesia, sitz bath
Consider topical anesthetics or topical steroids
Medical management
Stepwise progression: Glycerine TriNitrate/CCB → botox → LIS
Most common AE with GTN & CCB is headaches (CCB better tolerated).
Dose escalation does not improve healing rates, but escalating doses are associated with an increased incidence of medication side effects
AEs are dose related and lead to the cessation of therapy in up to 20% of patients
CBD: 0.5% nifedipine ointment or 2% diltiazem cream is used QID
Healing rates: 65-95%
Data suggests that the cure rate associated with topical CCB is increased with increasing frequency of daily application
Anal fissures may also be treated with oral CCB. Direct comparison of oral and topical nifedipine found similar rates of healing and pain relief.
GTN: 1g of 0.2-0.4% applied BID/TID (commercially available only in 2% — dilute in soft paraffin e.g 10g of 2% in 100g)
Paraffin wax is a soft colorless solid derived from petroleum, coal or oil shale that consists of a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules containing between twenty and forty carbon atoms
Results from Botox injections are comparable to topical medications, less effective than surgery
Dr. Charlebois’s approach: 20-40u mixed in 1cc of NS: apply at either side of the fissure, proximally & distally, use 0.1-0.2 cc into each site
Injection of Botox is done into the internal sphincter or in the inter-sphincteric groove
ASCRS 2017: A Cochrane review from 2012 found no clear trend between dose, preparation, or injection site of botulinum toxin and associated healing rates
Surgical therapy
Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy
LIS is the gold standard for chronic anal fissures, but it associated with risk of incontinence
<10% of patients experienced difficulties with incontinence at more than 5 years of follow-up, and 3% experienced significant changes in lifestyle
Healing rate: 88-100% on 6Y follow up
LIS has a fecal incontinence rate of 8-30%, but is as low as 3% in some systematic reviews
Some of the surgeons at McGill suggest not performing LIS on young women as they will eventually develop incontinence as they age.
Some advocate a classical LIS for males and tailored LIS for women
Not appropriate for low-pressure fissures
LIS is not done posteriorly because it results in a keyhole deformity and results in soiling and seepage
Classical LIS is done up to the dentate line
Tailored LIS is done for a distance equal to that of the fissure
Some prefer a circum-anal incision to a radial incision as they see that circum-anal incisions heal better
Anocutaneous advancement flap is useful with patients with incontinence (or high risk of it) = cut a diamond (or house-flap) just distal to the fissure and use it to cover the fissure after ‘freshening the wound of the fissure’
V-Y Flap:
Healing rate: 81-100%
Minor incontinence rate: 0-6%
ASCRS 2017 CPG: The addition of an anocutaneous flap to botulinum toxin injection or to lateral internal sphincterotomy decreases postoperative pain and allows for primary wound healing. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C.
Fissurectomies may be offered as an alternative to anocutaneous advancement flap
Patients with prominent sentinel skin tag, hypertrophic anal papilla, and fibrotic wound base are the highest likely to benefit from fissurectomies
Fissurectomy can be combined with LIS
LIS has been compared with fissurectomy in 2 randomized trials including a total of 112 patients, with superior healing rates with LIS and with equivalent incontinence rates
Recurrent fissure
Repeat LIS (on contralateral side; or ipsilateral side if a tailored LIS was performed initially) if anal tone is hypertonic
Associated with 98% healing rate; 4% minor incontinence rate, at 12m follow up
Consider endoanal ultrasound to evaluate the integrity of the previously divided muscle after LIS. This helps guide whether a repeat LIS should be done on the ipsilateral or contralateral side
Fissurectomy with advancement flap if hypotonic sphincter or if there is a sphincter defect
Atypical fissures
Crohn’s Disease
It is reasonable to intervene only as complications dictate
Fissures in Crohn’s patients can be managed surgically (LIS or advancement flap) if it is a single, “characteristic” midline fissure, elevated resting sphincter tone, and a disease-free rectum.
Medical management of Crohn’s may lead to resolution of the anorectal disorders in ≥ 50%
Biologic therapy is the gold standard in the treatment of perianal Crohn’s disease
Topical metronidazole may be beneficial
STI-related fissure treatment: identify causative organism through Bx & tailor therapy
Poor sphincter tone and function is a more frequent finding than the hypertonicity that accompanies typical, non-HIV-related fissures
HIV-related anal ulceration: Bx, viral culture, debridement, & intralesional steroids
Pruritus ani
♂ 4:1 ♀
May be localized or diffuse
Often worse at night or in warm, moist climates
A Dx of exclusion
A result of fecal contamination leading to irritation
Purirotogenic foods include: coffee/tea, colas & energy drinks, citrus fruits, chocolate, & spicy foods
Overzealous hygiene may be implicated in the pathogenesis (excess soap & lotions destroy the natural skin barriers)
Bacterial infection (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, erythrasma)
Sexually transmitted infection (Gonococcus, Chlamydia)
Fungal infection (Candida, dermatophytes)
Parasites (pinworms, scabies)
Viral infection (herpes virus, condylomata, Molluscum)
Anorectal disorder
Hemorrhoids (external, prolapsing internal)
Anal fissures
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Fecal incontinence
Perianal Crohn’s disease
Skin tags
Chronic diarrhea
Pilonidal disease
Contact dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis
Perianal psoriasis
Lichen sclerosus
Seborrheic dermatitis
Anal cancer
Rectal cancer
Extramammary Paget’s disease
Systemic disease
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic renal failure
Iron-deficiency anemia
Evaluation is centred at assessing for secondary aetiologies to address them
Detailed Hx and examination
A medication history of infliximab or etanercept may point to psoriasis as a cause for pruritus
If low resting anal tone is found on physical examination, stool seepage may be a cause for pruritus pain
For all patients: anoscopy & flexible sigmoidoscopy
For non-responders to topical agents:
Patch testing for allergy
Biochemical testing: LFT, renal panel, blood glucose, CBC, CRP
Biopsy (with an 11-blade or skin punch Bx) including an area of the lesion with adjacent normal skin: this is the single most valuable test in patients with primary pruritus
Washington severity staging
Stage 0: Normal-appearing perianal skin
Stage I: Erythematous and inflamed perianal skin
Stage II: White, lichenified (leathery) perianal skin
Stage III: Lichenified skin with coarse ridges and ulceration
Address primary cause
Bowel augmentation with fiber
Clean & dry skin should be maintained throughout the day
Avoid perfumed cleansers, lotions, and tight-fitting garments
Non-responders are tried on 1% hydrocortisone cream may alleviate symptoms; not to be given for > 8w to avoid atrophic changes
Applied at night and in the morning after bathing
A tapering regimen should be set in place ending with substitution of a barrier cream such as Calmoseptine
Patients with many anal lesions are followed up to rule out dysplasia in these lesions
Second line therapy
1. Topical capsaicin TID X 4w
Capsaicin is a chili pepper extract with analgesic properties. Capsaicin is a neuropeptide releasing agent selective for primary sensory peripheral neurons. Used topically, capsaicin aids in controlling peripheral nerve pain
2. Topical tacrolimus
3. 1% mythelene blue injection into the perianal area up to the dentate line
Anal stricture
Is narrowing anywhere along the anal canal & is distinct from anal stenosis, (stenosis describes functional narrowing of the canal secondary to muscular hypertrophy or spasm)
The majority of strictures occur as a complication of previous anorectal surgery, most commonly hemorrhoidectomy with excessive anoderm excision
History should assess for anorectal surgery, radiation, Crohn’s disease, & perianal trauma
Crohn’s anorectal stricture
Management options
Fnger, coaxial balloon, or Hegar dilators
Effective management by rectal sleeve advancement has also been reported
50% of patients will eventually come to proctectomy
Conservative management should be started with everyone
Hydration, fiber supplementation (more formed stools help dilate the sphincter), stool softener
Patients with high risk for failure fo surgical management can undergo trial of manual dilation (start with Hegar size 5 and advance to size 18. Patient can do home dilations using size 14 dilators)
Surgical treatment
High risk of failure in surgical treatment is seen in
Immunocompromised patients
Crohn’s disease
Radiation injury
Anastomotic strictures and those associated with Crohn’s disease are best managed using incision with or without stricturoplasty
This can be performed in all four quadrants if needed. The wounds can be left to heal by secondary intention or closed transversely
The principle of anoplasty is release or excision of the fibrotic strictured tissue & replacement with normal pliable tissue with a tension-free, well vascularized flap
Simple flaps (They derive their blood supply from the skin bridge)
Lateral mucosal advancement flap
Y-V advancement flap
Full-Thickness flaps (They derive their blood supply from the underlying subcutaneous tissue)
V-Y advancement flap
House flap
HPV Serotypes 16 & 18 have been associated with cancer
79% of patients diagnosed with anal SCC are attributable to type 16 or 18
Those that are considered high risk include 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, and 45 and produce E6 and E7 proteins, which in turn inhibit two important tumor suppressor proteins, p53 and Rb
Most infections are transient and are cleared within 2Y
Transmission from mother to child during delivery can occur
HPV infects the basal keratinocytes of the epidermis
> 90% of anal SCCs are associated with HPV infection
HPV testing can be used to screen women for cervical cancer, but screening for HPV is not indicated for men
Liquid-based anorectal cytology specimens are the preferred specimen type to screen for high-grade anal dysplasia
Patient with positive findings should be referred to a specialist for high-resolution anoscopy or routine anoscopy and monitoring
3–5% acetic acid for 2–5 minutes, a magnifying anoscope is used to examine the anus and lower rectum (preferred)
Dysplastic epithelium will absorb acetic acid and appear as scaly white with greater disarray of vascular patterns and tissue friability as the grade of dysplasia increases
Iodine-based Lugol’s solution may also be added to further detect dysplastic tissue
The mechanism for Lugol’s utility is that only healthy epithelium absorbs this compound which causes normal tissue to appear wood-like, and dysplastic tissue does not absorb the solution giving these tissues a yellowish hue
Condyloma acuminatum (anal warts)
HSV types 6 & 11 are low-risk and are the most common etiologic agents for genital warts
They are regarded as premalignant lesions
Individuals with condyloma acuminatum are at increased risk for developing anogenital and head & neck cancers for 10 years or more after a diagnosis of anal warts
Presentation ranges from asymptomatic, to pruritus, bleed, discharge, pain, and interference with defecation or intercourse when large
Aids in Dx: Application of 5% acetic acid causes the lesions to turn white
Bx will confirm the Dx
Histologic features are:
Verrucous architecture composed of papillary excrescences (growths) & hyperkeratosis
The presence of koilocytic changes within a maturing squamous epithelium
A koilocyte is a squamous epithelial cell that has undergone a number of structural changes, which occur as a result of infection of the cell by human papillomavirus
Nuclear enlargement (2-3X the normal size)
Irregularity of the nuclear membrane
Darker than normal staining of the nucleus
Clear area around the nucleus (perinuclear halo or perinuclear cytoplasmic vacuolization)
Grading of the changes is based on the extent of basal layer expansion
The “LSILs and HSILs” terminology is based on histological findings such as mitotic activity, depth of dermal involvement, and abnormalities in squamous cell differentiation
The distinction between condylomas and LSILs is somewhat arbitrary; condylomas generally appear as bland exophytic, papillary proliferations with viral cytopathic changes, whereas LSILs tend to be flat lesions
ASCUS = atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
AIN I (LSIL) = Nuclear abnormalities are confined 20-25% of the epithelium
AIN II (HSIL) = Limited to the lower ⅔ of the epithelium
AIN III (HSIL) = CIS = Full thickness involvement of the epithelium
The distinction between condylomas and LSILs is somewhat arbitrary; condylomas generally appear as bland exophytic, papillary proliferations with viral cytopathic changes, whereas LSILs tend to be flat lesions
Assess extent of involvement:
Physical exam (thorough genital examination)
Physical examination should include a head-to-toe evaluation for squamous cell lesions, considering all lymph node basins.
Colposcopy ± vaginal speculum exam
Cervical Pap smear for women diagnosed with condyloma
Cameron: There is no evidence to suggest that one treatment is significantly superior to another, and patients should be counseled, in advance, that recurrence is common and generally occurs within the first few months after treatment.
The indication to treat anogenital warts is to relieve symptoms
The infection is self limited
Treatment is directly only to macroscopic (genital warts) or pathologic (precancerous) lesions
Spontaneous resolution has been reported, but most will require an intervention
Topical agents have moderate efficacy with response rate of ~50%
Podophyllotoxin (an antimitotic agent)
Associated with significant local toxicity & requires provider administration
Imiquimod cream (an inducer of local cytokines)
5-FU (an antimetabolite),
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) (an inducer of protein coagulation)
IFN-α (local or systemic)
Consider excision of larger condylomata and fulguration for small-moderate lesions
Dr. Charlebois suggests fulgration for even large lesions as long as they’re not pedunculated or have a stalk. Apply electrocautery to the lesion until the conduction of electricity ceases then wipe/scratch the lesion. The target of treatment is flat perianal skin
During any ablative or excision procedure, multiple Bx must be submitted to evaluate for dysplasia
Indications for surgical therapy
Large (≥ 1-2 cm at the base)
Intra-anal lesions
Failed medical management
Surgical options:
Cryotherapy requires multiple treatment sessions
Argon plasma beam
Cameron: Our practice eschews use of laser for fulguration because there can be viable virus in the smoke plumes with isolated case reports of transmission to healthcare providers
May be excised sharply or cauterized
When large lesions are excised, skin bridges must be left intact between wounds to minimize scarring & to avoid anal stenosis
Staged (3-4w apart) treatment is advised for ‘carpeting’ condyloma with minimal or no intervening normal skin to minimize scarring & stenosis
20-50% will develop recurrence regardless of treatment approach — recurrence is higher in immunocompromised patients
In patients with HIV, CD4 counts should be maximized to prevent or delay recurrence after treatment
Genital HPV types can be identified in plucked pubic and perianal hair, suggesting that an endogenous reservoir for HPV may play a role in recurrence.
Buschke-Lowenstein tumor AKA verrucous carcinoma AKA giant condyloma
The definition of Giant condyloma varies
Rare, slow growing
It’s an intermediate form between condyloma acuminatum & SCC
50% of giant condylomas harbor SCC
Excised specimens often demonstrate an endophytic component not present in ordinary condylomata
They tend to form abscesses & fistulae and to recur after excision
Treatment is wide local excision with 1 cm margin (often requires flap closure)
APR may be required with deep tissue involvement
HPV vaccine
Vaccination is effective in preventing HPV infection
For ♀: HPV9, HPV4, or HPV2 vaccines are recommended routinely at age 12Y up to 26Y
For ♂: HPV9 or HPV4 vaccines are recommended at age 11Y up to 21Y
Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (AIN)
It’s a necessary but not obligate precursor to SCC
Anal canal AIN without perianal involvement is very unusual
It is characterized by cellular & nuclear abnormalities limited to the epithelial cells without involving the basement membrane
It is strongly associated with HPV types 6, 11, 16, & 18
10% of AIN lesions are diagnosed as an incidental finding after excision of an “innocent” anal tag or condyloma-like lesion
Risk factors
HPV infection
Anal warts
Multiple sexual partners
Anoreceptrive intercorse
Hx of rectal discharge
IV drug use
Current cigarette smoking
Cervical or vulvar dysplasia or cancer in ♀
Grading is based on the extent of basal layer expansion
The “LSILs and HSILs” terminology is based on histological findings such as mitotic activity, depth of dermal involvement, and abnormalities in squamous cell differentiation.
The distinction between condylomas and LSILs is somewhat arbitrary; condylomas generally appear as bland exophytic, papillary proliferations with viral cytopathic changes, whereas LSILs tend to be flat lesions
ASCUS = atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
AIN I (LSIL) = Nuclear abnormalities are confined 20-25% of the epithelium
AIN II (HSIL) = Limited to the lower ⅔ of the epithelium
AIN III (HSIL) = CIS = Full thickness involvement of the epithelium
The presence of koilocytic changes within a maturing squamous epithelium
A koilocyte is a squamous epithelial cell that has undergone a number of structural changes, which occur as a result of infection of the cell by human papillomavirus
Nuclear enlargement (2-3X the normal size)
Irregularity of the nuclear membrane
Darker than normal staining of the nucleus
Clear area around the nucleus (perinuclear halo or perinuclear cytoplasmic vacuolization)
AIN I & II may regress, but AIN III is less likely to do so — rate of progression to SCC is 10% at 5Y in immunocompetent patients & 50% in immunosuppressed patients
HSIL (graded as Tis by AJCC) encompasses the following terminologies:
Bowen disease
Carcinoma in situ
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Dysplastic tissues are most commonly found within the transition zone
The sensitivity of digital rectal examination in identifying anal neoplasia is fairly low as many AIN lesions are not palpable
ASCRS 2018: Biomarkers, including p16, should be used selectively to clarify equivocal high-grade lesions. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on low- or very-low–quality evidence, 1C.
P16 is a tumor suppressor gene product that indicates HPV integration into the host genome.
The Lower Anogenital Squamous Terminology guidelines recommend the use of p16 in borderline HSIL/LSIL cases, with strong positive staining leading to an HSIL diagnosis and weak or absent staining supporting an LSIL diagnosis. The use of p16 staining, or any of the biomarkers, in a screening setting is less clear.
ASCRS 2018 : HPV testing may be used as an adjunct to screening for anal cancer. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendations based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B.
Biomarkers screen for the presence of high-risk HPV to estimate the risk of dysplasia.
The main limitation to this strategy is the high prevalence of HPV in the high-risk population
Lesions classified as atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or higher are generally referred for HRA
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA)
Setting: office Vs OR
Topical agents are used to enhance detection of lesions not visible by conventional examination or anoscopy
3-5% acetic acid solution applied for 2-5m, this results in acetowhitening of dysplastic tissue
Lugol’s solution
It is superior to cytology or HPV testing in identifying HSIL
Cytology misses nearly ⅓ of high-risk lesions, suggesting that HRA would have the most clinical use for screening
Disadvantage: associated cost and required expertise
ASCRS 2018 CPG: Performing HRA requires specialized training and ongoing practice to perform good-quality examinations
Periodic Pap tests are offered to high-risk individuals with HPV (even before identifying AIN):
A swab or brush sample from the anal canal to include the ATZ can be evaluated for cytological evidence of dysplasia
The cytology must be performed before any instrumentation of the anus and before lubrication is used. The procedure is performed with a moist swab in the anal canal and without any preparation.
Immunosuppressed patients
Men who have sex with men
Women with history of cervical dysplasia
Assess other HPV-related diseases
Physical examination should include a head-to-toe evaluation for squamous cell lesions, considering all lymph node basins.
GYN examination to assess for GYN-neoplasia
Dental examination to assess for oral cancer
Genital examination to rule out lesions
Management (no consensus) ranges from watchful waiting to aggressive surgery
Management is more aggressive for AIN III or immunocompromised patients
Periodic Pap tests are offered to high-risk individuals (even before identifying AIN):
A swab or brush sample from the anal canal to include the ATZ can be evaluated for cytological evidence of dysplasia
Men who have sex with men
Women with history of cervical dysplasia
ASCRS 2018:
Vaccination against HPV in men and women under age 26 years for primary prevention is typically recommended.
Vaccination of individuals with anal dysplasia for secondary prevention of dysplasia and cancer is not recommended. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on high-quality evidence, 2A.
Vaccines against HPV types 6, 11, 16, & 18 demonstrate decrease in AIN in men who sleep with men, as well as decrease in persistent HPV infection
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of the vaccine in cervical dysplasia showed that it had no effect
Condom use has been associated with a reduction in the risk of acquiring HPV, clearance of infection, and higher rates of regression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women and penile lesions in men
ASCRS 2018: Individuals with anal dysplasia should be followed at regular intervals with a history, physical examination, and a discussion of screening options. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B.
It is not clear that screening will prevent a cancer from occurring, but there is evidence that cancers detected during a screening program are identified at an early stage
AIN I & II: follow up Q12m
AIN III or immunocompromised: follow up Q4-6m + treatment of suspicious lesions
The risk of progression is fairly low in patients with low-grade dysplasia with evidence indicating that some proportion of patients will exhibit regression of disease without treatment
Observation may be the best option for patients with LSIL. In particular, this may be the least difficult technique for patients with no symptoms and with low likelihood of conversion to anal cancer
A conservative approach of observation is supported by the high recurrence rates seen after aggressive attempts at complete eradication. After HRA-targeted destruction of LSIL/HSIL, HSIL recurrence rate is up to 57% at an average of 19m
Topical agents have demonstrated effectiveness for both LSIL & HSIL:
One of the most tested agents and is considered to be efficacious by those who use it regularly.
In one RCT: clearance of HSIL in HIV⊕ patients with imiquimod vs placebo: 43% vs 4%
Evaluated against LSIL/HSIL in retrospective studies
Response rate 57%, with 39% having complete response
Trichloroacetic acid
For immunocompetent patients with HSIL, the simplest method of treatment is ablation
Ablation options are burdened by high recurrence rates & significant morbidity.
ASCRS 2018 CPG: Ablative treatments with conventional anoscopy or HRA are appropriate therapies for HSILs. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B.
Lesions that make up ≥ 50% of the circumference of the anal canal may require staged treatment to avoid stenosis
Infrared coagulation
Electrocautery fulguration
Data reveal that electrocautery is highly effective in inducing complete response of AIN especially in immunocompetent individuals (72%) as compared to immunosuppressed individuals (51%), but recurrence rates are as high as 61%
The operating surgeon should remember that the disease is limited to the epidermis and does not require destruction of deeper dermal tissues
CO2 laser ablation
ASCRS 2018: Patients who have been treated for anal dysplasia may be observed without regular cytology, HPV testing, or HRA; however, treatment of visible or palpable disease should be offered. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low or very low-quality evidence, 2C.
Bowen’s disease—use of this terminology is discouraged by ASCRS. Instead, they are grouped under AIN or SCC
It is a specific perianal manifestation of SCC in situ
Patients have minor symptoms: burning/pruritis, mass, &/or bleeding
Clinically characterized by erythematous, ± brown/red pigmented, scaly, or crusted plaques that have a moist or nodular surface
Sabiston: Bowen’s disease typically presented as a single confluent area of SCC in situ managed with wide excision
Sabiston: Confluent Bowen’s disease is usually managed with wide local excision or, as more recently reported, with 16 weeks of topical 5-FU
Cameron: Treatment is wide local excision ± skin flaps
Before excision, to ensure clear resection margins and to identify multifocal disease, biopsies are taken from four quadrants at the dentate line, the anal verge, and the perianal skin and are submitted for frozen section
Recurrence rate is 30%
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
An anal canal cancer: any lesion that cannot be completely visualized with distraction of the gluteal cheeks
Perianal (which replaces the term anal margin) lesion can be completely visualized with distraction of the gluteal cheeks, and that is still within 5 cm of the anal orifice
Most patient have slow-growing, intra-anal or perianal mass
There is increasing frequency of SCC in US over the last 3 decades
Risk factors
Female sex (1.7 times more affected)
HPV related
HPV Serotypes 16 & 18 have been associated with cancer
Prevalence of HPV-16 in HIV⊕ men who have sex with men = 35%; incidence of cancer: 46/100,000
Prevalence of HPV-16 in HIV⊖ men who have sex with men = 12%; incidence of cancer: 5/100,000
Those that are considered high risk include 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, and 45 and produce E6 and E7 proteins, which in turn inhibit two important tumor suppressor proteins, p53 and Rb
Lifetime number of sexual partners
Previous STI
Hx of anogenital warts
Anoreceptive intercourse
Hx of cervical, vaginal, or vulvar cancer
Immunosuppression related
Autoimmune disorders: lupus, sarcoidosis
Men who have sex with men
Solid organ transplantation
Cigarette smoking
Bleeding (45%), pain (30%), asymptomatic (20%)
⅓ present with N⊕ disease
15% present with M⊕ disease
Workup & staging
Physical examination with DRE: assess fixation & invasion into local structures
Palpation of inguinal area for signs of lymphatic spread → FNA or core-needle Bx to confirm involvement
HIV testing if status is unknown
GYN exam for ♀ including screening for cervical cancer (cervical Pap test)
♂ require penile examination to exclude premalignant or malignant lesions
Anoscopy: determine size, location, & obtain Bx
SCC is defined, and differentiated from AIN, by invasion of tumor cells beyond the basement membrane.
ASCRS 2018 CPG: Although anal cancer is not a risk factor for the development of colon cancer, colorectal neoplasms have been demonstrated in <15% of patients with anal cancer; therefore, colonoscopy should be performed to rule out synchronous colorectal neoplasms.
CT Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis
Most common metastasis is to liver and lungs
CT brain if symptoms/signs are present
MRI or endoanal US: determining primary tumor depth, sphincter involvement, and perirectal LN involvement as that enable optimal radiotherapy planning and allows for post-treatment comparisons
Consider PET for ≥ T2 or N⊕ disease
PET/CT has been shown to identify distant metastases that are not detected by physical examination or other imaging modalities in 17% to 25% of patients, resulting in a reported change in treatment (ie, radiotherapy) in <19% of cases
The main impact of PET/CT on therapy stems from its superiority in detecting involved pelvic or inguinal nodes
AJCC Staging
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Recall hint: remember T staging for the breast
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
Tis HSIL (previously termed carcinoma in situ, Bowen disease, anal intraepithelial neoplasia II–III, high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia)
T1 Tumor ≤2 cm
T2 Tumor >2 cm but ≤5 cm
T3 Tumor >5 cm
T4 Tumor of any size invading adjacent organ(s), such as the vagina, urethra, or bladder
N1a Metastasis in inguinal, mesorectal, or internal iliac lymph nodes
N1b Metastasis in external iliac lymph nodes
N1c Metastasis in external iliac with any N1a nodes
M0 No distant metastasis
M1 Distant metastasis
Indication for surgery
When to declare a patient a nonresponder is a matter of debate.
Upfront surgery is recommended for T1N0 well-differentiated perianal SCC that can be excised with 1cm margin
Persistent disease after chemoradiotherapy
Recurrent disease after chemoradiotherapy
Groin dissection for nodal disease but should not be done prophylactically
NCCN: Groin dissection can be done with or without APR depending on whether disease is isolated to the groin or is in conjunction with recurrence/persistence at the primary site
Chemoradiotherapy regimens
A minimum of 45G in 25 fractions, 1.8Gy each, over ~5w
For ≥T2 or N⊕ disease: a boost of 5.4-14.4Gy to the primary tumor & LN is recommended (total dose 50.4-59.4Gy)
Extend from the border of L5-S1 (involves rectosigmoid junction)
Spreading distally to incorporate the entire pelvis (including anus & inguinofemoral LN)
NCCN: The pelvic and inguinal nodes should be routinely treated in all patients
Terminating onto the perianal skin 2.5cm distal to the anus
Short term
Swelling and pain
Vaginal discomfort & discharge
Long term
Anal stenosis
Pelvic fracture
Radiation proctitis
Vaginal stenosis ((female patients should be encouraged to use a vaginal dilator)
Fertility may be affected in both ♂& ♀
Addition of mitomycin (to radiation with 5-FU) improves colostomy rates, colostomy free-survival & DFS
5-FU IV on days 1-4 & days 29-32 (i.e 4d Q28d)
Mitomycin bolus on days 1 & 29 (i.e 1d Q28d)
Option 1 (first-line):
Capecitabine PO BID
Mitomycin bolus on days 1 & 29
Option 2 (second-line):
Data evaluating cisplatin:
ACT II trial: radiation + 5-FU + (mitomycin vs cisplatin): similar in effectiveness and grade III-IV AE
Ajani et al (RCT): radiation + 5-FU + (mitomycin vs cisplatin): higher colostomy rate with cisplatin (10% vs 19%) but more hematologic toxicity with mitomycin
Follow up study: disease-free and overall survival were actually improved in the MMC-treated group compared with the cisplatin group
At this time, there is insufficient high-quality data to support the use of induction chemotherapy outside of a clinical trial
Regimen for M⊕ disease
Carboplatin + paclitaxel
Subsequent therapy may include nivolumab or pembrolizumab
AE and considerations
Both men and women of child-producing ages should be counseled regarding sperm and ova banking before the onset of therapy
Female patients who are planning on sexual activity at any point after CRT should be counseled regarding the use of vaginal dilators to prevent vaginal stenosis resulting in the inability for coitus
With mitomycin-based chemoradiotherapy: incidence of grade III-IV nonhematologic toxicity is 74%; severe long-term toxicity effect seen in 11%
Bone marrow suppression (↓WBC; ↓Plt)
Pulmonary toxicity
Previous radiation or inadequately controlled HIV may be limiting or contraindications to chemoradiation therapy or radical surgery
ASCRS 2018: Patients with HIV or AIDS who present with anal cancer as the first manifestation of their immunosuppression, and who are not medically deconditioned, can be safely treated according to the same regimens as immunocompetent patients. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on medium-quality evidence, IC.
For HIV patients: CD4 count play a role in modifying the dose of RT; doses range from 32 to 63 Gy; chemotherapy may be delivered in conventional dose regimens
Treatment breaks and interruptions (of 2w or more) affect response rates from chemoradiotherapy
ASCRS: Treatment breaks and interruptions to CRT should be avoided if possible, although they occur as frequently as in 80% of patients with anal cancer
‘Anal margin cancer’ = “a perianal (which replaces the term anal margin) lesion can be completely visualized with distraction of the gluteal cheeks, and that is still within 5 cm of the anal orifice
They behave like cutaneous malignancies (managed with local excision with 1cm margin)
They are classified as skin cancers rather than anal canal cancers
Tumors that extend into the anal canal are treated with definitive chemoradiation or APR
Anal canal cancer
An anal canal cancer would be any lesion that cannot be completely visualized with distraction of the gluteal cheeks
1. Chemoradiation can result in 92% 5Y-survival
2. Evaluate patients 8-12w after treatment ends to assess for complete remission
Clinical assessment should include DRE, anoscopy, and palpation of the inguinal LN
Because of slow tumor regression, biopsies for persistent disease are typically avoided at 8-12w and <6 months post-CRT
3. For those without complete remission:
If disease is progressing, redo Bx and staging and evaluate for APR if not metastatic
If disease is persistent, follow up in 4w with repeat imaging
Post-treatment imaging is most frequently undertaken 3 months from the completion of CRT, when treatment related fibrosis and residual tumor could be distinguished.
If disease is progressing, redo Bx and staging and evaluate for APR if not metastatic
If regressing or stable, re-evaluate Q3m
The majority of recurrences occur in 2-3Y
Patients who had complete response and then recurrence are managed with APR
Isolated inguinal LN recurrence
If hasn’t received RT before: RT ± chemotherapy
If has received RT before: LN dissection (not necessarily with APR)
Metastatic disease
Median survival is 12m
Combination chemotherapy: [CarboTaxol (preferred), Cisplatin/5-FU, or FOLFOX] ± radiation. Subsequently, nivolumab or pembrolizumab is given
Metastatectomy may improve long-term survival in select patients
Primary rectal SCC is rare and is treated with the same approach as anal SCC
Post-treatment surveillance
After complete response
DRE, anoscopy, & inguinal area examination Q3-6m X 5Y
CT annually X 3Y
Persistent disease (until remission): Q4w DRE, anoscopy, & inguinal area examination
EUA ± targeted Bx for persistent abnormalities 5-6 months after CRT, stenosis, pain, or scarring preventing adequate surveillance
Annual CT Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis X 3Y is indicated for:
T2-4 or N1 disease
Initially persistent disease that later regressed
Those who undergo APR for persistent or recurrent disease
Survival for M⊕ disease receiving chemotherapy
1Y: 60%
5Y: 32%
Adenocarcinoma of the anal canal accounts for 10% of all anal cancers
Most originate from the columnar epithelium of the upper anal canal or glandular cells of the ATZ zone
Have high risk of nodal disease along the inguinal and femoral nodal chains
Immunohistologically staining
CK20 ⊕
CDX2 ⊕
CK7 ⊖
Stage I: surgery alone is sufficient
Stage II & III are treated with NACRT (5-FU based) → surgery (APR) → 5-FU consolidation chemotherapy
Perianal Paget’s disease
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It’s an intraepithelial adenocarcinoma
Often confused with eczema or dermatitis
It may represent a true primary lesion arising from apocrine glands or may represent synchronous or metachronous lesions in patients with internal malignancies
Bx shows large rounded cells with pale vacuolated cytoplasm and hyperchromatic eccentric nuclei
Staining positive for Periodic Acid–Schiff helps distinguish Paget’s disease from AIN
Disease typically extends microscopically beyond the visible lesion — it’s difficult to obtain negative margins without sacrificing large skin areas
Localized disease: surgical wide local excision
Mohs micrographic surgery: surgery results in lower recurrence rates (8%) & less morbidity
Contraindications to surgery:
Multifocal disease
Widespread disease that precludes complete resection
Radiotherapy can be used as a primary treatment in these cases and also can be used in the adjuvant setting. Recurrence rates after primary radiotherapy vary widely in the literature (0 to 60%)
Chemotherapy (adjuvant & neoadjuvant) is used
It is the 3rd most common site of melanoma after skin & retina
Most common symptom: bleeding and pain
Early lesions may be mistaken for hemorrhoids
Up to 30% of anal melanomas are amelanotic (not pigmented) and do not have a macroscopically suspicious appearance
Workup should include
Pelvic MRI
Complete dermatologic examination
Ophthalmologic examination
Tumor cells express (histopathologic staining):
Melan A
Prognosis of anal melanoma is poor (Median survival after excision is only 2 years)
Surgery is the treatment of choice because anal melanoma does not respond to chemoradiation.
The extent of surgical resection (APR vs wide local excision) does not seem to significantly affect outcome because patients often die of distant metastases. There is, however, improved local control with APR compared to wide local excision in some studies, and the use of APR for larger lesions or for salvage and palliation can be considered in select cases
Mutations associated:
BRAF mutation: eligible for BRAF-inhibitors (Dabrafenib+trametinib)
C-KIT mutation: eligible for TKI (imatinib)
They tend to be small and are managed with local excision
Definitive or neoadjuvant chemoradiation may be indicated for high-grade neuroendocrine neoplasms
Mesenchymal tumors
Angiosarcoma protuberans
Solitary fibrous tumor
The curative surgical approach is wide local excision — APR may be required to achieve a negative margin
Pediatric colorectal disorders
Anorectal malformations are associated with the VACTERL complex
Vertebral defects (e.g sacral anomalies; hemi-vertebra)
Rule out with plain radiographs of the vertebral column
Rule out tethered cord with spinal cord US
Anal atresia
Cardiac defects (e.g ASD and VSD)
Rule out with cardiac echocardiogram
Tracheo-Esophageal fistula
Ability to pass a NGT help rule out most types of TEF
Renal anomalies
Rule out with US
Limb dysplasias (e.g poorly formed radial bone ± absent thumb)
Cloacal anomalies
They are the most severe & complex form of anorectal malformation
Occur in 1:20,000 live-births
Embryologically, the cloaca is a transient organ that becomes divided to separate the gastrointestinal tract from the genitourinary tract
It is typically associated with hypoplastic malformation of the labial structure & a small perineal opening that may be too small to allow evacuation of secretions. May require urgent decompression via vaginostomy tube placement as well as colostomy
In one variant (urogenital sinus) only the urethra and vagina form a common channel; the rectum is separate and in the appropriate anatomic location
Prenatal workup should determine the presence of hydrocolpos (distended vagina filled with fluid). Failure of its recognition can lead to vaginal rupture, hydronephrosis, and sepsis
Complications are prevented by early vaginal decompression
Managing complicated cases is complex and typically requires an open abdominal approach
Definitive management
Timing: once the anatomy has been mapped out using
Fluoroscopy or MRI
Cystoscopy & vaginoscopy
Length of the common channel is a major factor in choosing a definitive repair
Short common channels (< 3cm)
Repaired with perineal incision
Associated with ↓ morbidity
Long common channel (> 3cm)
Require abdominal and perineal approaches
Goal of repair:
Separation of the rectum from the cloacal channel
Implantation in the centre of the remaining sphincter complex
Introtial structures (vagina & urethra) are mobilized as a single unit and brought down to the perineal skin
Long term follow up is critical
Life-long urological & gynaecological problems
Incidence of fecal incontinence ≥ 50%
Cloacal exstrophy
A separate entity from anorectal malformations
Bladder & cecum open onto the external abdominal wall
Associated with:
Imperforate anus
Ambiguous genitalia
Anorectal atresia / imperforate anus
Caused by abnormal hindgut development → ectopic positioning of the anal opening in the cloaca due to anatomical and/or genetic factors
Perineal fistulas are sometimes subepithelial in the midline raphe of the scrotum or perineal body and not always evident initially
Smaller defects have a more posterior phenotype, such as anocutaneous fistula
Extensive defects lead to more anterior abnormalities, such as recto-urethral fistula occurring above the levator muscles
A post-24h prone lateral Xray (±US) allows visualization of the terminal location of the rectum to decide on primary repair or initial colostomy
Primary pull-through is feasible if the rectum has descended below the pubococcygeal muscle complex
Colostomy placement should be as proximal as possible on the descending colon (to allow for sufficient length to perform a pull-through later)
1. Contrast study through the colostomy help identify recto-urethral fistulas (often connecting through the prostate or sphincter complex of the urinary bladder)
2. The classical procedure is the posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP)
The rectum is identified above the levator complex
The rectum is opened to identify the recto-urethral fistula
Submucosal dissection then ligation of the fistula
Mobilization of the rectum to allow a pull-through
Using Pena muscle stimulator, the rectum is placed through the residual sphincter complex
3. Following surgery, anal dilations of the anal canal is required
4. A 12m old child will necessitate the easy passage of a #14 Hegar dilator before the colostomy is reversed
Long term considerations
Most will continue to have problems well into adulthood
Functional outcomes are dependent upon the height of the fistula
Lower lesions typically have constipation; PEG is commonly used
Higher fistulas have incontinence
Hirschsprung’s disease
It is caused by interruption of the normal migration of the neuroenteric cells (Meissner’s & Auerbach’s) from the neural crest before they reach the rectum.
Aganglionic area lacks nitric oxide synthase → lack of the muscle relaxant nitric oxide → constriction
Transition zone is usually (80%) the rectosigmoid colon
Incidence: 1 in 5,000 live births
♂ 4:1 ♀ (except in total colonic aganglionosis in which ♀>♂)
RET proto-oncogene mutations compromise nearly ½ of all familial cases & a smaller fraction of sporadic cases
Delayed passage of meconium (> 48h)
Poor feeding, poor weight gain, progressive abdominal distension
Evaluation & Dx
Xray: dilated bowel loops (the dilated part is the normal segment of bowel)
Barium enema with a rectum/sigmoid ratio of >1 is diagnostic
Barium enema is the primary diagnostic radiologic study and should be done before a rectal examination or washout enema is administered as that might decompress the characteristic transition zone
Rule out congenital abnormalities
Evaluate for the presence of Hirschsprung’s associated eneterocolitis
Gold standard Dx is with Bx
Avoid Bx in the distal most rectum (0.5-1cm from dentate line) as that segment may normally be aganglionic
Infants: bedside suction rectal Bx of mucosa and submucosa is appropriate
Older children & adults: full thickness distal rectal Bx
Bx results
Absence of ganglion cells in submucosa
Hypertrophic parasympathetic nerve trunks
acetylcholinesterase staining
Absence of calretinin positive nerves
Anorectal manometry is useful in adults but not paediatrics
Absence of RAIR should raise suspicion for certain pathologic conditions, including Hirschsprung’s disease, Chagas disease, dermatomyositis, and scleroderma
Pediatric population
PreOp: bedside decompression with rectal irrigation 20-30ml/kg Q6h
If the transition zone is higher than can be reached by the washouts, the decompression is going to be unsuccessful and the patient will require a formal levelling colostomy. If the washouts are successful in decompressing the obstruction, an elective repair is contemplated
Stage 1: Colostomy creation / Levelling procedure
Levelling procedure = intraoperative biopsies are serially obtained to determine the level of ganglionosis
Identify transition zone
Transect bowel proximal to the transition zone
Stage 2: Pull through ± proximal diversion
Throughout the procedure, full-thickness Bx are obtained at various levels to determine the level of ganglionosis on frozen sections
Swenson procedure
Resection of the entire aganglionic segment down to the dentate line
Perineal coloanal anastomosis
Duhamel procedure (rectorectal pull-through)
Posterior rectal dissection
The bowel is divided proximal to the transition zone (in the normally innervated colon)
From a transanal approach, an incision is made in the posterior rectal wall 1cm proximal to the dentate line
An anastomosis is made
Optional step: linear stapler is used to divide the common wall between the native rectal vault and the ganglionic colon to create a side-to-side anastomosis
This can be used as a salvage procedure for failed Swenson procedure
Soave-Boley procedure (submucosal endorectal pull-through)
Main advantage: minimizes risk to pelvic structures during dissection
The aganglionic intestine is resected to the level of the rectum below the peritoneal reflection
A submucosal dissection from both the pelvic side and the anal side removes the rectal mucosa and creates a muscular cuff
The ganglionic intestine is then pulled through the cuff
Anastomosis 1 cm above the dentate line
Most children do well regardless of the type of procedure
Stage 3: Reversal of diversion
Adult population
Posterior anorectal strip myectomy: diagnostic ± therapeutic. In short-segment disease, this procedure may be curative
Incision is made in the rectal mucosa proximal to the dentate line to expose the underlying muscularis.
A portion of internal sphincter muscle is excised and ideally contains ganglion cells at the proximal surgical margin.
Laparoscopic rectosigmoid resection with a trans-anal colonic pull-through followed by delayed coloanal anastomosis
Stage 1
Abdominal phase: in contrast to procedures for rectal cancer, the dissection plane stays between the rectal muscular layer and the mesorectum
Perineal phase:
Gradual anal dilatation
Installation of a LoneStar retractor
Circumferential incision of the mucosa is made at the level of the dentate line and a short mucosectomy is performed
Rectum is then transected at the upper border of the anal sphincter until the level of the abdominal dissection is reached (usually at the level of the levator ani)
The rectum and sigmoid colon are pulled through the anal canal. Once the colon is pulled through, it is cut above the megacolon, therefore leaving an 8-10 cm colonic segment outside the anal canal.
This exteriorized colonic segment is tied by means of 2 stitches to the right thigh and left open to allow clearance of gas and stool
The exteriorized segment is wrapped in absorbent, paraffin-impregnated gauze
Stage 2: 5-7 days after the first stage
No retractors are needed and the adhesions between the anal canal and colon must be left intact
After the mesocolon is tied off at the level of the anal verge, the pulled-through colonic segment is excised at the same level, and a handsewn coloanal anastomosis is created at the level of the dentate line
No preventive diverting stoma is constructed
Duhamel procedure: Only small numbers of Swenson and Soave operations have been reported in adults. Although functional results in the long term were reported to be satisfactory, the incidence of septic complications was higher with these operations. Neither of these two operations offers a compliant reservoir, which is usually considered a necessity for acceptable defecatory function. However, compared with the Swenson and Soave operations, the Duhamel and modified Duhamel operations are superior for preventing postoperative impotence and anastomotic dehiscence, and creating a reservoir to minimize soiling.
PostOp concerns
These more uncommon conditions may require reoperation, including a posterior myomectomy (in the case of recurrent enterocolitis), or redo-pull-through for strictures or aganglionic segments
Chronic obstruction; etiology:
Mechanical obstruction 2ry to strictures (most common) requiring dilatation
Recurrence / residual aganglionosis (second most common)
Motility disorder
Anal sphincter achalasia
Etiology of constipation in Hirschsprung’s disease
Anastomotic issues (strictures)
Sphincter dysfunction
Retained/acquired aganglionic segment
Recurrent enterocolitis
Affects up to 40% of pull-through patients
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Highest risk with
Birthweight < 1,000 grams
Birth at < 28w GA
Disrupted or immature GIT immune modulation → ischemic cascade → loss of epithelial barrier function → mucosal then full-thickness injury
Breast milk protective, likely secondary to high concentrations of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and IgA
Indications for surgery
Clinical signs of perforation
Clinical deterioration despite maximum medical treatment
As many neonates may be hemodynamically unstable, and may not tolerate a full laparotomy, performing a percutaneous drainage of the abdomen via a small right lower quadrant incision is an option for very small premature infants an alternative to surgery. Outcomes between open laparotomy and drainage have been shown to have somewhat equivalent outcomes
50% of neonates undergoing surgery do not survive
In the neonatal period, a child with “constipation” should be considered to have an organic cause of their constipation or a bowel obstruction until proven otherwise
In children outside of the neonatal time period, the vast majority of their constipation is functional
Rome III criteria is considered the best method to make the Dx
Etiology of constipation in Hirschsprung’s disease
Anastomotic issues (strictures)
Sphincter dysfunction
Retained/acquired aganglionic segment
PEG is most commonly used
Senna is used with more resistant cases
Empty the colon of stool and begin a bowel management program
Those children that are refractory to initial treatment need further work-up to rule out an organic cause
Malone antegrade continence enema (MACE)
ASCRS 2016 CPG: Antegrade colonic enema with appendicostomy or cecostomy may be an effective bowel management strategy in select highly motivated patients with refractory chronic constipation, although this is not a common alternative. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C
The appendix is imbricated. Openings on the mesentery of the appendix can be used for imbrication. The bowel is not opened throughout the procedure except when insertion the tube through the appendix. The tube is kept in place to allow the tract to fistulize.
Cecostomy antegrade enema via Chait® tube
The appendix
Acute appendicitis
Lifetime risk: 7%
Highest incidence in ♂ 10-14Y
The appendix plays an active role in the secretion of immunoglobulins, especially IgA
Etiology: mechanical obstruction with
Lymphoid hyperplasia
Parasitic infection
The most common isolated bacteria: E. coli, Bacteroides fragilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Steptococcus, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas
More than 50% of older patients with appendicitis are found to have perforated appendices, compared with fewer than 20% of younger patients.
Patients above 40Y with perforated appendicitis have high incidence of malignancy - interval appendectomy is necessary
False negative US findings are seen with:
Retrocaecal position of the appendix
Overlying fat
Very large/distended mistaken for bowel loop
If perforated compressible
Differential Dx
Acute mesenteric adenitis
Always have Hx of URTI
Relative lymphocytosis may be seen
Salmonella typhimurium
Mesenteric adenitis
Paralytic ileus
Campylobacter jejuni
Dx Culture from stool
Yersinia enterocolitica or psudotuberculosis
Mesenteric adenitis
Acute appendicitis
Will need appendectomy
Rx: tetracycline or ampicillin
When in doubt, immediate exploration is the safest option
Sexual history
May be complicated by tuba-ovarian abscess
Look for vaginal discharge
Ruptured Graafian follicle
A result of ovulation spillage of blood & follicular fluid
Pain at midpoint of menstrual cycle AKA Mittelschmerz
Ovarian cyst
Serous cysts are common
Complicated cysts mimic appendicitis
Torsion: requires surgery
Leak of ovarian cyst. Resolves spontaneously
Mass palpable on exam?
Yes = easy Dx
No transvaginal US or CT
Ruptured ovarian cyst:
Usual onset is with strenuous physical activity
± Vaginal bleeding
Most women with ovarian cyst rupture have an uncomplicated case and are candidates for observation. Complicated cases may require inpatient management and/or surgery
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Acute ileitis (Yersinia; Campylobacter; Salmonella)
Suspect when diarrhea is the prominent symptom
Findings at surgery: inflammation around the appendix & terminal ileum + mesenteric lymphadenitis
Mickel's diverticulitis
May be indistinguishable from Acute appendicitis
Occasionally accompanied with LGIB
Special population
Appendicitis progression is rapid
Risk rupture
Appendectomy is routinely performed during Ladd’s procedure for malrotation because the diagnosis becomes difficult afterwards (caecum at LUQ)
Appendicitis in pregnancy
Appendicitis is the MC surgical emergency (incidence: 0.06%)
No relation between appendectomy & subsequent fertility
CT is not an absolute contraindication; CT delivers 29-43 mGy of radiation to the fetus. The best quantitative estimate of risk is ~1 cancer per 500 fetuses exposed to 30 mGy of radiation
Unruptured appendicitis is associated with 3-5% fetal loss
Ruptured appendicitis is associated with 20-25% fetal loss
In later stages of pregnancy, the ability to visualize the appendix is severely limited. In one study, the ultrasound was unable to detect the appendix in 71% of patients with surgically proven appendicitis
Appendicitis is more prevalent in HIV-infected population
Have similar presentation but without WBC (relative leukocytosis may be seen)
Have risk of rupture
DDx (opportunistic)
Infectious colitis
Kaposi sarcoma
Operative management
Mortality < 1%
Wound infection < 5%
Conversion from laparoscopic to open = 2%
Leave a closed suction drain in place only if a well-defined residual abscess cavity exists after reflection of the small bowel away from the appendiceal bed
If a normal appearing appendix is encountered:
± Remove the appendix
Perform a thorough search for patient’s symptoms:
Examine small bowel: Meckel’s, Crohn’s, mesenteric lymphadenopathy
Examine pelvis: ovarian torsion, hernias
If findings of Crohn’s are found and the base of the appendix is not involved → appendectomy prevents future confusion
If the base of the appendix is inflamed, best to avoid appendectomy to minimize the risk of fistula formation
Acute distal ileitis may be a manifestation of early Crohn’s disease, but it also may be unrelated, such as when it is caused by a bacteriologic agent (e.g., Campylobacter, Yersinia). Patients usually present in a similar fashion to those presenting with acute appendicitis with a sudden onset of right lower quadrant pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. These entities normally resolve spontaneously and, when noted during surgery, no biopsy or resection should be performed
Nonoperative management of uncomplicated appendicitis
30-50% require appendectomy within 48h
5-15% develop complications
Rate of recurrence of appendicitis is 7-14% at 1Y
Recurrence is higher with the presence of a fecalith
In children, recurrent appendicitis is as high as 72%
Untreated appendicitis that resolve spontaneously have 38% recurrence rate
Tumors of the appendix
Primary neoplasms of the appendix are found in ~1% of appendectomy specimens
Even intraoperatively, < 50% of appendiceal neoplasms are recognized as such
The most frequent histology: mucinous adenocarcinoma (~38%) > intestinal-type adenocarcinoma (~26%) > NET/carcinoid (~17%)
Epithelial neoplasms
Mucinous neoplasms
Mucoceles are classified into:
Mucocele: any lesion that is characterized by a distended, mucus-filled appendix
The appendix is the most common source of mucoid fluid collections in the abdomen
In 50%: the appendiceal wall is fibrotic and—as a sign of chronicity—may sometimes contain calcifications
Non-neoplastic mucoceles
The non-neoplastic mucoceles (mucosal hyperplasia and simple retention cysts) have a higher prevalence as compared with neoplastic mucoceles (mucinous cystadenomas and cystadenocarcinomas) with prevalence rates
Mucosal hyperplasia
Simple (benign) or retention cysts caused by obstruction
Neoplastic mucoceles
Mucinous cystadenomas - Low-grade mucinous neoplasms (LAMNs)
For pseudomyxoma peritonei, see Management of psudomyxoma periteoni & intraoperative metastasis
LAMNs are characterized by well-differentiated adenomas that can proliferate outside the appendix in a malignant fashion. Acellular or cellular extra-appendiceal mucin may be associated with LAMNs, although this is not a requirement.
High-grade appendiceal neoplasms (HAMNs) share some histologic features with LAMNs but exhibit more aggressive cytologic atypia.
Rarely, a primary appendiceal mucinous neoplasm will harbor high-grade cytology yet lack infiltrative invasion associated with adenocarcinoma. These lesions are best classified as HAMNs.
They are often asymptomatic
May show ↑ESR, ↓Hgb, ↑CEA, ↑CA19-9
US: variable internal echogenicity depending upon the consistency of the mucocele. Nodular enhancing lesions in the wall of the mucocele are suggestive of an underlying malignancy
CT findings:
Low-attenuation, well-encapsulated round or tubular cystic mass.
Soft tissue thickening + wall irregularity = suggestive of a malignancy
As appendiceal mucoceles are extrinsic or submucosal, on colonoscopy they can produce a smooth indentation of the cecal lumen or have the appearance of a glossy, rounded, protruding mass arising from the appendiceal orifice
The appendiceal orifice may be seen in the center of a mound-like elevation of the cecal wall (volcano sign)
Dx: a presumptive diagnosis can be made based on abdominal CT scan findings of a well-encapsulated round or tubular cystic mass with calcification at the expected site of the appendix and colonoscopic findings of a smooth indentation of the cecal lumen or rounded protruding mass arising from the appendiceal orifice
Requirements for the pathologic Dx of LAMN
Extravasated mucin (extravasated mucin is commonly seen in interval appendectomies, and this makes the Dx of LAMN suspicious)
Dysplastic epithelium (not only at the site of the ruptured appendix)
LAMNs have their own AJCC TNM staging
T category
T criteria
Primary tumor cannot be assessed
No evidence of primary tumor
Carcinoma in situ (intramucosal carcinoma; invasion of the lamina propria or extension into but not through the muscularis mucosae)
Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm confined by the muscularis propria. Acellular mucin or mucinous epithelium may invade into the muscularis propria.
T1 and T2 are not applicable to LAMN. Acellular mucin or mucinous epithelium that extends into the subserosa or serosa should be classified as T3 or T4a, respectively.
Tumor invades the submucosa (through the muscularis mucosa but not into the muscularis propria)
Tumor invades the muscularis propria
Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into the subserosa or the mesoappendix
Tumor invades the visceral peritoneum, including the acellular mucin or mucinous epithelium involving the serosa of the appendix or mesoappendix, and/or directly invades adjacent organs or structures
Tumor invades through the visceral peritoneum, including the acellular mucin or mucinous epithelium involving the serosa of the appendix or serosa of the mesoappendix
Tumor directly invades or adheres to adjacent organs or structures
HAMN AJCC TNM staging follows Colon Cancer staging
A concurrent colorectal adenocarcinoma can be found in approximately 20% of patients with appendiceal mucoceles. Colorectal cancer should therefore be ruled out intraoperatively, if a colonoscopy was not performed preoperatively
Mucosal hyperplasia, retention cysts, or cystadenoma → appendectomy
Mucoceles that have ruptured are more likely to be associated with the spread of epithelial cells within mucoid fluid throughout the peritoneal cavity, so-called pseudomyxoma peritonei, or mucinous carcinomatosis of appendiceal origin
Patients having LAMN or HAMN limited to the appendix without perforation do not require any additional surgical treatment beyond appendectomy, provided there are clear resection margins. It is also questionable whether a completion right hemicolectomy is necessary when the appendectomy margins are histologically positive or have mucin on the resection margin
In two separate, comparative studies, the peritoneal recurrence rates associated with acellular mucin outside of the appendix were 4% and 7% at follow-up, compared with 33% and 75% in cases of cellular mucin, respectively. In this context, there is no evidence that a right hemicolectomy is associated with a reduction of PMP risk.
Cystadenocarcinoma are best treated with right hemicolectomy
Appendectomy without violating the tumor or spilling mucin → no follow up
If there was spillage of mucin → CT/MRI at 12m is performed — however, a diagnostic laparoscopy may be offered
The prognosis of a ruptured LAMN is dependent on the amount and cellularity of mucin deposits, and recurrence rates increase when epithelial cells are present in the mucin
Mucinous cystadenocarcinomas - High-grade mucinous neoplasms (HAMNs)
Signet-ring cell carcinoma is a rare but aggressive subentity of mucinous adenocarcinoma; typically associated with poor prognosis
Although appendectomy alone is typically sufficient for treating HAMNs, care should be taken to exclude the presence of associated invasive adenocarcinoma, including comprehensive histologic evaluation of the entire surgical specimen
5FU-based chemotherapy (similar to CRC) is recommended for HAMNs with N⊕ disease or peritoneal disease
Perforated HAMNs may be candidates for systemic chemotherapy (LAMNs are not)
Mucinous adenocarcinomas have a markedly worse outcome (reduced cancer-specific survival) than non-mucinous adenocarcinomas of the appendix
Mucinous tumors that penetrate the visceral peritoneum and cause mucin deposits confined to the right lower quadrant are still considered a T4a (stage II if N⊖); when mucin has dispersed beyond the right lower quadrant, it is designated M1a
Non-mucinous neoplasms
Invasive adenocarcinoma
Found in < 1% of appendectomy specimens
Signet ring cells consign the tumor to the poorly differentiated category and is associated with poor prognosis
Because they are usually incidental pathology findings, staging is usually done postoperatively: CT chest/abdomen/pelvis + colonoscopy
Right hemicolectomy is recommended for noncarcinoid cancers larger than 1 cm.
UTD: For most patients, we suggest right hemicolectomy rather than simple appendectomy alone, and we reserve simple appendectomy alone for unruptured, well-differentiated, completely resected adenocarcinomas that invade no deeper than the submucosa (ie, T1 tumors).
Recommendations for adjuvant chemotherapy parallel that for colon cancer
Goblet cell adenocarcinoma (GCAs)
May clinically cause appendicitis
Have features of both adenocarcinoma and NET
The histologic hallmark is the focal presence of mucin-containing goblet shaped epithelial cells, which may cluster in the lamina propria or submucosa of the appendix
All GCAs stain positive on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining for mucin and, thus, can be differentiated from appendiceal NETs
UTD: Given the higher risk of metastases with an appendiceal GCA compared with an appendiceal NET, we suggest that most patients, even those with T1 or T2 favorable histology tumors, undergo complete right hemicolectomy within three months of initial appendectomy
Prognosis is somewhat worse than with a malignant NET, but overall, it is better than with appendiceal adenocarcinoma
Non-epithelial neoplasms
Neuroendocrine neoplasms (carcinoid)
Carcinoid is a general term for well-differentiated NET
Arise from enterochromaffin (Kulchitsky) cells at the base of the crypts of Lieberkuhn
Overproduction of serotonin can consume up tryptophan and cause deficiency in niacin (B7) and nicotinamide (B3)
The appendix accounts for 16-38% of all NET arising within the tubular intestinal tract; the majority arise in the small bowel
Predisposing conditions
Presence of breast or colorectal cancer
For nonfunctional tumors, some tumor markers are helpful:
Elevated urinary levels of 5-HIAA are highly specific for serotonin-producing carcinoid tumors (ie, those arising in the midgut), but they are not particularly sensitive
If there is suspicion for liver metastases or carcinoid syndrome, measurement of the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) in a 24-hour urine collection is indicated
As a general rule, serum concentration of chromogranin A (CgA; a protein that is stored and released with peptides and amines in NETs) parallels 5-HIAA excretion. Because it does not rely on serotonin secretion, serum level of CgA is a more sensitive marker than urinary 5-HIAA for gastroenteropancreatic NETs, including those arising in the appendix; it is less specific
Pancreatic polypeptide
Neuron-specific enolase
The majority are well-differentiated
Midgut NETs (ie, those arising in the appendix and small bowel) are more commonly associated with classic carcinoid syndrome than those that arise in the foregut or hindgut. Carcinoid syndrome being characterized by episodic flushing, wheezing, diarrhea, and right-sided valvular heart disease. 90% of carcinoid syndromes have metastasis
They are usually found incidentally. Operative finding: firm, yellow-tan, bulbar mass; 75% are located at the tip
Most are submucosal & located in the distal ⅓ of the appendix
Metastasis mainly involves the liver. Extrahepatic metastasis is extremely uncommon
Staging workup is advised for:
NET > 2 cm
Incomplete resection (either lack of LN or positive margin)
Those with concern for distant metastasis based on symptoms
Somatostatin-receptor-based diagnostic imaging is reserved for patients with suspected metastatic disease
Colonoscopy is performed prior to completion right hemicolectomy to assess for synchronous cancers
The surgeon should perform a complete inspection of the bowel intraoperatively since up to 25% of midgut NETs (small bowel, proximal colon) may be multifocal and are sometimes associated with malignant gastrointestinal tumors of other histologic types
Tumors < 2 cm are unlikely to have metastasized. ⅓ of larger lesions are metastatic at Dx
The risk of N⊕ at Dx
0% for NETs < 1cm
7.5% for NETs 1-1.9cm
33% for NETs >2 cm
AJCC staging for carcinoids is based on tumor size as it correlates with the incidence of metastases and represents the most important prognostic parameter, whereas depth of invasion, lymphatic, perineural, or serosal invasion lack prognostic power
The best available evidence (which is limited) suggests that perforation has no influence on the prognosis of classical appendiceal NETs
Indications for completion right hemicolectomy
Tumor > 2 cm
Tumor 1-2 cm with deep mesoappendieceal invasion (controversial)
Positive or unclear margin
High proliferative rate
Mixed histology (goblet cell adenocarcinoma)
Metastatic disease
Carcinoid symptoms are well controlled with long-acting somatostatin analogs
Somatostatin analogs prolong the time to disease progression and overall survival in asymptomatic patients
Liver resection for selected patients may be beneficial, particularly for symptom relief
Everolimus is an option for patients with progression following somatostatin analog therapy
The role of cytotoxic chemotherapy continues to be debated
Tumor < 2 cm treated with simple appendectomy: no surveillance
CT/MRI X1 for NET > 1-2cm is advised, but not supported by evidence
After complete resection of 10–20 mm lesions, a single CT or MRI to rule out lymph node and distant metastases is recommended, but without level I evidence
Tumor > 2 cm treated with right hemicolectomy:
Hx & physical examination Q3-12m, then Q6-12m with imaging as clinically indicated
Consider 5HIAA/cGA & SPECT/CT
Goblet cell adenoCa (see non-mucinous adenocarcinomas)
Have features of both adenocarcinoma and NET
Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasms (MiNEN)
GI bleed
Ulcer disease
Forrest classification
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Peptic ulcer disease (the most common cause of UGI bleeding)
Repeat testing for H.Pylori if negative in the acute setting (as the false-negative rate in the acute bleeding setting is significant)
Curling ulcers are seen after burns to more than 30% of total body surface area
Cushing's ulcers develop following central nervous system injury
Cameron ulcer: linear erosion or ulceration of the mucosal folds lining the stomach where it is constricted by the thoracic diaphragm in persons with large hiatal hernias
Marginal ulcer: mucosal erosion at the gastrojejunal anastomosis
Isolated gastric varices
Tend to occur secondary to splenic vein thrombosis
Sarine’s Classification
Gastroesophageal varix (GOV) type 1: Extension of esophageal varices along lesser curvature
Gastroesophageal varix type 2: Extension of esophageal varices along great curvature
Isolated gastric varix (IGV) type 1: isolated to the fundus
Isolated gastric varix type 2: Varices anywhere else in the stomach or duodenum
Type 1: located in the fundus
Type 2: isolated ectopic varices located anywhere in the stomach
Both esophageal varices and gastroesophageal varices types I (along the lesser curvature of the stomach) and II (along the greater curvature of the stomach) can be treated by sclerotherapy or band ligation. However, isolated gastric varices do not usually lend themselves to these modalities of treatment
Bleeding intragastric varices should be treated with octreotide and balloon tamponade followed by cyanoacrylate injection, TIPS placement, or surgery. Endoscopic variceal ligation is also an option for patients with gastroesophageal varices along the lesser curvature of the stomach (GOV1). Bleeding gastric varices can be technically difficult to treat and cyanoacrylate injection is the preferred initial approach, where available, for most gastric varices
Isolated gastric varices in the setting of splenic vein thrombosis are readily treated by splenectomy
Complications of portal hypertension:
Gastroesophageal varices
Both esophageal varices and gastroesophageal varices types I (along the lesser curvature of the stomach) and II (along the greater curvature of the stomach) can be treated by sclerotherapy or band ligation. However, isolated gastric varices do not usually lend themselves to these modalities of treatment
Type 1: extension of esophageal caries along the lesser curvature
Type 2: extension of esophageal varices along the greater curvature
Portal hypertensive gastropathy (treat as with variceal bleeds)
Has snake-skin appearance, usually in the fundus
Treat with β-blocker & octreotide
TIPSS if severe
Erosive pathology: esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis
Stress gastritis (see stomach for details)
Stress is considered present when hypoxia, sepsis, or organ failure occurs. When stress is present, mucosal ischemia is thought to be the main factor responsible for the breakdown of these normal defense mechanisms. There is little evidence to suggest that increased gastric acid secretion occurs in this situation. More than 50% of patients develop stress gastritis within 1 to 2 days after a traumatic event
Coagulopathy and prolonged ventilation (> 48 hours) put patients at greatest risk for stress ulcers
Lesions are almost always seen in the fundus of the stomach and only rarely in the distal stomach
There is little evidence to suggest that endoscopy with electrocautery or heater probe coagulation has any benefit in the therapy of bleeding from acute stress gastritis. However, some studies have suggested that acute bleeding can be effectively controlled by selective infusion of vasopressin into the splanchnic circulation through the left gastric artery. Vasopressin is administered by continuous infusion through the catheter at a rate of 0.2 to 0.4 IU/min for a maximum of 48 to 72 hours
In facilities with the requisite expertise, angiographic intervention may be used to treat bleeding stress ulcers as well
Vascular lesions
AVM / angiodysplasia
Angiodysplasia of the small bowel is most common cause of obscure GI bleeding particularly in elderly
Right colon is the most common site
Jejunum > ileum > duodenum
Associated with aortic stenosis & renal failure
Osler-Weber-Rendu or renal failure may cause diffuse AVMs
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Osler–Weber–Rendu disease and Osler–Weber–Rendu syndrome, is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder that leads to abnormal blood vessel formation in the skin, mucous membranes, and often in organs such as the lungs, liver, and brain
Dieulafoy lesion:
A dilated aberrant submucosal vessel that erodes the overlying epithelium in the absence of a primary ulcer
Sabiston: The lesions generally occur 6 to 10 cm from the GE junction, generally in the fundus, near the cardia
Usually located in the proximal stomach along the lesser curvature, near the esophagogastric junction (typically within 5 cm), although they have been found in all areas of the GI tract, including the esophagus, duodenum, and colon
The classic presentation of a patient with a Dieulafoy’s lesion is sudden onset of massive, painless, recurrent hematemesis with hypotension.
Endoscopic management is tried when the lesion is identified on EGD
Endoscopic hemostasis: epinephrine injection followed by bipolar probe coagulation ± hemoclip placement
Gelfoam angioembolization (usually a branch of the Lt gastric artery) may be successful
Surgical management consists of gastric wedge resection to include the offending vessel
The difficulty at the time of exploration is locating the lesion unless it is actively bleeding. The surgical procedure can be greatly facilitated by asking the endoscopist to tattoo the stomach when the lesion is identified.
GAVE: gastric antral vascular ectasia
Usually in antrum, showing a ‘water-melon’ appearance
Argon-beam coagulation for hemostasis
TIPSS is not helpful
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Any bodily action that results in an abrupt increase in intra-abdominal pressure and gastric herniation may cause a Mallory-Weiss tear. 50% of patients may not have a history of vomiting preceding hematemesis
It is a linear mucosal or submucosal lacerations of the gastroesophageal junction. Most tears occur within 2 cm of the GEJ
It’s the 2nd most common cause of nonvariceal UGI bleeding
Hiatal hernia confers the greatest risk for developing Mallory-Weiss tear and can be found in 40-50% of cases
10% present with melena alone
Superficial mucosal Mallory-Weiss tears can start healing within hours and can heal completely within 48h
PPI to accelerate mucosal healing by raising intragastric pH to improve coagulation
Endoscopic hemostasis is accomplished with various techniques, including injection therapy, multipolar electrocoagulation, band ligation, hemoclipping, or combination treatment
1 to 3 mL 1:10,000 epinephrine, prepared by mixing 1 mL 1:1000 epinephrine and 9 mL 0.9% saline solution, injecting into the area surrounding and close to the bleeding points with an injection needle
“Rebleeding has been reported to occur in 5.8% to 44% of cases. Given the relatively high rebleeding rate, we recommend that epinephrine injection be combined with a second endoscopic therapy”
Angioembolization is considered for recurrent bleeding that failed EGD
Operative: gastrotomy & oversewing the tear with absorbable sutures
Aortoenteric fistula
Homosuccus pancreaticus
Abx prophylaxis in endoscopy (for details regarding colonoscopy, refer to section of colorectal surgery)
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Consider ETT to protect the airway for emergency EGD if:
Altered mental status
Respiratory insufficiency
Ongoing hematemesis
Restrictive blood transfusion protocols in patients with UGIB are associated with fewer re-bleeds, fewer emergency surgeries, & improved survival
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Clinical guidelines from “Management of Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Guideline Recommendations From the International Consensus Group” Barkun et al in AIM 2019
Resuscitation, risk assessment, and preendoscopy management
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Glasgow-Blatchford Score (GBS)
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Endoscopic management
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Indications for endoscopic intervention:
Forrest classification IA: spurting hemorrhage
Forrest classification IB: oozing
Forrest classification IIA: visible vessel within an ulcer
For adherent clot: vigorous irrigation and subsequent endoscopic intervention if Forrest IA,IB,IIA
Risk of rebelled after initial endoscopic control is ~15% (with double intervention technique)
Pharmacologic management
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Nonendoscopic and nonpharmacologic in-hospital management
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Secondary prophylaxis
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No recommendation statements
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Non-variceal bleeding
Testing for H. pylori has a high false negative rate during active bleeding. It’s warranted to repeat testing once the episode has resolved
High risk patients requiring intervention:
Forrest classification IA: spurting hemorrhage
Forrest classification IB: oozing
Forrest classification IIA: visible vessel within an ulcer
Double intervention is recommended for high risk patients = injection + (diathermy or clip)
Re-endoscopy is warranted for rebleeds (75% success rate)
Mortality is mostly secondary to underlying comorbidities rather than exsanguination
Indications for surgery
Hemodynamic instability with > 6 units PRBC
Failure of endoscopic control
Recurrent hemorrhage with hemodynamic instability
Recurrent hemorrhage after 2nd attempt at endoscopic control
Ongoing bleeding requiring > 3 units PRBC/day
Variceal bleeding:
All cirrhotic patients should be screened endoscopically for varices
Variceal hemorrhage occurs at a yearly rate of 5% - 15%
Nonselective B-blocker
Significantly decreases the likelihood of recurrent hemorrhage and demonstrates a trend toward decreased mortality
Long acting nitrate (isosorbide 5-mononitrate)
The combination of a beta blocker and long-acting nitrate (e.g., isosorbide 5-mononitrate) has been shown to be more effective than variceal ligation
Avoid hepatotoxic therapies
Acute bleeding
Antibiotics: ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin
This has been shown to decrease the infection rate by over 50%, decrease re-bleeding, and improve survival
“Antibiotic prophylaxis significantly increases survival at 14 days from acute variceal bleed”
Octreotide drip: 50 mcg bolus then 50 mcg/hr X 5 days
Better tolerated than vasopressin
PPI drip
Consider: vasopressin (+ nitroglycerine to manage AE of vasopressin)
Banding/sclerotherapy: 90% successful
Banding is safer than sclerotherapy
Esophageal ulceration
Esophageal perforation
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube = temporizing measure
Insert to 50cm
Inflate gastric bag with 50ml
Check placement: with Xray or stethoscope
Inflate gastric bag up to 250ml
Tamponade — check for bleeding using the gastric aspiration port
Inflate esophageal bag to 50ml, if needed
Attach traction (250-500g of weight)
Have 90% success rate
50% will re-bleed on deflation (considered a bridge to more definitive therapy)
Esophageal rupture
Esophageal necrosis
Needs to be removed within 24-36h
TIPS: Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
Portosystemic shunting is therefore the only definitive treatment for portal variceal bleeding.
The newly placed TIPS has air trapped within it, which limits ultrasound penetration and can simulate the sonographic appearance of an occluded TIPS. Waiting at least 2 weeks after TIPS for the air to be absorbed is generally adequate to avoid this problem.
Rate of rebleeding after TIPS = 4%/year
The rebleeding rate after TIPS placement is 4% per year, the lowest among all treatment options, including endoscopic management
Considered for:
Bleeding with failed EGD
Procedure: Rt IJ access → Rt hepatic vein → through liver parenchyma → into a portal branch
Stenosis & thrombosis (up to 50% of shunt stenosis or shunt thrombosis within the first year)
Liver infarction
Liver failure
Mortality at 6 weeks for patients who undergo TIPSS for uncontrolled or recurrent bleeding is high (30-40%)
Surgical shunts
Diversion of portal blood, which contains hepatotropic hormones, nutrients, and cerebral toxins is also responsible for the adverse consequences of shunt operations—namely, portosystemic encephalopathy and accelerated hepatic failure
Operative mortality rates exceed 25% in the emergency setting
Generally, a nonselective shunt is constructed only when a TIPS cannot be performed or when a TIPS fails.
Portal to caval
Divert all portal flow away from the liver
Risks hepatic encephalopathy & liver failure
The most common causes of death in medically treated and shunted patients were rebleeding and accelerated hepatic failure, respectively
Dissection of porta hepatis in liver transplant candidates is discouraged. Mesocaval ‘H’ shunts are used as a bridge to liver transplantation
Side-End portocaval
Risks severe hepatic encephalopathy
No longer used
Side-Side portocaval shunt
Interposition portocaval shunt
Splenorenal shunt
The conventional splenorenal shunt consists of anastomosis of the proximal splenic vein to the renal vein. Splenectomy is also performed. Because the smaller proximal rather than the larger distal end of the splenic vein is used, shunt thrombosis is more common after this procedure than after the distal splenorenal shunt
Portal to azygos shunts
Preserve some portal inflow
Lt gastric to IVC shunt
Distal splenorenal shunt
The distal splenorenal shunt tends to aggravate rather than relieve ascites
Another contraindication to a distal splenorenal shunt is prior splenectomy
Until improvements in TIPS technology are fully realized, the distal splenorenal shunt is likely to remain a more durable long-term solution and a reasonable alternative for TIPS failure
After control of the acute episode, endoscopic band ligation is repeated Q1-2w until varices are completely obliterated. Nonselective β-blocker ± nitrates are initiated
Recurrent bleeding is defined as:
As per General Surgery Review Course
Hematemesis or bleeding NGT aspirate > 6h post-endoscopy
Melena or hematochezia after normalization of stool color
Hgb drop > 20 after two stable values
Hemodynamic instability in the absence of other causes
Anorectal (6-16%): fissure, hemorrhoids, rectal ulcer
Diverticulosis (4-40%)
MCC of painless hematochezia
Dx is confirmed only with ‘Stigmata of Recent Hemorrhage’:
• Visualized bleeding
• Exposed blood vessel
• Adherent clots
Resolves spontaneously in 80% overall & in 98% of those requiring ≤ 4PRBC
⅓ Rebleed within 6-12 months
Consider intervention if requires ≥6 PRBC
Endoscopic options:
• Epinephrine injection: help localization, but are often a temporary measure (1:20,000 in saline given in 1ml aliquots X4 around the base of the diverticulum)
• Bipolar: may risk perforation
• Endoclip: they are preferred over heater probe cautery when stigmata of recent hemorrhage is localized to the diverticular dome
• Vasopressin risks colonic ischemia
• Coils are preferred
Meckel’s diverticulum
Bleeding is most common complication of Meckel’s in adults
Postpolypectomy hemorrhage (<15%)
See section on colonoscopy in Colorectal Surgery
Anastomotic ulcer
AVM / angioectasia
The 2nd most common cause of LGIB in the Western world
Colonic lesions are usually right-sided
Most common sites of angioectasia
Jejunum (80%)
Duodenum (51%)
Stomach (23%)
Right colon (11%)
Ileum (5%)
In regards to recurrent bleeding, one must consider that angioectasias tend to be multiple and often involve proximal regions of the intestinal tract that require investigations in addition to colonoscopy
Have been associated with
90% resolve spontaneously — 50% recur within 12m
Endoscopic APC is the treatment of choice for bleeding angioectasia. Alternatively: electrocautery or laser coagulation can be used
Non-bleeding AVMs do not require management
Thalidomide & octreotide are beneficial for chronic bleeds
Segmental resection is reserved for failed medical management
Dieulafoy’s lesions
Right colon most commonly affected
Radiation induced
Ischemic: thrombotic, embolic, low flow state
Ectopic varices
Enterohemorrhagic E.Coli (EHEC)
Diarrhea is initially non-bloody, but in most patients, becomes visibly bloody 1-3d later
No fever
Dx is through stool cultures & Shiga toxin
HUS: AKI + ↓Plt + hemolytic anemia
Begins 5-10d after diarrhea
Fever & neurologic symptoms may develop
50% will require dialysis
Management is supportive
Abx are not recommended; may increase risk of HUS
Less frequent: Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, enterovirus, Yersinia
In HIV⊕ patients, also consider:
HIV-related idiopathic pancolitis
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Inflammatory (2-4%)
Kaposi sarcoma
If bleeding is not massive, treat with radiation/chemotherapy/HAART
If bleeding is massive and angiography is able to identify the lesion: leave the angiography catheter in place and localize the catheter intra-Op and perform a resection
Diagnostic & therapeutic modalities
Indications for EGD:
For low-index of suspicion, may start with GI lavage and perform EGD if positive.
Massive LGIB
HD instability
BUN:Cr > 20
‘Stigmata of Recent Hemorrhage’:
• Visualized bleeding
• Exposed blood vessel
• Adherent clots
Epinephrine 1:10,000: Up to 10cc of injection may be made in 0.5-1cc aliquots
Radionuclear scan (99mTC)
Tc-labelled RBCs study is superior to Tc-sulfur colloid study
Detects a bleeding rate of 0.1-0.5 ml/min
Obtaining images:
Tc colloid method: Quickly cleared from the vascular system
Tc-labeled RBC: Every few hours X 24h — Useful intermittent/low volume bleeds
An advantage is its ability to detect bleeding occurring up to 24h after tracer injection
Localizes the bleeding area, but not the site
May be false-positive in 25% leading to unwarranted surgery
Segmental resection guided by scintigraphy alone leads to unacceptably high rates of postoperative rebleeding
Detects a bleeding rate of 0.3-0.5 ml/min
~97% when there is transfusion requirement or HD instability
~90% when active bleeding is present
~45% when bleeding is intermittent
Is the best tests with overt active bleeding
Detects a bleeding rate of 0.5-1.0 ml/min
If no prior localization is available, start with SMA then IMA and Celiac trunk
Koh et al. also found that mesenteric angiography after a positive CTA was 8.56 times more likely to be positive when performed within 90 min of the CTA
Rate of success therapy: 70%
A point of controversy: prior radionuclear scanning will ↑ success of angiography
Pre-angiography CTA followed by therapeutic angiography typically results in administration of similar cumulative volumes of intravenous contrast when compared to angiography preceded by 99mTc-RBC
Due to its efficacy and low risk of complications, superselective embolization is now considered by most to be the first-line angiographic therapy for LGIB
Capsule endoscopy: Sensitivity 90% & specificity 95% with obscure bleeding
Double Balloon Endoscopy
Requires 60-90 mins and is labor intensive
The approach can evaluate the small bowel either from an oral or anal route
Indications for surgery for diverticular bleeds:
Hemodynamic instability
Massive transfusion requirements
Persistent hemorrhage
Blind segmental resection is not appropriate
Mortality rate: 30-57%
Re-bleeding rate: 33-75%
The small bowel should be thoroughly examined to exclude a Meckel’s diverticulum or a palpable mass that could be a source of bleeding.
Transillumination of the small bowel may reveal small tumors or angiodysplasia.
If the patient is stable, an intraoperative colonoscopy can be performed with luminal lavage and irrigation of sequential segments with proximal compression of the colon. Intraoperative push enteroscopy can also be considered if a colonic source is not identified and there is bright red blood and/or clots in the terminal ileum, though this can be technically challenging and time-consuming.
When no localization is done preOp, a subtotal colectomy is done
If a clear source cannot be identified and there is no obvious source in the stomach or small bowel (and an anorectal source has been excluded), the bleeding source is presumed to be colonic. In this scenario, and in the face of ongoing hemodynamic instability or ongoing frank hemorrhage, a total abdominal colectomy should be performed
Total proctocolectomy in the urgent setting carries a prohibitively high mortality rate, and the leak rate from a primary anastomosis is unacceptably high
Obscure GI bleed
50% have recurrent bleeding
Angiodysplasia is the most common cause
Video capsule endoscopy is the recommended first-line investigation as long as no specific lesion is thought to be the cause of bleeding. Ideally done within 14d of bleeding episode
Capsule endoscopy does not require a bowel preparation, but most patients are instructed to remain either NPO or on a clear liquid diet for 10–12 h prior to the procedure.
Stomach/Bowel resection consequence
Functional outcomes
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Stomach — copied from Upper GI section
Types of reconstruction
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For benign ulcer, Billroth-I is preferred over BII or R-en-Y
No duodenal stump leak
No afferent loop obstruction
No retained antrum syndrome
If patient already had a vagotomy, Billroth-II is preferred over R-en-Y (to Roux stasis syndrome (gastric atony))
BII & R-en-Y are appropriate if extensive kocherization has not created sufficient mobilization
The duodenal stump
Leak rate 1-3%
Leak with BII usually occurs POD6-10
A drain is usually placed next to the stump with BII
Internal drainage is advised if the stump is questionable
Afferent limb ideally no longer than 20 cm to prevent afferent limb syndrome
Bile reflux than BI or BII
Without previous vagotomy, R-en-Y may be preferred because of GERD/esophagitis & remnant gastritis
Roux limb of ≥ 40 cm helps prevent bile reflux
Ileo-Descending colon anastomosis: 2-3 BM/d (liquid vs formed)
Ileorectal anastomosis:
5-6 BM (liquid)
5% incidence of nighttime seepage
68% urgency mostly/sometimes
Nutritional consequences
Loss of Intrinsic Factor
Megaloblastic anemia
The following findings on the blood smear and their associated conditions may be helpful, although none are pathognomonic for a specific condition:
Target cells are suggestive of liver disease.
Macro-ovalocytes are suggestive of a megaloblastic process such as B12, folate, or copper deficiency; or drug-induced megaloblastic anemia.
Neutrophils with more than five distinct lobes (referred to as multilobed or hypersegmented neutrophils) are suggestive of a megaloblastic process.
Neutrophils with fewer than three distinct lobes (referred to as hypolobulated neutrophils or pseudo-Pelger-Huet cells) and/or reduced number of cytoplasmic granules (hypogranular neutrophils) are associated with myelodysplasia
Antrectomy removes G-cells gastrin parietal cell stimulation HCl
HCl secretion by 50%
Loss of antral pump function
Emptying solids
Emptying liquids
Fe (stomach metabolizes iron prior to its absorption
Post Gastric surgery problems
Vitamin D deficiency
Occurs with truncal and selective, but not highly selective, vagotomies
Absorption of
Absorption of
Fat-soluble vitamins
Fatty acids
Terminal Ileum
Absorption of
Bile Salts
Malabsorption diarrhea
Absorption of
Bile acids
Short chain fatty acids
If Intraluminal Ca (PO or by binding to intraluminal fat) oxalate is not bound to Ca absorption in colon nephrolithiasis (Ca oxalate stones)
Leak rate after anastomosis
Small bowel - small bowel: 5%
Ileocolic: 5-8%
Colo-colic: 5-10%
Sigmoid: 10%
Rectum: 10-15%
Low rectum: 15-18%
Colo-anal: 18-20%